314 resultados para Cutaneous radiation syndrome
In order to evaluate the reliability of histopathological classifications of cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis the authors compared the histopathological patterns of two biopsies taken simultaneously from the same patient, and classified the material according to Ridley et al. (1980), to Magalhães et al. (1986a), and to a more simplified classification with only three patterns. District histopathological aspects, were observed in different lesions or even in the same lesion. The authors concluded that histopathological patterns do not represent a stage of tegumentary leishmaniasis, thus they can not be correlated with prognosis and therapeutical response as suggested in the literature.
The effect of deltamethrin of the sandfly population in a focus of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Viana, Espírito Santo State is desvribed. The phlebotomine population density was determined inside and outside houses during a one year period in a treated and untreated area. The results showed a significant reduction in the number of sandflies inside houses in the treated area compared with both the untreated area and the same area before sparying. Despite having a residual action for 12 months after spraying the insecticide was ineffective outside houses. It is concluded therefore that deltamethrin is an efficient insecticide for reducing the number of phlebotomine sandflies inside houses.
In a study on putative vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Baturité, Ceará State Brazil, six sandfly species were identified: Lutzomya longipalpis, L. wellcomei, L. peresi, L. whitmani, L. shannoni and L. migonei. In general L. whitmani and L. migonei were the predominant species. They were collected in periodomiciliary areas and were attracted by man and equines L. whitmani was the most anthropophilic species. Studies using animals as bait showed that blood-feeding occurs throughout the night. Previously L. whitmani had been found infected with a Leishmania species of the braziliensis complex and L. migoney was infected with peripylarian flagellates. In combination these findings suggest that they may be responsible for periodomestic transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis.
A serological survery for canine visceral (VL) and American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has been carried out during 1984-1989, to assess the effects of the prophylactic measures adopted in areas where there was a risk of transmission of the diseases in Rio de Janeiro. A previous serologival survey (1982/83) had detected serum positive dogas as well as the human disease in these same areas. A total fo 22,828 dogs have been examined in this last survey, 7,807 of which came from Campo Grande (VL and ACL area), 4,110 from Jacarepaguá (ACL area), 4,l46 from Realengo, 3,879 from Bangu and 2,886 from Senador Camará, (three VL areas). The analysis of these results showed a notable reduction in the number of serum positve dogs, compared to those of the first survey was 12.7%, against 0.62% of the second; (b) in Jacarepaguá (ACL) it decreased from 8.6%) to l.8% (c) in Bangu, Realengo and Senador Camará (VL) the rate decreased from 4.3% to 0.38%. The results indicate that this decrease was due to the prophylactic measures adopted in those areas.
The authors report a case of culture-proven disseminated American muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania brasiliensis brasiliensis in an HIV positive patient. Lesions began in the oropharynx and nasal mucosa eventually spreading to much of the skin surface. The response to a short course of glucantime therapy was good.
The few studies already published about phagocyte functions in Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) has stated that neutrophils present slow rate of bacterial killing but normally ingest microorganisms. In the present study, both phagocytosis and killing of Staphylococcus aureus were verified to be in neutrophils from two patients with CHS when these functions were simultaneously evaluated by a fluorochrome phagocytosis assay. Electron microscopic examination showed morphologic differences among neutophils from CHS patients and normal neutrophils regarding the cytoplasmic structures and the aspects of the phagolysosomes. It was noteworthy the presence of giant phagolysosomes enclosing bacteria in active proliferation commonly observed in CHS neutrophils after 45 min of phagocytosis, wich corresponded with the impaired bactericidal activity of these leukocytes. The present results suggest that phagocytosis may also be defective in CHS, and point out to the sensitivity of the fluorochrome phagocytosis assay and its application in clinical laboratories.
American mucocutaneous leishmaniasis is a granulomatous disease clinically characterized by ulcerated skin lesions that can regress spontaneously. A small percentage of the affected individuals can however develop a severe destruction of the nasal, oral, pharyngeal and/or laryngeal mucous membranes many years after the healing of the primary lesion. The human immune response to the infection and the possible mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of the disease, determining either the self-healing or the development of chronic and destructive mucosal lesions, are discussed.
In order to characterize the epidemiology of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL) in a periurban area of the municipality of Sabará in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte (MRBH), an area until then considered free of the disease, a cross sectional survey was undertaken in 1990. The survey of the population consisted of 1119 interviews and 881 clinical examinations using Montenegro's skin test (MST). A low prevalence (3.7%) of positive MST was encountered. The disease had been occuring in the area for about 20 years in the form of sporadic cases. The predominant species of sandfly both in domestic areas and nearby areas of secondary vegetation was Lutzomyia whitmani. A canine survey of delayed hypersensitivity to the antigen P10,000 identified only one dog with a positive reaction out of 113 examined. The transmission of ACL in MRBH was confirmed. The occurrence of the disease in women, children and individuals with no contact with forest areas as well as the presence of potential vector species in the domiciliar environment, suggests the transmission of the disease in this environment.
The lectin from Dioclea grandiflora (Mart.) that selectively binds glucose and mannose, when subcutaneously injected in mouse induces an inflammatory cutaneous reaction whose histological analysis reveals an hemorrhagic ulceration with exudative reaction accompanied by an influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and giant cells. The presence of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the lesion was insignificant. In order to characterize the in vivo action of inflammatory factors generated by this lesion, distinct lines of mice were used: high and low antibody responder mice; the genetically selected mice to the acute phase of inflammatory reaction; lines of mice deficient in C5, a protein of the complement system. It is shown that the lectin of D. grandiflora acts as an inflammatory agent probably promoting exocytosis and release of mediators.