302 resultados para base catalysis


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The brains of 30 New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were injected with red stained latex. The arteries of the ventral surface of the brain were systematized on the right (R) and on the left (L) side with the respective percentage of appearance: the aortic arch emitted the braquicephalic trunk and the left subclavian artery (83.3%); or the braquicephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery (16.7%). The braquicephalic trunk emitted the right and the left common carotid arteries and the right subclavian artery (83.3%); or the right common carotid artery and the right subclavian artery (16.7%). The common carotid arteries were divided into external and internal carotid arteries (96.7% on the R, 100% on the L.). The internal carotid artery to the R was present (96.7%) and absent (3.3%), and to the L, was present (100%). The rostral choroidal artery to the R was collateral branch of the rostral branch of the internal carotid artery (83.3%), collateral branch of caudal branch of the internal carotid artery (16.7%), and to the L was collateral branch of the rostral branch of the internal carotid artery (93.3%), collateral branch of the caudal branch of the internal carotid artery (6.7%). The middle cerebral artery to the R and to the L was single (80%) and double (20%). The rostral cerebral artery to the R had middle caliber (90%), thin caliber (6.7%) and too thin caliber (3.3%), and to the L had middle caliber (76.7%), thin caliber (16.7%) and too thin caliber (6.7%). The internal ethmoidal artery was absent (73.3%), present and single (26.7%). The caudal cerebral artery to the R was single (66.7%), double (26.7%) and triple (6.7%), and to the L was single (63.3%) and double (36.7%). The terminal branches of the right and left vertebral arteries were present (100%, and formed the basilar artery (100%). The ventral spinal artery was present (100%). The caudal cerebellar artery, to the R was single (43.3%), single with labyrinthic artery isolated (26.7%) and double (30%), and to the L was single (50%), single with labyrinthic artery isolated (6.7%), double (40%) and triple (3.3%). The trigeminal artery to the R and to the L was present (100%). The rostral cerebellar artery to the R was single (53.3%) and double (46,7%), and to the L was single (63.3%) and double (36.7%). The rabbit's cerebral arterial circle was caudally closed (100%) and rostrally closed (93.3%) or opened (6.7%). The brain was supplied by the vertebral-basilar and carotid systems.


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Objetivou-se caracterizar a morfologia das câmaras cardíacas e das artérias aortas e pulmonares da espécie Chelonia mydas. Foram avaliados 11 espécimes de C. mydas mortas coletadas no litoral do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Os animais foram necropsiados para a obtenção do coração, fragmentos das artérias aorta e pulmonares direita e esquerda. Os vasos adquiridos foram fixados em formol e submetidos ao processamento histológico de rotina e coloração com Técnica de Verhoff modificada. Enquanto, do coração, os parâmetros largura, altura base-ápice e a circunferência ventricular foram mensurados por meio do paquímetro. Nessa espécie a microscopia das artérias pulmonares e artérias aortas variaram de acordo com o antímero. A maior espessura relativa do Cavum Venosum (CV) auxilia no bombeamento cardíaco durante o mergulho e sua menor espessura direita é uma vantagem para a dilatação ventricular durante a imersão profunda enquanto que a quantificação das lâminas elásticas e fibras musculares da túnica média das artérias aortas e pulmonares direita e esquerda comprovaram que a túnica média das aortas predomina o componente elástico vs. muscular, entretanto, nas artérias pulmonares o componente elástico não-predomina. Essa angioarquitetura pode estar relacionada com a capacidade de mergulho, favorecendo um maior aproveitamento do sangue oxigenado armazenado previamente durante o período de apneia.


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This study aimed to associate the occurrence of acid-base disorders with the alcoholic stability of milk from animals in the field, and to evaluate differences between the mineral composition of milk that was both stable and unstable in alcohol. The sample comprised 96 dairy cows, where the milk and blood of each corresponding animal was collected. The mineral composition of stable and unstable milk in alcohol was different and may be related to acid-base disturbances. The average amount of phosphate was lower in the milk that was unstable in alcohol, while potassium was greater. Frequency of the alcoholically unstable milk cases was higher in the cows with acid-base disturbances. Respiratory alkalosis was the disorder that was most observed.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade de variedades de soja transgênica (CD 214 RR e M-SOY 8008 RR) a diferentes herbicidas à base de glyphosate (Roundup Ready, Roundup Transorb, Roundup Original, Roundup WG, Polaris, Gliz, Glifosato Nortox e Trop), foi desenvolvido experimento em condições de campo, no ano agrícola 2005/2006, na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Produção da UNESP, campus de Jaboticabal, SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, num esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Os herbicidas foram aplicados na dose de 1,2 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido de glyphosate, quando as plantas de soja se encontravam com a segunda folha trifoliolada totalmente expandida. Não foram observados sintomas de intoxicação dos herbicidas nas plantas de soja. Quanto às demais características avaliadas, a interação variedade x herbicida não foi significativa, indicando que os fatores comportaram-se de forma independente. Entre as variedades, as plantas de M-SOY 8008 RR apresentaram maior altura e número de nós, porém obtiveram menor produtividade de grãos que as de CD 214 RR, devido ao menor número de grãos por vagem. No tocante aos herbicidas, não houve diferença significativa entre eles, ou seja, eles não influenciaram o desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo das plantas de soja.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo isolar e identificar fungos de solo de sistemas agroflorestais e avaliar a atividade enzimática destes fungos. Estes foram isolados pela técnica de diluição sucessiva e avaliados quanto à capacidade de degradar amido, celulose e caseína. Foram identificadas 11 espécies de fungos anamorfos (Hyphomycetes) distribuídos em cinco gêneros: Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Curvularia, Fusarium e Penicillium. As espécies estudadas não apresentaram atividade amilolítica satisfatória. Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fres.) De Vries e Penicillium chrysogenum Thom apresentaram maior índice de relação enzimática (IRE) para protease e celulase. Entre as espécies estudadas seis apresentaram maior Índice de Relação Enzimática (IRE) para celulase em comparação as demais enzimas.


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This article reports on the design and characteristics of substrate mimetics in protease-catalyzed reactions. Firstly, the basis of protease-catalyzed peptide synthesis and the general advantages of substrate mimetics over common acyl donor components are described. The binding behavior of these artificial substrates and the mechanism of catalysis are further discussed on the basis of hydrolysis, acyl transfer, protein-ligand docking, and molecular dynamics studies on the trypsin model. The general validity of the substrate mimetic concept is illustrated by the expansion of this strategy to trypsin-like, glutamic acid-specific, and hydrophobic amino acid-specific proteases. Finally, opportunities for the combination of the substrate mimetic strategy with the chemical solid-phase peptide synthesis and the use of substrate mimetics for non-peptide organic amide synthesis are presented.


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Limited evidence is available regarding antiretroviral (ARV) safety for uninfected infants exposed to these drugs in utero. Our objective was to determine if ARV administered to pregnant women is associated with decreasing umbilical arterial pH and base excess in uninfected infants. A prospective study was conducted on 57 neonates divided into three groups: ZDV group, born to mothers taking zidovudine (N = 20), triple therapy (TT) group, born to mothers taking zidovudine + lamivudine + nelfinavir (N = 25), and control group (N = 12), born to uninfected mothers. Umbilical cord blood was used to determine umbilical artery gases. A test was performed to calculate the sample by comparing means by the unpaired one-tailed t-test, with a = 0.05 and ß = 20%, indicating the need for a sample of 18 newborn infants for the study groups to detect differences higher than 20%. The control and ARV groups were similar in gestational age, birth weight, and Apgar scores. Values of pH, pCO2, bicarbonate, and base excess in cord arterial blood obtained at delivery from the newborns exposed to TT were 7.23, 43.2 mmHg, 19.5 mEq/L, and -8.5 nmol/L, respectively, with no significant difference compared to the control and ZDV groups. We conclude that intrauterine exposure to ARV is not associated with a pathological decrease in umbilical arterial pH or base excess. While our data are reassuring, follow-up is still limited and needs to be continued into adulthood because of the possible potential for adverse effects of triple antiretroviral agents.


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The aims of this study were to determine whether standard base excess (SBE) is a useful diagnostic tool for metabolic acidosis, whether metabolic acidosis is clinically relevant in daily evaluation of critically ill patients, and to identify the most robust acid-base determinants of SBE. Thirty-one critically ill patients were enrolled. Arterial blood samples were drawn at admission and 24 h later. SBE, as calculated by Van Slyke's (SBE VS) or Wooten's (SBE W) equations, accurately diagnosed metabolic acidosis (AUC = 0.867, 95%CI = 0.690-1.043 and AUC = 0.817, 95%CI = 0.634-0.999, respectively). SBE VS was weakly correlated with total SOFA (r = -0.454, P < 0.001) and was similar to SBE W (r = -0.482, P < 0.001). All acid-base variables were categorized as SBE VS <-2 mEq/L or SBE VS <-5 mEq/L. SBE VS <-2 mEq/L was better able to identify strong ion gap acidosis than SBE VS <-5 mEq/L; there were no significant differences regarding other variables. To demonstrate unmeasured anions, anion gap (AG) corrected for albumin (AG A) was superior to AG corrected for albumin and phosphate (AG A+P) when strong ion gap was used as the standard method. Mathematical modeling showed that albumin level, apparent strong ion difference, AG A, and lactate concentration explained SBE VS variations with an R² = 0.954. SBE VS with a cut-off value of <-2 mEq/L was the best tool to diagnose clinically relevant metabolic acidosis. To analyze the components of SBE VS shifts at the bedside, AG A, apparent strong ion difference, albumin level, and lactate concentration are easily measurable variables that best represent the partitioning of acid-base derangements.


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Acid-base homeostasis maintains systemic arterial pH within a narrow range. Whereas the normal range of pH for clinical laboratories is 7.35-7.45, in vivo pH is maintained within a much narrower range. In clinical and experimental settings, blood pH can vary in response to respiratory or renal impairment. This altered pH promotes changes in vascular smooth muscle tone with impact on circulation and blood pressure control. Changes in pH can be divided into those occurring in the extracellular space (pHo) and those occurring within the intracellular space (pHi), although, extracellular and intracellular compartments influence each other. Consistent with the multiple events involved in the changes in tone produced by altered pHo, including type of vascular bed, several factors and mechanisms, in addition to hydrogen ion concentration, have been suggested to be involved. The scientific literature has many reports concerning acid-base balance and endothelium function, but these concepts are not clear about acid-base disorders and their relations with the three known mechanisms of endothelium-dependent vascular reactivity: nitric oxide (NO/cGMP-dependent), prostacyclin (PGI2/cAMP-dependent) and hyperpolarization. During the last decades, many studies have been published and have given rise to confronting data on acid-base disorder and endothelial function. Therefore, the main proposal of this review is to provide a critical analysis of the state of art and incentivate researchers to develop more studies about these issues.


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Pretreatment of Escherichia coli cultures with the iron chelator 2,2’-dipyridyl (1 mM) protects against the lethal effects of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (<15 mM). However, at H2O2 concentrations equal to or greater than 15 mM, dipyridyl pretreatment increases lethality and mutagenesis, which is attributed to the formation of different types of DNA lesions. We show here that pretreatment with dipyridyl (1 mM) prior to challenge with high H2O2 concentrations (≥15 mM) induced mainly G:C→A:T transitions (more than 100X with 15 mM and more than 250X with 20 mM over the spontaneous mutagenesis rate) in E. coli. In contrast, high H2O2 concentrations in the absence of dipyridyl preferentially induced A:T→T:A transversions (more than 1800X and more than 300X over spontaneous mutagenesis for 15 and 20 mM, respectively). We also show that in the fpg nth double mutant, the rpoB gene mutation (RifS-RifR) induced by 20 mM H2O2 alone (20X higher) was increased in 20 mM H2O2 and dipyridyl-treated cultures (110X higher), suggesting additional and/or different lesions in cells treated with H2O2 under iron deprivation. It is suggested that, upon iron deprivation, cytosine may be the main damaged base and the origin of the pre-mutagenic lesions induced by H2O2.


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Com o objetivo de formular uma bebida de boa qualidade protéica e tendo boas características sensoriais, o arroz e a soja foram misturados nas proporções de 90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40 e 50:50%, respectivamente, para o preparo de um extrato, no qual foi acrescentado o ácido cítrico (0,5%) e submetido à fervura por 15 min. Depois disso, foi adicionado açúcar (15%), obtendo-se, no final, uma bebida formulada. Através das análises químicas, foi verificado que houve um aumento no percentual protéico, de 0,77 a 1,40%, proporcional ao aumento de soja. Entretanto nas bebidas formuladas, contendo respectivamente, 20; 30 e 40% de soja, foram observados os melhores perfis de aminoácidos essenciais, sendo aquela com 30% considerada a superior. Já com 50% de soja nas bebidas formuladas, os aminoácidos sulfurados tendem a se tornar deficientes. Resultados da avaliação sensorial indicam que as bebidas formuladas, respectivamente, com 10; 20; 30 e 40% de soja, foram as de melhores aparência, sabor e corpo, sendo as de 20 e 30% de soja as mais preferidas pela equipe massal de provadores não treinados.


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Dado el alto consumo de productos alimenticios a base de trigo (HT) importado y la producción industrial de subproductos del procesamiento del maíz (HGDM), ricos en fibra dietética, proteínas y minerales, en Venezuela se ha estudado la factibilidad técnica de sustituir parcialmente HT por HGDM en la elaboración de productos horneados como galletas y panes. Por otra parte, considerando las restricciones existentes en el uso del bromato de potasio (BP) como aditivo de panificación y que el ácido ascórbico (AA) ha sido probado exitosamente como aditivo en panes a base de HT, en este estudio se utilizaron los aditivos (BP), (AA), gluten y mezclas de ellos, en la elaboración de panes donde la HT fue sustituida por HGDM a niveles de 10% y 15%. Se encontro que las mezclas de aditivos que originaron los menores pesos específicos fueron las que contenían gluten , seguidas por 75 ppm AA y 25 ppm BP. Se observo el efecto sinergístico de estos dos aditivos, tanto en los panes control como en los que contenían HGDM. Se puede concluir que la calidad panificable y el proceso de envejecimiento en los panes donde se sustituye la HT por HGDM, a niveles de 10%, sigue patrones similares al de los panes de 100% HT, por lo que se podría considerar viable dicha sustitución. A niveles de 15% de sustitución, la presencia de fibra origina algunos cambios en el patrón de comportamiento, por lo que se sugiere el uso de hemicelulasas en las mezclas.


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A recuperação das proteínas de pescado, de espécies de baixo valor comercial ou de subprodutos de sua industrialização, constitui-se em ma alternativa promissora para a elaboração de produtos alimentícios de alta qualidade nutricional e economicamente viáveis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter uma Base-Protéica-de-Pescado (BPP) que permitisse elaborar hambúrgueres com diferentes sabores. Pela disponibilidade e baixo custo de matéria-prima foi utilizada a pescada (Cynoscion striatus). A parte comestível, essencialmente músculo, foi submetida a sucessivas lavagens para retirar matéria solúvel e odores característicos, controlando-se as variáveis: solvente, soluto/solvente, tempo, temperatura, regime de agitação e número de ciclos de lavagens. A matéria-prima e BPP foram caracterizadas pelas propriedades físico-químicas e microbiológicas. O tratamento estatístico dos resultados, mediante modelo fatorial, permitiu verificar que é possível obter uma BPP, principalmente sem o sabor e odor característico do pescado, utilizando uma parte de soluto para cada duas de solvente, independente do tempo do ciclo de lavagens. A BPP foi utilizada para elaborar seis diferentes tipos de hambúrgueres e, mediante avaliação sensorial, utilizando escala hedônica para sabor, ficou evidenciada a aceitação de todos esses produtos não havendo preferência por um específico. Os resultados experimentais levam a concluir que a BPP, obtida a partir da pescada, pode ser utilizada na elaboração de hambúrgueres com bons atributos sensoriais e nutricionais.


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Biopolímeros como polissacarídeos e proteínas, têm despertado interesse recentemente, como matérias primas para embalagens comestíveis e/ou biodegradáveis. Os materiais a serem desenvolvidos devem possuir boas propriedades mecânicas e aparência, para proteger e apresentar o produto embalado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização das propriedades mecânicas e óticas de biofilmes à base de proteínas miofibrilares de tilápia-do-nilo, em função do pH (2,0-3,0), da concentração de proteína (Cp= 0,5-2,0g/100g solução) e do teor de glicerol (Cg= 30-70g/100g proteína) da solução filmogênica (SF). Foram determinadas a força e a deformação na ruptura por teste de perfuração e a opacidade aparente através de espectrofotometria, à 22ºC e umidade relativa ambiente. Os biofilmes obtidos nessas condições de ensaio apresentaram-se manuseáveis e transparentes. A força e a deformação na ruptura apresentaram comportamentos opostos em função da Cg (pH= 2,5 e Cp= 1,25 g/100g solução): a variação da Cg de 30 a 70% provocou uma variação na força e na deformação na ruptura entre 6,67N e 2,94N e 2,71% e 7,5%, respectivamente. A Cg e o pH exercem influência significativa sobre a força na ruptura (p< 0,05). Porém nenhum dos fatores estudados demonstrou ter influência significativa sobre a deformação na ruptura ou sobre a opacidade aparente dos biofilmes.