107 resultados para Anscombe, G. E. M. (Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret)
OBJETIVO: Seguindo-se à epidemia de dengue (DEN), em 1994, em Fortaleza, Ceará, causada pelo sorotipo 2 (DEN-2), realizou-se inquérito soro-epidemiológico aleatório para avaliar e dimensionar o impacto da mesma e a prevalência do dengue por distrito sanitário. MÉTODO: Foi aplicado questionário contendo informações gerais, condições socio-econômicas, informações sobre o quadro clÃnico e tempo de doença. A amostra foi calculada para estimar uma prevalência de 20%, com erro relativo de 10%, e intervalo de confiança de 95% (erro a de 5%). O sorteio e as análises foram realizadas por meio de computador usando programas apropriados. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Foram colhidas 1.341 amostras de soro de 9 distritos sanitários, testadas por inibição da hemaglutinação, sendo classificadas como negativas e positivas (respostas primária - RP e secundária - RS). Foram reativas 588 (44%) amostras, sendo 93 (7%) RP e 495 (37%) RS. A prevalência global em Fortaleza variou de 21% a 71%. Houve 41% (243/588) de infecções assintomáticas (IA) e 59% (346/588) sintomáticas (IS). Não houve diferença da prevalência quanto ao sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade, ao contrário da condição socioeconômica que apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,001). Ocorreram mais IA (p<0,001) e IS (p<0,0001) em casos de RS que RP, com significância estatÃstica em ambos os sexos. Os sintomas mais prevalentes no casos confirmados foram febre, cefaléia, mialgias, exantema, mal estar geral, tontura e artralgias, sendo que prurido, dor ocular, exantema e gengivorragia foram estatisticamente significantes (p<0,005). Tontura e artralgias foram mais associados com RS que com RP, havendo diferenças estatÃsticas (p <0,05).
OBJECTIVE: A cohort study has been designed to identify predictors of adverse health events in the elderly. The methodology of the study and preliminary descriptive results are presented. METHODS: The study population comprises all residents of Bambuà (Minas Gerais, Brazil), aged 60 or more years (n=1.742). From these, 92.2% were interviewed and 85.9% underwent clinical examination, consisting of haematological and biochemical tests, serology for Trypanosoma cruzi, anthropometric and blood pressure measures and electrocardiogram. Aliquots of serum, plasma and DNA were stored for future investigations. The baseline interview included sociodemographic characteristics, self-referred health condition and history of selected diseases, medication use, health service use, source of medical care, physical activities, smoking, drinking and eating habits, reproductive history, physical functioning, life events, social support and mental health. Individuals are being followed up annually. RESULTS: The following characteristics predominated among participants: women (60,0%), married (48.9%) or widowed (35.4%), people living in households with up to 2 residents (73.8%), heads of family (76.7%), people with monthly income between 1.00 and 2.99 Brazilian minimum wages (62.0%) and people with up to 4 years of schooling (89.1%). The median age was 68 years. Among the cohort members, only 1.7% were lost in the first follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: In general, the characteristics of the study population were very similar to those from other epidemiological studies of the elderly based on large Brazilian cities. The small number of losses to follow-up indicates that the choice of Bambuà was adequate, assuring the feasibility of a long term cohort study.
OBJETIVO: Comparar prevalência de anemia e valores de hemoglobina (Hb) em gestantes brasileiras, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro. MÉTODOS: Estudo de avaliação de painéis repetidos, desenvolvido em serviços públicos de saúde de municÃpios das cinco regiões brasileiras. Dados retrospectivos foram obtidos de 12.119 prontuários de gestantes distribuÃdas em dois grupos: antes da fortificação, com parto anterior a junho de 2004, e após a fortificação, com última menstruação após junho de 2005. Anemia foi definida como Hb < 11,0 g/dL. Valores de Hb/idade gestacional foram avaliados segundo dois referenciais da literatura. Foram utilizados teste qui-quadrado, t de Student e regressão logÃstica, com nÃvel de 5% de significância. RESULTADOS: Na amostra total, anemia caiu de 25% para 20% após fortificação (p < 0,001), com médias de Hb significativamente maiores no grupo "após" (p < 0,001). Observaram-se, entretanto, diferenças regionais importantes: reduções significativas nas regiões Nordeste (37% para 29%) e Norte (32% para 25%), onde as prevalências de anemia eram elevadas antes da fortificação, e reduções menores nas regiões Sudeste (18% para 15%) e Sul (7% para 6%), onde as prevalências eram baixas. Os nÃveis de Hb/idade gestacional de ambos os grupos se mostraram discretamente mais elevados nos primeiros meses, porém bem mais baixos após o terceiro ou quarto mês, dependendo da referência utilizada para comparação. Análise de regressão logÃstica mostrou que grupo, região geográfica, situação conjugal, trimestre gestacional, estado nutricional inicial e gestação anterior associaram-se com anemia (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de anemia diminuiu após a fortificação, porém continua elevada nas regiões Nordeste e Norte. Embora a fortificação possa ter tido papel nesse resultado favorável, há que se considerar a contribuição de outras polÃticas públicas implementadas no perÃodo estudado.
Efeito de concentrações subinibitórias de penicilina sobre antÃgenos de estreptococos do grupo G
O efeito de concentrações subinibitórias de penicilina sobre a produção do antÃgeno grupo-especÃfico e da hialuronidase extracelular foi avaliado em uma amostra de estreptococo pertencente ao grupo G de Lancefield. Em todas as concentrações uma maior quantidade de antÃgeno grupo-especÃfico foi extraÃda das células e a atividade especÃfica de hialuronidase se mostrou aumentada em até 1400% nos sobrenadantes das culturas. O maior aumento na expressão de ambos os antÃgenos foi observado em 1/2 da CMI.
The present study evaluates the humoral and cellular immune responses in 35 volunteers submited to short antirabies vaccination schedules with the Fuenzalida & Palacios vaccine based on the administration of doses on non consecutive days. The volunteers were divided into two groups. The first group received a total number of five doses given on days 0, 4, 7, 20 and 35. The other group received four doses, the first one being a double dose given on day 0 and than three other single doses on days 7, 20 and 35. The evaluation of humoral immune response was carried out by serum neutralization (SN) and indirect immunofluorescense (IIF) tests, while the cellular immune response was evaluated by lymphoblastic transformation assay (LTA) and skin test (ST). According to our results these reduced schedules elicited early and effective humoral and cellulafimmune responses to rabies antigen suggesting that new reduced schedules should be extensively studied in order to give the proper bases to the proposition of changes in the current long-term schedule.
Durante os anos de 1982 e 1983, foram realizados exames parasitológicos de fezes em 3.076 crianças de 0-6 anos, matriculadas em 52 creches mantidas pela Prefeitura do MunicÃpio de Sáo Paulo e em 50 manipuladores de alimentos (funcionários da cozinha), relativos a 18 creches. Estudou-se a prevalência de infecção por Giardia lamblia conforme sexo e faixa etária do hospedeiro e sazonalidade da infecção. A giardÃase foi mais freqüente nas faixas etárias compreendidas entre 1-4 anos. A prevalência média foi 32,8% entre as crianças e 4,0% entre os manipuladores de alimentos. O estudo da sazonalidade de infecção revelou ser a giardÃase, em 1982, mais prevalente no Outono e Primavera; em 1983, as maiores prevalências ocorreram no Outono e Verão. Estudos estatÃsticos revelaram não haver associação entre sexo e prevalência de infecção, não ocorrendo também nenhuma diferença significativa entre as quatro regiões metropolitanas estudadas (p > 0,05). O modo mais provável de aquisição de G. lamblia nas creches estudadas foi através do contato inter-humano, uma vez que tanto os fatores ambientais, como outros, incriminados na veiculação da giardÃase através da água em outros paÃses, diferem dos encontrados em nosso MunicÃpio. Os manipuladores de alimentos tiveram papel pouco expressivo como fonte de infecção, pois a prevalência de infecção nesses indivÃduos foi de apenas 4,0%.
O presente trabalho, além da revisão da literatura sobre quimiotipagem do C. neoformans, com novos dados sobre a epidemiologia da criptococose, teve por finalidade principal a caracterização das duas variedades desta levedura em pacientes com neurocriptococose, HIV + e HIV -. As variedades neoformans e gattii estão hoje bem definidas bioquimicamente, com o emprego do meio C.G.B., proposto por KWON-CHUNG et al. (1982) 24. O isolamento do C. neoformans var. gattii das flores e folhas do Eucalyptus camaldulensis e do Eucalyptus tereticornis, na Austrália, através dos trabalhos de ELLIS & PFEIFFER (1990)16 e PFEIFFER & ELLIS (1992)41, possibilitou investigações epidemiológicas das mais interessantes sobre este microrganismo, levedura capsulada a qual SANFELICE50, 51, na Itália, em 1894 e 1895 despertou a atenção do meio médico. BUSSE8, em 1894, descrevia o primeiro caso de criptococose humana sob a forma de lesão óssea, simulando sarcoma. As pesquisas nacionais sobre o assunto em foco foram destacadas, seguindo-se a experiência dos Autores com o meio de C.G.B. (L - canavanina, glicina e azul de bromotimol). Foi possÃvel, através deste meio o estudo de 50 amostras de lÃquor, sendo 39 procedentes de aidéticos (78%) e 11 de não aidéticos (22%). De pacientes HIV+, 37 (74%) foram identificados como C. neoformans var. neoformans e 2 (4%) como C. neoformans var. gattii. Dos HIV- 8 ( 16%) foram classificados como C. neoformans var. neoformans e 3 (6%) como C. neoformans var. gattii. Através deste trabalho, evidencia-se a importância da neurocriptococose, principalmente entre os aidéticos, demonstrando-se mais uma vez o interesse do meio CGB na quimiotipagem do C. neoformans em suas duas variedades, ganhando em importância a demonstração de que duas espécies de eucalipto podem funcionar como "árvores-hospedeiras" para o Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii.
Hepatitis G virus/ GB virus C is a novel flavivirus recently detected in hepatitis non A-E cases. In this study, the presence of this virus in chronic non-B, non-C hepatitis patients was evaluated using GBV-C specific PCR and this virus was detected in one out of thirteen patients. This patient has presented a severe liver failure, has lived for a long time in the Western Amazon basin and no other cause for this clinical picture was reported. The impact of the discovery of this new agent is still under evaluation throughout the world. The study of the prevalence of this virus among chronic hepatitis patients and healthy individuals (as blood donors) will furnish subside to evaluate its real pathogenicity.
The identification of the major agents causing human hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Viruses) was achieved during the last 30 years. These viruses are responsible for the vast majority of human viral hepatitis cases, but there are still some cases epidemiologically related to infectious agents without any evidence of infection with known virus, designated as hepatitis non A - E. Those cases are considered to be associated with at least three different viruses: 1 - Hepatitis B Virus mutants expressing its surface antigen (HBsAg) with altered epitopes or in low quantities; 2 - Another virus probably associated with enteral transmitted non A-E hepatitis, called Hepatitis F Virus. Still more studies are necessary to better characterize this agent; 3 - Hepatitis G Virus or GB virus C, recently identified throughout the world (including Brazil) as a Flavivirus responsible for about 10% of parenteral transmitted hepatitis non A-E. Probably still other unknown viruses are responsible for human hepatitis cases without evidence of infection by any of these viruses, that could be called as non A-G hepatitis.
Soluble adult Schistosoma mansoni antigen preparation (SWAP) was covalently fixed onto polyvinyl alcohol-glutaraldehyde discs and an enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was set up. The best conditions for the assay were established and it was found that small amount of antigen such as 1.5 µg was required. A comparison between this procedure and the conventional ELISA was proceeded. A reliable method of antigen immobilization was achieved and the low prices of the employed reagents are economically attractive
Experimental murine L. major infection is characterized by the expansion of distinct CD4+ T cell subsets. The Th1 response is related to production of IFN-E="Symbol">g</font> and resolution of infection, whereas Th-2 response with production of IL-4 and IL-10 and dissemination of infection. The objective of this study was to measure the circulating levels of IFN-E="Symbol">g</font>, IL-10 and TNF-E="Symbol">a in patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) before, during and at the end of therapy and to examine the association between cytokine levels and activity of VL. Fifteen patients with VL were evaluated. The cytokine determinations were done by using the enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) before, during and at the end of therapy. At baseline, we detected circulating levels of IFN-E="Symbol">g</font> in 13 of 15 patients (median = 60 pg/ml); IL-10 in 14 of 15 patients (median = 141.4 pg/ml); and TNF-E="Symbol">a in 13 of 14 patients (median = 38.9 pg/ml). As patients improved, following antimonial therapy, circulating levels of IL-10 showed an exponential decay (y = 82.34 e–0,10367x, r = –0.659; p < 0.001). IFN-E="Symbol">g</font> was no longer detected after 7/14 days of therapy. On the other hand, circulating levels of TNF-E="Symbol">a had a less pronounced decay with time on therapy, remaining detectable in most patients during the first seven days of therapy (y = 36.99-0.933x, r = –0.31; p = 0.05). Part of the expression of a successful response to therapy may, therefore, include reduction in secretion of inflammatory as well as suppressive cytokines. Since IL-10 and IFN-E="Symbol">g</font> are both detected prior to therapy, the recognized cellular immune depression seen in these patients may be due to biological predominance of IL-10 (type 2 cytokine), rather than lack of IFN-E="Symbol">g (type 1 cytokine) production.
Three cases of dengue fever involving the central nervous system (CNS) are reported. All occurred in 1994 during a dengue (DEN) epidemic caused by serotypes DEN-1 and DEN-2. The first case examined was a 17-year-old girl who complained of fever, nuchal rigidity and genital bleeding. Three blood samples were positive by anti-dengue IgM ELISA and showed hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test titers E="Symbol">³ 1,280. The second case concerned a 86-year-old woman with fever, muscle and joint pains, altered consciousness, syncope, nuchal rigidity and meningismus. Her blood sample showed an HI titer of 1:320 for flaviviruses, and an IgM ELISA positive for dengue. The third case was a 67-year-old woman with fever, abnormal behaviour, seizures, tremor of extremities, thrombocytopenia, increased hematocrit and leukopenia. The patient suffered a typical case of dengue hemorrhagic fever with ensuing shock and a fatal outcome. A single blood sample showed HI antibodies of E="Symbol">³ 1,280 and an IgM ELISA positive for dengue. No virus could be isolated from any patient by inoculation of blood into C6/36 cells and suckling mice. No other agent of disease was encountered in the patient.
It has been reported that production of IL-2 and IFN-E="Symbol">g</FONT>, known as T-helper type 1 cytokines, by peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) decreases with progression of HIV infection. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-10 production, Th2 cytokine profile, increases with HIV disease progression. PBMC were evaluated from 55 HIV-infected subjects from Divisão de Imunologia, Hospital das ClÃnicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, to "in vitro" cytokines production after 24 hours of stimulation with PHA. Low levels of IL-4 production in both HIV- infected patients and normal subjects, were detected. The patients with CD4+ T cell counts <200 showed a significant decrease of IL-2 and IFN-E="Symbol">g</FONT> production compared to controls. Patients with higher counts of CD4+ T cells (either between 200-500 or >500 cells/mm3) also showed decreased production of IL-2 that was not statistically significant. There was a correlation between IL-2 and IFN-E="Symbol">g</FONT> release with CD4+ T cells counts. HIV-1-infected individuals with CD4+ T cells >500 cells/mm3 showed increased levels of IL-2 and IFN-E="Symbol">g</FONT>, than individuals with CD4+ T cells <500 cells/mm3. In conclusion, we observed a decline of IL-2 and IFN-E="Symbol">g</FONT> production at advanced HIV disease. IL-4 production was not affected during HIV infection. Taken together, these findings suggest that the cytokine profile might be influenced by the HIV infection rather than the cause of disease progression.
Erythromycin, a reversal agent in multidrug-resistant cancer, was assayed in chloroquine resistance modulation. The in vitro microtechnique for drug susceptibility was employed using two freshly isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from North of Brazil. The antimalarial effect of the drug was confirmed, with an IC50 estimates near the usual antimicrobial therapy concentration, and a significant statistical modulating action was observed for one isolate.
As little is known about liver histology in the co-infection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis G virus (HGV), HGV RNA was investigated in 46 blood donors with hepatitis C, 22 of them with liver biopsy: co-infection HCV / HGV (n = 6) and HCV isolated infection (n = 16). Besides staging and grading of inflammation at portal, peri-portal and lobular areas (Brazilian Consensus), the fibrosis progression index was also calculated. All patients had no symptoms or signs of liver disease and prevalence of HGV / HCV co-infection was 15.2%. Most patients had mild liver disease and fibrosis progression index, calculated only in patients with known duration of infection, was 0.110 for co-infection and 0.130 for isolated HCV infection, characterizing these patients as "slow fibrosers". No statistical differences could be found between the groups, although a lesser degree of inflammation was always present in co-infection. In conclusion co-infection HCV / HGV does not induce a more aggressive liver disease, supporting the hypothesis that HGV is not pathogenic.