262 resultados para valva mitral


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Com o objetivo de estabelecer valores de medidas ecocardiográficas em bezerros da raça Holandesa, utilizaram-se 25 animais, com idade entre 8 e 28 dias e peso entre 27 e 57 kg. Procedeu-se o exame ecocardiográfico em modo-B e modo-M para a obtenção dos valores médios dos seguintes parâmetros, em diástole e sístole, respectivamente: diâmetros internos dos ventrículos direito (2,05±0,13cm e 1,59±0,13cm) e esquerdo (3,91±0,09cm e 2,52±0,13cm), espessuras do septo interventricular (1,24±0,04cm e 1,62±0,06cm) e da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo (0,92±0,04cm e 1,50±0,05cm). Obtiveram-se ainda valores do diâmetro dos átrios direito e esquerdo em sístole (2,97±0,12cm e 4,11±0,21cm, respectivamente), dos volumes diastólico (67,90±3,65ml), sistólico (25,32±3,05ml) e de ejeção (42,58±2,46ml) do ventrículo esquerdo, do débito cardíaco (3857±339ml/min), do diâmetro aórtico (2,52±0,05cm), da distância entre o ponto de maior abertura do folheto anterior da valva atrioventricular esquerda até o septo interventricular (0,65±0,08cm) e tempo de ejeção (0,39±0,02s), das frações de encurtamento (36,27±2,40%) e de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (64,67±3,22%). Houve média correlação linear positiva (66,4%, P<0,01) entre diâmetro aórtico e peso dos animais, média correlação linear negativa (P<0,01) entre tempo de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo e freqüência cardíaca (69,1%) e com o débito cardíaco (62,4%). Observou-se uma tendência dos bezerros em apresentar menor diâmetro da câmara cardíaca esquerda, apesar de mantidas as relações de espessura de parede e índices funcionais do miocárdio.


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Atrioventricular valve complex of 30 Jafarabadi water buffaloes, adult males were studied in this research with no heart diseases. The animals were obtained from a slaughterhouse in Brazilian State of Parana. The hearts were opened at the third portion affording access to the valve complex. The complexes had its area, number and type of tendinous cords submitted to analysis. The results showed that the complex is composed by two cusps and four accessory cusps, two or three papillary muscles in which 10-25 tendinous cords fix on the cusps that face the ventricle wall. The total area of the complex was on average 38.56cm², with a minimum of 24.96cm² and a maximum of 55.54cm². Statistically, no relation between the number of cords and the cusps' area where they are inserted or with the number of papillary muscle where they originated from was observed.


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On the American continent, almost 15 million people are affected by Chagas disease, resulting in important economic and social damages. Dogs are considered to be an excellent experimental model to study Chagas' disease; as a result, in this research, the characterization of cardiovascular abnormalities was performed in dogs experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi (the Colombian strain) that were at chronic stage. Thirteen adult female dogs were evaluated by electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, hematological and biochemical analyses in the chronic phase. For the electrocardiographic studies, respiratory sinus arrhythmia was the predominant rhythm during the entire research period (49.55% to 67%), with a low prevalence of right bundle branch block (0-13%) and first-degree atrioventricular block (0-14%). The spectral Doppler echocardio-graphy showed E and A mitral wave reversal (0.71±0.17), confirming the diastolic dysfunction present in all dogs. An increase in the enzymes activities was detected in the serum analysis, indicating myocardial injury by the infection. Six dogs died during the follow-up. In this way, the clinical characterization of experimentally infected dogs, as described here, increases the knowledge and allows for recognition of the behavioural modifications present in Chagas' disease in affected dogs.


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No intuito de avaliar a magnitude e a distribuição da variabilidade genética existente em populações naturais de araticunzeiro, seis populações oriundas de duas regiões do Estado de Goiás foram amostradas (30 indivíduos cada) e analisadas para quatro sistemas enzimáticos: 6-Fosfogluconato Desidrogenase (6PGD), Fosfoglucomutase (PGM), Malato Desidrogenase (MDH) e Leucina Aminopeptidase (LAP). Dois locos diméricos foram encontrados para a enzima 6PGD, e um loco monomérico para os demais sistemas. Somente a enzima MDH apresentou monomorfismo em todas as populações, sendo que o número médio de alelos por loco polimórfico foi igual a dois. A heterozigosidade total média foi de 0,357, denotando a existência de elevada variabilidade genética na região para esta espécie. Cerca de 19% da variação genética total foram devidos a diferenças interpopulacionais, indicando uma elevada divergência genética entre as populações. A análise de variância das freqüências alélicas para os locos polimórficos no conjunto de populações evidenciou um elevado grau de estruturação genética em nível populacional, tendo-se observado coeficientes significativos para o parentesco entre indivíduos dentro de populações e para a endogamia total em nível individual. A avaliação da divergência genética entre as populações sugeriu a existência de um efeito da distribuição espacial sobre a magnitude da similaridade entre as mesmas. Os resultados sugerem que a espécie se reproduz preferencialmente por alogamia, em conformidade com achados de outros autores.


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Although echocardiography has been used in rats, few studies have determined its efficacy for estimating myocardial infarct size. Our objective was to estimate the myocardial infarct size, and to evaluate anatomic and functional variables of the left ventricle. Myocardial infarction was produced in 43 female Wistar rats by ligature of the left coronary artery. Echocardiography was performed 5 weeks later to measure left ventricular diameter and transverse area (mean of 3 transverse planes), infarct size (percentage of the arc with infarct on 3 transverse planes), systolic function by the change in fractional area, and diastolic function by mitral inflow parameters. The histologic measurement of myocardial infarction size was similar to the echocardiographic method. Myocardial infarct size ranged from 4.8 to 66.6% when determined by histology and from 5 to 69.8% when determined by echocardiography, with good correlation (r = 0.88; P < 0.05; Pearson correlation coefficient). Left ventricular diameter and mean diastolic transverse area correlated with myocardial infarct size by histology (r = 0.57 and r = 0.78; P < 0.0005). The fractional area change ranged from 28.5 ± 5.6 (large-size myocardial infarction) to 53.1 ± 1.5% (control) and correlated with myocardial infarct size by echocardiography (r = -0.87; P < 0.00001) and histology (r = -0.78; P < 00001). The E/A wave ratio of mitral inflow velocity for animals with large-size myocardial infarction (5.6 ± 2.7) was significantly higher than for all others (control: 1.9 ± 0.1; small-size myocardial infarction: 1.9 ± 0.4; moderate-size myocardial infarction: 2.8 ± 2.3). There was good agreement between echocardiographic and histologic estimates of myocardial infarct size in rats.


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Constrictive pericarditis (CP) and restrictive cardiomyopathy share many similarities in both their clinical and hemodynamic characteristics and N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is a sensitive marker of cardiac diastolic dysfunction. The objectives of the present study were to determine whether serum NT-proBNP was high in patients with endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) and CP, and to investigate how this relates to diastolic dysfunction. Thirty-three patients were divided into two groups: CP (16 patients) and EMF (17 patients). The control group consisted of 30 healthy individuals. Patients were evaluated by bidimensional echocardiography, with restriction syndrome evaluated by pulsed Doppler of the mitral flow and serum NT-proBNP measured by immunoassay and detected by electrochemiluminescence. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to analyze the association between log NT-proBNP and echocardiographic parameters. Log NT-proBNP was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in CP patients (log mean: 2.67 pg/mL; 95%CI: 2.43-2.92 log pg/mL) and in EMF patients (log mean: 2.91 pg/mL; 95%CI: 2.70-3.12 log pg/mL) compared with the control group (log mean: 1.45; 95%CI: 1.32-1.60 log pg/mL). There were no statistical differences between EMF and CP patients (P = 0.689) in terms of NT-proBNP. The NT-proBNP log tended to correlate with peak velocity of the E wave (r = 0.439; P = 0.060, but not with A wave (r = -0.399; P = 0.112). Serum NT-proBNP concentration can be used as a marker to detect the presence of diastolic dysfunction in patients with restrictive syndrome; however, serum NT-proBNP levels cannot be used to differentiate restrictive cardiomyopathy from CP.


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Exercise capacity and quality of life (QOL) are important outcome predictors in patients with systolic heart failure (HF), independent of left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (LVEF). LV diastolic function has been shown to be a better predictor of aerobic exercise capacity in patients with systolic dysfunction and a New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification ≥II. We hypothesized that the currently used index of diastolic function E/e' is associated with exercise capacity and QOL, even in optimally treated HF patients with reduced LVEF. This prospective study included 44 consecutive patients aged 55±11 years (27 men and 17 women), with LVEF<0.50 and NYHA functional class I-III, receiving optimal pharmacological treatment and in a stable clinical condition, as shown by the absence of dyspnea exacerbation for at least 3 months. All patients had conventional transthoracic echocardiography and answered the Minnesota Living with HF Questionnaire, followed by the 6-min walk test (6MWT). In a multivariable model with 6MWT as the dependent variable, age and E/e' explained 27% of the walked distance in 6MWT (P=0.002; multivariate regression analysis). No association was found between walk distance and LVEF or mitral annulus systolic velocity. Only normalized left atrium volume, a sensitive index of diastolic function, was associated with decreased QOL. Despite the small number of patients included, this study offers evidence that diastolic function is associated with physical capacity and QOL and should be considered along with ejection fraction in patients with compensated systolic HF.