25 resultados para Asbrink, Gustav (1867-1935) -- Portraits
In this paper the authors refere Philometra lateolabracis Yamaguti, 1935 for the first time from the Atlantic Ocean also as a new host record. They report the rpesence of one male of diminished dimensions, found in close relationship with the females of Ph. lateolabracis; as the male of this species is unknown, they admit the possibility of this small nematode be the male of this species.
The proteocephalid species Gibsoniela mandube (Woodland, 1935) from the siluriform fish Ageneiosus brevifilis from rio Paraná, is redescribed. This species was originally described from the same species of fish from the Amazon. The genus Gibsoniela Rego, 1984 is redefined and confirmed in the Monticeliidae. Comments are made on the relationships of the proteocephalid and monticelliid subfamilies.
It is described Megathylacus travassosi sp. n., parasite of Pseudoplatystoma corrusccans (Agassiz,1829), a pimelodid fish caught in Itaipu reservoir and Paraná river, Brazil. Nomimoscolex sudobim Woodland, 1935 is redescribed and for the first time referred parasitising P. corruscans. The list of proteocephalid cestodes of genus Pseudoplatystoma Bleeker, 1862, with its geographic distribution is given.
Three species of protistan and 22 species of metazoan parasites were obtained from a sample of 179 flatfish, (Paralichthys adspersus) taken-off Antofagasta, northern Chile. Prevalence of infection of seven parasites (Protista: 1, Copepoda: 2, Digenea: 1, Acantocephala: 1, Nematoda: 2) was significantly and positively correlated with host size. Host's sex do not seem to affect prevalence of infection, except for Nybelinia surmenicola, Capillaria sp. and Anisakis sp. (prevalence of infection significantly greater in males than females) and Philometra sp. (prevalence higher in females). Mean abundance is correlated with size in nine species (Protista: 1, Copepoda: 2, Digenea: 3, Acantocephala: 1, Nematoda: 2). Host's sex do not affect mean abundance, except for Cainocreadium sp. and Philometra sp.(mean abundance higher in females) and Nybelinia surmenicola, Capillaria sp. and Anisakis sp. (mean abundance higher in males).
Syphacia muris worm burdens were evaluated in the rat Rattus norvegicus of the strains Wistar (outbred), Low/M and AM/2/Torr (inbred), maintained conventionally in institutional animal houses in Brazil. Morphometrics and illustration data for S. muris recovered from Brazilian laboratory rats are provided for the first time since its proposition in 1935.
The lymneid snail Lymnaea bogotensis Pilsbry 1935 is synonymized with L. cousini Jousseaume 1887, based on morphological comparisons of the reproductive systems. The shell, renal tube, and reproductive system are described and illustrated from specimens collected in the type locality and the municipality of Paipa, Colombia. Bibliographical records reveal L. columella to be the commonest lymneid in the country. The latter two species can be differentiated based on the morphology of the penial complex.
Seeking the identification of Angiostrongylus cantonensis as a potential etiological agent of three clinical cases of eosinophilic meningitis, mollusc specimens were collected in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The snails were identified as Sarasinula marginata (45 specimens), Subulina octona (157), Achatina fulica (45) and Bradybaena similaris (23). Larvae obtained were submitted to polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism diagnosis. Their genetic profile were corresponded to A. cantonensis. Rattus norvegicus experimentally infected with third-stage larvae, developed menigoencephalitis, and parasites became sexually mature in the lungs. Additionally, larvae obtained from A. fulica snails, from São Vicente, state of São Paulo, also showed genetic profiles of this nematode. This is the first record of Brazilian molluscs infected with this nematode species.
Novas espécies descritas do Brasil: Tropidion terminatum sp. nov. e Tropidion una sp. nov. (Rondônia); Tropidion buriti sp. nov. (Piauí); Compsibidion manauara sp. nov. (Manaus), Compsibidion elianae sp. nov. (Goiás); Compsibidion novalimae sp. nov. e Compsibidion peti sp. nov. (Minas Gerais). Do Brasil (Mato Grosso) e da Bolívia (Santa Cruz), Compsibidion ybyra sp. nov.; da Venezuela (Guarico), Tropidion jolyi sp. nov.; da Bolívia (Santa Cruz), Dodecaibidion bolivianum sp. nov. e Pygmodeon maculatum sp. nov. Minibidion captiosus nom. nov. é proposto para Minibidion bicolor Martins, Galileo & Limeira-de Oliveira, 2011. São estabelecidos novo status para Compsibidion rubricolle Melzer, 1935, e notas sobre Heterachthes tysiphonis (Thomson, 1867). São apresentados novos registros para Tropidion zonapterum (Martins, 1962), Compsibidion campestre (Gounelle, 1908) e Kolonibidion femoratum (Martins, 1971).
Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar os quadros estatísticos de atendimento e rendimento das escolas públicas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre 1922 e 1935, publicados pela Diretoria Geral de Instrução Pública do Distrito Federal sobre a capacidade de atendimento das escolas e as taxas de repetência e evasão do sistema de ensino da cidade. A discussão central diz respeito à elaboração dos índices de matrícula, frequência e promoção das escolas cariocas durante as reformas dirigidas por Antônio de Arruda Carneiro Leão (1922-1926), Fernando de Azevedo (1927-1930) e Anísio Teixeira (1931-1935). Assim, aborda-se a produção das estatísticas oficiais para compreender a expansão da capacidade de atendimento da escola pública e a contenção da evasão e da repetência.