73 resultados para Aesthetic preference


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ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to evaluate the consumption potential, food preference and use of snail Pomacea canaliculata as a biocontrol agent of four submerged aquatic macrophytes (Ceratophyllumdemersum, Egeriadensa, Egerianajas and Hydrilla verticillata). Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment, the introduction of a snail took place and 10 grams of each macrophyte in plastic containers with 1 liter of water. The assessments of consumption by the snail were performed at each 48 hours, during 12 days. The second experiment was performed in 600 liters microcosms containing five snails in each experimental unit. Fifty grams of each macrophyte were offered the snails at the same time, adding the same amounts after seven, 14, 21 and 30 days. On both trials, the most consumed macrophyte by the P.canaliculata was H.verticillata (7.64 ± 1.0 g 48 h and 50 ± 0.18 g) respectively, significantly differing from the others. However, in the absence of H.verticilata, E.najas and E.densa were consumed. The preference of P.canaliculata for H.verticillata is very interesting, because this plant is exotic and problematic in Brazil, and the snail is one more tool for biological management of submerged aquatic macrophyte H.verticillata.


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We determined whether ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) concentrations, measured by radioimmunoassay, in the ANPergic cerebral regions involved in regulation of sodium intake and excretion and pituitary gland correlated with differences in sodium preference among 40 Wistar male rats (180-220 g). Sodium preference was measured as mean spontaneous ingestion of 1.5% NaCl solution during a test period of 12 days. The relevant tissues included the olfactory bulb (OB), the posterior and anterior lobes of the pituitary gland (PP and AP, respectively), the median eminence (ME), the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH), and the region anteroventral to the third ventricle (AV3V). We also measured ANP content in the right (RA) and left atrium (LA) and plasma. The concentrations of ANP in the OB and the AP were correlated with sodium ingestion during the preceding 24 h, since an increase of ANP in these structures was associated with a reduced ingestion and vice-versa (OB: r = -0.3649, P<0.05; AP: r = -0.3291, P<0.05). Moreover, the AP exhibited a correlation between ANP concentration and mean NaCl intake (r = -0.4165, P<0.05), but this was not the case for the OB (r = 0.2422). This suggests that differences in sodium preference among individual male rats can be related to variations of AP ANP level. Earlier studies indicated that the OB is involved in the control of NaCl ingestion. Our data suggest that the OB ANP level may play a role mainly in day-to-day variations of sodium ingestion in the individual rat


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Diethylpropion (DEP) is an amphetamine-like agent used as an anorectic drug. Abuse of DEP has been reported and some restrictions of its use have been recently imposed. The conditioning place preference (CPP) paradigm was used to evaluate the reinforcing properties of DEP in adult male Wistar rats. After initial preferences were determined, animals weighing 250-300 g (N = 7 per group) were conditioned with DEP (10, 15 or 20 mg/kg). Only the dose of 15 mg/kg produced a significant place preference (358 ± 39 vs 565 ± 48 s). Pretreatment with the D1 antagonist SCH 23390 (0.05 mg/kg, sc) 10 min before DEP (15 mg/kg, ip) blocked DEP-induced CPP (418 ± 37 vs 389 ± 31 s) while haloperidol (0.5 mg/kg, ip), a D2 antagonist, 15 min before DEP was ineffective in modifying place conditioning produced by DEP (385 ± 36 vs 536 ± 41 s). These results suggest that dopamine D1 receptors mediate the reinforcing effect of DEP


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The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has been used as a model in neuroscience but knowledge about its behavior is limited. The aim of this study was to determine the preference of this fish species for a dark or light environment. Initially we used a place preference test and in a second experiment we applied an exit latency test. A two-chamber aquarium was used for the preference test. The aquarium consisted of a black chamber and a white chamber. In the first experiment the animal was placed in the aquarium and the time spent in the two compartments was recorded for 10 min. More time was spent in the black compartment (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test, T = 7, N1 = N2 = 18, P = 0.0001). In the second experiment the animal was placed in the black or white compartment and the time it took to go from the initial compartment to the opposite one was recorded. The test lasted a maximum of 10 min. The results showed that the animal spent more time to go from the black to the white compartment (Mann-Whitney rank sum test, T = 48, N1 = 9, N2 = 8, P<0.0230). These data suggest that this fish species has a natural preference for a dark environment and this characteristic can be very useful for the development of new behavioral paradigms for fish.


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Ethanol abuse is linked to several acute and chronic injuries that can lead to health problems. Ethanol addiction is one of the most severe diseases linked to the abuse of this drug. Symptoms of ethanol addiction include compulsive substance intake and withdrawal syndrome. Stress exposure has an important role in addictive behavior for many drugs of abuse (including ethanol), but the consequences of stress and ethanol in the organism when these factors are concomitant results in a complex interaction. We investigated the effects of concomitant, chronic administration of ethanol and stress exposure on the withdrawal and consumption of, as well as the preference for, ethanol in mice. Male Swiss mice (30–35 g, 8-10 per group) were exposed to an ethanol liquid diet as the only source of food for 15 days. In the final 5 days, they were exposed to forced swimming stress. Twelve hours after removal of the ethanol liquid diet, animals were evaluated for ethanol withdrawal by measuring anxiety-related behaviors and locomotor activity. Twenty-four hours after evaluation of ethanol withdrawal, they were evaluated for voluntary consumption of ethanol in a “three-bottle choice” paradigm. Mice exposed to chronic consumption of ethanol had decreased locomotor activity during withdrawal. Contrary to our expectations, a concomitant forced swimming stress did not aggravate ethanol withdrawal. Nevertheless, simultaneous ethanol administration and stress exposure increased voluntary consumption of ethanol, mainly solutions containing high concentrations of ethanol. These results showed that stressful situations during ethanol intake may aggravate specific addiction-related behaviors.


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Chocolate is the most popular product made from cocoa. It is mainly consumed with fillings, such as fondant, hydrogenated fat or fruits. This work aimed at assessing the sensory acceptability of chocolate filled with strawberry, orange or passion fruit pulps, mixed in fondant, in a hydrogenated fat base and as truffles. Ninety four consumers participated in the test using a 10 cm hedonic scale to rate the overall liking of the samples. Two-way analysis of variance and the Internal Preference Mapping technique were used to analyze the data. Results showed a good overall liking for almost all samples, especially for strawberry and passion fruit truffles, which obtained 8.4 and 8.8 global means, respectively (p < 0.05), in liking ratings, followed by the hydrogenated fat and fondant fillings. The Internal Preference Map presented two dimensions explaining 72.5% of the variation found. Regarding the flavors, strawberry - traditional in chocolate and confectionary in Brazil - and passion fruit obtained better acceptance, unlike the orange fillings, which showed significantly lower ratings (p < 0.05). The orange fondant filling obtained a global mean of 6.5.


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In this paper, it is argued that only in the section on dialectic in the Critique of Judgment does Kant reach a definitive and conclusive version of deduction, after discovering the concept of the supersensible. In the section on the deduction of pure aesthetic judgments, Kant does not satisfactorily explain the critical distinction between the sensible nature of humanity and the supersensible nature of human reason presupposed in the concept of universal communicability. While the concept of the supersensible illustrates this distinction, it is only through this concept that Kant that can justify the specific possibility of claiming subjective validity in taste. The priority of the solution found in the dialectic is illustrated not only by a comparative analysis of the two sections, but also by a historical reconstruction of the process of the formation of the work, which shows that the first formulation of the concept of validity coincides with the use of the concept of the supersensible.


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My purpose in this paper is to summarize some aspects of utilitarianism and to provide a general overview of Hare's preference utilitarianism, followed by a critique of Hare's preference theory.


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The increased preference for minimally processed vegetables has been attributed to the health benefits associated with fresh produce and the demand for ready-to-eat salads. In this paper, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was evaluated for the effects of different cropping systems on the respiratory properties. Lettuce was packaged in low density polyethylene bags and stored in a refrigerator at 4 ºC. The concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen inside the package was monitored during the storage at zero, three, six, eight, ten and twelve days by gas chromatography. Dry matter variation was measured gravimetrically up to day fourteen of storage. Values of respiratory rate for conventional lettuce increased from day 1 to 3 and remained low, while respiratory rate of the organic lettuce increased three-fold up to day 8, stabilizing at a high level. Variation in dry matter during storage also resulted from differences between the two cultivation systems. The highest content of dry matter was achieved by organic lettuce.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the response to the implantation of synthetic hydroxyapatite 30% (HAP-91®) in different physical states as dermal filler. Eighteen New Zealand rabbits were used, distributed randomly into two equal groups and then divided into three groups according to the postoperative period at 8, 21 and 49 days. One mL of HAP-91®, fluid and viscous, was implanted in the subcutaneous tissue, 1 cm proximal to the cranial crest of the right scapula. The thickness of the skin was measured before and after implantation and for the following 15 days. Pain sensitivity assessment was conducted, assigning the following scores: 0 - when the animal allowed the touch of the implant area and expressed no signs of pain; 1 - when the animal allowed the touch, but pain reaction occurred, like increase of the respiratory rate or attempt to escape; 2 - when the animal did not allow the touch to the implanted area. At 8, 21 and 49 days, biopsy of the implanted area was performed. No difference was observed between the thickness of the skin (p>0.05) and all animals received a score 0 for soreness. Histological analysis did not reveal any obvious inflammatory process, showing a predominance of mononuclear cells in samples of eight days and tissue organization around the biomaterial with a tendency to encapsulation. The results indicate that HAP-91®, both viscous and fluid, is biocompatible and suitable for dermal filling.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as preferências pelo sabor doce e sua associação com as condições socioeconômicas e a prevalência de cárie dentária em pré-escolares. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 572 crianças de 4 a 6 anos, matriculadas em pré-escolas, dividida em estratos socioeconômicos segundo a procedência (um bairro central, um periférico e Programa de Desfavelamento). Estudo transversal, foi desenvolvido em duas etapas. A preferência pelo sabor doce foi avaliada através do Sweet Preference Inventory modificado. A concentração das soluções variou de 0 a 400 g/litro (0 a 1,17 molar). Foi utilizado o índice ceos para verificar a prevalência de cárie. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as crianças do Programa de Desfavelamento e dos demais grupos na preferência pelo sabor doce e no consumo de açúcar, bem como associação entre a procedência e o percentual de crianças livres de cárie, sendo o grupo do Desfavelamento o menos favorecido (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sustentam a hipótese de que o nível socioeconômico influencia a preferência por açúcar e esta, por sua vez, está associada à prevalência de cárie dentária na dentição decídua.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto das necessidades ortodônticas tecnicamente definidas (critérios normativos) sobre a satisfação com a aparência e a mastigação e compará-las com as autopercebidas (critérios subjetivos) em um grupo de adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com a totalidade dos alunos entre 14 e 18 anos de idade (n=315) de um colégio em Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, em 1999. Uma cirurgiã-dentista realizou os exames clínicos para diagnóstico das principais oclusopatias (Dental Aesthetic Index) e aplicou um questionário para conhecer a satisfação dos indivíduos quanto a aparência, mastigação e percepção das necessidades de tratamento ortodôntico. Foi utilizada análise de regressão logística múltipla para conhecer o impacto de cada oclusopatia sobre a percepção dos indivíduos a respeito dos problemas oclusais. RESULTADOS: Obtiveram-se alta taxa de resposta (95%) e alta concordância intra-examinadora (Kappa 0,6 a 1,0). A prevalência de pelo menos um tipo de oclusopatia foi de 71,3%. Presença de apinhamento incisal (OR=2,8 [1,6-4,9]) e overjet (trespasse horizontal) (OR=2,4[1,4-4,3]) foram fatores de risco para insatisfação com a aparência. Adolescentes que apresentaram irregularidade anterior da mandíbula (OR=3,3 [1,6-6,9]), overjet (OR=1,7 [1,1-3,0]) e diastema anterior (OR=3,1 [1,4-6,9]) apresentaram maior percepção para a necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que existem graus de problemas oclusais tecnicamente definidos que são aceitáveis pela população e que devem influenciar na decisão de tratamento, interferindo diretamente na demanda para esse tipo de atendimento. Medidas subjetivas poderiam ser incorporadas aos critérios clínicos atualmente utilizados.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of edentulism and estimate the prevalence of functional dentition and shortened dental arch among elderly population. METHODS: A population-based epidemiological study was carried out with a sample of 5,349 respondents aged 65 to 74 years obtained from the 2002 and 2003 Brazilian Ministry of Health/Division of Oral Health survey database. The following variables were studied: gender; macroregion of residence; missing teeth; percentage that met the World Health Organization goal for oral health in the age group 65 to 74 years (50% having at least 20 natural teeth); presence of shortened dental arch; number of posterior occluding pairs of teeth. The Chi-square test assessed the association between categorical variables. The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to assess differences of mean between number of posterior occluding pairs teeth, macro-region and gender. RESULTS: The elderly population had an average of 5.49 teeth (SD: 7.93) with a median of 0. The proportion of completely edentulous respondents was 54.7%. Complete edentulism was 18.2% in the upper arch and 1.9% in the lower arch. The World Health Organization goal was achieved in 10% of all respondents studied. However, only 2.7% had acceptable masticatory function and aesthetics (having at least shortened dental arch) and a mean number of posterior occluding pairs of 6.94 (SD=2.97). There were significant differences of the percentage of respondents that met the World Health Organization goal and presence of shortened dental arch between men and women. There were differences in shortened dental arch between macroregions. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian epidemiological oral health survey showed high rate of edentulism and low rate of shortened dental arch in the elderly population studied, thus suggesting significant functional and aesthetic impairment in all Brazilian macroregions especially among women.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the factors associated with severity of malocclusion in a population of adolescents. METHODS In this cross-sectional population-based study, the sample size (n = 761) was calculated considering a prevalence of malocclusion of 50.0%, with a 95% confidence level and a 5.0% precision level. The study adopted correction for the effect of delineation (deff = 2), and a 20.0% increase to offset losses and refusals. Multistage probability cluster sampling was adopted. Trained and calibrated professionals performed the intraoral examinations and interviews in households. The dependent variable (severity of malocclusion) was assessed using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). The independent variables were grouped into five blocks: demographic characteristics, socioeconomic condition, use of dental services, health-related behavior and oral health subjective conditions. The ordinal logistic regression model was used to identify the factors associated with severity of malocclusion. RESULTS We interviewed and examined 736 adolescents (91.5% response rate), 69.9% of whom showed no abnormalities or slight malocclusion. Defined malocclusion was observed in 17.8% of the adolescents, being severe or very severe in 12.6%, with pressing or essential need of orthodontic treatment. The probabilities of greater severity of malocclusion were higher among adolescents who self-reported as black, indigenous, pardo or yellow, with lower per capita income, having harmful oral habits, negative perception of their appearance and perception of social relationship affected by oral health. CONCLUSIONS Severe or very severe malocclusion was more prevalent among socially disadvantaged adolescents, with reported harmful habits and perception of compromised esthetics and social relationships. Given that malocclusion can interfere with the self-esteem of adolescents, it is essential to improve public policy for the inclusion of orthodontic treatment among health care provided to this segment of the population, particularly among those of lower socioeconomic status.


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The yeasts of the genus Candida infect skin, nails, and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal and the genitourinary tract. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of dermatomycoses caused by Candida spp., and their etiological aspects in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil. A retrospective study with data obtained from tertiary hospital patients, from 1996 to 2011, was performed. The analyzed parameters were date, age, gender, ethnicity, anatomical region of lesions, and the direct examination results. For all the statistical analyses, a = 0.05 was considered. Among positive results in the direct mycological examination, 12.5% of the total of 4,815 cases were positive for Candida spp. The angular coefficient (B) was -0.7%/ year, showing a decrease over the years. The genus Candida was more prevalent in women (15.9% of women versus 5.84% of men), and in addition, women were older than men (54 versus 47 years old, respectively). There was no difference between ethnic groups. The nails were more affected than the skin, with 80.37% of the infections in the nails (72.9% in fingernails and 7.47% in toenails). Our study corroborates the literature regarding the preference for gender, age, and place of injury. Moreover, we found a decrease in infection over the studied period.