49 resultados para Blade runner (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)
The author has studied the domatia appearing in the Rubiaceae family by examining 278 species distributed among 95 genera; and she has verified that 51 species belonging to 29 genera have domatia fitting following types according to the Chevalier's classification: in the "touffe de poils", "em pertuis" and " enpochette". Fourtheen species showed domatia that has chamber and outlet orifice. The others 29 species present domatia either as aglomerates-hair, clusters-hair or scattered hairs and variations of this types; eight species present domatia "em pochette". On Paurichiantha rubra (Benth.) Brem., Rondelettia purdiei Hook f., and Randia cladantha K. Schum the domatia also appear in the axils nervure of several orders; and also in Psychotria racemosa Aubl., they are located in the axil of the angle toward the leaf base. The author observed for the first time two types of domatia in the same leaf on Psychotria fortuita Standi, and on type of domatia, with hairs, that is formed by a fold on the blade on Chomelia tenuiflora Benth.
The first case of Kala-azar in Colombia was discovered in Soledad, S. Vicente do Chucuri, Dept. Santander, by Gast-Galvis who viscerotomized a three year old girl deceased in December, 1943. In 1944, fifty-three Phlebotominae were collected in the chicken pen of the girl's house, two new species included. Mangabeira helped by A. Gast Galvis, Juan Antonio Montoya and E. Osorno Mesa, collected some Phlebotomus in that country. The geographical distribution of the species of Phlebotomus collected in Colombia (P. abonnenci, P. camposi, P. columbianus, P. dubitans, P. gasti, P. montoyai, P. saulensis, P. serranus, P. triramulus) and two species of Brumptomyia (B. beaupertuyi and b mesari), are included. our description of the male P. columbianus is based on some specimens found in association with females. However, doubts exist about such association of sexes. There is no correspondence between the length of the spicules and the ducts of spermathecae. Besides, the specimens were not obtained by raising. The following new species are described and compared with previously known ones: a) Phlebotomus gasti sp. n. differs from the other species by a protruding tubercle in the gubernaculum. It has also fewer setae in the tuft of the basistyle, a different length of the inferior gonapophyses, and a differently shaped clasper. b) Phlebotomus dubitans sp. n. differs from P. walkeri and P. deanei (according to personal information from O. Theodor, who examined the types, they are identical to P. williamsi and P. sericeus respectively), mainly because these species have the inferior gonapophyses larger than the basistyle and fewer setae in the basistyle. P. evandroi is separated by the shape of the claspers and by the tuft of setae of the basistyle. P. marajoensis is the closest relative to P. dubitans. There is a possibility of their being synonymous. On the other hand, they can be differentiated by the existence of three extra distal spines in P. marajoensis. There is also a difference in their palpal indexes: for marajoensis I - II - IV - III - V, and for dubitans I - IV (III - II) - V. We notice, too, that the inferior gonapophyses in P. marajoensis is a little shorter. P. marajoensis has a long seta in the basistyle (clearly shown in the original drawing), not found in the new species. c) Phlebotomus montoyai sp. n.: The closest relatives are P. noguchii, P. peruensis, P. pescei, P. quinquifer and P. rickardi. They differ from the new species by the number and length of the setae of the basistyle tuft which are more numerous and longer in the new species. The shapes of their claspers are also different. Other differences are: the basal portion of the basistyle in P. noguchii is very wide (in montoyai it is narrower); the intermediate spine of the dististyle is located on a protruding tubercle ( in the new species there is hardly a tubercle); the spicules are long, and the inferior gonapophyses is longer than the basistyle. P. quinquifer and P. rickardi have a shorter dististyle and narrower wings, with different venation. The main difference, however lies, in the M4, which ends almost at the level of the junction of M1 with M2 (in P. montoyai the M4 ends far behind). In P. peruensis and P. pescei the intermediary spine of the dististyle is closer to the distal spine than to the basal one, whereas in the new species it is situated between the two pairs. Their inferior gonapophyses is longer than the basistyle. d) Brumptomyia mesai sp. n. - Closest relatives are: B. hamatus, B. pentacanthus, B. beaupertuyi which are easily separated from the new species because the tufts of their basistyle have thin and differently shaped hairs. Also their claspers are shaped differently. B. avellari is also easily recognized on account of the twisted aspect of its clasper and because the basal tuft of the basistyle has few setae, B. brumpti tuft of setae arise directly from the basistyle; these setae are stronger than those of the new species. It has 8 blade-like setae located on the inner surface of the distal half, whereas the new species has only six setae. In B. brumpti, there are three median and two terminal spines in the dististyle; in the new species, there are two median and two terminal spines and one between them, which is closer to the two median spines. The comparison with B. galindoi is based in a specimen determined by Fairchild and deposited in the entomological collection of the "Faculdade de Higiene e Saúde Pública da Universidade de S. Paulo". The genitalia of the new species is much shorter, in galindoi the inferior gonapophyses is 0,8 mm long whereas in B. mesai it hardly reaches 0,6 mm. The shape of the clasper and the distribution of its setae are different. The sub-median lamellae, besides being longer in B. galindoi are also longer in comparison with the other parts of the genitalia. The gubernaculum of the new species is longer, thinner, and more pointed; in B. galindoi it is shorter and triangular. In the drawing published by Fairchild and Hertig 91947), the basistyle shows 8 blade-like setae on the distal half, whereas in the new species only six are found.
Description of four new species of Oswaldocruzia parasitizing Iguanidae and Leptodactylidae from Ecuador, demonstrate that they are morphologically close to each other. Like most of the other neotropical and holarctic Oswaldocruzia , they are characterized by spicules with three main branches: blade, shoe and fork; the division of the fork within the distal third of the spicule length appears to be characteristic of the neotropical species. - Oswaldocruzia bainae n. sp. parasitizing Anolis chrysolepis and Anolis fuscoauratus possesses a synlophe visible only on transversal sections of the body. It is composed of rounded and not pointed ridges. - Oswaldocruzia tcheprakovae n. sp. parasitizing Eleutherodactylus altamazonicus is closely related to O. bainae , but the synlophe is present only in the anterior and posterior extremities of the body. - Oswaldocruzia cassonei n. sp. parasitizing Eleutherodactylus lanthanites is closely related to O. taranchoni, Ben Slimane and Durette-Desset, 1995, a parasite of Bufo marinus from Brazil. It is differentiated by the synlophe and the measurements. - Oswaldocruzia petterae n. sp. parasitizing Leptodactylus pentadactylus is closely related to O. chambrieri, Ben Slimane and Durette-Desset, 1993, parasitizing Bufo and Eleutherodactylus in the same region. It is differentiated since, for an equivalent length of the body, the ridges are almost two times fewer and the spicules smaller.
In the present study, we investigated the prevalence and intensity of Hectopsylla pulex infection in Molossus rufus and Molossus molossus, the parasite's choice of attachment site, and whether this host-parasite system varies with host size. Twenty-four bats were captured by hand from the roof of a house in Southeastern Brazil. M. rufus exhibited a prevalence of 71.4% and the mean intensity averaged 5 ectoparasites per bat. M. molossus exhibited a prevalence of 90%, and the average mean intensity was 2.11 ectoparasites. The attachment sites were: ear, tragus, shoulder blade and tibia, anus, wing, axilla, mouth and dactylopatagium. A positive correlation was observed between the bats' weight and the number of fleas.
Although silicon is not recognized as a nutrient, it may benefit rice plants and may alleviate the Mn toxicity in some plant species. The dry matter yield (root, leaf, sheaths and leaf blade) and plant architecture (angle of leaf insertion and leaf arc) were evaluated in rice plants grown in nutrient solutions with three Mn doses, with and without Si addition. The treatments were arranged in a 2 x 3 factorial [with and without (2 mmol L-1) Si; three Mn doses (0.5; 2.5 and 10 µmol L-1)], in a randomized block design with 4 replications. The experimental unit was a 4 L plastic vase with 4 rice (Metica-1 cultivar) plants. Thirty nine days after keeping the seedlings in the nutrient solution the plant dry matter yield was determined; the angle of leaf insertion in the sheath and the leaf arc were measured; and the Si and Mn concentrations in roots, sheaths and leaves were determined. The analysis of variance (F test at 5 and 1 % levels) and the regression analysis (for testing plant response to Mn with the Si treatments) were performed. The Si added to the nutrient solution increased the dry matter yield of roots, sheaths and leaf blades and also decreased the angle of leaf blade insertion into the sheath and the foliar arc in the rice plant. Additionally, it ameliorated the rice plant architecture which allowed an increase in the dry matter yield. Similarly, the addition of Mn to the solution improved the architecture of the rice plants with gain in dry matter yield. As Si was added to the nutrient solution, the concentration of Mn in leaves decreased and in roots increased thus alleviating the toxic effects of Mn on the plants.
O Mercosul, o mercado comum que reúne Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai, está se consolidando rapidamente em nível comercial. O possível impacto do Mercosul sobre a indústria da editoração é discutido e fatores de relevância para bibliotecas e sistemas informacionais são examinados. Materiais que promovem a expressão cultural devem circular livremente entre os quatro países, desde que os direitos de propriedade intelectual forem respeitados. O Brasil precisa promover sua própria produção literária, musical e cinematográfica e, ao mesmo tempo, dar maior atenção à cultura dos seus parceiros no novo bloco econômico.
Se describe el desarrollo de una Base de Datos para documentación cinematográfica inserta en los departamentos de información de las televisiones; para ello se explican las áreas y campos que lo componen y como se interrelaciona con la base de datos de información audiovisual de programas informativos, con el fin de interrelacionar por medio de bases de datos relacionadas, dos tipos documentales tan diferentes como son las películas y la información generada en los programas informativos.
Kudzu is a cover crop that has escaped cultivation in some subtropical and warm temperate regions. Kudzu has previously demonstrated broad intraspecific physiological plasticity while colonizing new environments. The objective of this paper was to investigate characteristics of kudzu leaflet anatomy that might contribute to its successful growth in climatically distinct environments, and to escape cultivation as well. Fresh and fixed leaflet strips of field-grown plants were analyzed. The lower epidermis of kudzu showed a higher frequency of stomata (147 ± 19 stomata mm-2) than the upper epidermis (26 ± 17 stomata mm-2). The average number of trichomes per square milimeter was 8 for both the upper and the lower epidermis. The average trichome length was 410 ± 200 mum for the upper epidermis and 460 ± 190 mum for the lower epidermis. Cuticle thickness was not considerably different between lower and upper epidermis. The leaflet blade consisted basically of two layers (upper and lower) of unicellular epidermis, two layers of palisade parenchyma and one layer of spongy parenchyma. One layer of paraveinal mesophyll was found between palisade and spongy parenchyma. In conclusion, leaflets of kudzu present anatomical characteristics that might contribute to the broad physiological plasticity shown by kudzu.
A capacidade fotossintética das cultivares de amendoim rasteiro (Arachis hypogaea L.) IAC-Caiapó e Runner IAC-886 foi avaliada sob condição controlada, em plantas cultivadas em vasos, mantidos em casa de vegetação, e sob condição natural, em plantas irrigadas, cultivadas em tanques de alvenaria. A resposta da taxa de assimilação líquida de CO2 (A) em decorrência da densidade de fluxo de fótons fotossinteticamente ativos (DFFF) foi melhor em condição controlada, mas, nas duas condições, a mesma A máxima de ca. 28 µmol m-2 s-1 foi atingida. Em condição controlada, a saturação lumínica ocorreu próximo a 1.000 µmol m-2 s-1 , ao passo que sob condição natural, ocorreu em DFFF maiores. A temperatura foliar entre 23 e 36°C não afetou A. A diferença de pressão de vapor entre a folha e o ar causou o fechamento parcial dos estômatos, diminuindo A, quando acima de 3,0 kPa. As capacidades fotossintéticas das duas cultivares de amendoim foram iguais. Ambas cultivares apresentaram boa adaptação às variações diárias do ambiente, ocorridas durante o verão, apresentando fotoinibição dinâmica da fotossíntese no início da tarde (13-14h), manifestada pela queda reversível da eficiência quântica máxima (Fv/Fm) do fotossistema II.
O comportamento produtivo de genótipos de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.) foi avaliado a partir de três diferentes métodos de adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Foram avaliadas 18 linhagens e as cultivares Runner IAC 886 e IAC Caiapó, quanto à produtividade de vagens (PV) e peso de 100 grãos (P100G), em dez ensaios de campo, no Estado de São Paulo, utilizando-se os métodos de ecovalência, Eberhart & Russel e Lin & Binns. Foram observadas diferenças significativas para o efeito de genótipo (G), ambiente (E) e interação (GxE), para as duas variáveis. As linhagens L123, L137 e L150 foram as mais produtivas, com comportamento estável e previsível. O método de Lin & Binns mostrou-se mais discriminante na avaliação da PV e do P100G, enquanto o método de Eberhart & Russel foi mais útil na indicação das linhagens com adaptabilidade ampla ou específica a determinados ambientes. Os métodos de Lin & Binns e de Eberhart & Russel foram mais informativos que o de ecovalência, na predição do comportamento das linhagens para as duas características. Foi encontrada correlação negativa entre a PV e o parâmetro Pi, e positiva entre deltaij e ômegai. Para P100G, detectaram-se as mesmas correlações de PV, além da correlação negativa entre Pi e ômegai.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of cell sizes used for strawberry plug production in trays compared to bare root transplants, regarding initial plant size, harvest timing, and total strawberry fruit yield. Plug transplants were produced from runner tips rooted in trays with cell sizes of 26.5, 50, 100 and 150 cm³ filled with Plantmax HA organic substrate. Bare root transplants (control) were produced in a closed soilless system using sand as substrate. A randomized block design was used, with four replicates with 16 plants per plot. Bare root transplants and plug transplants from 100-cm³ cells had larger crown and higher leaf and root dry mass. Early fruit yield was higher in plants propagated from plugs than in those propagated from bare root transplants. Spring and total fruit yield did not differ among treatments, with an average yield of 435 and 874 g per plant, respectively. Earlier strawberry fruit yield was obtained by using plug transplants, even from trays with small cells of 26.5 or 50 cm³.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of crown diameter and growing period of runner tips in 128 cell-trays on growth and yield of strawberry in the field. Treatments consisted of three classes of runner tip crown diameters, between 2.0 to 3.9 mm; 4.0 to 5.5 mm and 5.6 to 7.0 mm, respectively, and four growing periods in trays, 24; 39; 54 and 69 days, respectively. Higher shoot dry mass of transplants at planting and earlier yield of plants in the field were obtained in transplants grown for 69 days in trays. Larger runner tips lead to more vigorous transplants at planting and plants with higher vegetative growth in the field, with minor impact on yield. Increasing the growing time of runner tips in trays improved early fruit yield and decreased plant vegetative growth in the field.
In the present work TiO2 films were formed over Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) employing cathodic electrophoretic deposition (Cathodic-EPD) and Dr. Blade Technique. The films were characterized by electrochemical techniques in order to compare their electronic properties; as well as, their photoelectrochemical behavior. The electrochemical performance showed by the films, allowed to relate the modification occurring during the Cathodic-EPD, with the partial reduction of TiO2 nanoparticles, generating Ti3+ defects. These trapping states are modifying the electronic properties of the film, and diminishing the transport of the photoelectrogenerated electrons toward ITO.
A relação entre a aplicação do thiamethoxam para o controle do tripes e a severidade da verrugose foi verificada em experimentos instalados em Campinas e Pindorama, em 2001/2002, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas corresponderam aos tratamentos, com e sem controle do tripes com thiamethoxam e as subparcelas aos seis cultivares de amendoim, IAC-Tatu-ST, IAC-5, IAC-22 (eretos, de ciclo curto), Runner IAC-886, Tégua e IAC-Caiapó (rasteiros, de ciclo longo). Foram utilizadas as avaliações de número de tripes por folíolo e nota de sintomas obtidos aos 56 e 57 dias do plantio, em Campinas e Pindorama, quando foram registradas as maiores populações do inseto nesses locais. A severidade da verrugose foi avaliada aos 79 e 91 dias após o plantio, em Campinas e Pindorama, respectivamente, através de escala de notas baseada nos sintomas exibidos nas hastes e pecíolos. Os resultados mostraram a eficiência do inseticida thiamethoxam no controle do tripes em todos os cultivares. Nos dois locais observou-se a redução na severidade da verrugose, quando foi aplicado o thiamethoxam. A severidade da verrugose foi maior nos cultivares de porte ereto, com o IAC-Caiapó apresentando os menores índices de severidade. A produção foi maior nas parcelas tratadas com o inseticida, nos dois locais, tendo o IAC-Caiapó apresentado produções superiores aos demais cultivares. A ação do thiamethoxam controlando o tripes e reduzindo a severidade da verrugose deve ser melhor explorada nas práticas de manejo integrado.
Neste texto, procuro encontrar as origens de um dos mais importantes conceitos de Gilles Deleuze, o conceito de Imagem-tempo. Este conceito remete-nos para os primeiros textos de Deleuze dedicados à filosofia de Espinosa e ao problema do autómato espiritual e relaciona-se directamente com o problema da passividade/actividade do espectador. Ou seja, o conceito crucial na sua filosofia do cinema, a Imagem-tempo, esconde uma importante reflexão sobre a Imagem cinematográfica como arte de massas, os (im)poderes do pensamento e o modo fascista de se pensar.