429 resultados para Leitores Reação crítica - Teses
The catalytic performance of Ni/ZrO2 catalysts loaded with different lanthanum content for steam reforming of ethanol was investigated. Catalysts were characterized by BET surface area, X-ray diffraction, UV-vis spectroscopy, temperature programmed reduction, and X-ray absorption fine structure techniques. Results showed that lanthanum addition led to an increase in the degree of reduction of both NiO and nickel surface species interacting with the support, due to the higher dispersion effect. The best catalytic performance at 450 C was found for the Ni/12LZ catalyst, which exhibited an effluent gaseous mixture with the highest H2 yield.
A study on the monitoring of glycerol oxidation catalyzed by gold nanoparticles supported on activated carbon under mild conditions by chemometric methods is presented. The reaction was monitored by mass spectrometry-electrospray ionization (ESI-MS) and comparatively by mid infrared spectroscopy (MIR). Concentration profiles of reagent and products were determined by chemometric tools such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Evolving Factor Analysis (EFA) and Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR). The gold nanoparticle catalyst was relatively active in glycerol oxidation, favoring formation of high added value products. It was found that the reaction stabilization was reached at four hours, with approximately 70% glycerol conversion and high selectivity for glycerate.
In this work the influence of variations in the borohydrate reduction method on the properties of PtRu/C electrocatalysts was investigated. The electrocatalysts were prepared using 1:1 ; 2:1; 5:1; 50:1 and 250:1 molar ratios of NaBH4 to metals. The reduction was also performed by dripping or by fast addition of the solution. The results showed that PtRu nanoparticles obtained by fast addition had the smallest crystallite sizes. It was also noted that the catalytic activity increased as the borohydrate:metal molar ratio increased. The PtRu/C electrocatalyst (50:1) obtained by fast addition presented the best catalytic activity for ethanol electro-oxidation.
The triplet excited state of xanthone was generated and characterized by laser flash photolysis in acetonitrile (λmax=620 nm; t=1.8 ms) and in ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate [bmim.PF6] (λmax=620 nm; t=3.0 ms). It reacts with phenols yielding the corresponding xanthone ketyl radical. Stern-Volmer plots for the reaction of triplet xanthone with phenols led to the determination of absolute rate constants for phenolic hydrogen abstraction in the order of ~10(9) Lmol-1s-1 in acetonitrile and ~10(8) Lmol-1s-1 in [bmim.PF6]. The lower diffusioncontrolled rate constant for [bmim.PF6] is responsible for the difference in the phenolic hydrogen abstraction rate constants in this solvent.
A didactic experiment is proposed aimed to extend the Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) based methodology to the area of physical chemistry/chemical reactors for undergraduate labs. Our prime objective was to describe the use of a gradient chamber for determination of the rate constant for the reaction between crystal violet and the hydroxide ion. The study was complemented by determining the effect of temperature on the rate constant. The kinetic parameters, activation energy and reaction rate constant are determined based on an assumption of rate orders. The main didactic advantages of the proposed experimental set-up are the use of less reagents, contributing to a more environmental friendly experiment. The experiment illustrates also the reduction of associated errors and time by using automated analysis owing to decreased operator manipulation.
Capsaicinoids (CAPS) are substances responsible for pungency in Capsicum. It is important to quantify these types of compounds owing to their broad application in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and chemical weapons. In this work, we developed an indirect spectrophotometric method based on the colorimetric reaction between CAPS, Co(II) 3.1010-5 mol L-1 and 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol (PAR) 6.2310-5 and, in cachaa:water 92:8v/v solutions, for quantification of total CAPS in Capsicum peppers. The product of the reaction is CoPAR2CAPS2 and its absorption in aquo-ethanolic solution at 510 nm is proportional to the total CAPS concentration from 0.60 to 17.94 mg L-1. The values of limit of detection and limit of quantification were 0.0004 and 0.001 mg of CAPS/g of pepper, respectively, with 4% relative standard deviation. The developed method yielded similar results to those obtained from high performance liquid chromatography, with 95% of confidence.
Theoretical analysis at the BHandHLYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory with the support of QTAIM calculations was used to reinvestigate the structure of an intermolecular system formed between ethylene oxide (C2H4O) and formic acid (HCO2H) after the epoxidation known as the Prileschajew reaction. Geometric and infrared vibration results revealed that HO2CH forms a strong hydrogen bond with C2H4O followed by a larger red-shift of the H−O bond. NBO analysis was applied to justify this frequency shift. Finally, QTAIM calculations identified the formation of two hydrogen bonds, namely OH−O and HO=C.
Environmentally friendly acid carbon (CG) catalysts, containing a high amount of sulfonated and oxygenated groups, were prepared from glycerin, a biodiesel waste. CGs were produced by glycerin carbonization in the presence of H2SO4 at 1:3 m:m ratio in a closed autoclave at 180ºC for different times: 0.25; 1; 3 and 6 hours (CG-0.25h; CG-1h; CG-3h and CG-6h, respectively). The catalyst properties for all carbons were evaluated in the glycerol etherification reaction with tert-butyl alcohol (TBA). The yield for mono-tert-butyl glycerol (MTBG), di-tert-butyl glycerol (DTBG) and tri-tert-butyl-glycerol (TTBG) was high and very similar for all CGs, of about 43% and 20% for the MTBG and DTBG + TTBG, respectively. Furthermore, the activity of these catalysts were close to those obtained using a commercial resin, Amberlyst-15, of about 50% and 27% for MTBG and DTBG + TTBG, respectively.
Condensation reactions of glycerol with aldehydes and ketones were performed under thermal heating and microwave irradiation regimes. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts were tested in both conditions. A silica sulfated (SiO2-SO3H) heterogeneous catalyst demonstrated the best performance relative to a selectivity of >95% in favor of 5-membered ketals. For acetals, preference in favor of 5-membered or 6-membered functional groups depends on the nature of the catalyst. Homogenous catalysts favor the more stable 6-membered acetals, whereas heterogeneous catalysts favor the less stable 5-membered acetals. However, the isomer ratios in the acetalization reaction are too low, and hence the reaction cannot be used in a synthetic plan for functional materials. Ketalization processes mediated by SiO2-SO3H show a high selectivity in favor of a 5-membered ring (1,3-dioxolane). The scope of condensation was tested with different ketones. A mechanism for heterogeneous catalysis related to the selectivity in the cyclization process is presented herein. Solketal, a commercial product, was also obtained by a condensation reaction of glycerol and propanone, and showed a high selectivity in favor of 1,3-dioxolane. It was transformed to potential allylic and chiral intermediates. A mesogenic core was connected to the organic framework of glycerol to produce a monomer liquid crystal material with a stable smectic-C mesophase.
O fungo Elsinoe phaseoli, agente causal da sarna, tem sido responsvel por srios prejuzos aos produtores de feijo-de-corda (Vigna unguiculata), em particular, nos cultivos que se estabelecem em regies montanhosas e na poca das chuvas, no Cear. O presente trabalho objetivou, alm de identificar fontes de resistncia sarna, avaliar os efeitos da doena sobre o rendimento agrcola e seus componentes, a qualidade do gro e o ciclo da cultura. Num ensaio delineado em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repeties, instalado em Tiangu, CE, sob regime de irrigao e em sequeiro, por dois anos: 1995 e 1996, 16 gentipos foram avaliados quanto a variveis relacionadas ao ciclo, rendimento de gros e sintomas de sarna. Procederam-se anlises quanto varincia, comparaes entre mdias dos tratamentos, correlao e regresso. Constatou-se que as plantas suscetveis sarna sofrem seus efeitos negativos sobre ciclo e produo de gros; as cultivares e linhagens avaliadas apresentaram variabilidade quanto reação doena. A cultivar EPACE V-96, pela produtividade, precocidade e grau de resistncia sarna, a mais indicada como genitor, visando o melhoramento gentico do feijo-de-corda para o ambiente da Ibiapaba, CE.
A tristeza causada pelo vrus da tristeza dos citros (Citrus tristeza virus, CTV) uma das principais viroses dos citros (Citrus spp.) no Brasil. Alguns autores tm utilizado a intensidade de caneluras produzidas nos ramos para selecionar plantas com resistncia ao vrus. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a reação de porta-enxertos hbridos, provenientes do programa de melhoramento gentico de citros da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura ao CTV e elaboradas duas escalas, uma fotogrfica e outra diagramtica, para quantificao de resistncia ao CTV. Entre os porta-enxertos avaliados, a maioria apresentou poucas caneluras, sendo portanto considerados resistentes tristeza. Verificou-se a manuteno da resistncia ao vrus nos hbridos produzidos a partir de progenitores que possuam algum nvel de resistncia.
A podrido do colo (Sclerotium rolfsii) e o odio (Erysiphe polygoni) so de constante ocorrncia na cultura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) no estado de Santa Catarina. O uso de gentipos com resistncia gentica uma das alternativas de manejo destas doenas. Avaliou-se a reação a podrido e ao odio em 80 e 75 gentipos de feijo respectivamente. Os testes foram conduzidos em casa de vegetao em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso. Para os testes com a podrido do colo, cada semente dos gentipos foi inoculada com dois esclercios de S. rolfsii. A infeco por odio ocorreu naturalmente. Usou-se a cv. Rio Tibagi como padro de mdia resistncia podrido ou de mdia susceptibilidade ao odio. Os gentipos menos afetados pela podrido do colo e que diferiram da 'Rio Tibagi' foram: grupo preto - LA 95105428, FT 646 e Acesso 57; grupo colorido - BAF 50. A maioria dos gentipos no diferiu da 'Rio Tibagi', porm o mais afetado pela podrido do colo foi o BAF 10. Os gentipos mais susceptveis ao odio foram o Acesso 57 (Preto) e o FGP CF 101 (Preto). Os gentipos menos afetados pelo odio foram: grupo preto - Acessos 60 e 36, FGP CF 058, TB 95-03, LM95103904 e LP 96-58; grupo colorido - Akit, LP 94-1 e LP 96-162.
Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a reação de seis hbridos de milho (Zea mays)(AG 9012, C 808, P 3041, C 901, XL 212 e X 9403) de germoplasmas diferentes, a Diplodia maydis inoculados artificalmente nas espigas e infeco natural de D. maydis e de D. macrospora. O hbrido X 9403 apresentou a menor incidncia de gros infetados e o rendimento de gros superior dos demais hbridos; o hbrido XL 212 apresentou incidncia e rendimento de gros intermedirios. Esses dois hbridos possuem textura de gros dentados. Os hbridos P 3041, AG 9012 e C 808, com textura de gros duro, apresentaram rendimentos inferiores e reaes variveis a D. maydis e a D. macrospora. Esses resultados mostraram que existe variabilidade entre hbridos quanto reação podrido da espiga causada por D. maydis e a D. macrospora. Na identificao de materiais resistentes, se sugere utilizar mtodos artificiais de inoculao, visando aumentar a presso de seleo e confiabilidade nos resultados.
Folhas jovens de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) inoculadas com uma suspenso de condios viveis ou autoclavados de Microcyclus ulei, um patgeno de diversas espcies do gnero Hevea, reagiram fortemente com induo de compostos azuis fluorescentes nas reas de contato, com a morte das clulas locais e a formao irregular dos tecidos, distoro das folhas e, ocasionalmente, com a absciso da folha. Tambm ocorreu crescimento restrito das hifas, mas sem produo de novos condios. A reação das plantas foi mais semelhante a uma reação de resistncia complexa a um patgeno biotrfico do que uma reação tpica de defesa de uma planta no hospedeira.
A podrido vermelha da raiz, causada por Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines, considerada uma das doenas mais severas de soja (Glycine max) no Sul do Brasil. Este trabalho avaliou a reação de 30 gentipos de soja em experimentos conduzidos em cmara de crescimento, na Embrapa Trigo, Passo Fundo, RS. Inoculou-se o fungo nos gentipos pelo mtodo "palito-de-dente", atravs da introduo de uma ponta de palito colonizada pelo fungo no hipoctilo de cada plntula e pelo mtodo "gro de sorgo", em que o inculo, constitudo de gros de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor) colonizados, foi colocado ao redor do colo da planta. Avaliaram-se os sintomas na parte area e no sistema radicular. Para ambos mtodos de inoculao, houve diferenas entre gentipos e a amplitude de reação variou de resistncia moderada alta suscetibilidade. Os gentipos BRS 66, BRS 137 e BRS 138, pelo mtodo "palito-de-dente", e IAS 5 e BRS 137, pelo mtodo "gro de sorgo", foram considerados moderadamente resistentes. Os gentipos Embrapa 59, CEP 12-Cambar, Ipagro 21, FT-Guara, FT-Abyara, BR-4 e FT-2003 foram moderadamente suscetveis (MS) pelo mtodo "palito-de-dente", enquanto Ivor, RS 7-Jacu, Fepagro RS-10, BR-16, CD 203, BR-4, CEP 20-Guajuvira, BRS 154, BRS 138 e Cobb foram MS pelo mtodo "gro de sorgo". Por outro lado, Bragg, CD 205, RS 5-Esmeralda, RS 9- Itaba, IAS 4, Ocepar 14, CD 201, FT 2011, FT-Saray, BRS 153 e FT-2004 foram suscetveis em ambos os mtodos usados.