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The aim of the present study was to determine the size at sexual maturity in the freshwater crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861, from a population located in Mendonça, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The crabs were sampled monthly (July 2005 to June 2007), at Barra Mansa reservoir. The specimens were captured manually or in sieves passed through the aquatic vegetation. The crabs were captured and separated by sex based on morphology of the pleon and on the number of pleopods. The following dimensions were measured: carapace width (CW); carapace length (CL); propodus length (PL); and abdomen width (AW). The morphological analysis of the gonads was used to identify and categorize individuals according to their stage of development. The morphological maturity was estimated based on the analysis of relative growth based on the allometric equation y = ax b. The gonadal maturity was based on the morphology of the gonads by the method CW50 which indicates the size at which 50% of the individuals in the population showed gonads morphologically mature to reproduction. The biometric relationships that best demonstrated the different patterns of growth for the juvenile and adult stages were CW vs. PL for males and CW vs. AW for females (p<0.001). Based on these relationships, the estimated value to morphological sexual maturity was 21.5 mm (CW) in males and 19.7 mm (CW) in females. The determination of the size at sexual maturity and the adjustment of the data based on the logistic curve (CW50) resulted in a size of 38.2 mm for males and 39.4 mm for females (CW). Based on the data obtained for sexual maturity for D. pagei, we can estimate a minimum size for capture of 40 mm (CW). This minimum size allows at least half of the population to reproduce and retains the juveniles and a portion of the adults in the population.


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Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) is a hypo-hyper-regulating mangrove crab possessing gills for respiratory and osmoregulatory processes, separated in anterior and posterior sections. They also have hepatopancreas, which is responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients and detoxification of toxic metals. Each of these organs has specific cells that are important for in vitro studies in cell biology, ion and toxic metals transport. In order to study and characterize cells from gills and hepatopancreas, both were separated using a Sucrose Gradient (SG) from 10 to 40% and cells in each gradient were characterized using the vital mitochondrial dye DASPEI (2-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-N- ethylpyridinium iodide) and Trichrome Mallory's stain. Both in 20 and 40% SG for gill cells and 30% SG for hepatopancreatic cells, a greater number of cells were colored with DASPEI, indicating a larger number of mitochondria in these cells. It is concluded that the gill cells present in 20% and 40% SG are Thin cells, responsible for respiratory processes and Ionocytes responsible for ion transport, respectively. For hepatopancreatic cells, the 30% SG is composed of Fibrillar cells that possess larger number of membrane ion and nutrient transporters. Moreover, the transport of toxic metal cadmium (Cd) by isolated hepatopancreatic cells was performed as a way of following cell physiological integrity after cell separation and to study differences in transport among the cells. All hepatopancreatic cells were able to transport Cd. These findings are the first step for further work on isolated cells of these important exchange epithelia of crabs, using a simple separation method and to further develop successful in vitro cell culture in crabs.


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As observações que fizemos nos mostraram que: Guaiamú (Cardisoma guanhumi) As tocas tem água quase doce; entre 2 partes de água do mar para 998 de água doce e 20 partes de água do mar para 980 de água doce. Agua de composição pouco variavel, a pequena concentração de sais cae mais por ocasião das chuvas. Toca sempre fresca, no verão atinge 23º C. Sem grandes variações. Toda escavada em terra arenosa. Não é invadida pelas aguas da maré. A toca é proxima a manguesais possue enxames de mosquitos. As larvas de insetos crescem bem nesta água. Toca com cheiro das valas de água doce. Frepentemente o guaiamú sáe de seu buraco e vae para longe do manguesal. Ucá (Ucides cordatus) As tocas apresentam água salobra, de regime polihalino, com salinidade média anual variando entre 30 e 25 por mil. os uças na natureza não toleram a água de clorinidade 5, saem das tocas e passeiam pelo brejo procurando um local mais salgado (vimos isto em 4 set. 1939 e 6 abr. 1944). A toca do uça apresenta duas variações de salinidade em cada 24 horas, é levada duas vezes por dia pelas águas da preamar. os estuários as variações de salinidade são mais bruscas que nas ilhas, mesmo pouco afastadas das fozes de rios como a Ilha do Pinheiro. Toca muitas vêzes expostas ao sol, é quente de dia e fria de noite. No verão encontramos 44.5°C. A toca é escavada na argila preta macia, molhada pelas aguas da maré enchente. Toca dentro do manguesal, sem nenhuma larva de inseto. Toca em geral de cheiro particular, parecendo ao da marezia misturada com gazes sulfídricos e metânicos. Via de regra o uça se afasta pouco de seu buraco.


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Basándose en el estudio de los helmintos larvales parásitos del cangrejo Cyrtograpsus angulatus Dana, 1851 (Microphallus szidati Martorelli, 1986 (Digenea; Microphallidae) y Falsifilicollis chasmagnathi Holcman-Spector et al., 1977 (Acathocephala; Fillicollidae) conjuntamente con el análisis de sus ciclos biológicos y el estudio de la prevalencia, intensidad y de los índices de asociación (comparados entre los hospedadores intermediarios y definitivos) se pudo concluir que: a) C. angulatus parece ser un excelente hospedador intermediario en los ciclos de vida de los helmintos estudiados; b) el tamaño de los cangrejos y la ocurrencia de amputaciones naturales en las hembras de mayor tamaño Spivak & Politis (en prensa) aparecen correlacionadas con la prevalencia; c) en los cangrejos estudiados la prevalencia para F. chasmagnathi fue mayor en los machos que en las hembras; d) la intensidad no apareció correlacionada con el tamño y el sexo de los hospedadores intermediarios; e) M. szidati y F. chasmagnathi estan fuertemente asociados en el hospedador intermediario; f) C. angulatus e Himantopus melanurus Vieilot, 1817 (Aves; Recurvirostridae) son citados como nuevos hospedadores, intermediario y denitivo respectivamente, para F. chasmagnathi; g) Chasmagnathus granulata Dana, 1851 es citado como un nuevo hospedador intermediario para M. szidati.


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The present paper is a pioneering study on the Brachyura bycatch associated with the artisan prawn fisheries at the mouth of the Amazon River. The study was conducted at four collection sites distributed along the mouth of the Amazon River between the months of January/2009 and January/2010. The animals were caught using handcrafted traps called "matapi", which are used by prawn fisherman in the region. Twenty matapis were used at each collection site. A total of 145 specimens were captured and six species were identified, all belonging to the Trichodactylidae family - Sylviocarcinus maldonadoensis, S. pictus, S. devillei, Valdivia serrata, Dilocarcinus septemdentatus and D. pagei. The most representative species, S. maldonadoensis, S. pictus and S. devillei were classified as regular. Regarding the composition of the capture, there were three specimens of D. pagei , only one male specimen of D. septemdentatus, forty-eight specimens of S. maldonadoensis, sixty-eight specimens of S. pictus, twenty-two specimens of S. devillei and three specimens of V. serrata. In all months, the brachyuran fauna showed a considerably lower biomass when compared to the prawns, representing only 5% of the catch, in a ratio of 1:0.06. For most species, the number of males was always higher than the number of females in almost all collection months.


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Utilizando o método de deslocamento modal para a identificação das idades, estimou-se o crescimento do siri-azul Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 em duas áreas de pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. Os indivíduos foram coletados entre fevereiro de 2005 e março de 2006 no Saco da Mangueira e Saco do Arraial por meio de arrasto de rede de portas da pesca artesanal. Coletou-se um total de 2.609 animais, sendo 1.193 machos e 1.416 fêmeas. Para obtenção das curvas de crescimento utilizou-se o modelo de von Bertalanffy. As curvas foram validadas pela sua adequação ao ciclo de vida e aspectos biológicos da espécie. O tamanho máximo de largura de carapaça (LCmáx) utilizado foi mantido fixo em todas as análises (LCmáx=162,71mm; ± d.p.=3,10 para machos e LCmáx=157,78mm; ± d.p.=5,45 para fêmeas), sendo esses valores médios das maiores medidas obtidas em mais de 20 anos de coletas no estuário. Os parâmetros de crescimento e longevidade foram estimados para machos (Saco da Mangueira, K=0,0039/dia; t o=-6.07; 1.195 dias; Saco do Arraial, K=0,0041/dia; t o=-5,84; 1.102 dias) e fêmeas (Saco da Mangueira, K=0,0040/dia; t o=-6,22; 1.153 dias; Saco do Arraial, K=0,0039/dia; t o=-5.91; 1.181 dias). As curvas de crescimento estimadas nesse trabalho denotam que a espécie atinge o tamanho mínimo de captura praticamente no primeiro ano de vida (120mm).


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Fecundity is one of the most important parameters in studying the reproductive output of Pleocyemata decapods, especially because of its relationship to the efficiency of population replacement. Knowledge of fecundity provides basic elements for understanding the reproductive strategies, dynamics, and evolution of a given population. The present investigation provides informations on fecundity, egg size, egg loss, and the relationship between fecundity and selected environmental features, for the spider crab Mithraculus forceps (A. Milne Edwards, 1875). Ovigerous crabs were collected each month during 2000, by SCUBA diving, at Couves Island (23º25'25"S, 44º52'03"W) on the northeastern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 40 ovigerous females with egg in early development (initial stage) and 28 final stage eggs were obtained and analyzed. Mean fecundity, from eggs of the initial stage, was 402.8 ± 240.1 eggs, ranging from 60 to 1,123 eggs. Sizes of females ranged from 9.4 to 14.0 mm carapace width. Mean egg size was 0.56 ± 0.06 mm diameter. A 20.33% rate of egg loss was estimated by comparing the fecundities of batches of eggs in early and late development (40 initial batches and 28 final stages batches). There were no significant relationships between the water temperature or salinity and variations in fecundity. As in most brachyuran species, M. forceps showed a strong conservative relationship between fecundity and body size.


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The structure of the male reproductive tract was described in Uca uruguayensis Nobili, 1901, by using histological methods, scanning electron microscopy techniques, and stereoscopic observations of fresh material. The aim of this work was to establish the functional changes associated with sexual maturation. The morphology of the first (G1) and second (G2) pair of gonopods was described. The male reproductive tract consists of paired organs: testes, and tubular and convoluted vas deferens (VD) ending with a terminal ampoule (TA).The (VD) is composed of three parts: anterior (AVD), medial (MVD) and posterior (PVD). The AVD and MVD are lined by a single layer of cubical cells. The PVD epithelial cells are columnar with elongated nuclei. The terminal ampoule comprises four interconnecting chambers and is externally surrounded by connective tissue. The study of testes and vas deferens at different times along the year suggests that U. uruguayensis has a single and continuous reproductive season from December to March. The TA has not been described in other brachyurans and this structure is novel to Brachyura.


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The present contribution aims at evaluating the carapace width vs. humid weight relationship and the condition factor of Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in the mangrove forests of the Ariquindá and Mamucabas rivers, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. These two close areas present similar characteristics of vegetation and substrate, but exhibit different degrees of environmental conservation: the Ariquindá River is the preserved area, considered one of the last non-polluted of Pernambuco, while the Mamucabas River suffers impacts from damming, deforestation and deposition of waste. A total of 1,298 individuals of U. cordatus were collected. Males were larger and heavier than females, what is commonly observed in Brachyura. Ucides cordatus showed allometric negative growth (p < 0.05), which is probably related to the dilatation that this species develops in the lateral of the carapace, which stores six pairs of gills. The values of b were within the limit established for aquatic organisms. Despite of the condition factor being considered an important feature to confirm the reproductive period, since it varies with cyclic activities, in the present study it was not correlated to the abundance of ovigerous females. However, it was considered a good parameter to evaluate environmental impacts, being significantly lower at the impacted area.