27 resultados para Antigüedades-Convento del Carmen (Valencia)


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FUNDAMENTO: Não há dados relativos à epidemiologia da hiperuricemia em estudos brasileiros de base populacional. OBJETIVO: Investigar a distribuição de ácido úrico sérico e sua relação com variáveis demográficas e cardiovasculares. MÉTODOS: Estudamos 1.346 indivíduos. A hiperuricemia foi definida como > 6,8 e > 5,4 mg/dL para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. A síndrome metabólica (SM) foi definida utilizando-se os critérios NCEP ATP III. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hiperuricemia foi de 13,2%. A associação de ácido úrico sérico (AUS) com fatores de risco cardiovasculares foi específica para o gênero: em mulheres, maiores níveis de AUS estiveram associados com IMC elevado, mesmo após ajustes da pressão arterial sistólica para idade (PAS). Em homens, a relação do AUS com o colesterol HDL esteve mediada pelo IMC, enquanto em mulheres, o AUS mostrou-se semelhante e dependente do IMC, independentemente dos níveis glicose e presença de hipertensão. Nos homens, os triglicerídeos, a circunferência abdominal (CA) e a PAS explicaram 11%, 4% e 1% da variabilidade do AUS, respectivamente. Nas mulheres, a circunferência abdominal e os triglicerídeos explicaram 9% e 1% da variabilidade de AUS, respectivamente. Em comparação com o primeiro quartil, homens e mulheres no quarto quartil apresentavam 3,29 e 4,18 vezes mais de aumento de risco de SM, respectivamente. As mulheres apresentaram uma prevalência quase três vezes maior de diabetes melito. Homens normotensos com MS apresentaram maiores níveis de AUS, independente do IMC. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados parecem justificar a necessidade de uma avaliação baseada no gênero em relação à associação do AUS com fatores de risco cardiovasculares, que se mostraram mais acentuados em mulheres. A SM esteve positivamente associada com AUS elevado, independentemente do gênero. A obesidade abdominal e a hipertrigliceridemia foram os principais fatores associados com a hiperuricemia mesmo em indivíduos normotensos, o que pode adicionar maior risco para a hipertensão.


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The three nymphal instars of Abrocomophaga hellenthali Price & Timm, 2000 are described and compared with both sexes of the adult stage. The most remarkable quali and quantitative body features of all instars are cathegorized and its progression along the development stated.


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A new species Hoplopleura massoiai is described, based on specimens collected on three species of Bibimys Massoia, 1979: B. torresi Massoia, 1979, B. chacoensis (Shamel, 1931) and B. labiosus (Winge, 1887), from Chaco, Misiones and Buenos Aires provinces, Argentina. Male, female, first nymphal instar, external architecture of eggs and sites of oviposition are described, providing differences with its close relative Hoplopleura scapteromydis Ronderos, 1965; comments on distribution of the new species on its hosts are done.


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A description of Biomphalaria obstructa (Morelet, 1849), based on specimens collected at its type locality - isla del carmen, state of Campeche, Mexico - is presented. The Shell is small, 13 mm in diameter, 3.5 mm in width and with 5.75 whorls in the largest specimen, thin, moderately lustrous and translucent, horn-colored. Whorls increasing regularly (neither slowly nor rapidly) in diameter, rounded on the periphery side, bluntly angular on the left. Suture well-marked, deeper on the left. Right side widely concave, with first whorl deeply situated and partly hidden by the next. Left side shallower than right one, largely flattened, with first whorl plaintly visible. Aperture roundly heart-shaped, usually in the same plane as the body whorl but somewhat deflected to the left (less frequently to the right) in some specimens. Peristome sharp, seldom blunt; a distinct callus on the parietal wall. A number of young shells develop one set (seldom more) of apertural lamellae which tend to be resorbed as the shell grows. Absence of renal ridge. Ovotestis with about 70 mostly unbrached diverticula. Seminal vesicle beset with well-developed knoblike to fingerlike diverticula. Vaginal pouch more or less developed. Spermatheca club-shaped when empty, egg-shaped when full, and with intermediate forms between those extremes. Spermathecal body usually somewhat longer than the duct. Prostate with 7 to 20 (mean 12.06 ± 2.51) usually short diverticula which give off plumpish branches spreading out in a fan shape and overlapping to some extent their immediate neighbors. Foremost prostatic diverticulum nearly always partially or completely inserted between the spermathecal body and the uterine wall. Penial sheath consistently narrower and shorter than the prepuce. Muscular coat of the penis consisting of an inner longitudinal and an outer circular layers. Ratios between organ lengths: caudal to cephalic parts of female duct = 0.55 to 1.37 (mean 0.85 +- 0.17); cephalic parte of female duct to penial complex = 1.36 to 2.81 ((mean 1.90 +- 0.33); penial sheath to prepuce = 042 to 0.96 (mean 0.67 +- 0.13). Comparison with Morelet’s type specimens of Planorbis orbiculus and P. retusus points to the identity of those nominal species with B. obstructa.


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A Culex quinquefasciatus Say 1823 strain with resistant genes to organophosphates was tested in the laboratory to know the reproductive potential after exposure, as larvae, at the LC30 and LC70 (mg/l) of three organophosphorus insecticides: malathion, chlorpyrifos and methyl-pirimiphos. Data showed that fecundity was decreased significantly by malathion at LC30 = 0.0025 and LC70 = 0.0075, whereas fertility has a no significant decrement by chlorpyrifos and methyl-pirimiphos at the LC70 (0.000016, 0.00043). The sexual index was affected by chlorpyrifos and methyl-pirimiphos showing a greater number of adult females.


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In this study, three strains of Trypanosoma cruzi were isolated at the same time and in the same endemic region in Mexico from a human patient with chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (RyC-H); vector (Triatoma barberi) (RyC-V); and rodent reservoir (Peromyscus peromyscus) (RyC-R). The three strains were characterized by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, random amplified polymorphic DNA, and by pathological profiles in experimental animals (biodemes). Based on the analysis of genetic markers the three parasite strains were typed as belonging to T. cruzi I major group, discrete typing unit 1. The pathological profile of RyC-H and RyC-V strains indicated medium virulence and low mortality and, accordingly, the strains should be considered as belonging to biodeme Type III. On the other hand, the parasites from RyC-R strain induced more severe inflammatory processes and high mortality (> 40%) and were considered as belonging to biodeme Type II. The relationship between genotypes and biological characteristics in T. cruzi strains is still debated and not clearly understood. An expert committee recommended in 1999 that Biodeme Type III would correspond to T. cruzi I group, whereas Biodeme Type II, to T. cruzi II group. Our findings suggest that, at least for Mexican isolates, this correlation does not stand and that biological characteristics such as pathogenicity and virulence could be determined by factors different from those identified in the genotypic characterization


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In Mexico, despite the relatively high seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in humans in some areas, reported morbidity of Chagas disease is not clear. We determined clinical stage in 71 individuals seropositive to T. cruzi in the state of Puebla, Mexico, an area endemic for Chagas disease with a reported seroprevalence of 7.7%. Diagnosis of Chagas disease was made by two standardized serological tests (ELISA, IHA). Individuals were stratified according to clinical studies. All patients were submitted to EKG, barium swallow, and barium enema. Groups were identified as indeterminate form (IF) asymptomatic individuals without evidence of abnormalities (n = 34 cases); those with gastrointestinal alterations (12 patients) including symptoms of abnormal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and absent peristalsis in the esophageal body, grade I megaesophagus, and/or megacolon; patients with clinical manifestations and documented changes of chronic Chagas heart disease who were subdivided as follows: mild (8 patients) - mild electrocardiographic changes of ventricular repolarization, sinus bradychardia); moderate (6 patients) - left bundle branch block, right bundle branch block associated with left anterior fascicular block); severe (8 patients) - signs of cardiomegaly, dilated cardiomyopathy); and the associated form (3 cases) that included presence of both cardiomyopathy and megaesophagus. These data highlight the importance of accurate evaluation of the prevalence and clinical course of Chagas disease in endemic and non-endemic areas of Mexico.