24 resultados para Aragonnes, Gilbert-Paul (1762-1832) -- Portraits


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Um campo experimental de combate químico ao cupim de monte Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar, 1832) (Isoptera, Termitidae) foi instalado em Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo. Cinquenta ninhos foram escolhidos, medidos e divididos em 5 grupos. Os tratamentos foram cinco, cada um abrangendo 10 termiteiros. A) turingiensina, l,2g; B) fempropatrina, 0,6g; C) abamectina, 0,lg; D) fentiom, l,0g; E) profenofós, l,5g. As quantidades citadas são de ingrediente ativo aplicado dentro de cada termiteiro. Os inseticidas eram formulações líquidas: foram misturados com água e aplicados. Os melhores resultados foram conseguidos pelo fentiom e abamectina (100% e 90%, respectivamente, de mortalidade).


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Visando avaliar o desempenho de produtos químicos no combate ao cupim de monte Cornitermes cumulans, foi instalado um campo experimental em Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo. Escolheram-se 60 ninhos, numa pastagem, que foram medidos e divididos em 6 grupos. Foram estabelecidos 6 tratamentos, cada um com 10 termiteiros. A) clorpirifós, l,2g; B) clorpirifós, 2,4g; C) clorpirifós, 3,6g; D) clorpirifós, 4,8g; E) fentiom, l,0g; fehtiom, l,25g. Tais quantidades são de ingrediente ativo aplicado dentro de cada cupinzeiro. As formulações dos inseticidas eram concentrados emulsionáveis: foram misturadas na água e aplicadas. Os resultados mostraram a ótima atuação dos dois produtos nas diferentes dosagens (100% de mortalidade em todos os tratamentos). É a primeira vez que os autores tiveram resultados positivos, completos, em todos os tratamentos.


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Sete espécies da região neártica: Triatoma barberi Usinger, 1939; T. rubida (Uhler, 1894); T. gertaeckeri (Stal, 1859); T. lecticularia (Stal, 1859); T. protracta (Uhler, 1894); T. recurva (Stal, 1868) e T. sanguisuga (Leconte, 1855) foram analisadas comparativamente, tendo como enfoque as estruturas da genitália do macho: falosoma (Ph), suporte do falosoma (SPh), processo do endosoma (PrEn), vesica (V) e aparelho articular (Apb). As estruturas fálicas se mostraram capazes de serem usadas como critério morfológico suplementar aos padrões atualmente usados, em taxonomia. Estas espécies silvestres são encontradas nos Estados Unidos e México, naturalmente infectadas pelo T. cruzi; algumas vivem no perdomicílio e outras eventualmente no domicílio, sem contudo colonizá-lo.


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Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy 1856), a nematode parasite, is the etiologic agent of canine heartworm disease and mosquitoes are essential intermediate hosts. Mosquito susceptibility to the worms differ with species, strains and also among individuals of the same strain. To evaluate the degree of susceptibility of Rio de Janeiro laboratory raised strain of Aedes aegypti, we fed mosquitoes on canine blood with different densities of microfilariae (mf). There was no significant difference in the rate of development among the three different densities of mf. Infective larvae were found in the head and proboscis of all mosquitoes provided bloodmeals with different densities of mf after the 11th day post-infection. The infection rate of mosquitoes after ingestion of blood containing 3,000 mf/ml, 5,000 mf/ml and 7,000 mf/ml were 55.3%, 66.7% and 100%, respectively. The vector efficiency indices ranged from 1.6 to 9.3. The finding of L3 stage larvae, high infection rates and vector efficiency indices suggest that Ae. aegypti, Rio de Janeiro laboratory strain, is a potential vector of D. immitis, although of low efficiency.


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The study was set up to evaluate the impact of two commercial larvicide formulations, Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis base (Bti) at 15 ppm/1 min and temephos at 0.03 ppm of active ingredient, used to control Simulium pertinax populations, on associated non-target entomofauna occupying the same breeding sites. The experiments were carried out on the Pedra Branca and Muricana rivers, on the slopes of Serra do Mar massif, municipality of Paraty, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Bti was applied to the river Pedra Branca and temephosto theriver Muricana. On both rivers, treatment and control sections were labeled as such, each one with two observation posts: slow moving water and fast water regions respectively. Artificial substrata was used to evaluate the abundance of associated entomofauna. Attached immature stages of arthropods were removed from both of its surfaces fortnightly. Were collected, from the two rivers, 28 477 specimens of the entomofauna associated with S. pertinax. The families Hydropsychidae, Chironomidae, Bactidae, Simuliidae, Blephariceridae and Megapodagrionidae were represented. These was an impact of temephos on the entomofauna associated with S. pertinax only in Simuliidae and Chironomidae, and to Bti only in Simuliidae. However, the reduction in their numbers was not statistically significant.


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Eryphus Perty, 1832 and Tacyba, a new genus of Heteropsini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Some species, up to now, included in Callideriphus Blanchard, 1851 are rearranged in: a) those congeneric with Callideriphus grossipes Blanchard, 1851 and b) not congeneric. The first set of species will be treated in a future paper; the second one, on the other hand, is subdivided into Eryphus Perty, 1832 and Tacyba gen. nov. Eryphus Perty, 1832 (type species: Eryphus bipunctatus Perty, 1832), a valid genus, is redescribed and a key for the species is also provided. The following species are transferred to Eryphus: E. bivittatus (Melzer, 1934) comb. nov., E. carinatus (Zajciw, 1970) comb. nov., E. flavicollis (Fisher, 1938) comb. nov., E. laetus (Blanchard, 1851) comb. nov., E. marginatus (Zajciw, 1970) comb. nov., E. picticollis (Gounelle, 1911) comb. nov., E. transversalis (Fairmaire & Germain, 1864) comb. nov. New synonym proposed: Eryphus bipunctatus Perty, 1832 = Callideriphus atricollis Melzer, 1931. New taxa described: Eryphus tacuarembo sp. nov. (Uruguay, Tacuarembó), E. carioca sp. nov. (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro); Tacyba gen. nov. (type species: Callideriphus maculatus Cerda, 1988). Species transferred to Tacyba and synonyms: T. maculata (Cerda, 1988) comb. nov., T. tenuis (Blanchard, 1851) comb. nov. = Callideriphus testaceicornis Fairmaire & Germain, 1859 syn. nov. = Callideriphus clathratus Fairmaire & Germain, 1860 syn. nov. = Callideriphus niger Philippi & Philippi, 1864 syn. nov. Callideriphus flavicollis m. quadripunctatus Fuchs, 1961 and Callideriphus flavicollis m. reductus Fuchs, 1961, both names of infrasubspecific category (not available under the rules of ICZN), are herein treated as intraspecific variation of Eryphus picticollis (Gounelle, 1911) which occur in southern Brazil and Argentina.


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Effect of ninfal density of Aphis gossypii Glover, 1877 (Hemiptera, Aphididae) on feed consumption and biological aspects of Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae). The influence of different densities of A. gossypii (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 nymphs/day) on consumption rate, development time, survival, and reproduction of Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) was investigated. The trials were carried out in climatic chamber at 25 ± 1 °C, 70±10% RH, and photoperiod 12:12h (L:D). Consumption rates of nymphs and adults increased under a linear form as the densities of aphids increased. Development time was longest when reared in 10 nymphs density (15.4 days). Nymphal survival was different under the densities of A. gossypii and no significant difference for the periods of preoviposition (4.8 days) and oviposition (8.9 days) were found. The oviposition increased with the prey densities (2.00, 11.33, 10.67, 21.30, 17.89 and 53.38 eggs), as well as the viability: 0.00, 52.49, 57.86, 58.14, 50.11 and 72.89%, respectively. Nymphs of A. gossypii as prey were suitable for the complete development of O. insidiosus.


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The minute pirate bugs, Orius spp., are known as predators on several pests as thrips, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. Orius insidiosus is an important thrips predator, commercially used around the world. However, one of the main problems on biological control of thrips in temperate regions is the occurrence of reproductive diapause in Orius species. This characteristic promotes the interruption of biological control strategies when predators are exposed to short photoperiods. This research had as objective to evaluate the influence of different photoperiod conditions on eggs/nymphs and adults of O. insidiosus in laboratory. The trials were carried out through the combination of eggs/nymphs and adults reared under the photoperiods 10L:14D; 11L:13D; 12L:12D and 13L:11D, at 25±2ºC and 70±10% RH. The predators were maintained during their pre-imaginal development time under one of the photoperiods and, after being emerged as adults transferred to another photoperiod regime. The predator had a tendency to present longer development time under photoperiod 13L:11D. There was no influence of the different photoperiods conditions on the reproduction of O. insidiosus. The females laid eggs normally during all their lifetime. O. insidiosus is not sensitive to photoperiod evaluated and do not enter in reproductive diapause.