29 resultados para Campus planning.


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The caja (Spondias mombin L.) is used in the manufacture of ice-cream, jams, pulps, beverages being also consumed in natura. One of the most important procedures in food conservation is drying, considering that most fresh fruits contain approximately 80% of water. Food drying is used to obtain two basic aspects: (1) the economic factor; in the shipping and handling of the product; (2) at the manipulation; once dried and grinded, the material is rehydrated, at desirable levels, to formulate a new product as in ice cream, jams, yoghurts and drinks and may also be added to pasta, biscuits and other industrialized products. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of caja bagasse drying in a fixed-bed tray dryer, using central composite factorial planning. The following factors were evaluated: temperature (55, 65 and 75 ºC), dryer inlet air velocity (3.2, 4.6 and 6.0 m.s-1) and cake thickness (0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 cm) where the response of the considered variable was caja bagasse moisture content (b.s.) and the results showed that the main effects and their interactions were significant at a 95% confidence level being the best condition obtained at temperature of 75 ºC, velocity of 6.0 m.s-1 and cake thickness of 0.8 cm.


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A novel and unique in a brazilian university experience for rigorous handling of chemical residues of research and teaching is described. The activities since 1998 of a laboratory for the adequate treatment and recovery of chemicals at the São Carlos Campus of the University of São Paulo are summarized. The necessity of environment conscience future professional is enhanced.


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This work presents a proposal for the management of residues from teaching laboratories. The main goals of the proposal are: scale reduction of experiments, reuse of residues as raw materials for new experiments and appropriate treatment and storage of residues. The methodology includes standardized labels for residue classification and registration of experimental classes and their residues in files. The management seemed to be efficient, resulting in a reduction of the amount of reagents utilized and residues generated, and an increase of reutilization of residues. A considerable decrease of needed storage space and suitable methods for correct residue disposal were achieved. We expect that all laboratories, including those exclusively for research activities, become involved, in a near future, in the Residue Management Project of URI - Campus Erechim.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever a produção científica de professores e profissionais do campus da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) que toma a Atenção Básica em saúde e o SUS como objeto de estudo de 1994 a 2009. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo quali-quantitativo, baseado em informações obtidas em periódicos indexados nos bancos Pubmed, Medline, Lilacs e Scielo, no período de 1994-2009. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 98 trabalhos no período, verificando-se aumento progressivo do número de publicações a partir de 2003, principalmente de docentes e técnicos em educação superior vinculados aos departamentos de Medicina Preventiva, Enfermagem, Pediatria e Fonoaudiologia. Muitos deles foram realizados em parceria com outras universidades e serviços de saúde. A avaliação dos conteúdos dos trabalhos foi feita mediante categorização em quatro temas: política, planejamento e gestão; educação em saúde; morbidade; promoção da saúde. CONCLUSÃO: As publicações expressam que a relação dos pesquisadores da Unifesp com a rede do SUS vem se tornando construtiva nestes sete anos, contribuindo para a consolidação do SUS e o apoio à sua dinâmica, planejamento e gestão.


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The objective of this study was to verify the potential of SNAP III (Scheduling and Network Analysis Program) as a support tool for harvesting and wood transport planning in Brazil harvesting subsystem definition and establishment of a compatible route were assessed. Initially, machine operational and production costs were determined in seven subsystems for the study area, and quality indexes, construction and maintenance costs of forest roads were obtained and used as SNAP III program input data. The results showed, that three categories of forest road occurrence were observed in the study area: main, secondary and tertiary which, based on quality index, allowed a medium vehicle speed of about 41, 30 and 24 km/hours and a construction cost of about US$ 5,084.30, US$ 2,275.28 and US$ 1,650.00/km, respectively. The SNAP III program used as a support tool for the planning, was found to have a high potential tool in the harvesting and wood transport planning. The program was capable of defining efficiently, the harvesting subsystem on technical and economical basis, the best wood transport route and the forest road to be used in each period of the horizon planning.


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A composição vegetal, estrutura, diversidade, estádio sucessional e distribuição de espécies do cerrado do campus da UEG com 6 ha, foram inventariados usando 30 parcelas com 100 m² cada. A partir de dbs superior ou igual a 5 cm foram amostrados 515 indivíduos, representados por 20 famílias, 28 gêneros e 46 espécies. As famílias de maior riqueza foram Leguminosae, Vochysiaceae e Malpighiaceae. As espécies Qualea grandiflora, Byrsonima crassa, Erytroxylum tortuosum, Qualea parviflora e Miconia ferruginata apresentaram os maiores VIs. A diversidade da área (H¢ = 1,353) é menor que valores descritos para Cerrado, o que pode ser conseqüência tanto da abundância de espécies como Q. grandiflora e B. crasssa quanto de interferências antrópicas no local, incluindo queimadas. O valor do índice sucessional (IS = 2,3) indica uma comunidade em estágio intermediário de sucessão, já que seu valor oscila de 1 a 3 . A comunidade ajustou-se apenas ao modelo log-normal, o que, de acordo com a literatura, pode ser influência da proporção da abundância de espécies dominantes, intermediárias e raras.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o banco de sementes de um trecho de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Secundária, por meio da análise florística e da densidade de sementes. Denominado Mata da Praça de Esportes, o fragmento está situado no Campus da UFV, em Viçosa, MG, cuja área corresponde a 10,65 ha em regeneração há 75 anos. A área amostral foi subdividida em 40 parcelas de 3 x 5 m, distribuídas em quatro transectos paralelos. Amostras compostas foram feitas em 20 dessas parcelas e posteriormente distribuídas dentro de 40 caixas de madeira, em viveiro. O montante foi dividido, submetendo-se cada metade a sombreamentos de 11,5% e 60%. A germinação total e das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas foi comparada nas duas condições de sombreamento, utilizando-se o teste t para amostras independentes. O banco de sementes foi constituído predominantemente por ervas invasoras, pertencentes, em sua maioria, às famílias Asteraceae (15 espécies), Solanaceae (4 espécies) e Poaceae (3 espécies). Foram quantificadas 5.194 plântulas, com predomínio das pioneiras arbustivo-arbóreas das famílias Melastomataceae e Cecropiaceae. A germinação das sementes conduzida sob sombra foi significativamente maior do que no ambiente de menor sombreamento (luz). Espécies zoocóricas foram mais abundantes, indicando a importância dos fragmentos florestais como fonte de recurso e abrigo para a fauna local. A alta densidade de indivíduos de espécies arbóreas e arbustivas pioneiras, como Cecropia hololeuca, as espécies de Melastomataceae, Asteraceae e Piperaceae, importantes para a regeneração da floresta, reflete a capacidade de resiliência da área estudada, na ocorrência de distúrbios.


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Linear programming models are effective tools to support initial or periodic planning of agricultural enterprises, requiring, however, technical coefficients that can be determined using computer simulation models. This paper, presented in two parts, deals with the development, application and tests of a methodology and of a computational modeling tool to support planning of irrigated agriculture activities. Part I aimed at the development and application, including sensitivity analysis, of a multiyear linear programming model to optimize the financial return and water use, at farm level for Jaíba irrigation scheme, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using data on crop irrigation requirement and yield, obtained from previous simulation with MCID model. The linear programming model outputted a crop pattern to which a maximum total net present value of R$ 372,723.00 for the four years period, was obtained. Constraints on monthly water availability, labor, land and production were critical in the optimal solution. In relation to the water use optimization, it was verified that an expressive reductions on the irrigation requirements may be achieved by small reductions on the maximum total net present value.


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Techniques of evaluation of risks coming from inherent uncertainties to the agricultural activity should accompany planning studies. The risk analysis should be carried out by risk simulation using techniques as the Monte Carlo method. This study was carried out to develop a computer program so-called P-RISCO for the application of risky simulations on linear programming models, to apply to a case study, as well to test the results comparatively to the @RISK program. In the risk analysis it was observed that the average of the output variable total net present value, U, was considerably lower than the maximum U value obtained from the linear programming model. It was also verified that the enterprise will be front to expressive risk of shortage of water in the month of April, what doesn't happen for the cropping pattern obtained by the minimization of the irrigation requirement in the months of April in the four years. The scenario analysis indicated that the sale price of the passion fruit crop exercises expressive influence on the financial performance of the enterprise. In the comparative analysis it was verified the equivalence of P-RISCO and @RISK programs in the execution of the risk simulation for the considered scenario.


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ABSTRACT The present study aims to present the main concepts of the sugarcane straw to energy planning. Throughout the study, the subject is contextualized highlighting broader aspects of sustainability, which is considered the main driver towards agro-energy modernization. Concerning sugarcane straw, we first evaluated its availability regarding technical and economic aspects, and then it summarized the straw production chain for energy supply purposes. As a proposal to support agro-energy planning, it is presented some spatial tools that have been barely used in the Brazilian energy planning context so far. Therefore, working on straw to electricity associated with supply chain basis, we developed a conceptual model to spatially assess this bioenergy system. Using the model proposed, it is described the whole supply chain at state level, which accounted the potential of a single mill to explore straw, as well as main costs associated with straw acquisition, investments on the straw recovery routes and electricity transmission. Bearing these concepts in mind, it is fully believed that spatial analysis can bring important information for agro-energy action plans.


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This paper presents an approach to the solution of moving a robot manipulator with minimum cost along a specified geometric path in the presence of obstacles. The main idea is to express obstacle avoidance in terms of the distances between potentially colliding parts. The optimal traveling time and the minimum mechanical energy of the actuators are considered together to build a multiobjective function. A simple numerical example involving a Cartesian manipulator arm with two-degree-of-freedom is described.


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O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar as relações hídricas em função da demanda evaporativa e da densidade da madeira em Swietenia macrophylla King, Joannesia princeps Vell., Inga edulis Mart., Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch e Centrolobium tomentosum Guill. ex Benth. O potencial hídrico foi determinado com uma câmara de pressão e a condutância estomática, com porômetro de difusão na estação chuvosa, na estação seca e nas situações transicionais. J. princeps foi a espécie que apresentou maiores valores de potencial hídrico no "predawn" (psiPD > - 0,25 Mpa), e I. edulis os menores valores (psiPD = - 1,5 MPa). J. princeps apresentou maiores valores de potencial hídrico durante o dia (psiMD > - 1,5 MPa), e os menores valores foram observados em S. macrophylla e I. edulis (psiMD < - 3,0 MPa). As amplitudes diárias do potencial hídrico (Dy = psiMD - psiPD) foram relacionadas positivamente com o déficit de pressão de vapor (DPV) e os maiores valores foram observados em S. macrophylla e I. edulis. Geralmente a condutância diminuiu no início da tarde e I. edulis apresentou menor restrição à transpiração. Os maiores valores de condutância foram observados em um dia nublado na estação chuvosa, com baixo DPV. Uma regressão quadrática (r² = 0,635, p < 0,01) sugere que, não necessariamente, as espécies com maior densidade apresentam maior Dy, uma vez que pode ocorrer uma grande restrição à perda d'água como verificado em L. tomentosa, a espécie com madeira mais densa.


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Radiotherapy is one of the main approaches to cure prostate cancer, and its success depends on the accuracy of dose planning. A complicating factor is the presence of a metallic prosthesis in the femur and pelvis, which is becoming more common in elderly populations. The goal of this work was to perform dose measurements to check the accuracy of radiotherapy treatment planning under these complicated conditions. To accomplish this, a scale phantom of an adult pelvic region was used with alanine dosimeters inserted in the prostate region. This phantom was irradiated according to the planned treatment under the following three conditions: with two metallic prostheses in the region of the femur head, with only one prosthesis, and without any prostheses. The combined relative standard uncertainty of dose measurement by electron spin resonance (ESR)/alanine was 5.05%, whereas the combined relative standard uncertainty of the applied dose was 3.35%, resulting in a combined relative standard uncertainty of the whole process of 6.06%. The ESR dosimetry indicated that there was no difference (P>0.05, ANOVA) in dosage between the planned dose and treatments. The results are in the range of the planned dose, within the combined relative uncertainty, demonstrating that the treatment-planning system compensates for the effects caused by the presence of femur and hip metal prostheses.