58 resultados para Bolivia. Asamblea Constituyente, 1872.


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No presente trabalho os autores estudam um solo representativo da Província Mendez, Cantão Sella, da região sul da Bolivia. São analisadas as informações disponíveis sobre o clima, geologia, relevo e uso agrícola dessa terra. Foram obtidos resultados morfológlcos e analíticos do solo e com base nestas informações foi elaborada a classificação do solo ao nível de família. O solo apresentou epipedon ócrico, horizonte argílico, carbonatos antigênicos caracterizando um horizonte cálcico e um horizonte petrocálcico subjacente. A classe de tamanho das partículas, a natureza mineralógica e a classe de temperatura, permitiram classificar o solo como: Ordem: Aridisol Subordem: Argid Grande grupo: Paleargid Sub grupo: Petrocalcic Ustalfic Paleargid Família: fine-loamy, mixed, thermic.


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Water mites from Andean part of the Bolivian Amazonian rivers were examined. A new species is described, Limnesia aymara. New records and redescription are made for Hygrobatella multiacetabulata Cook,1980, Atractides brasiliensis (Lundblad, 1937) and Krendowskia convexa (Ribaga, 1902). A new subgenus Schwoerbelobatella for hygrobatelids poliacetabulated is proposed and characterized. Ecological characteristics of the river area sampled and ecological preferences of the analyzed species are discussed.


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A new species of Hapalopus Ausserer, 1875 (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Theraphosinae) from Bolivia is described and illustrated, based in males and females.


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Die ersten beiden Beinpaare und die Unterseite des Abdomens von Apiomerus nigritobus sind dicht mit Borsten besetzt, zwischen denen sich ein klebriges Sekret befindet. Das Sekret hilft den Tieren, ihre Beute zu ueberwaeltigen. Es wird in Druesenzellen hergestellt, die unter der Hypodermis als Einzelzellen oder als kleine Zellgruppen liegen. Die Druesenzelle besitzt homogenes Protoplasma und einen zentral gelegenen Kern. Der Ausleitungsapparat besteht aus einem langen, in der Zelle stark gewunden verlaufenden Cuticularroehrchen von etwa 0,2μ. Dicke, das von besonderen Zellen der Hypodermis gebildet wird. Die Oeffnung auf der Cuticula besitzt keine Hilfsapparate. Ausstoss und Transport des Sekrets beruhen auf dem Sekretdruck der Druesenzelle.


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Os A. A. descrevem Pseudoxenus inclusus sp. n., baseados em uma fêmea e centenas de triungulinideos, encontrados parasitando Ammophila sp., proveniente de Corrego do Itá, Espírito Santo, Brasil. O encontro de um outro exemplar de Myrmecolax incautus Oliveira & Kogan, 1959, permitiu aos AA. complementar a descrição desta espécie, cujo holótipo está muito danificado.


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En 98 casos de Leishmaniasis cutánea y cutáneo-mucosa, se encontró relación importante entre infiltrado plasmocitario y la presencia del parásito; en cuanto el infiltrado linfocitario y/o granulomatoso, aparecia en los casos donde el parásito estaba ausente. Por otra parte no se encontró diferencia entre los tipos histopatológicos predominantes en relación con el tiempo de evolución de las lesiones. Estos aspectos son una contribución para la interpretación de material de biopsias en las áreas endémicas de Leishmianiasis.


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An epidemiological survey of the vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis ("espúndia" type) was caried out in the Alto Beni region of Bolivia, an area of Andean foothills at the Eastern limit of the Amazonian lowlands. The climate is typical wet tropical (15ºS latitude). Anthropophilic phlebotomine sandfly species were sampled at 20 sites, all forested. The importance of species from the Psychodopygus group, already suspected as a vector in the transmission of Leishmania from the braziliensis complex, was confirmed by: 1) the aggressiveness and diversity of the species encountered (83% of catches, nine species), 2) the discovery of a new anthropophilic species, P. yucumensis and 3) the isolation of a strain of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis indistinguishable from human strains from the same area, from two species, P. llanosmartinsi and P. yucumensis.


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Trypanosoma cruzi infection was studied in 1,298 sera samples of blood banks from 7 capital departments of Bolivia, using the immunofluorescence test (IFI) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (Elisa). The percentages of positivity in these 7 departments have an average of 28% and are distributed as follows: Sta. Cruz 51%, Tarija 45%, Cochabamba 28%, Sucre 39%, La Paz 4.9%, Oruro 6% and Potosi 24%. The prevalence is related with the altitude levels of the different departments. However in Potosi (3,945 m) we found a 24% of prevalence, probably due to the proximity of endemic valleys to the city. The authors suggest a strict control in blood donors since there exists a great risk of infection