316 resultados para Epidemias de dengue
This study aimed to verify the diversity of Culicidae species and their frequency of infection with flaviviruses and alphaviruses in Cuiabá, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Mosquitoes were captured with Nasci aspirators and hand net in 200 census tracts, identified alive at species level and pooled in one-20 (11,090 mosquitoes, 14 species). Female pools (n = 610) were subjected to multiplex seminested-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for 11 flavivirus and five alphavirus. Positive pools were tested by single RT-PCR followed by nucleotide sequencing, by RT-PCR for E1 gene [Mayaro virus (MAYV)] and by inoculation in Vero cells (MAYV) or C6/36 cells (flaviviruses). One/171 Aedes aegypti was positive for dengue virus (DENV)-1, 12/403 Culex quinquefasciatus, and four/171Ae. aegypti for MAYV, which was isolated from two pools containing two nonengorged females of Ae. aegypti and two ofCx. quinquefasciatus. DENV-4 was detected in 58/171 pools of Ae. aegytpi, 105/403 Cx. quinquefasciatus, two/five Psorophora sp., two/11 Psorophora varipes/Psorophora albigenu, one/one Sabethes chloropterus, two/five Culex bidens/Culex interfor, and one/one Aedes sp. DENV-4 was isolated from two pools containing three and 16 nonengorged Cx. quinquefasciatus females. Phylogenetic analysis revealed MAYV belongs to genotype L, clustering with human samples of the virus previously identified in the city. Cuiabá has biodiversity and ecosystem favourable for vector proliferation, representing a risk for arbovirus outbreaks.
Dengue virus (DENV) infections represent a significant concern for public health worldwide, being considered as the most prevalent arthropod-borne virus regarding the number of reported cases. In this study, we report the complete genome sequencing of a DENV serotype 4 isolate, genotype II, obtained in the city of Manaus, directly from the serum sample, applying Ion Torrent sequencing technology. The use of a massive sequencing technology allowed the detection of two variable sites, one in the coding region for the viral envelope protein and the other in the nonstructural 1 coding region within viral populations.
Severe dengue pathogenesis is not fully understood, but high levels of proinflammatory cytokines have been associated with dengue disease severity. In this study, the cytokine levels in 171 sera from Mexican patients with primary dengue fever (DF) and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) from dengue virus (DENV) 1 (n = 116) or 2 (n = 55) were compared. DF and DHF were defined according to the patient’s clinical condition, the primary infections as indicated by IgG enzymatic immunoassay negative results, and the infecting serotype as assessed by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Samples were analysed for circulating levels of interleukin (IL)-12p70, interferon (IFN)-γ, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-6, and IL-8 using a commercial cytometric bead array. Significantly higher IFN-γ levels were found in patients with DHF than those with DF. However, significantly higher IL-12p70, TNF-α, and IL-6 levels were associated with DHF only in patients who were infected with DENV2 but not with DENV1. Moreover, patients with DF who were infected with DENV1 showed higher levels of IL-12p70, TNF-α, and IL-6 than patients with DHF early after-fever onset. The IL-8 levels were similar in all cases regardless of the clinical condition or infection serotype. These results suggest that the association between high proinflammatory cytokine levels and dengue disease severity does not always stand, and it once again highlights the complex nature of DHF pathogenesis.
The Aedes aegypti vector for dengue virus (DENV) has been reported in urban and periurban areas. The information about DENV circulation in mosquitoes in Colombian rural areas is limited, so we aimed to evaluate the presence of DENV in Ae. aegypti females caught in rural locations of two Colombian municipalities, Anapoima and La Mesa. Mosquitoes from 497 rural households in 44 different rural settlements were collected. Pools of about 20 Ae. aegypti females were processed for DENV serotype detection. DENV in mosquitoes was detected in 74% of the analysed settlements with a pool positivity rate of 62%. The estimated individual mosquito infection rate was 4.12% and the minimum infection rate was 33.3/1,000 mosquitoes. All four serotypes were detected; the most frequent being DENV-2 (50%) and DENV-1 (35%). Two-three serotypes were detected simultaneously in separate pools. This is the first report on the co-occurrence of natural DENV infection of mosquitoes in Colombian rural areas. The findings are important for understanding dengue transmission and planning control strategies. A potential latent virus reservoir in rural areas could spill over to urban areas during population movements. Detecting DENV in wild-caught adult mosquitoes should be included in the development of dengue epidemic forecasting models.
Dengue is an acute febrile disease caused by the mosquito-borne dengue virus (DENV) that according to clinical manifestations can be classified as asymptomatic, mild or severe dengue. Severe dengue cases have been associated with an unbalanced immune response characterised by an over secretion of inflammatory cytokines. In the present study we measured type I interferon (IFN-I) transcript and circulating levels in primary and secondary DENV infected patients. We observed that dengue fever (DF) and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) patients express IFN-I differently. While DF and DHF patients express interferon-α similarly (52,71 ± 7,40 and 49,05 ± 7,70, respectively), IFN- β were associated with primary DHF patients. On the other hand, secondary DHF patients were not able to secrete large amounts of IFN- β which in turn may have influenced the high-level of viraemia. Our results suggest that, in patients from our cohort, infection by DENV serotype 3 elicits an innate response characterised by higher levels of IFN- β in the DHF patients with primary infection, which could contribute to control infection evidenced by the low-level of viraemia in these patients. The present findings may contribute to shed light in the role of innate immune response in dengue pathogenesis.
This study aimed to analyze how the educational actions of prevention and control of dengue are performed in Goiás, from the perspective of representatives of the State Mobilization Committee against Dengue. It is a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study, carried out in Goiânia with 43 representatives of public-private institutions, members of the State Mobilization Committee against Dengue of Goiás, in 2013. The data collection was done through questioning about the perception of health education for dengue prevention. Data were analyzed using content analysis and the WebQDA software. Three dimensions emerged from the analysis: educational aspects, management aspects, and community involvement. Respondents recognized the importance of health education for the prevention of dengue, and of the planning to strengthen the activities of the Committee.
ABSTRACT After a dengue outbreak, the knowledge on the extent, distribution and mechanisms of insecticide resistance is essential for successful insecticide-based dengue control interventions. Therefore, we evaluated the potential changes to insecticide resistance in natural Aedes aegypti populations to Organophosphates (OP) and Pyrethroids (PY) after chemical vector control interventions. After a Dengue outbreak in 2010, A. aegypti mosquitoes from the urban area of Jacarezinho (Paraná, Brazil) were collected in 2011 and 2012. Insecticide resistance to OP Temephos was assessed in 2011 and 2012 by dose–response bioassays adopting WHO-based protocols. Additionally, in both sampling, PY resistance was also investigated by the Val1016Ile mutation genotyping. In 2011, a random collection of mosquitoes was carried out; while in 2012, the urban area was divided into four regions where mosquitoes were sampled randomly. Bioassays conducted with larvae in 2011 (82 ± 10%; RR95 = 3.6) and 2012 (95 ± 3%; RR95 = 2.5) indicated an incipient altered susceptibility to Temephos. On the other hand, the Val1016IIe mutation analysis in 2011, presented frequencies of the 1016Ilekdr allele equal to 80%. Nevertheless, in 2012, when the urban area of Jacarezinho was analyzed as a single unit, the frequency of the mutant allele was 70%. Additionally, the distribution analysis of the Val1016Ile mutation in 2012 showed the mutant allele frequencies ≥60% in all regions. These outcomes indicated the necessity of developing alternative strategies such as insecticide rotations for delaying the evolution of resistance.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar os achados ultra-sonográficos abdominais em pacientes com dengue e compará-los aos descritos na literatura. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizados exames ultra-sonográficos abdominais de 38 pacientes, 25 do sexo feminino e 13 do sexo masculino, com idade média de 35 anos, com diagnóstico de dengue sorologicamente confirmado. Os achados foram comparados com os descritos na literatura. RESULTADOS: Os achados ultra-sonográficos mais relevantes foram espessamento difuso da parede da vesícula biliar em 18 casos (47,4%), líquido livre na cavidade abdominal e/ou pélvica em 12 (31,6%), esplenomegalia em 11 (28,9%), hepatomegalia em 10 (26,3%) e líquido pericolecístico em 10 (26,3%). Vinte e seis por cento dos pacientes apresentaram exames ultra-sonográficos normais. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados ultra-sonográficos abdominais são uma ferramenta adicional útil na confirmação de casos suspeitos de dengue hemorrágica e na detecção precoce da gravidade e da progressão da doença, sendo de extrema importância para o radiologista o conhecimento destes possíveis achados.
O dengue é doença endêmica em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Quando sintomática, classifica-se em febre do dengue e febre hemorrágica do dengue, com tendência a síndrome do choque do dengue. A febre hemorrágica do dengue é marcada por manifestações hemorrágicas, trombocitopenia e aumento da permeabilidade capilar. A síndrome do choque do dengue apresenta os achados de febre hemorrágica do dengue com hipotensão. Muitos achados ultrassonográficos têm sido descritos, incluindo derrame pleural, ascite, espessamento da parede da vesícula biliar e derrame pericárdico. O objetivo desta revisão da literatura é descrever os achados ultrassonográficos e demonstrar o papel da ultrassonografia em crianças com suspeita de febre hemorrágica do dengue
The bioassay-guided fractionation of the hexane extract obtained from the medicinal plant Myroxylon balsamum (red oil) was conducted in preparative thin layer chromatography on silica gel. The obtained fractions and some terpenoids and phenylpropanoids were assayed as larvicidal on third instar Aedes aegypti larvae, NPPN colony. The results indicate that the sesquiterpene nerolidol was the active constituent in the extract and that the sesquiterpenes were more active than the monoterpenes and phenylpropanoids utilized in this study. Lipophilicity seems to be an important property for the activity since the compounds with hydroxyl, carbonyl and methoxyl groups were less active. The results confirm also that essential oils can be a good tool for the control of dengue.
In the search for new larvicides from plants, we have investigated the potential activity of the rotenoids deguelin (1), 12a-hydroxy-α-toxicarol (2) and tephrosin (3), isolated from the bioactive ethanol extract of roots of Tephrosia toxicaria Pers., against Aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue. The absolute configuration of these compounds was determined by circular dichroism (CD) spectra. The LC50 values of the compounds evaluated justify the potential of T. toxicaria as a new natural larvicide.
A ferrugem do álamo (Melampsora medusae) causa sérios prejuízos no viveiro e tem sido cada vez mais freqüente em plantações, principalmente nos clones mais suscetíveis. O comportamento dos clones em relação a epidemias de ferrugem nas plantações brasileiras não é conhecido. Este trabalho teve como objetivos quantificar o progresso de epidemias em sete clones de álamo e correlacionar doença com produção por meio de relações entre incidência, severidade e índice de área foliar com o diâmetro do tronco do hospedeiro. As avaliações foram realizadas em sete clones de álamo: 'Argos'; 'Gaupiara'; 'Guarani'; 'JB'; 'Latorre'; 'SJ'; 'SM'. Cada clone compunha um talhão, todos com seis anos de idade. A severidade e a incidência da doença, o índice de área foliar (IAF) e o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) foram quantificados em dez plantas escolhidas aleatoriamente dentro de cada talhão de novembro a abril de 98/99, 99/00 e 00/01. Os clones mais suscetíveis à doença foram Latorre e Guarani, SJ foi resistente e Guapiara, SM, JB e Argos, intermediários. O modelo logístico apresentou um bom ajuste aos dados de severidade da ferrugem e a epidemia foi mais severa no ciclo de 99/00, onde as temperaturas variaram entre 15,5 e 26,5 ºC. Não houve relação significativa entre severidade da doença e diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP). Nos clones suscetíveis, a duração da área foliar (DAF), que é a integralização da curva do IAF, foi relacionada com o DAP com coeficientes de determinação da regressão linear de 0,73 e 0,56 para Guarani e Latorre, respectivamente. O clone Latorre mostrou-se relativamente tolerante à doença, com alta severidade (100 a 150 pústulas/cm²) e redução do DAP de 5%, enquanto no Guarani a redução do DAP foi de 17%.
O cancro cítrico, causado pela bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri Valterin et alii 1995, é uma doença conhecida mundialmente e sempre constituiu séria ameaça para a citricultura brasileira. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar as condições climáticas do Estado de São Paulo e desenvolver mapas de zonas de maior risco de epidemias de cancro cítrico. Foram utilizados dados meteorológicos referentes aos anos de 2002 a 2005, os quais foram baseados no modelo de previsão desenvolvido por Campbell & Madden (4) e Hau & Kranz (10). A freqüência dos dados foi horária e quando alguma estação apresentava falha, esses eram extrapolados da estação mais próxima. Foram contabilizados os índices de favorabilidade e posteriormente calculadas as porcentagens de dias favoráveis à ocorrência da doença no período de um ano. A partir destas informações, foram gerados os mapas temáticos do Estado de São Paulo, com a distribuição espacial da porcentagem de dias favoráveis à ocorrência de cancro cítrico. A região Noroeste do Estado foi a que apresentou a maior porcentagem de dias favoráveis à ocorrência de cancro cítrico.