458 resultados para Vita Nova
Os autores descrevem uma nova espécie, Lutzomyia capixaba sp.n., pertencente ao grupo dos flebotomíneos de cinco espinhos do subgênero Helcocyrtomyia Barreto, 1962.
As adaptações por nós introduzidas no método de Baermann-Moraes-Coutinho proporcionaram maior operacionalidade, economia de material e de espaço físico, facilitando sua execução, principalmente nos trabalhos de campo. A sensibilidade do método adaptado, objetivando o encontro de larvas de Strongyloides stercoralis foi, em números relativos, 2,8% maior do que o método original e 6,5% do que o de Lutz
A new species of Mytilopsis, mollusk bivalvi from Brazilian Amazon Region (Tocantins, Pará) is described. It is different from the American other species due small dimensions and height/width relation.
Description of Mycotretus lopesi sp. n., from the Amazon region (Brazil, Pará).
Some considerations about the synonym of Bigotomyia Malloch, 1922 and Phaonia R.-D, 1830 are made. A new species, P. hugonis sp. n. is described from Peru and Equador.
Megalobulimus lopesi, a new species of megalobulimidae, is described with basis on conchyological and anatomical characters. It is very close to M. grandis (Martens, 1885), the largest species of land gastropds of Brazil, from Sao Sebastiao Island (23º49'S 45º20'W).
This work deals with two genera of Limnophorinae. Heliographa longiseta sp. n., and female genitalia of the Heliographa altaneira Albuquerque, 1954, and genital complex of the Spilogona golbachi Snyder, 1957 are studied. New occurrence for Spilogona argentifrontata and Spilogona pubiceps (Stein, 1911) are stated.
The male of Farrimyia lopesi, a new species from Maracaí island, Uraricoera river, Roraima, Brazil is described and illustrated.
In this paper we describe a new species of a non-biting midge of the genus Aedokritus Roback, 1958 (Chironominae, Chironomidae) from Brazil and Bolívia. That is the fifth species of this genus. The other species of the genus are: A. penicilligerus (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina and Peru; A. pruinescens (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina; A. platycnemis (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina; and A. sartis Roback, 1960, from Brazil.
Male and female of Punaphyto lopesi, a new species from Equador are described and illustrated.
A new non-biting midge for the genus Djalmabatista Fittkau, 1968 (Tanipodinae, Chironomidae) from Brazil is described.
New species of several speciemens of several specimens from Rio de Janeiro county, caught on the Spinosa platensis microalgae breeding in the concret thanks is described.
Hyla gouveai n. sp. is described and illustrated and it is closest to the bigger individuals of the species in the group "circumdata", not presenting, however, the characteristic pattern of dark transversal bands on the posterior inner coxal surface.
A new neotropical species of the genus Tanypus Meigen, 1803, misidentified by Oliveira (1944) as Tanypus stellatus Coquillett, 1902, is described.
A new species of the genus Arachnidomyia Townsend, 1934 is described and illustrated, based on male specimen from Chile.