37 resultados para Acetylcholine Receptor


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether arginine vasopressin releases endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO) from the epicardial coronary artery. METHODS: We studied segments of canine left circumflex coronary arteries suspended in organ chambers to measure isometric force. The coronary artery segments were contracted with prostaglandin F2alpha (2 x 10-6M) and exposed to a unique, strong arginine vasopressin concentration (10-6M) or titrated concentrations (10-9 a 10-5 M). RESULTS: The unique dose of arginine vasopressin concentration (10-6M) induced transient, but significant (p<0.05), relaxation in arterial segments with endothelium, and an increase, not significant, in tension in arteries without endothelium. Endothelium-dependent relaxation to arginine vasopressin was inhibited by Ng-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA, 10-5M) or N G-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG) (10-4M), 2 inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis from L-arginine. Exogenous L-arginine (10-4M), but not D-arginine (10-4M), reversed the inhibitory effect of L-NMMA on vasopressin-mediated vasorelaxation. Endothelium dependent relaxation to vasopressin was also reversibly inhibited by the vasopressin V1-receptor blocker d(CH2)5Try(Me) arginine vasopressin (10-6M) (n=6, P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Vasopressin acts through V1 endothelial receptors to stimulate nitric oxide release from L-arginine.


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RESUMO OBJETIVO:Avaliar a associação do polimorfismo A1166C do gene do receptor AT1 da angiotensina II (AT1R) com o infarto agudo do miocárdio e a severidade da doença arterial coronariana. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, transversal de 110 pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio submetidos à angiografia coronariana com lesão significante (> 50%) avaliada por três critérios de severidade: número de vasos lesados, morfologia da placa aterosclerótica e escore de risco coronariano. Sem lesões coronarianas 104 indivíduos controles. O polimorfismo A1166C do gene do AT1R foi determinado pela reação em cadeia da polimerase no DNA dos leucócitos do sangue periférico. Os fatores de risco coronariano clássicos foram analisados em todos os indivíduos. RESULTADOS: Na estratificação dos genótipos em relação aos fatores de risco apenas o tabagismo teve predominância nos heterozigotos AC (p = 0,02). A freqüência dos genótipos nos pacientes infartados foi de AA = 54,5%; AC = 35,5% e CC = 10%, sendo similar e não significativa em relação aos controles (p = 0,83). Não houve aumento do risco de infarto agudo do miocárdio nas comparações dos genótipos CC vs AA (OR = 1,35; IC-95% = 0,50 - 3,59), AC vs AA (OR = 1,03; IC-95% = 0,58 - 1,84 e AA+AC vs AA (OR = 1,33; IC-95% = 0,51 - 3,45). Nenhum dos critérios de severidade teve associação significativa com os genótipos. CONCLUSÃO: Os nossos resultados indicam não haver associação do polimorfismo A1166C do AT1R com o infarto agudo do miocárdio e nem com a severidade da doença arterial coronariana segundo nossos resultados.


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Relatamos caso de um paciente submetido a transplante cardíaco ortotópico, onde se utilizou um doador marginal pela piora clínica do receptor, que apresentava choque cardiogênico por disfunção de ventrículo direito secundária a hipertensão pulmonar associado à vasoplegia. Obtivemos recuperação hemodinâmica do paciente, com redução da resistência vascular pulmonar, retirada de drogas vasoativas e recuperação da função do ventrículo direito após a introdução de sildenafil.


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FUNDAMENTO: A Doença Arterial Coronariana (DAC) é a aterosclerose das artérias coronárias que transportam o sangue para o coração. A aterosclerose é uma doença inflamatória. As variações gênicas das citocinas - como as associadas à família IL1 - fazem parte da patogênese da aterosclerose. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre os polimorfismos da família IL1 (VNTR do IL1RN, posições -511 e +3953 do IL1B) e a DAC na população turca. MÉTODOS: Um total de 427 indivíduos foram submetidos à angiografia coronariana e em seguida divididos da seguinte forma: 170 no grupo controle e 257 no grupo de pacientes com DAC. Os sujeitos com DAC foram divididos em dois subgrupos: 91 no grupo de Doença Coronariana em um único vaso (Single Vessel Disease - SVD) e 166 no grupo Doença Coronariana em múltiplos vasos (Multiple Vessel Disease - MVD). Os genótipos de IL1RN e IL1B (-511, +3953) foram determinados por reação em cadeia da polimerase (RCP), seguida de análise da digestão por enzima de restrição. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças significantes nas distribuições de genótipos de IL1RN e IL1B (-511 e +3953) entre os sujeitos com DAC e os controles, ou entre sujeitos com MVD e controles. No entanto, observou-se uma relação significante no genótipo IL1RN 2/2 entre sujeitos portadores de SVD e controles (P= 0,016, x2: 10,289, OR: 2,94IC 95% 1,183 - 7,229). Tampouco foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante nas freqüências dos alelos de IL1RN e IL1B (-511 e +3953) entre os sujeitos com DAC e controles, os sujeitos com MVD e controles, ou ainda os sujeitos SVD e controles. CONCLUSÃO: Não foi observada nenhuma relação na freqüência alélica e nem na distribuição genotípica dos polimorfismos de IL1RN e IL1B entre sujeitos com DAC e grupos controle. No entanto, o genótipo IL1RN 2/2 pode representar um fator de risco para sujeitos com SVD na população turca.


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FUNDAMENTO: Durante a descompensação da insuficiência cardíaca, ocorre uma intensa ativação do sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona, entretanto, o uso de inibidor da enzima de conversão de angiotensina (IECA) não pode bloqueá-lo completamente. De outro modo, a adição de bloqueador do receptor de angiotensina II (BRA) pode ser útil quando ocorre a dependência de inotrópico. Avaliamos a eficiência da associação BRA-IECA para retirada da dobutamina na insuficiência cardíaca avançada e descompensada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da associação de bloqueador do receptor AT1 de angiotensina II ao inibidor de enzima de conversão, para a retirada da dobutamina em pacientes com dependência de suporte inotrópico decorrente da descompensação aguda da insuficiência cardíaca crônica. MÉTODOS: Em um estudo caso-controle (N = 24), selecionamos pacientes internados por descompensação da insuficiência cardíaca e com uso por mais de 15 dias de dobutamina, ou uma ou mais tentativas sem sucesso de retirada; dose otimizada de IECA; e FEVE < 0,45. Os pacientes então receberam adicionalmente BRA (n = 12) ou não (controle, n = 12). O desfecho foi o sucesso na retirada da dobutamina, avaliado pela regressão logística, com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: A fração de ejeção foi de 0,25, e a idade de 53 anos, com dose de dobutamina de 10,7 μg/kg.min. O sucesso na retirada de dobutamina ocorreu em oito pacientes do grupo BRA (67,7%), e em dois no grupo controle (16,7%). A "odds ratio" foi de 10,0 (intervalo de confiança de 95%:1,4 a 69,3; p = 0,02). A piora da função renal foi semelhante (grupo BRA: 42% vs. grupo controle: 67%, p = 0,129). CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo piloto, a associação BRA-IECA foi relacionada ao sucesso na retirada da dobutamina, na insuficiência cardíaca avançada descompesada. A piora da função renal foi semelhante em ambos os grupos. Estudos adicionais são necessários para esclarecer o assunto.


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Trypanomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi were derived from tissue culture and incubated with immune and non-immune human sera. All immune sera showed high titers of specific humoral antibodies of the IgM or the IgG type. Agglutination and swelling of parasites were observed after incubation at 37ºC, but many trypomastigotes remained free-swimming in the sera for two to three days. The quantitiy of immune serum capable of lysing a maximum of 10 x 10 [raised to the power of 6] sensitized red cells was not capable of lysing 4 x 10 [raised to the power of 3] tripomastigotes. Typically, the parasites underwent cyclical changes with the formation of clumps of amastigotes and the appearance of epimastigote forms. Multiplication of the parasites was observed in immune sera. Further, the infectivity of the parasites to susceptible mice was not lost. All sera used produced similar general effects on the growth of the parasite. The antibody bound to T. cruzi appeard to enter cells by antigen-receptor mediated endocytosis. The ferritin-conjugated antibody was internalized and delivered to phagolysosomes where they might be completely degraded to amino-acids. This seemed to be a coupled process by which the immunoglobulin is first bound to specific parasite surface receptor and then rapidly endocytosed by the cell.


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Receptors for interleukin 2 (IL-2) esit in at least three forms which differ in their subunit compositio, their affinity for ligand and their ability to mediate a cellular reponse. Type I receptors occur following cellular acitivation and consist of the 55,000 m. w. glycoprotein Tac. These receptors bind IL-2 with a low affinity, do not internalize ligand and have not been definitively associated with any response. Type II receptors, on the other hand, conssit of one or more glycoproteins of 70,000 m. w. which have been termed "beta ([beta]) chains." They bind IL-2 with an intermediate affinity and rapidly internalize the ligand. [Beta] proteins mediate many cellular IL-2-dependent reponses, including the short-term activation of natural killer cells and the induction of Tac protein expression. Type III receptors consist of a ternary complex of the Tac protein, the [beta] chain(s) and IL-2. They are characterized by a paricularly high affinity for ligand association. Type III receptors also internalize ligand and mediate IL-2-dependent responses at low factor concentrations. The identification of two independent IL-2-binding molecules, Tac and [beta], thus provides the elusive molecular explanation for the differences in IL-2 receptor affinity and suggests the potential for selective therapeutic manipulation of IL-2 reponses.


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In rats pre-but not post-training ip administration of either flumazenil, a central benzodiazepine (BSD) receptor antagonist, or of n-butyl-B-carboline-carboxylate (BCCB), an inverse agonist, enhanced retention of inhibitory avoidance learning. Flumazenil vlocked the enhancing effect of BCCB, and the inhibitory effect of the BZD agonists clonazepam and diazepam also given pre-training. Post-training administration of these drugs had no effects. The peripheral BZD receptor agonist/chloride channel blocker Ro5-4864 had no effect on the inhibitory avoidance task when given ip prior to training, buth it caused enhancement when given immediately post-training either ip or icv. This effect was blocked by PK11195, a competitive antagonist of Ro5-4864. These results suggest that ther is an endogenous mechanism mediated by BZD agonists, which is sensitive to inverse agonists and that normally down-regulates the formation of memories through a mechanism involving GABA-A receptors and the corresponding chloride channels. The most likely agonists for the endogenous mechanism suggested are the diazepam-like BZDs found in brain whose origin is possibly alimentary. Levels of these BZDs in the cortex were found to sharply decrease after inhibitory acoidance training or mere exposure to the training apparatus.


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Six clinical isolates of influenza A viruses were examined for hemagglutinin receptor specificity and neuraminidase substrate specificity. All of the viral isolates minimally passaged in mammalian cells demonstrated preferential agglutination of human erythrocytes enzymatically modified to contain NeuAc alpha 2,6Gal sequences, with no agglutination of cells bearing NeuAc alpha 2,3Gal sequences. This finding is consistent with the hemagglutination receptor specificity previously demonstrated for laboratory strains of influenza A viruses. The neuraminidase substrate specificities of the clinical isolates examined were also identical to that described for the N2 neuraminidase of recent laboratory strains of human influenza viruses. The H3N2 viruses all displayed the ability to release sialic acid from both alpha 2, 3 and alpha 2, 6 linkages. In addition, two clinical isolates of H1N1 viruses also demonstrated this dual neuraminidase substrate specificity, a characteristic which has not been previously described for the N1 neuraminidase. These results demonstrate that complementary hemagglutinin and neuraminidase specificities are found in recent isolates of both H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses.


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Wild type and mutant toxins of Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxins were examined for their binding to midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV). CryIAa, CryIAb, and CryIAc were examined for their binding to Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) BBMV. The binding of CryIAa and CryIAc was directly correlated with their toxicity, while CryIAb was observed to have lower binding than expected from its toxicity. The latter observation confirms the observation of Wolfersberger (1990). The "rule" of reciprocity of binding and toxicity is apparently obeyed by CryIAa and CryIAc, but broken by CryIAb on L. dispar. Alanine substitutions were made in several positions of the putative loops of CryIAa to test the hypothesis that the loops are intimately involved in binding to the receptor. The mutant toxins showed minor shifts in heterologous binding to Bombyx mori BBMV, but not enough to conclude that the residues chosen play critical roles in receptor binding.


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Vaccinal and wild strains of Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) were analyzed for cell receptor binding and fusogenic biological properties associated with their HN (hemagglutinin-neuraminidase) and F (fusion protein) surface structures respectively. The evaluation of the biological activities of HN and F was carried out respectively by determination of hemagglutinating titers and hemolysis percentages, using erythrocytes from various animal origins at different pH values. Significant differences in hemagglutination titers for some strains of NDV were detected, when interacting with goose, sheep, guinea-pip and human "O" group erythrocytes at neutral pH. Diversity of hemolysis percentagens was observed between different NDV strains at acid pH. These analysis were developed to evaluate particular aspects of the actual influence of the receptor specifity and pH on the receptor binding and fusogenic processes of Newcastle Disease viruses.


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Eosinophils, along with mast cells are key cells involved in the innate immune response against parasitic infection whereas the adaptive immune response is largely dependent on lymphocytes. In chronic parasitic disease and in chronic allergic disease, IL-5 is predominantly a T cell derived cytokine which is particularly important for the terminal differentiation, activation and survival of committed eosinophil precursors. The human IL-5 gene is located on chromosome 5 in a gene cluster that contains the evolutionary related IL-4 family of cytokine genes. The human IL-5 receptor complex is a heterodimer consisting of a unique a subunit (predominantly expressed on eosinophils) and a beta subunit which is shared between the receptors for IL-3 & GM-CSF (more widely expressed). The a subunit is required for ligand-specific binding whereas association with the beta subunit results in increased binding affinity. The alternative splicing of the alphaIL-5R gene which contains 14 exons can yield several alphaIL-5R isoforms including a membrane-anchored isoform (alphaIL-5Rm) and a soluble isoform (alphaIL-5Rs). Cytokines such as IL-5 produce specific and non-specific cellular responses through specific cell membrane receptor mediated activation of intracellular signal transduction pathways which, to a large part, regulate gene expression. The major intracellular signal transduction mechanism is activation of non-receptor associated tyrosine kinases including JAK and MAP kinases which can then transduce signals via a novel family of transcriptional factors named signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATS). JAK2, STAT1 and STAT 5 appear to be particularly important in IL-5 mediated eosinophil responses. Asthma is characterized by episodic airways obstruction, increased bronchial responsiveness, and airway inflammation. Several studies have shown an association between the number of activated T cells and eosinophils in the airways and abnormalities in FEV1, airway reactivity and clinical severity in asthma. It has now been well documented that IL-5 is highly expressed in the bronchial mucosa of atopic and intrinsic asthmatics and that the increased IL-5 mRNA present in airway tissues is predominantly T cell derived. Immunocytochemical staining of bronchial biopsy sections has confirmed that IL-5 mRNA transcripts are translated into protein in asthmatic subjects. Furthermore, the number of activated CD 4 + T cells and IL-5 mRNA positive cells are increased in asthmatic airways following antigen challenge and studies that have examined IL-5 expression in asthmatic subjects before and after steroids have shown significantly decreased expression following oral corticosteroid treatment in steroid-sensitive asthma but not in steroid resistant and chronic severe steroid dependent asthma. The link between T cell derived IL-5 and eosinophil activation in asthmatic airways is further strengthened by the demonstration that there is an increased number of alphaIL-5R mRNA positive cells in the bronchial biopsies of atopic and non-atopic asthmatic subjects and that the eosinophil is the predominant site of this increased alphaIL-5R mRNA expression. We have also shown that the subset of activated eosinophils that expressed mRNA for membrane bound alpha IL5r inversely correlated with FEV1, whereas the subset of activated eosinophils that expressed mRNA for soluble alphaIL5r directly correlated with FEV1. Hence, not only does this data suggest that the presence of eosinophils expressing alphaIL-5R mRNA contribute towards the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma, but also that the eosinophil phenotype with respect to alphaIL-5R isoform expression is of central importance. Finally, there are several animal, and more recently in vitro lung explant, models of allergen induced eosinophilia, late airway responses(LARS), and bronchial hyperresponsiveness(BHR) - all of which support a link between IL-5 and airway eosinophila and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. The most direct demonstration of T cell involvement in LARS is the finding that these physiological responses can be transferred by CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells in rats. The importance of IL-5 in animal models of allergen induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness has been further demonstrated by a number of studies which have indicated that IL-5 administration is able to induce late phase responses and BHR and that anti-IL-5 antibody can block allergen induced late phase responses and BHR. In summary, activated T lymphocytes, IL5 production and eosinophil activation are particularly important in the asthmatic response. Human studies in asthma and studies in allergic animal models have clearly emphasised the unique role of IL-5 in linking T lymphocytes and adaptive immunity, the eosinophil effector cell, and the asthma phenotype. The central role of activated lymphocytes and eosinophils in asthma would argue for the likely therapeutic success of strategies to block T cell and eosinophil activation (eg steroids). Importantly, more targeted therapies may avoid the complications associated with steroids. Such therapies could target key T cell activation proteins and cytokines by various means including blocking antibodies (eg anti-CD4, anti-CD40, anti-IL-5 etc), antisense oligonucleotides to their specific mRNAs, and/or selective inhibition of the promoter sites for these genes. Another option would be to target key eosinophil activation mechanisms including the aIL5r. As always, the risk to benefit ratio of such strategies await the results of well conducted clinical trials.


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Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) belongs to a novel subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors with seven-transmembrane domains. This receptor is widely distributed throughout the body and seems to be importantly involved in inflammatory processes. PAR2 can be activated by serine proteases such as trypsin, mast cell tryptase, and bacterial proteases, such as gingipain produced by Porphyromonas gingivalis. This review describes the current stage of knowledge of the possible mechanisms that link PAR2 activation with periodontal disease, and proposes future therapeutic strategies to modulate the host response in the treatment of periodontitis.