429 resultados para Area de amostragem
Este artigo investiga o impacto das competências consideradas essenciais para o desempenho das atividades de defesa aérea sobre a efetividade do processo decisório. Como principais referenciais teóricos, foram utilizados os estudos de Simon (1970; 1987) sobre o processo decisório e o modelo de competências por setor de Gramigna (2002). Na pesquisa de campo, utilizou-se a triangulação de dados: entrevistas, análise documental, observações e questionário, por meio do qual levantou-se a percepção dos profissionais que desempenham as funções em estudo. Os dados foram analisados através de análise fatorial exploratória e análise de regressão linear múltipla. Os resultados da pesquisa realizada para este artigo contribuem para o estabelecimento de programas voltados ao desenvolvimento de competências individuais específicas, com impacto direto nas competências essenciais da organização. Os achados deste artigo servem também aos gestores militares como subsídio para decisões relativas à alocação de pessoal e formação de equipes, visando distribuir de forma mais racional os indivíduos, aliando suas competências aos interesses organizacionais, tal seja, alinhando as práticas de gestão de pessoas à estratégia organizacional.
The international tourism system has deeply undergone structural changes in the last decades which not remain outside the subsystem higher education in tourism, especially in the European case. This article has two objectives: firstly, describes the European higher education area and the objectives, skills and subjects taught in the main Spanish universities that offer higher education in tourism. On the other hand, in the light of knowledge that researchers' descriptive models, provide experience of the implementation of European credit and thorough a deeply review of the literature on the topic higher education in tourism, to propose strategies that will enable other tourism higher education systems approach to the European reality. These policy proposals are aimed at agents and elements from higher education in tourism subsystem and they specifically include: the institutions providing education in tourism, the curriculum, the teaching methods, teachers and students.
Apresentação do processo de amostragem empregado para a seleção da amostra na qual se baseou o estudo da «Reprodução humana no Distrito de São Paulo», realizado pelo Departamento de Estatística Aplicada da Faculdade de Higiene e Saúde Pública da USP. O processo procurou resolver a situação criada com as limitações de verba, de tempo e carência de um sistema de referência que permitisse, no prazo estipulado e com a verba disponível, a seleção de uma amostra seguindo os procedimentos usuais de amostragem probabilística. Consistiu em aplicar amostragem em duas etapas, na qual a unidade primária foi domicílio e a unidade secundária foi mulher. Na primeira etapa empregou-se amostragem estratificada em que os estratos eram subdistritos. Para a seleção de unidades primárias sortearam-se pontos («pontos de partida») nos mapas dos subdistritos por um processo que se assemelha àquele chamado «grade quadrada», mas que difere deste quanto a vários aspectos. A cada «ponto de partida» selecionado corresponderam, por regras prefixadas, três domicílios com pelo menos uma mulher da população em estado residindo em cada um deles. Na segunda etapa, nos domicílios onde residia mais de uma mulher da população em estudo, procedeu-se a uma subamostragem na qual cada uma delas teve igual probabilidade de seleção. São também apresentados diferentes casos de ausência de resposta e as respectivas instruções às entrevistadoras.
Descreve-se um sistema contínuo de levantamento de condições de saúde, por entrevistas domiciliárias, operando em Ribeirão Preto (SP) desde 1974. Comentam-se as vantagens quanto à sua utilização na investigação de problemas específicos surgidos nesse período, bem como a sua utilização no ensino.
Apresentam-se sucintamente dois métodos de amostragem que visam a seleção de uma amostra de crianças de fixada faixa de idade, residentes em determinada área geográfica de interesse, para estimação de cobertura vacinal: o método de R.H. Henderson e T. Sundaresan, o método do Departamento de Epidemiologia e de Métodos Quantitativos em Saúde da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública. Um terceiro método de amostragem é proposto. O primeiro método apresentado (Henderson e Sundaresan) é empregado no Programa Ampliado de Imunização e nesse programa é considerado eficiente, simples e não dispendioso. O segundo e o novo método, que apresentam modificações do primeiro, constituindo alternativas deste, visam diminuir o erro quadrático médio nas estimativas, conquanto sejam menos simples e mais dispendiosos que aquele. Visto que, na estimação da cobertura vacinal, o estimador empregado pressupõe amostra autoponderada, a preocupação maior do método aqui proposto foi a de proporcionar uma amostragem segundo a qual se tenha equiprobabilidade de seleção para qualquer criança do grupo etário estudado residente na área de interesse, independentemente de qualquer condição.
One hundred and twenty subjects with Chagas' cardiopathy and 120 non-infected subjects were randomly selected from first time claimants of sickness benefits in the National Institute of Social Security (INPS) in Goiás. Cases of Chagas' cardiopathy were defined based on serological test, history of residence in an endemic area and, clinical and/or electrocardiogram (ECG) alterations suggestive of Chagas' cardiomyopathy. Controls were defined as subjects with at least two negative serological tests. Case and controls were compared in the analysis for age, sex, place of birth, migration history, socio-economic level, occupation, physical exertion at work, age at affiliation and years of contribution to the social security scheme, clinical course of their disease and ECG abnormalities. Chagas' disease patients were younger than other subjects and predominantly of rural origin. Non-infected subjects presented a better socio-economic level, were performing more skilled activities and had less changes of job than cases. No important difference was observed in relation to age at affiliation to INPS. About 60% of cases have claimed for benefits within the first four years of contribution while among controls this proportion was 38.5%. Cases were involved, proportionally more than controls, in "heavy" activities. A risk of 2.3 (95%CL 1.5 - 4.6) and 1.8 (95%CL 1.2- 3.5) was obtained comparing respectively "heavy" and "moderate" physical activity against "light". A relative risk of 8.5 (95%CL 4.9 - 14.8) associated with the presence of cardiopathy was estimated comparing the initial sample of seropositive subjects and controls. A high relative risk was observed in relation to right bundle branch block (RR = 37.1 95%CL = 8.8 - 155.6) and left anterior hemiblock (RR = 4.4, 95%CL = 2.1 - 9.1).
An investigation into support for restrictions on people testing seropositive for HIV is reported on. Data were collected during telephone interviews with two-hundred adults aged eighteen to sixty-five in the Chicago metropolitan area. Using the analytic technique of LISREL, six models which attempt to explain support for restrictions were tested. It was found that the model best supported by the data indicates that two groups contribute to support for restrictions on HIV carriers - one due to intolerance of homosexuality and one to mistrust of public health officials regarding their control and management of the AIDS epidemic. The relevance of these findings for public health policy makers is discussed.
Studies have been un dertaken into on the diversity and relative abundance of larvae of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) spp. in 22 permanent or temporary pools in an area of 70 km² in the eastern piedmont of the Venezuela Andes, between the mountains and the plains, an area in which malaria is refractory and A. nuñeztovari is present. Twelve species were identified, the most frequent, abundant and sympatric being A. triannulatus, A. albitarsis, A. nuñeztovari, A. oswaldoi and A. strodei. The samples from the permanent pools showed greater diversity of species and greater numbers of larvae than the samples from the temporary pools. The existence of the same larval associations in pools of other localities in the eastern piedmont of the Venezuelan Andes suggests the possibility of the making an ecological map of the breeding sites of A. nuñeztovari and for these anophelines in a region extending for 430 km.
Batches of sylvatic females of Lutzomyia youngi (Phlebotominae) captured in a Shannon trap on twelve occasions over one year in a locality where subcutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic, near the city of Trujillo, Venezuela, were used to study: 1) the percentages of parous females according to previously established criteria and 2) the average number of eggs laid spontaneously by isolated females during 7 days after feeding on hamsters. The data on the batches of females captured on nights previous to the rainy period (prepluvial) were compared with those on females captured after the rains (postpluvial) . Significant differences were detected by variation analysis for two variables and different number of N, as also were consistent groupings by Duncan's Test for pre-and postpluvial lots of females. The females captured on nights prior to the rainy periods (January-March and August-September) presented higher rates of nulliparity (86-72%) and contained or laid a greater number of eggs (71-67) than those captured after the rains (March-June and November-December) which presented lower rates of nulliparity (60-24%) and a smaller number of eggs (50-30). The rainfall peaks occurred in April and September-October, respectively. It is considered that these differences can be used by epidemiological studies as a means of estimating the physiological age of female populations of L. youngy.
Twelve people became ill with vomiting and diarrhoea approximately four hours after eating cake with a cream filling at a birthday party and on the day following. The cake had been prepared by a food handler who had long experience in preparing foods for such functions. Staphylococcus aureus that produced enterotoxin A was isolated from the nose, the fingernails, and a healed infection on the neck of the food handler, and from the cake. Enterotoxin A was detected in the remaining portion of the cake. The cake, while still warm, had been refrigerated for one hour after it was prepared before it was removed for the party; it was refrigerated after the party. The cake was large (6 kg) and hence it was not adequately cooled in the hour during wich it was refrigerated before the party. The conclusion is that the cake was accidentally contaminated by the food handler and inadequately cooled before it was eaten.
Com a finalidade de testar a metodologia de amostragem por larva-única na vigilância entomológica do Aedes aegypti, foram pesquisados domicílios do Município de Araraquara, SP (Brasil). Nos criadouros que continham larvas de Aedes uma delas foi coletada. Como controle, após a coleta da larva-única, todas as larvas foram coletadas para identificação posterior. Esse processo foi repetido no laboratório. Dos 447 domicílios visitados, apenas 12 foram considerados positivos e 20 criadouros foram identificados; destes, 13 continham larvas de Aedes; 5, larvas de Aedes e Culex e 2, larvas de Culex. Os resultados mostram o reconhecimento correto, no campo, de todos os criadouros, evidenciando que o método poderia ser utilizado na vigilância entomológica de municípios sem infestação domiciliar ou infestados apenas com uma única espécie de Aedes.
High mortality rates among those suffering from schizophrenia and related psychoses have been consistently described in developed societies. However, to date there is a lack of data on this matter in Brazil. In order to examine this issue, a prospective 2-year follow-up study was carried out in S. Paulo. The sample consisted of 120 consecutive admissions to psychiatric hospitals in a defined catchment area, aged 18 to 44 years old, with clinical diagnoses of non-affective functional psychoses according to the ICD-9. After 2 years, 116 (96.7%) subjects were traced. During the study period there were 7 deaths (6.0% of those traced), 5 (4.3%) due to suicide. All but one of the suicides occurred in the first year after discharge from hospital. Age and sex Standardised Mortality Ratios (relative to rates for the population of the city of Sao Paulo) were 8.4 for overall mortality (95% confidence interval: 4.0-15.9) and 317.9 for deaths due to suicide (95% confidence interval: 125.2-668.3). These results are in agreement with previous studies, and show that in Brazil non-affective functional psychoses are life-threatening illnesses, which need adequate care, particularly when patients go back to live in the community after hospital discharge.