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A study of Spissipes Section of Culex (Melanoconion) adults behaviour was carried out from August 1992 through December 1993 in human dominated (anthropic) environment in the Ribeira Valley, S.Paulo State, Brazil. By sampling at several sites it the dominance of Culex ribeirensis and Cx. sacchettae became evident even through a total number of ten species was recorded. Those two mosquitoes showed a clear tendency to frequent the domiciliary environment where they were caught, both indoor and outdoor, through the use of the human bait. In the outside environments, the residual patchy forests seems to display a concentration role, from which these adults spread to the open land and reach the dwellings. As their vector competence has been demonstrated through the virus isolations in natural conditions, it is advisable to pay attention to the presence of these mosquitoes in the man-made environment.
Behaviour comparisons of Aedes scapularis and Ae. serratus are presented. Results were obtained by sampling Aedes adult mosquitoes at several places in the rural anthropic environment in the Ribeira Valley region of S. Paulo State, Brazil. Aedes dominance was shared by those two species, but Ae. scapularis Sshowed a clear tendency to frequent the modified environment, while Ae. serratus was to be found in the more preserved ones, here represented by the vestigial patchy forests. Regarding the open cultivated land and the dwelling environments, Ae. scapularis preponderates. Considering the regional developmental phases, this mosquito showed a remarkable increase in the modified environment differently from Ae. serratus that underwent a considerable decrease in migrating from the forest to the anthropic environment. As a consequence of these results it is reasonable to conclude that Ae. scapularis may be considered as an epidemiologically efficient vector and that it quite probably played this role in the Rocio encephalitis and other arbovirus epidemics.
A survey of adult behaviour of Culex (Culex) species was carried out from August 1992 through December 1993 in a human modified (anthropic) environment in the Ribeira Valley, S.Paulo State, Brazil. Culex nigripalpus dominated the catches at several sites and it's tendency to increase in the anthropic environment became quite clear. Nevertheless no high level of synanthropy was demonstrated. So it seems that the mosquito may have a restricted role in natural arbovirus cycles. Nonetheless, Cx. nigripalpus must be considered a potential vector of arboviruses, especially St. Louis encephalitis virus outside dwellings.
An. (Ker.) cruzii and An. (Ker.) bellator were monitored by the use of human bait and Shannon trap collections during a one-year period in 1994. Indoor and outdoor collections were made on human bait and inside the forest environment a Shannon trap was used. Both were undertaken in the evening crepuscular period. Results showed a greater abundance of An. cruzii in the forest, where as An. bellator was more abundant in the domiciliary environment. Through the application of the Polovodova method an age grading was established. Computing the parous and nulliparous females with Christopher's Stage III and above, more than 30.0% of blood-seeking specimens of both anophelines had had a previous blood meal. The higher abundance of An. bellator as compared with that of An. cruzii in the domiciliary environment may be explained by the influence of the neighboring low-lying coastal islands of the estuary system.
Results obtained with Anopheles albitarsis s.l. catches mainly performed through human bait at the Ribeira Valley region, SP (Brazil), are reported. Two species of the complex were recognized, namely An. albitarsis s.s. and species B. This latter predominated both in the rice fields and in the dwelling environments. The crepuscular rhythms showed an unimodal sunset pattern with most blood-seeking females caught during dusk. The absence of differences between indoor and outdoor behavior was confirmed for both species of the complex.
OBJECTIVE: Selecting controls is one of the most difficult tasks in the design of case-control studies. Hospital controls may be inadequate and random controls drawn from the base population may be unavailable. The aim was to assess the use of hospital visitors as controls in a case-control study on the association of organochlorinated compounds and other risk factors for breast cancer conducted in the main hospital of the "Instituto Nacional de Câncer" -- INCA (National Cancer Institute) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). METHODS: The study included 177 incident cases and 377 controls recruited among female visitors. Three different models of control group composition were compared: Model 1, with all selected visitors; Model 2, excluding women visiting relatives with breast cancer; and Model 3, excluding all women visiting relatives with any type of cancer. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to test the associations. RESULTS: Age-adjusted OR for breast cancer associated with risk factors other than family history of cancer, except smoking and breast size, were similar in the three models. Regarding family history of all cancers, except for breast cancer, there was a decreased risk in Models 1 and 2, while in Model 3 there was an increased risk, but not statistically significant. Family history of breast cancer was a risk factor in Models 2 and 3, but no association was found in Model 1. In multivariate analysis a significant risk of breast cancer was found when there was a family history of breast cancer in Models 2 and 3 but not in Model 1. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that while investigating risk factors unrelated to family history of cancer, the use of hospital visitors as controls may be a valid and feasible alternative.
OBJETIVO: Obter validade interna, de construto e de critério para a escala Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression, em idosos. MÉTODOS: O instrumento foi aplicado a 903 idosos residentes em Juiz de Fora, Estado de Minas Gerais, entre os anos de 2002-2003. Os resultados foram comparados com a versão brasileira da Geriatric Depression Scale, aplicado a uma subamostra de 446 respondentes. A consistência interna das duas escalas foi aferida pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, calculado para os itens em sua totalidade e para os itens de cada fator obtido para o instrumento avaliado. Para avaliar a validade de construto, seus 20 itens foram submetidos à análise fatorial exploratória a fim de conhecer o padrão de variação conjunta dos itens e a variância explicada por cada fator. RESULTADOS: O instrumento revelou índices satisfatórios de validade interna (alfa=0,860), sensibilidade (74,6%) e especificidade (73,6%), para nota de corte >11. Entretanto, apontou freqüência relativamente alta de falsos positivos em comparação à Geriatric Depression Scale: de 33,8% vs. 15%. A análise fatorial exploratória do instrumento gerou estrutura fatorial com três fatores: afetos negativos, dificuldades de iniciar comportamentos e afetos positivos. CONCLUSÕES: O instrumento mostrou-se psicometricamente adequado para uso entre idosos. Entretanto, estudos adicionais de natureza longitudinal e transversal, desenvolvidos em diferentes contextos, poderão esclarecer os efeitos de variáveis somáticas e situacionais sobre os resultados desse instrumento em pessoas idosas.
Two cross-sectional studies on schistosomiasis mansoni were done in Comercinho, Minas Gerais (Brazil), at an interval of 7 years. In 1974 and 1981 feces examinations (KATO-KATZ method) were done in 89 and 90% of the population (about 1,500 inhabitants) and clinical examinations were done in 78 and 92% of the patients who excreted Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces, respectively. The rate of infection by S. mansoni did not change (69.9% in 1974 and 70.4% in 1981), but the geometrical mean of eggs per gram of feces (431 ± 4 and 334 ± 4, respectively) and the rate of splenomegaly (11 and 7%, respectively) decreased significantly in 1981, when compared to 1974. This reduction was observed only in the central zones of the town (zones 1-2) where the rate of dwellings with piped water increased from 17 to 44%. In the surroundings (zones 3-4), where the proportion of houses with piped water did not change significantly between 1974 (10%) and 1981 (7%), the geometrical mean of S. mansoni eggs and the rate of splenomegaly did not change either.
Right ventricular endomyocardial biopsies were studied in 30 patients, 15 with myocardiopathy from chronic Chagas'disease and 15 with idiopathic congestive myocardiopathy; five other myocardial samples were taken at necropsies of patients with chronic Chagas' disease. The authors tried to establish by means of direct immunofluorescence techniques whether there were immunoglobulins G, A and M, fibrinogen and C3 complement deposition in the myocardium; only one of these 30 patients exhibited a positive reaction to IgG, it was a patient with idiopathic congestive myocardiopathy. All fragments from patients with Chagas' disease showed no response to any of the fluorescent conjugates. These findings do not support the idea that anti-myoeardial antibodies have pathogenic importance in the evolution of dilated or chagasic myocardiopathies.
Sera of persons of different age groups collected in 1976, 1978 and 1979 were tested for the presence of HI antibodies against various strains of the H3N2 and H1N1 subtypes of influenza virus. The occurrence of infection by H3N2 subtype was recorded during the 1976-1978 period but in 1979, circulation of this subtype of virus was limited. The prevalence of antibody against A/São Paulo/1/78 (H1N1) was significantly higher than that of antibody to A/USSB/90/77 (HIND in 1978. However in 1979 the predominant strain was A/USSR/90/77 (HIND. Persons under 20 years of age were the most affected by H1N1 subtype. Antibodies to H1N1 subtype were detected in sera of individuals older than 20 years in 1976, before the re-emergence of this strain. Serological results indicate that infections by H3N2 subtype in 1978 occurred in 65.4% of young children (0-4 year group). About 47.0% of children from the 0-4 year group had antibodies to H1N1 subtype in 1979. Antibodies to swine influenza virus were detected in 60% of 60+ year old people.
A radiometric assay system has been used to study oxidation patterns of (1-14C) fatty acids by drug-susceptible and drug-resistant organisms of the genus Mycobacterium. Two strains of M. tuberculosis susceptible to all drugs, H37Rv and Erdman, were used. Drug-resistant organisms included in this investigation were M. tuberculosis H37Rv resistant to 5 ug/ml isoniazid, M. bovis, M. avium, M. intracellular, M. kansasii and M. chelonei. The organisms were inoculated in sterile reaction vials containing liquid 7H9 medium, 10% ADC enrichment and 1.0 uCi of one of the (1-14C) fatty acids (butyric, hexánoic, octanoic, decanoic, lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic). Vials were incubated at 37°C and the 14CO2 envolved was measured daily for 3 days with a Bactec R-301 instrument. Although each individual organism displayed a different pattern of fatty oxidation, these patterns were not distinctive enough for identification of the organism. No combination of fatty acids nor preferential oxidation of long chain or of short chain fatty acids were able to separate susceptible from resistant organisms. Further investigation with a larger number of drug susceptible mycobacteria including assimilation studies and oxidation of other substrates may be required to achieve a distinction between drug-susceptible and drug-resistant mycobacteria.
An in vitro assay system that included automated radiometric quantification of 14CO2 released as a result of oxidation of 14C- substrates was applied for studying the metabolic activity of M. tuberculosis under various experimental conditions. These experiments included the study of a) mtabolic pathways, b) detection times for various inoculum sizes, c) effect of filtration on reproducibility of results, d) influence of stress environment e) minimal inhibitory concentrations for isoniazid, streptomycin, ethambutol and rifampin, and f) generation times of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis. These organisms were found to metabolize 14C-for-mate, (U-14C) acetate, (U-14C) glycerol, (1-14C) palmitic acid, 1-14C) lauric acid, (U-14C) L-malic acid, (U-14C) D-glucose, and (U-14C) D-glucose, but not (1-14C) L-glucose, (U-14C) glycine, or (U-14C) pyruvate to 14CO2. By using either 14C-for-mate, (1-14C) palmitic acid, or (1-14C) lauric acid, 10(7) organisms/vial could be detected within 24 48 hours and as few as 10 organisms/vial within 16-20 days. Reproducible results could be obtained without filtering the bacterial suspension, provided that the organisms were grown in liquid 7H9 medium with 0.05% polysorbate 80 and homogenized prior to the study. Drugs that block protein synthesis were found to have lower minimal inhibitory concentrations with the radiometric method when compared to the conventional agar dilution method. The mean generation time obtained for M. bovis and different strains of M. tuberculosis with various substrates was 9 ± 1 hours.
A radiometric assay system has been used to study oxidation patterns of (U-14C) L-amino acids by drug-susceptible and drug-resistant mycobacteria. Drug-susceptible M. tuberculosis (H37Rv TMC 102 and Erdman) along with the drug-resistant organism M. tuberculosis (H37 Rv TMC 303), M. bovis, M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. kansasii and M. chelonei were used. The organisms were inoculated into a sterile reaction system with liquid 7H9 medium and one of the (U-14C) L-amino acids. Each organism displayed a different pattern of amino acid oxidation, but these patterns were not distinctive enough for identification of the organism. Complex amino acids such as proline, phenylalanine and tyrosine were of no use in identification of mycobacteria, since virtually all organisms failed to oxidize them. There was no combination of substrates able to separate susceptible from resistant organisms.
Coagulation abnormality is frequently observed in schistosomiasis patients but its pathophysiology has not been established. We measured, by immunodiffusion. the prothrombin-antigen concentration in 56 individuals; of these 19 with demonstrated compensated form of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, 17 with cirrhosis and 20 were control subjects. Transaminases, albumin, transthyretin, prothrombin time, antithrombin III, factor VII, and fibrinogen were also evaluated. All parameters were altered in the cirrhotic group but only albumin, prothrombin and antithrombin III levels were altered in the schistosomiasis group. Ninety percent of the patients with cirrhosis and sixty percent of the patients with schistosomiasis had abnormal plasma levels of albumin, transthyretin, prothrombin-antigen, and/or antithrombin III; an impaired hepatic synthesis was responsible for these results. Conversely forty percent of the schistosomiasis patients with normal plasma concentrations of both albumin and transthyretin had decreased mean plasma levels of both prothrombin and antithrombin III. These results suggest that either proth rombin and antithrombin III are more sensitive markers of impaired hepatic synthesis in schistosomiasis than are levels of albumin and transthyretin combined, or a low grade chronic consumption of clotting proteins also occurs. Considering the latter hypothesis it is possible that the thrombin formed would be inhibited by antithrombin III with the complexed thrombin-antithrombin III being cleared by the liver. Consequently the plasma levels of both prothrombin and antithrombin would be decreased, but the level of fibrinogen would be preserved.
Parasitological examinations were carried out during April to August, 1987, with 187 out-patients of the IMIP hospital, located in the center of Recife City, and 464 inhabitants of several villages around Cabo City, 50 Km southeast of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Approximately 71% of the IMIP patients and 92% of the Cabo inhabitants were infected with at least one species of intestinal parasite. There was minimum difference in the prevalence rate of Trichuris trichiura between two areas, whereas the prevalence rates of Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms, Strongyloides stercoralis, Schistosoma mansoni and Entamoeba histolytica were higher in the inhabitants of the Cabo City area. Only Giardia lamblia was more prevalent in the out-patients of IMIP hospital. Test tube cultivation revealed that the prevalence rate of Necator americanus in both areas was much higher than that of Ancylostoma duodenale , and also that the prevalence rate of S. stercoralis of the IMIP patients and Cabo inhabitants were 4.5% and 9.6%, respectively. Six hundred and fifteen sera were serologically examined for amoebiasis by the gel diffusion precipitation test (GDP) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the antigen prepared from axenically cultured trophozoite of E. histolytica (strain HM-ITMSS). No positive reaction was observed in all of the sera as examined by GDP, while 32 out of 615 sera were positive on ELISA.