173 resultados para Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
The aphid Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), a harmful pest on cotton, causes direct damage, reducing plant vigor, and indirect damage by honeydew secretion and transmission of several viruses. Due to the problem of pesticide resistance, alternative techniques for chemical control, such as the use of natural insecticides, have been object of research. The effects of aqueous extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed powder on the development, survival and fecundity of A. gossypii were evaluated. Treatments consisted of neem seed powder in the concentrations of 23.8, 122.0, 410.0 and 1,410.0 mg/100 mL of distilled water. Mortality rate during the nymphal development for aphids maintained on cotton leaf discs treated with the two highest concentrations were, respectively, 60.0% and 100.0%. With the exception of the highest concentration (1,410.0 mg/100 mL), neem concentrations did not extend the aphids' development period. The net reproductive rate (R0) was of 35.0 nymphs/female for control aphids and of 0.0 nymph/female when the group of females was exposed to neem seed powder at 1,410.0 mg/100 mL since birth. The aqueous extract of neem seeds is efficient against the aphid A. gossypii, causing nymph mortality and reducing their survival period and fecundity.
The objective of this work was to determine the most susceptible nymphal stage of Bemisia tabaci biotype B to neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) oil applied to dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in a screenhouse. A solution of commercial oil (Dalneem) extracted from neem seeds was sprayed directly on each nymphal instar at 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2% concentrations for lethal concentration (LC) determination, and at 0, 0.5 and 1% concentrations for lethal time (LT) determination. The number of living and dead nymphs was recorded five days after spraying for LC determination, and daily during six days for LT determination. The LC50 estimated for fourth instar nymphs occurred at 0.56% concentration. For all instars, LC50 and LC95 were estimated at 0.32 and 2.78% concentrations, respectively. The estimated values of LT50 at 1% concentration were 2.46, 4.45, 3.02 and 6.98 days for the first to fourth instars, respectively. The LT50 occurred at five days for 0.5% and at four days for 1% concentration in all instars. A mortality rate of over 80% was observed on the 6th day for the first to third instars at 1% concentration. The first three nymphal stages were more susceptible to neem oil when compared to the fourth nymphal stage.
Diversas alternativas vêm sendo estudadas e utilizadas no controle de doenças de plantas, no intuito de suprir as necessidades dos produtores e consumidores no desejo de reduzir o uso de defensivos agrÃcolas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade de extratos vegetais de Azadirachta indica A. Juss., Anonna muricata L. e de Lippia alba (Mill) N. E. Brown. no controle de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. in vitro. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Câmpus de Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brasil. Extratos aquosos de folhas de graviola e erva-cidreira, e extratos aquosos de sementes de nim e graviola foram usados visando à inibição do crescimento micelial do patógeno causador da antracnose em frutos de mamão. A atividade antifúngica dos extratos foi mensurada mediante a medição do crescimento micelial das culturas. O delineamento adotado foi o DIC em esquema fatorial (3x3x3), com quatro repetições, nos dois experimentos. Os resultados obtidos indicam maior inibição ao crescimento micelial do patógeno com o uso dos extratos de folhas de erva-cidreira e de sementes de graviola.
Aqueous extracts of several plant species have shown promising in controlling root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White), one of the most limiting agents for carrot cultivation. The current study evaluated the effect of aqueous extracts from seven botanical species applied to 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 days after sowing 'Nantes' carrots in soil infested with root-knot nematode. Three other treatments included cassava wastewater, distilled water (control), which were applied in the same periods of the extracts application, in addition to carbofuran 50G (80Kg/ha), which was applied once at 60 days after carrot sowing. Evaluations were performed at 90 days after inoculation to determine shoot and root fresh weight, as well as the diameter and the length of principal roots and the number of galls on primary and secondary roots. Plants treated with cassava wastewater, extracts of Ricinus communis L. seeds, Crotalaria juncea L. seeds, R. communis leaves + branches + fruits, Chenopodium ambrosioides L. leaves + branches + inflorescences and Azadirachta indica A. Juss. seeds showed the highest rates of total weight (root + shoot) and shoot weight. The extract of R. communis leaves + branches + fruits provides the highest total root weight and principal root diameter. Cassava wastewater and extracts of R. communis seeds provided the highest principal root weight. The extract of R. communis seeds and cassava wastewater can be considered promising for the alternative control of M. incognita.
Azadirachta indica A. Juss, popularmente conhecido como nim, é uma espécie arbórea que se destaca por possuir substâncias de ação inseticida, fungicida, bactericida e nematicida. Sementes de nim foram inoculadas em meio de cultura WPM (Wood Plant Medium) contendo diferentes concentrações de ácido giberélico (GA3) (0; 3,0; 6,0; 9,0; e 12,0 mg L-1). Após 30 dias, cotilédones obtidos a partir de plântulas germinadas in vitro foram inoculados em meio WPM suplementado com ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) (0,0; 1,0; 2,0; e 3,0 mg L-1) e, ou, 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) (0,0; 1,0; 2,0; e 3,0 mg L-1). As culturas foram incubadas no escuro, a 28 ºC. Os calos formados foram avaliados com base na sua coloração e textura, e três subcultivos foram realizados mensalmente em meio WPM contendo 2,0 mg L-1 BAP, na presença de luz. A cada 30 dias, avaliou-se o número de brotos formados a partir dos calos subcultivados. Entre os meios testados, o mais apropriado para germinação in vitro de nim foi o WPM na ausência de GA3. Explantes cotiledonares cultivados em WPM suplementado com 2,0 mg L-1 de BAP promoveram a maior formação de calos com potencial morfogênico. Quando esses calos foram transferidos para meio de composição similar, obteve-se alta formação de brotações até o terceiro subcultivo.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the larvicidal activity of Azadirachta indica, Melaleuca alternifolia, carapa guianensis essential oils and fermented extract of Carica papaya against Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) (Diptera: Culicidae). METHODS The larvicide test was performed in triplicate with 300 larvae for each experimental group using the third larval stage, which were exposed for 24h. The groups were: positive control with industrial larvicide (BTI) in concentrations of 0.37 ppm (PC1) and 0.06 ppm (PC2); treated with compounds of essential oils and fermented extract, 50.0% concentration (G1); treated with compounds of essential oils and fermented extract, 25.0% concentration (G2); treated with compounds of essential oils and fermented extract, 12.5% concentration (G3); and negative control group using water (NC1) and using dimethyl (NC2). The larvae were monitored every 60 min using direct visualization. RESULTS No mortality occurred in experimental groups NC1 and NC2 in the 24h exposure period, whereas there was 100% mortality in the PC1 and PC2 groups compared to NC1 and NC2. Mortality rates of 65.0%, 50.0% and 78.0% were observed in the groups G1, G2 and G3 respectively, compared with NC1 and NC2. CONCLUSIONS The association between three essential oils from Azadirachta indica, Melaleuca alternifolia, Carapa guianensis and fermented extract of Carica papaya was efficient at all concentrations. Therefore, it can be used in Aedes aegypti Liverpool third larvae stage control programs.
In the course of their coevolution with insects, plants have learnt to protect themselves by chemical means. Semiochemical act as antifeedants or deterrents, others by disrupting growth and development. By use of the Epilachna varivestis bioassay we isolated from Azadirachta indica seed a group of triterpenoids which interfee with larval growth and development in ppm range. Main components are the azadirachtins A and B with identical biological activity. Various other azadirachtins were obtained, either as minor seed components or by chemical modification of the naturally occuring compounds. Structure vs. activity relation studies enabled us to postulate a basic structural element that should still be biologically active and with much simpler chemical structure than natural compounds. What underlies the biological activity of these insect growth inhibitors? Their interference with the hormonal regulation of development and reproduction has been studied in Locusta migratoria and Rhodnius prolixus. In addition, tritiated dihydroazadirachtin A was used. With this approach, a precise correlation between administered dose, resulting effects, and retention of the compound was established. The azadirachtins either interrupt, delay, or deviate whole developmental programs. Results from these studies provide another chemical probe for studies in insect endocrinology and physiology.
The effects of azadirachtin A, a tetranortriterpenoid from the neem tree Azadirachta indica J., on both development and interaction between Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas' disease, and its vector Rhodnius prolixus were studied. Given through a blood meal, a dose-rsponse relationship of azadirachtin was established using antifeedant effect and ecdysis inhibition as effective parameters. A singlo dose of azadirachtin A was able to block the onset of mitosis in the epidermis and ecdysteroid titers in the hemnolymph, determined by radioimmuneassay, were too low for an induction of ecadysis. The survival of T. cruzi was also studied in R. prolixus treated with the drug. If the trypomastigotes were fed in presence of azadirachtin A the number of parasites drastically decreased. If the drug was applied after infection of the bug with T. cruzi, the parasite was still abolished from the gut. If the insect was pretreated with azadirachtin A before infection the same observation was obtained. A single dose of azadirachtin A was enough for a permanent resistance of the insect host against its reinfection with T. cruzi and for blocking the ecdysis for a long time. The effects of azadirachtin A on the hormonal balance of the host and growth inhibition of the parasite will be discussed on the basis of the present results.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em laboratório, os efeitos do extrato de semente de nim sobre uma praga da pimenteira, o pulgão-verde Myzus persicae (Sulzer), e seu predador Eriopis connexa (Germar). Folhas de pimenteira foram imersas em solução aquosa de extrato de semente de nim (1% de azadiractina) a 0,5%, 1%, em acefato (0,75 g L-1) e em água. Fêmeas do pulgão foram transferidas para essas folhas e, após seis dias, avaliou-se a população final. Larvas de quarto Ãnstar do predador foram colocadas em plantas de pimenteira infestadas com pulgões e pulverizadas com solução aquosa de nim a 0,25 e, 0,5%, em acefato (0,75 g L-1) e em água. Após 48 horas, as larvas foram transferidas para tubos de plástico e alimentadas com pulgões. A mortalidade larval, a viabilidade pupal e a emergência de adultos foram avaliadas. A população de pulgões foi significativamente menor em folhas tratadas com nim e com acefato do que nas tratadas com água. A mortalidade de larvas do predador foi maior em plantas tratadas com acefato do que com nim. No entanto, somente 9,1 e 10% das larvas em plantas tratadas com nim a 0,25% e a 0,5%, respectivamente, formaram pupas e não houve emergência de adultos. Apesar do potencial do nim em reduzir a população de M. persicae, o produto apresenta efeitos nocivos a E. connexa.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de inseticidas botânicos sobre Aphis gossypii e seu predador Cycloneda sanguinea, em algodão-colorido. Foram avaliados inseticidas botânicos à base de azadiractina, extrato aquoso de sementes de nim e óleo de mamona, nas concentrações de 0 a 2%, de 0 a 2,5% e de 0 a 3%, respectivamente. Os bioensaios, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, foram realizados em laboratório. A mortalidade do pulgão variou de 64 a 100% para azadiractina; 12 a 92% para extrato aquoso de nim; e 8 a 68% para óleo de mamona. A taxa instantânea de crescimento mostrou-se negativa a partir da concentração 1,25% para azadiractina, 2,25% para extrato aquoso de nim, e 3,0% para óleo de mamona. Todos os inseticidas apresentaram toxicidade para larvas de 1º instar do predador, com mortalidade de 96,7 a 100% para azadiractina e extrato aquoso de nim, e de 50 a 100% para óleo de mamona. Para o 4º instar, a mortalidade variou de 87,5 a 100% para azadiractina, 73,3 a 100% para o extrato de nim, e 43,3 a 100% para o óleo de mamona. Os inseticidas testados são promissores para o manejo de A. gossypii, porém mostraram-se pouco seletivos a C. sanguinea.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de controle e os efeitos adversos de dois produtos à base de nim Azamax® (Azadiractina A/B 12g/L) e Neemseto® (Azadiractina A/B, Nimbina e Salanina 2,389 g/L) sobre o ácaro-rajado Tetranychus urticae e os predadores Phytoseiulus macropilis e Neoseiulus californicus em laboratório. Para o ácaro-rajado, foram consideradas as variáveis mortalidade, fecundidade, efeito ovicida e persistência biológica, enquanto para os fitoseÃdeos consideraram-se mortalidade e fecundidade. A mortalidade máxima observada para o ácaro-rajado foi de 89,7% e 91,5% para Azamax® e Neemseto®, respectivamente, na concentração de 0,5% após a reaplicação do produto no sétimo dia. Também foram observados efeitos adversos sobre a fecundidade e a viabilidade dos ovos quando tratados com os produtos comerciais (p.c.). A persistência biológica dos produtos foi de aproximadamente três dias após a pulverização. As formulações apresentaram seletividade em relação aos fitoseÃdeos, porém causaram redução da fecundidade dos mesmos.
The sublethal effect of extracts of Azadirachta indica on Ceratitis capitata was evaluated. Two pairs of flies were treated in plastic tubes with cotton placed in plastic cages. An artificial diet (hydrolyzed protein + sugar) was provided ad libitum. The extracts affected significantly the longevity of C. capitata. The pre-oviposition period were not significantly affected by the extracts. The A. indica branches extracted with dichloromethane (888 ppm) affected significantly the fecundity and fertility, reducing the number of eggs laid to approximately 80 % and the egg hatching by 30 % at the 8th day. Therefore, the neem branches extracted with dichloromethane affected the reproduction of C. capitata.
The international organizations CLSI and EUCAST developed reference methodologies for activity evaluation antifungal. The aim of this work was to compare the recommended methodologies by the CLSI and EUCAST in the antifungal activity evaluation of crude extracts of Azadirachta indica and green propolis. The results showed that the MIC values determined by the EUCAST methodology were smaller than that determined by the CLSI. Nevertheless, both methodologies were satisfactory to detect and evaluate antifungal activity of the crude extracts and isolated compounds. The EUCAST methodology showed advantage by making possible to obtain results in less time.
The Neem tree, Azadirachta indica, provides many useful compounds that are used as pesticides. However, the efficiency in field of products like neem oil can be committed because they have not been observed reproductive content of secondary metabolic like azadirachtin. Based on reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) a new method was developed to permit the rapid quantitative analysis of azadirachtin from seeds, extracts and oil of Neem. In the present study it was evaluated the azadirachtin quantitative variation among various Neem's extracts and seeds showing the importance of quality control for reproduction of the insecticide efficiency, using S. frugiperda as target insect.
Em condições de campo, avaliaram-se produtos alternativos no manejo da requeima do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum), causada por Phytophthora infestans, em três experimentos (E). Compararam-se, em E1, extratos de: [pimenta (Capsicum chinense) + pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum) + cravo (Syzygium aromaticum) + açafrão-da-Ãndia (Curcuma longa) + alho (Allium sativum)]; (pimenta-do-reino + cravo + alho); e (cravo + açafrão-da-Ãndia + alho); em E2, óleo de nim (Azadirachta indica) (0,5%); leite (20%); e calda bordalesa; e em E3, preparado homeopático obtido de tecido de tomateiro com requeima (dinamização C30); mistura água-etanol; e calda bordalesa. Em E1, os extratos e a testemunha não diferiram quanto à severidade na metade da epidemia (Y50), severidade final (Ymáx), área abaixo da curva de progresso (AACPD) e taxa de progresso da doença (r). Em E2, Y50 com óleo de nim (3%) e calda bordalesa (1%) não diferiram; Ymáx foi maior com óleo de nim (44%) que com calda bordalesa (14%); leite não reduziu Ymáx; r e AACPD foram menores com óleo de nim (0,161 e 533, respectivamente) que na testemunha (0,211 e 1186, respectivamente) e semelhantes à queles com calda bordalesa (0,156 e 130, respectivamente); r e AACPD foram similares nos tratamentos leite e testemunha. Em E3, Y50, Ymáx, AACPD e r com a mistura água-etanol e preparado homeopático foram similares aos da testemunha. A calda bordalesa foi o tratamento mais eficiente no controle da requeima, e o óleo de nim foi promissor. No manejo da doença em sistemas alternativos de produção, é necessário integrar práticas, para se potencializarem os efeitos individualizados.