46 resultados para 117-723A
OBJECTIVE To estimate the degree of educational inequality in the occurrence of abdominal obesity in a population of non-faculty civil servants at university campi.METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we used data from 3,117 subjects of both genders aged 24 to 65-years old, regarding the baseline ofPró-Saúde Study, 1999-2001. Abdominal obesity was defined according to abdominal circumference thresholds of 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men. A multi-dimensional, self-administered questionnaire was used to evaluate education levels and demographic variables. Slope and relative indices of inequality, and Chi-squared test for linear trend were used in the data analysis. All analyses were stratified by genders, and the indices of inequality were standardized by age.RESULTS Abdominal obesity was the most prevalent among women (43.5%; 95%CI 41.2;45.9), as compared to men (24.3%; 95%CI 22.1;26.7), in all educational strata and age ranges. The association between education levels and abdominal obesity was an inverse one among women (p < 0.001); it was not statistically significant among men (p = 0.436). The educational inequality regarding abdominal obesity in the female population, in absolute terms (slope index of inequality), was 24.0% (95%CI 15.5;32.6). In relative terms (relative index of inequality), it was 2.8 (95%CI 1.9;4.1), after the age adjustment.CONCLUSIONS Gender inequality in the prevalence of abdominal obesity increases with older age and lower education. The slope and relative indices of inequality summarize the strictly monotonous trend between education levels and abdominal obesity, and it described educational inequality regarding abdominal obesity among women. Such indices provide relevant quantitative estimates for monitoring abdominal obesity and dealing with health inequalities.
The authors compare the serologic efficacy and the clinical protection afforded by three different measles vaccination schemes in adequately nourished children in São Paulo city, Brazil. Two hundred forty two children were divided into three groups. Group A, comprising 117 children who had received the vaccine before 12 months of age and a second dose at 12 months of age or more. Group B, comprising 46 children who had received only one dose, before 12 months of age. Group C, comprising 79 children who had received only one dose, at 12 months of age or more. The geometric mean titer of antibodies in Group A was 790.1; in Group B, 251.1; and in Group C, 550.3. There was no statistically significant difference between Groups A and C. The exposure to the measles virus was probably similar in all groups, and the children in Groups A and C had similar chances of acquiring the disease after vaccination whereas in Group B the chances were higher when compared to the other two groups. The results obtained in this study favor the use, in developing countries, of a vaccination program against measles that includes an early first dose at eight months of age and revaccination after 12 months of age.
Valor de los metodos directos e indirectos de diagnóstico en las micosis sitémicas asociadas al SIDA
Durante 5 años se estudiaron 117 pacientes con micosis sistémicas asociadas al SIDA: 74 criptococosis, 39 histoplasmosis y 4 con ambas enfermedades. Para el diagnóstico analizamos los siguientes materiales: escarificaciones de lesiones cutáneas o mucosas, aspirados de médula ósea, secreciones bronquiales, biopsias de diversos órganos, líquido cefalorraquídeo, hemocultivos y sueros para determinaciones serológicas. Fueron estudiadas en total 203 muestras de pacientes con histoplasmosis, el 46.3% de las mismas acusó la presencia de H. capsulatum. Las escarificaciones cutáneas exhibieron la mayor sensibilidad (94.7%), seguidas por las biopsias (80%) y los mielocultivos (42.1%). La demostración de anticuerpos circulantes por medio de 3 pruebas serológicas y con de 2 antígenos específicos dio resultados positivos en el 45.4% de los pacientes. Se estudiaron en total 413 especímenes de pacientes con criptococosis, la confirmación diagnóstica fue posible en el 69% de las muestras. El mayor rendimiento se obtuvo con el LCR (89.5%), le seguieron en sensibilidad los hemocultivos (61.2%), las escarificaciones cutáneas (42.9%) y los urocultivos (41.7%). La búsqueda de antígeno en los fluidos orgánicos fue positiva en casi todos los casos. La revisión que presentamos permitirá una búsqueda más racional y rápida de los métodos de diagnóstico en las micosis asociadas al SIDA.
Botulism is a rare and potentially lethal illness caused by Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin. We describe the findings of a laboratorial investigation of 117 suspected cases of botulism reported to the surveillance system in Brazil from January 2000 to October 2008. Data on the number and type of samples analyzed, type of toxins identified, reporting of the number of botulism cases and transmission sources are discussed. A total of 193 clinical samples and 81 food samples were analyzed for detection and identification of the botulism neurotoxin. Among the clinical samples, 22 (11.4%) presented the toxin (nine type A, five type AB and eight with an unidentified type); in food samples, eight (9.9%) were positive for the toxin (five type A, one type AB and two with an unidentified type). Of the 38 cases of suspected botulism in Brazil, 27 were confirmed by a mouse bioassay. Laboratorial botulism diagnosis is an important procedure to elucidate cases, especially food-borne botulism, to confirm clinical diagnosis and to identify toxins in food, helping sanitary control measures.
The present study intended to analyze the seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori, IgG, and its relation to dyspepsia in a population from the western Amazon region. During the "Projeto Bandeira Científica", a University of São Paulo Medical School program, in Monte Negro's rural areas, state of Rondônia, 266 blood samples were collected from volunteers. The material was tested for IgG antibodies anti-Helicobacter pylori by ELISA method and the participants were also interviewed on dyspepsia, hygiene and social aspects. Participants aged between five and 81 years old (34 years on average), 149 (56%) were female and 117 (44%) male. We found 210 (78.9%) positive, 50 (18.8%) negative and six (2.3%) undetermined samples. Dyspeptic complaints were found in 226 cases (85.2%). There was no statistical association between dyspepsia and positive serology for H. pylori. We concluded that the seroprevalence in all age categories is similar to results found in other studies conducted in developing countries, including those from Brazil. On the other hand, the seroprevalence found in Monte Negro was higher than that reported in developed countries. As expected, there was a progressive increase in the positivity for H. pylori in older age groups.
Introduction: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and etiological profile of enteropathogens in children from a daycare center. Methods: From October 2010 to February 2011 stool samples from 100 children enrolled in a government daycare center in the municipality of São José do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo, were collected and analyzed. Results: A total of 246 bacteria were isolated in 99% of the fecal samples; 129 were in the diarrheal group and 117 in the non-diarrheal group. Seventy-three strains of Escherichia coli were isolated, 19 of Enterobacter, one of Alcaligenes and one of Proteus. There were 14 cases of mixed colonization with Enterobacter and E. coli. Norovirus and Astrovirus were detected in children with clinical signs suggestive of diarrhea. These viruses were detected exclusively among children residing in urban areas. All fecal samples were negative for the presence of the rotavirus species A and C. The presence of Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana and hookworm was observed. A significant association was found between food consumption outside home and daycare center and the presence of intestinal parasites. Conclusions: For children of this daycare center, intestinal infection due to pathogens does not seem to have contributed to the occurrence of diarrhea or other intestinal symptoms. The observed differences may be due to the wide diversity of geographical, social and economic characteristics and the climate of Brazil, all of which have been reported as critical factors in the modulation of the frequency of different enteropathogens.
In Iran, both Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum malaria have been detected, but P. vivax is the predominant species. Point mutations in dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) gene in both Plasmodia are the major mechanisms of pyrimethamine resistance. From April 2007 to June 2009, a total of 134 blood samples in two endemic areas of southern Iran were collected from patients infected with P. vivax and P. falciparum. The isolates were analyzed for P. vivax dihydrofolate reductase (pvdhfr) and P. falciparum dihydrofolate reductase (pfdhfr) point mutations using various PCR-based methods. The majority of the isolates (72.9%) had wild type amino acids at five codons of pvdhfr. Amongst mutant isolates, the most common pvdhfr alleles were double mutant in 58 and 117 amino acids (58R-117N). Triple mutation in 57, 58, and 117 amino acids (57L/58R/117N) was identified for the first time in the pvdhfr gene of Iranian P. vivax isolates. All the P. falciparumsamples analyzed (n = 16) possessed a double mutant pfdhfrallele (59R/108N) and retained a wild-type mutation at position 51. This may be attributed to the fact that the falciparum malaria patients were treated using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) in Iran. The presence of mutant haplotypes in P. vivax is worrying, but has not yet reached an alarming threshold regarding drugs such as SP. The results of this study reinforce the importance of performing a molecular surveillance by means of a continuous chemoresistance assessment.
Por ocasião de um pequeno surto de leishmaniose tegumentar americana em localidade do município de Cordeiro (RJ) foram documentados 14 casos. Entre os fatos que chamaram a atenção dos autores estão a alta ocorrência em crianças (57%), a freqüência do componente linfangítico (40%), a tendência à cicatrização espontânea e a distribuição peri-domiciliar dos casos. Um inquérito pela intradermoreação de Montenegro na área de maior concentração de casos, realizado numa fazendo e numa escola, mostrou 17% de reações positivas, 17% de duvidosas e 66% de reações negativas, num total de 117 indivíduos testados. Não foram encontrados casos antigos cicatrizados, o que sugere um foco recente. Discute-se o significado das reações duvidosas.
Foram comparados 300 exames parasitológicos quantitativos das fezes, pelos métodos de Kato-Katz, Stoll-Hausheer e McMaster, após análise prévia e rotineira. Os resultados evidenciaram as porcentagens de positividades a seguir especificadas, levando em conta, por ordem, espécie de helminto, número de situações nas quais os ovos respectivos apareceram e as participações dos processos de Kato-Katz, Stoll- Hausheer e McMaster: ancilostomídeos- 117(89,7%, 76,0% e80,3%); Trichocephalus trichiurus-124 (91,1 %, 70,9% e 70,9%); Ascaris lumbricoides- 59 (94,9%, 84,7% e 49,1%); Schistosoma mansoni- 58 (96,5%, 48,2% e 0,0%); Hymenolepis nana -15 (46,6%, 73,3% e 86,6%). Quanto à sensibilidade dos métodos, a avaliação estatística demonstrou, na maioria das situações, vantagem do de Kato-Katz sobre os demais. O estudo efetuado comprovou superioridade da técnica de Kato-Katz, em virtude de verificações relacionadas com especificidade, sensibilidade e facilidade para execução. O procedimento de McMaster não merece recomendação para uso habitual, uma vez que não é eficiente no que concerne à demonstração de ovos pesados e propicia preparações dificilmente examináveis.
Foram desenvolvidos dois estudos seccionais sobre a doença de Chagas crônica, com intervalo de 4,5 anos, envolvendo as populações urbanas dos municípios de Água Branca, Catingueira, Emas, Imaculada, Mãe D'Àgua, Olho D'Àgua, Piancó e São José de Caiana, situados na região do Sertão do Estado da Paraíba. A evolução da cardiopatia foi avaliada em um grupo de 125 pares de pacientes chagásicos crônicos e não-chagásicos do mesmo sexo, idade e município de origem, através do exame eletrocardiográfico (ECG) de repouso. Foram considerados os seguintes tipos de evolução: inalterada - quando não havia mudança no padrão inicial do ECG; progressiva - quando havia mudança no padrão do ECG de normal para alterado ou pelo agravamento das alterações e normalização do ECG. No grupo de chagásicos a evolução inalterada ocorreu em 101 (80,8%)pacientes, progressiva em 13 (10,4%) e normalização do ECG em 11 (8,8%), enquanto no grupo de não-chagásicos foram observadas as mencionadas evoluções respectivamente em 117 (93,6%), 6 (4,8%) e 2 (1,6%) pacientes. Com esses dados podemos afirmar que a proporção de participação do componente etiológico exclusivamente chagásico na progressão da cardiopatia chagásica crônica foi de 5,9%, estimando-se uma média anual de 1,3%. Não houve diferença significativa nas freqüências de evolução progressiva em relação ao sexo dos pacientes, tanto no grupo de chagásicos como no de não-chagásicos. Por outro lado, a progressão da cardiopatia ocorreu mais precocemente nos chagásicos. A letalidade por cardiopatia foi 1,6% (2 casos) no grupo de chagásicos e de zero no de não chagásicos, no período considerado. Esses dados sobre a morbimortalidade podem ser considerados significativamente inferiores aos encontrados em áreas endêmicas como Virgem da Lapa e Pains-Iguatama, em Minas Gerais, provavelmente expressando o menor poder patogênico da infecção humana pelo Trypanosoma cruzi no Sertão da Paraíba.
Trezentas e oitenta e cinco amostras fecais provenientes de crianças na faixa etária de até 11 anos, sem sintomatologia de diarréia, foram estudadas objetivando-se a detecção de rotavirus. Desta amostragem, 268foram obtidas de crianças habitantes de creches e 117 de crianças atendidas no ambulatório do Hospital Lúcio Rebelo de Goiânia-Goiás. Todas as amostrasforam analisadas através da técnica de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (EGPA- SDS), e 89 foram também analisadas pelo ensaio imunoenzimático adaptado para rotavirus e adenovirus (E1ARA). Rotavirus e adenovirus só foram detectados nas crianças atendidas no ambulatório, num percentual de 1,7% e 1,6% respectivamente, não havendo nenhuma positividade nas crianças de creches. Ambos os vírus ocorrerarh na faixa etária de 1 a 2 anos.
Revendo a literatura não encontramos estudos anatômicos dos gânglios intrapancreáticos na forma crônica da doença de Chagas; lesões dos mesmos poderiam explicar, ao menos em parte, os distúrbios funcionais do pâncreas exócrino e endócrino descritos nesta forma da doença. Decidimos então analisar morfologicamente tais gânglios. Para isso, estudamos segmentos transversais da cabeça, corpo e cauda do pâncreas de doze chagásicos crônicos, com idade média de 46,5 ± 9,1 anos, e quatorze controles, com idade média de 41,2 ± 11,0 anos. Os segmentos foram processados histologicamente e seccionados de forma seriada até o esgotamento, analisando-se os cortes múltiplos de sete. Para análise estatística, usamos o teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. Na cabeça do pâncreas, a contagem de neurônios teve média de 57,3 ± 50,8 para o grupo chagásico e 117,5 ± 99,0 para o grupo controle (p < 0,05); no corpo, 25,9 ± 19,4 para o grupo chagásico e 54,7 ± 47,8 para o controle (p < 0,05); na cauda, 23,4 ± 16,3 para o chagásico e 54,1 ± 29,2 para o controle (p < 0,01), sendo a contagem total de 106,6 ± 71,1 para o chagásico e 226,3 ± 156,5 para o controle (p < 0,01). Nossos achados nos permitiram concluir que: a) ocorreu despopulação neuronal estatisticamente significante no grupo chagásico em relação ao controle, em cada segmento pancreático analisado, bem como no órgão como um todo; b) 50% dos chagásicos tiveram número total de neurônios inferior ao menor número dos controles (80); c) 75% e 91,6% dos chagásicos tiveram número de neurônios inferior, respectivamente, à mediana (171) e à média (226) do grupo controle; d) assim, a despopulação neuronal pancreática foi frequente, porém não constante; e) o fator idade não pareceu ter sido o responsável pela despopulação neuronal dos chagásicos.
O baço pode aumentar de tamanho nas inflamações com repercussões sistêmicas e na congestão venosa crônica, denominando-se respectivamente, hiperplasia reacional e esplenomegalia congestiva. Sendo a doença de Chagas uma doença infecciosa com repercussões hemodinâmicas, possivelmente o baço responda não só ao envolvimento cardíaco, como também ao processo inflamatório. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar comparativamente o peso do baço em chagásicos ou não-chagásicos, com ou sem insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC). Em estudo retrospectivo foram coletados nos protocolos de necropsias de adultos, a idade, o sexo, a cor e o peso do baço. Os 88 casos selecionados foram divididos em quatro grupos: 1) chagásicos com ICC, 2) chagásicos sem ICC, 3) não-chagásicos com ICC e 4) não-chagásicos sem ICC. A idade média foi 44,9 ± 15,4 anos, sendo 53,4% brancos e 70,5% do sexo masculino, não havendo diferença significante destas variáveis entre os grupos. O peso do baço nos grupos com ICC foi de 183,7 ± 85,9g para os chagásicos e de 206,3 ± 101,0g para os não-chagásicos. Nos grupos sem ICC o peso foi de 173,7 ± 118,9g para os chagásicos e de 117,2 ± 52,0g para os não-chagásicos. O peso foi significantemente maior nos chagásicos sem ICC quando comparados aos não-chagásicos sem ICC. Estes resultados sugerem que o componente inflamatório na doença de Chagas desempenharia papel importante no aumento do peso do baço, associado às alterações hemodinâmicas decorrentes da ICC.
INTRODUCTION: HIV-infected children and adolescents treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimens that include a protease inhibitor (PI) can show significant improvements in clinical outcomes, nutritional status and quality of life. The study aimed to report nutritional and metabolic alterations for pediatric patients continuously exposed to HAART and for healthy controls for up to 1 year. METHODS: Clinical, anthropometric, lipid profile and food intake data were collected prospectively over approximately 12-months for each patient. RESULTS: Fifty-one individuals were studied, of these, 16 were healthy. After 12 months follow-up, HIV-positive individuals remained below the healthy control group parameters. No change was observed concerning food intake. Triglyceride serum levels were higher in patients using protease inhibitor at the onset of the study [PI groups: 114 (43 - 336), and 136 (63 - 271) versus control group: 54.5 (20 - 162); p = 0.003], but after twelve months follow-up, only the group using protease inhibitor for up to two months presented higher values [140 (73 - 273) versus 67.5 (33 - 117); p = 0.004]. HDL-cholesterol was lower in HIV-positive individuals [HIV-positive groups: 36 (27 - 58) and 36 (23 - 43); control 49.5 (34 - 69); p = 0.004]. CONCLUSIONS: HIV-infected children and adolescents treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy showed compromised nutritional parameters compared to a paired healthy control group. Individuals using protease inhibitor presented worse triglyceride serum levels compared to their healthy counterparts.
INTRODUCTION: Sequential antibiotic therapy (SAT) is safe and economical. However, the unnecessary use of intravenous (IV) administration usually occurs. The objective of this work was to get to know the effectiveness of an intervention to implement the SAT in a teaching hospital in Brazil. METHODS: This was a prospective and interventional study, historically controlled, and was conducted in the Hospital de Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, a high complexity teaching hospital having 503 beds. In each of the periods, from 04/04/05 to 07/20/05 (pre-intervention) and from 09/24/07 to 12/20/07 (intervention), 117 patients were evaluated. After the pre-intervention period, guidelines were developed which were implemented during the intervention period along with educational measures and a reminder system added to the patients' prescription. RESULTS: In the pre-intervention and intervention periods, the IV antibiotics were used as treatment for a average time of 14.8 and 11.8 days, respectively. Ceftriaxone was the antibiotic most prescribed in both periods (23.4% and 21.6% respectively). Starting from the first prescription of antibiotics, the average length of hospitalization time was 21.8 and 17.5 days, respectively. The SAT occurred only in 4 and 5 courses of treatment, respectively, and 12.8% and 18.8% of the patients died in the respective periods. CONCLUSIONS: Under the presented conditions, the evaluated intervention strategy is ineffective in promoting the exchange of the antibiotic administration from IV to oral treatment (SAT).