48 resultados para (15)N-enriched NO
Introduction Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) stands out as a zoonosis observed on four continents and also in urban expansion zones in several regions of Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional epidemiological study of VL cases in children under 15 years of age in the period from 2007 to 2012. Clinical data were gathered from medical reports; meteorological data were obtained at the Meteorological Measurement Department of UFT. Environmental variables were divided into two periods, rainy and dry. Results The study revealed no difference by gender (p=0.67) among the 821 patients. However, the most affected age group was between one and five years of age (58.6%; p<0.01); the highest prevalence of the disease (99.03%; p<0.01) occurred in urban zones; and the most affected ethnic group (85.5%; p<0.01) was mixed race. The highest incidence coefficients in this population occurred in 2007 and 2008 (578.39/100,000 inhabitants; 18.5/100,000 inhabitants, respectively), whereas the highest lethality coefficients occurred in 2008 and 2011 (0.85/100 deaths). There was no significant correlation between average rainfall and the number of VL cases. The correlation between temperature and number of VL cases was negative (r = -0.4039; p<0.01). Conclusions In Araguaína, visceral leishmaniasis in children under 15 years is an urban-based endemic disease distributed across all districts of the city wherein temperature as an environmental factor, a higher prevalence in mixed race children between one and five years of age, and a high incidence coefficient all strongly contribute to child mortality.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and plays a key role in the response of the small intestine to systemic injuries. Mucosal atrophy is an important phenomenon that occurs in some types of clinical injury, such as states of severe undernutrition. Glutamine has been shown to exert powerful trophic effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa after small bowel resection or transplant, radiation injury, surgical trauma, ischemic injury and administration of cytotoxic drugs. Since no study has been performed on the malnourished animal, we examined whether glutamine exerts a trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa of the malnourished growing rat. Thirty-five growing female rats (aged 21 days) were divided into 4 groups: control - chow diet; malnutrition diet; malnutrition+chow diet; and malnutrition+glutamine-enriched chow diet (2%). For the first 15 days of the experiment, animals in the test groups received a malnutrition diet, which was a lactose-enriched diet designed to induce diarrhea and malnutrition. For the next 15 days, these animals received either the lactose-enriched diet, a regular chow diet or a glutamine-enriched chow diet. After 30 days, the animals were weighed, sacrificed, and a section of the jejunum was taken and prepared for histological examination. All the animals had similar weights on day 1 of experiment, and feeding with the lactose-enriched diet promoted a significant decrease in body weight in comparison to the control group. Feeding with both experimental chow-based diets promoted significant body weight gains, although the glutamine-enriched diet was more effective. RESULTS: The morphological and morphometric analyses demonstrated that small intestinal villous height was significantly decreased in the malnourished group, and this change was partially corrected by the two types of chow-based diet. Crypt depth was significantly increased by malnutrition, and this parameter was partially corrected by the two types of chow-based diet. The glutamine-enriched diet resulted in the greatest reduction of crypt depth, and this reduction was also statistically significant when compared with control animals. CONCLUSIONS: Enteral glutamine has some positive effects on body weight gain and trophism of the jejunal mucosa in the malnourished growing rat.
Short-bowel syndrome is responsible for significant metabolic alterations that compromise nutritional status. Glutamine is considered an essential nutrient for enterocytes, so beneficial effects from supplementation of the diet with glutamine are hypothesized. PURPOSE: In this study, the effect of a diet enriched with glutamine was evaluated in rats undergoing extensive small bowel resection, with analysis of postoperative weight loss and intestinal morphometrics of villi height, crypt depth, and thickness of the duodenal and remnant jejunal mucosa. METHODS: Three groups of male Wistar rats were established receiving the following diets: with glutamine, without glutamine, and the standard diet of laboratory ration. All animals underwent an extensive small bowel resection, including the ileocecal valve, leaving a remnant jejunum of only 25 cm from the pylorus that was anastomosed lateral-laterally to the ascendant colon. The animals were weighed at the beginning and end of the experiment (20th postoperative day). Then they were killed and the remnant intestine was removed. Fragments of duodenal and jejunal mucosa were collected from the remnant intestine and submitted to histopathologic exam. The morphometric study of the intestinal mucosa was accomplished using a digital system (KS 300) connected to an optic microscope. Morphometrics included villi height, crypt depth, and the total thickness of intestinal mucosa. RESULTS: The weight loss comparison among the 3 groups showed no significant loss difference. The morphometric studies showed significantly taller duodenal villi in the glutamine group in comparison to the without glutamine group, but not different from the standard diet group. The measurements obtained comparing the 3 groups for villi height, crypt depth, and thickness of the remnant jejunum mucosa were greater in the glutamine-enriched diet group than for the without-glutamine diet group, though not significantly different from with standard-diet group. CONCLUSIONS: In rats with experimentally produced short-bowel syndrome, glutamine-enrichment of an isonitrogenous test diet was associated with an improved adaptation response by the intestinal mucosa but not reduced weight loss. However, the adaptation response in the group receiving the glutamine-enriched diet was not improved over that for the group fed regular chow.
OBJECTIVE: To describe mortality due to cardiovascular diseases in women during the reproductive age (15 to 49 years) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1991 to 1995. METHODS: A list of all deaths and their underlying causes, coded according to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, multiple causes of death, and estimates of the female population according to age groups were provided by the SEADE Foundation. Specific coefficients for 100 thousand women for each year as well as the medians of these coefficients related to 5 years, and the percentage of death by subgroups were calculated. RESULTS: Cerebrovascular diseases have the highest coefficients (14.24 for 100 thousand females), followed by ischemic heart disease (7.37), other heart diseases (6.39), hypertensive disease (3.03), chronic rheumatic heart disease (1.58), pulmonary vascular diseases (1.29), and active rheumatic fever (0.05). Systemic arterial hypertension, as an associated cause, occurred in 55.3% to 57.8% of all the deaths due to intracerebral hemorrhage and in 30.4% to 30.8% due to subarachnoid hemorrhage. CONCLUSION: The significance of cerebrovascular diseases, coronary artery disease, and systemic arterial hypertension as causes of mortality suggests the need to emphasize preventive actions for young women who have the potential to reproduce to avoid possible complications in future pregnancies, and premature mortality.
FUNDAMENTO: Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são responsáveis por 16,7 milhões de mortes/ano. Evidências mostram que as DCV resultam da interação entre fatores de risco variados, presentes desde a infância. OBJETIVO: Verificar, em profissionais da área médica, a presença e evolução de alguns fatores de risco cardiovasculares (FRCV) em um intervalo de 15 anos. MÉTODOS: Analisamos um grupo de indivíduos ao ingressar na faculdade de medicina e repetimos a análise 15 anos depois, comparando os dados encontrados. Utilizamos questionários sobre FRCV (hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), diabete melito (DM), dislipidemia e história familiar de DCV precoce, tabagismo, etilismo e sedentarismo). O colesterol, a glicemia, a PA, o peso, a altura, o índice de massa corpórea (IMC) foram determinados. RESULTADOS: Comparamos 100 indivíduos (sendo 64,0% homens com idade média de 19,9 anos), com os 72 (sendo 62,5% homens, 34,8 anos) incluídos 15 anos após. Houve aumento na prevalência de HAS (6,0% vs 16,7%, p = 0,024), excesso de peso (9,0% vs 26,4%, p = 0,002) e dislipidemia (4,0% vs 19,14%, p = 0,002). Os demais FRCV não se modificaram. Na análise dos valores de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pressão arterial diastólica (PAD), colesterol, glicemia e IMC, encontramos elevação na média de todas variáveis (p < 0,05). Houve correlação positiva entre valores de PAS, PAD, IMC e glicemia no intervalo de tempo avaliado (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Em profissionais da área médica, encontramos elevação na PAS, PAD, glicemia, IMC e colesterol em 15 anos. Na análise da prevalência de FRCV, houve aumento de hipertensão arterial, excesso de peso e dislipidemia.
Fator de diferenciação de crescimento 15: um novo biomarcador em pacientes com disfunção diastólica?
FUNDAMENTO: O fator de diferenciação de crescimento-15 ou GDF-15, uma citocina de resposta ao estresse relacionada ao fator transformador de crescimento beta (TGF-ß), está elevado e independentemente relacionado à prognóstico adverso na insuficiência cardíaca sistólica. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar os níveis plasmáticos de GDF-15 em pacientes com disfunção diastólica pré-clínica ou insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção normal (ICFEN). MÉTODOS: Avaliamos 119 pacientes com fração de ejeção (FE) normal, encaminhados à angiografia coronariana eletiva, dos quais 75 (63%) tinham doença arterial coronariana (DAC). Os indivíduos foram classificados como tendo disfunção diastólica ventricular esquerda leve (DDVE grau I, n = 61), ICFEN (DDVE grau II ou III, n = 38) ou função diastólica normal (controles, n = 20). Em um subgrupo de 20 indivíduos, alterações no débito cardíaco (DC) foram medidas através de reinalação de gás inerte (Innocor®) em resposta a um teste hemodinâmico ortostático. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de GDF-15 na ICFEN [mediana 1,08, variação interquartil (0,88-1,30) ng/ml] eram significantemente mais altos do que nos controles [0,60 (0,50-0,71) ng/ml, p = 0,003] e em pacientes com DDVE grau I [0,78 (0,62-1,04) ng/ml, p < 0.001]. Além disso, os níveis de GDF-15 estavam significantemente elevados em pacientes com DDVE grau I, em comparação aos controles (p = 0,003). Adicionalmente, GDF-15 estava correlacionado com os marcadores ecocardiográficos de disfunção diastólica e estava correlacionado com a magnitude da resposta do CO à alteração na posição do corpo de ereta para supina (r = -0,67, p = 0,005). CONCLUSÃO: Os níveis de GDF-15 estão elevados em indivíduos com ICFEN e podem diferenciar função diastólica normal de DDVE. Além disso, os níveis de GDF-15 estão associados com uma redução na resposta do DC no teste hemodinâmico ortostático.
Abstract Background: Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) has been shown to be increased in children and adolescents with traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease, compared with those of healthy children. Objective: To assess the influence of sex, age and body mass index (BMI) on the CIMT in healthy children and adolescents aged 1 to 15 years. Methods: A total of 280 healthy children and adolescents (males, n=175; mean age, 7.49±3.57 years; mean BMI, 17.94±4.1 kg/m2) were screened for CIMT assessment. They were divided into 3 groups according to age: GI, 1 to 5 years [n=93 (33.2%); males, 57; mean BMI, 16±3 kg/m2]; GII, 6 to 10 years [n=127 (45.4%); males, 78; mean BMI, 17.9±3.7 kg/m2], and GIII, 11 to 15 years [n=60 (21.4%); males, 40; mean BMI, 20.9±4.5 kg/m2]. Results: There was no significant difference in CIMT values between male and female children and adolescents (0.43±0.06 mm vs. 0.42±0.05 mm, respectively; p=0.243). CIMT correlated with BMI neither in the total population nor in the 3 age groups according to Pearson correlation coefficient. Subjects aged 11 to 15 years had the highest CIMT values (GI vs. GII, p=0.615; GI vs. GIII, p=0.02; GII vs. GIII, p=0.004). Conclusions: CIMT is constant in healthy children younger than 10 years, regardless of sex or BMI. CIMT increases after the age of 10 years.
Abstract Background: Labdane-type diterpenes induce lower blood pressure via relaxation of vascular smooth muscle; however, there are no studies describing the effects of labdanes in hypertensive rats. Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the cardiovascular actions of the labdane-type diterpene ent-3-acetoxy-labda-8(17), 13-dien-15-oic acid (labda-15-oic acid) in two-kidney 1 clip (2K-1C) renal hypertension. Methods: Vascular reactivity experiments were performed in aortic rings isolated from 2K-1C and normotensive (2K) male Wistar rats. Nitrate/nitrite (NOx) measurement was performed in aortas by colorimetric assay. Blood pressure measurements were performed in conscious rats. Results: Labda-15-oic acid (0.1-300 µmol/l) and forskolin (0.1 nmol/l - 1 µmol/l) relaxed endothelium-intact and endothelium-denuded aortas from both 2K-1C and 2K rats. Labda-15-oic acid was more effective at inducing relaxation in endothelium-intact aortas from 2K pre-contracted with phenylephrine when compared to the endothelium-denuded ones. Forskolin was more potent than labda-15-oic acid at inducing vascular relaxation in arteries from both 2K and 2K-1C rats. Labda-15-oic acid-induced increase in NOx levels was lower in arteries from 2K-1C rats when compared to 2K rats. Intravenous administration of labda-15-oic acid (0.3-3 mg/kg) or forskolin (0.1-1 mg/kg) induced hypotension in conscious 2K-1C and 2K rats. Conclusion: The present findings show that labda-15-oic acid induces vascular relaxation and hypotension in hypertensive rats.
The organic and inorganic forms of soil nitrogen and how they participate in the process of fixation, immobilization and mineralization of ammonium in soils were evaluated, after different periods of incubaton, utilizing two soils, a Lithic Haplustoll and a Typic Eutrorthox. The results obtained permit to suggest that : 1) The method for determination of the ammonium fixing capacity based on the extraction with 2N KC1, is considered to be subject to interferences of other soil fractions capable of retaining ammonium. 2) The increase in exchangeable ammonium content is related to the decrease in amino acids and hydrolyzable ammonium. 3) The immobilization and mineralization processes are still held under mil microbial. The forms more affected by this condition are amino acids and hydrolyzable ammonium.