274 resultados para Decúbito Ventral


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The structure of the fruit and seed in development of Chorisia speciosa are described with the main purpose of clarifying the origin and nature of the hairs that cover the seeds and aiding future taxonomical and ecological studies of the group. The fruit is an ellipsoid loculicide capsule and presents the exocarp formed by 7-10 cells layers, with very thick walls and evident simple pits. A great number of mucilage secretory cavities and ramified vascular bundles, accompanied by fibers, occur in the parenchymatic mesocarp. The endocarp derives from the ventral epidermis of the ovary wall, whose cells undergo a gradual elongation, become lignified, and constitute the trichomes which cover the mature seeds. The fruit aperture occurs by means of a suture evident in the ovarian wall in the middle region of the carpel leaf. Anatropous and bitegmic ovules, provided by a hypostase, give rise to campilotropous and bitegmic seeds. The testa is uniseriate, the exotegmen is completely formed by macrosclereids, and mucilage secretory cavities occur in the mesotegmen. The endotegmen, which is differentiated in the endothelium, is crushed in the mature seed. The plicate embryo, which occupies practically the entire seminal cavity, is found between endosperm layers, both being rich in lipids.


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Neste trabalho, os frutos e sementes de P. violaceus foram descritos morfoanatômica e ontogeneticamente, visando a verificar a origem da ala pericárpica e checar a ocorrência de poliembrionia, previamente descrita para outros gêneros da tribo Dalbergieae. Observouse que o fruto é uma sâmara circular, de aspecto glabro e que a semente possui alguns caracteres típicos de Faboideae, especialmente os relacionados ao hilo. Foram caracterizados atomicamente seis estádios de desenvolvimento. A ala pericárpica origina-se da parede ovariana, por extensões dorso-ventral, apical e basal, produzindo uma estrutura achatada. Não foi possível encontrar poliembrionia, mesmo analisando-se grande número de sementes. Pôde-se também concluir que, no que se refere à estrutura do fruto, P. violaceus é filogeneticamente derivada com relação às outras espécies de Dalbergieae já registradas na literatura, devido à presença de fusão dos feixes ventrais do carpelo.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a morfologia do fruto, da semente e do desenvolvimento de plântulas de Jatropha elliptica Müll. Arg. Os frutos foram coletados em setembro e outubro de 2003, na Fazenda Experimental da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, no Município de Santo Antônio de Leverger. Para a descrição da morfologia dos frutos e das sementes foram utilizados 50 frutos e 50 sementes. Para a caracterização das etapas da germinação foram utilizadas quatro repetições de 20 sementes, colocadas sobre papel mata-borrão, umedecidas com ácido giberélico (400 ppm), em caixas de plástico transparente, mantidas em câmara para germinação, a 30 ºC e fotoperíodo de oito horas, durante 40 dias. O fruto de J. elliptica é seco, tricoca, endocarpo lenhoso e de deiscência explosiva. A semente é ovalada, endospérmica, de envoltório liso e marmoreado, com carúncula presa na parte ventral; o hilo é visível na base e a rafe é bem marcada longitudinalmente. A germinação é epígea e fanerocotiledonar. O tempo médio de germinação é de 13 a 25 dias. Foi possível descrever e ilustrar, de forma distinta, a morfologia do fruto, da semente e da plântula de J. elliptica, que se apresentou bastante homogênea e confiável para a identificação.


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A maioria dos gêneros da subtribo neotropical Galipeinae (tribo Galipeeae, Rutoideae) tem flores tubulosas, com várias formas e graus de conação e adnação. Galipea e outros gêneros na subtribo apresentam apenas duas anteras férteis mais cinco ou mais estaminódios, o que é intrigante porque na tribo predominam flores pentâmeras isostêmones. Visando elucidar a condição anatômica dessas características e estabelecer estados acurados para caracteres em análises filogenéticas, um estudo morfoanatômico de flores de cinco espécies de Galipea foi realizado, buscando os padrões de vascularização, posição, e união dos segmentos da flor. Destacam-se os resultados: 1) um tubo floral genuíno se forma no terço basal da flor por conação dos filetes e adnação desse tubo estaminal às pétalas; 2) as pétalas são distalmente coerentes umas às outras e aderentes aos filetes por meio de entrelaçamento de tricomas densos - um caso de pseudossimpetalia; 3) dentre as cinco (às vezes seis) estruturas tratadas como estaminódios, apenas as três externas são de fato homólogas a estames esterilizados, as demais surgem como ramificações adaxiais das pétalas; 4) os carpelos são peltados, congenitalmente conatos axial e lateralmente da base do ovário até o nível das placentas, e no estilete e estigma; na zona mediana e superior do ovário eles são unidos apenas posgenitalmente, com a epiderme diferenciada de carpelos contíguos e suturas evidentes na região ventral de cada carpelo; 5) a vascularização do disco sugere origem receptacular. As implicações desses dados para o entendimento da evolução das flores tubulosas em Galipea e grupos relacionados são discutidas.


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The possible role of histamine receptors in the hippocampal formation on the exploratory motivation and emotionality of the rat was studied. An elevated asymmetric plus-maze composed of 4 different arms (no walls, single high wall, high and low walls and two high walls) arranged at 90o angles was used. The exploration score, considered to be an index of exploratory motivation, and the permanency score, considered to be an index of emotionality (anxiety), were determined. Histamine was administered locally into the ventral hippocampus at three different doses (9, 45 and 90 nmol). Another group of rats was also microinjected with 45 nmol of pyrilamine (a histamine H1 receptor antagonist) or ranitidine (a histamine H2 receptor antagonist) in addition to 9 nmol of histamine in order to identify the possible type of histamine receptor involved. Histamine administration significantly inhibited the exploration score and increased the permanency score at the doses of 9 and 45 nmol in two of four arms. These effects were completely blocked by the administration of either histamine receptor antagonist. The present results suggest that in the hippocampal formation histamine inhibits exploratory motivation and decreases emotionality by activating both types of histamine receptors. Also, the elevated asymmetric plus-maze appears to be a suitable technique to quantify exploration and possibly" anxiety"


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The present article contains a brief review on the role of vasopressinergic projections to the nucleus tractus solitarii in the genesis of reflex bradycardia and in the modulation of heart rate control during exercise. The effects of vasopressin on exercise tachycardia are discussed on the basis of both the endogenous peptide content changes and the heart rate response changes observed during running in sedentary and trained rats. Dynamic exercise caused a specific vasopressin content increase in dorsal and ventral brainstem areas. In accordance, rats pretreated with the peptide or the V1 blocker into the nucleus tractus solitarii showed a significant potentiation or a marked blunting of the exercise tachycardia, respectively, without any change in the pressure response to exercise. It is proposed that the long-descending vasopressinergic pathway to the nucleus tractus solitarii serves as one link between the two main neural controllers of circulation, i.e., the central command and feedback control mechanisms driven by the peripheral receptors. Therefore, vasopressinergic input could contribute to the adjustment of heart rate response (and cardiac output) to the circulatory demand during exercise.


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Several studies demonstrate that, within the ventral medullary surface (VMS), excitatory amino acids are necessary components of the neural circuits involved in the tonic and reflex control of respiration and circulation. In the present study we investigated the cardiorespiratory effects of unilateral microinjections of the broad spectrum glutamate antagonist kynurenic acid (2 nmol/200 nl) along the VMS of urethane-anesthetized rats. Within the VMS only one region was responsive to this drug. This area includes most of the intermediate respiratory area, partially overlapping the rostral ventrolateral medulla (IA/RVL). When microinjected into the IA/RVL, kynurenic acid produced a respiratory depression, without changes in mean arterial pressure or heart rate. The respiratory depression observed was characterized by a decrease in ventilation, tidal volume and mean inspiratory flow and an increase in respiratory frequency. Therefore, the observed respiratory depression was entirely due to a reduction in the inspiratory drive. Microinjections of vehicle (200 nl of saline) into this area produced no significant changes in breathing pattern, blood pressure or heart rate. Respiratory depression in response to the blockade of glutamatergic receptors inside the rostral VMS suggests that neurons at this site have an endogenous glutamatergic input controlling the respiratory cycle duration and the inspiratory drive transmission.


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We investigated whether chronic stress applied from prepuberty to full sexual maturity interferes with spermatogenic and androgenic testicular functions. Male Wistar rats (40 days old) were immobilized 6 h a day for 60 days. Following immobilization, plasma concentrations of corticosterone and prolactin increased 135% and 48%, respectively, while plasma luteinizing hormone and testosterone presented a significant decrease of 29% and 37%, respectively. Plasma concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone was not altered in stressed rats. Chronic stress reduced the amount of mature spermatids in the testis by 16% and the spermatozoon concentration in the cauda epididymidis by 32%. A 17% reduction in weight and a 42% decrease in DNA content were observed in the seminal vesicle of immobilized rats but not in its fructose content. The growth and secretory activity of the ventral prostate were not altered by chronic stress.


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Double-labeling immunohistochemical methods were used to investigate the occurrence of the alpha8 and alpha5 nicotinic receptor subunits in presumptive GABAergic neurons of the chick nervous system. Nicotinic receptor immunoreactivity was often found in cells exhibiting GABA-like immunoreactivity, especially in the visual system. The alpha8 subunit appeared to be present in presumptive GABAergic cells of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, nucleus of the basal optic root of the accessory optic system, and the optic tectum, among several other structures. The alpha5 subunit was also found in GABA-positive neurons, as observed in the lentiform nucleus of the mesencephalon and other pretectal nuclei. The numbers of alpha8- and alpha5-positive neurons that were also GABA-positive represented high percentages of the total number of neurons containing nicotinic receptor labeling in several brain areas, which indicates that most of the alpha8 and alpha5 nicotinic receptor subunits are present in GABAergic cells. Taken together with data from other studies, our results indicate an important role of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the functional organization of GABAergic circuits in the visual system.


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Losartan, an AT1 angiotensin II (ANG II) receptor non-peptide antagonist, induces an increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) when injected intracerebroventricularly (icv) into rats. The present study investigated possible effector mechanisms of the increase in MAP induced by icv losartan in unanesthetized rats. Male Holtzman rats (280-300 g, N = 6/group) with a cannula implanted into the anterior ventral third ventricle received an icv injection of losartan (90 µg/2 µl) that induced a typical peak pressor response within 5 min. In one group of animals, this response to icv losartan was completely reduced from 18 ± 1 to 4 ± 2 mmHg by intravenous (iv) injection of losartan (2.5-10 mg/kg), and in another group, it was partially reduced from 18 ± 3 to 11 ± 2 mmHg by iv prazosin (0.1-1.0 mg/kg), an alpha1-adrenergic antagonist (P<0.05). Captopril (10 mg/kg), a converting enzyme inhibitor, injected iv in a third group inhibited the pressor response to icv losartan from 24 ± 3 to 7 ± 2 mmHg (P<0.05). Propranolol (10 mg/kg), a ß-adrenoceptor antagonist, injected iv in a fourth group did not alter the pressor response to icv losartan. Plasma renin activity and serum angiotensin-converting enzyme activity were not altered by icv losartan in other animals. The results suggest that the pressor effect of icv losartan depends on angiotensinergic and alpha1-adrenoceptor activation, but not on increased circulating ANG II.


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Neurons of the mammalian cerebral cortex comprise two broad classes: pyramidal neurons, which project to distant targets, and the inhibitory nonpyramidal cells, the cortical interneurons. Pyramidal neurons are generated in the germinal ventricular zone, which lines the lateral ventricles, and migrate along the processes of radial glial cells to their positions in the developing cortex in an `inside-out' sequence. The GABA-containing nonpyramidal cells originate for the most part in the ganglionic eminence, the primordium of the basal ganglia in the ventral telencephalon. These cells follow tangential migratory routes to enter the cortex and are in close association with the corticofugal axonal system. Once they enter the cortex, they move towards the ventricular zone, possibly to obtain positional information, before they migrate radially in the direction of the pial surface to take up their positions in the developing cortex. The mechanisms that guide interneurons throughout these long and complex migratory routes are currently under investigation.


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This article proposes a comprehensive view of the origin of the mammalian brain. We discuss i) from which region in the brain of a reptilian-like ancestor did the isocortex originate, and ii) the origin of the multilayered structure of the isocortex from a simple-layered structure like that observed in the cortex of present-day reptiles. Regarding question i there have been two alternative hypotheses, one suggesting that most or all the isocortex originated from the dorsal pallium, and the other suggesting that part of the isocortex originated from a ventral pallial component. The latter implies that a massive tangential migration of cells from the ventral pallium to the dorsal pallium takes place in isocortical development, something that has not been shown. Question ii refers to the origin of the six-layered isocortex from a primitive three-layered cortex. It is argued that the superficial isocortical layers can be considered to be an evolutionary acquisition of the mammalian brain, since no equivalent structures can be found in the reptilian brain. Furthermore, a characteristic of the isocortex is that it develops according to an inside-out neurogenetic gradient, in which late-produced cells migrate past layers of early-produced cells. It is proposed that the inside-out neurogenetic gradient was partly achieved by the activation of a signaling pathway associated with the Cdk5 kinase and its activator p35, while an extracellular protein called reelin (secreted in the marginal zone during development) may have prevented migrating cells from penetrating into the developing marginal zone (future layer I).


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Immunoreactive substance P was investigated in turtle lumbar spinal cord after sciatic nerve transection. In control animals immunoreactive fibers were densest in synaptic field Ia, where the longest axons invaded synaptic field III. Positive neuronal bodies were identified in the lateral column of the dorsal horn and substance P immunoreactive varicosities were observed in the ventral horn, in close relationship with presumed motoneurons. Other varicosities appeared in the lateral and anterior funiculi. After axotomy, substance P immunoreactive fibers were reduced slightly on the side of the lesion, which was located in long fibers that invaded synaptic field III and in the varicosities of the lateral and anterior funiculus. The changes were observed at 7 days after axonal injury and persisted at 15, 30, 60 and 90 days after the lesion. These findings show that turtles should be considered as a model to study the role of substance P in peripheral axonal injury, since the distribution and temporal changes of substance P were similar to those found in mammals.


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We investigated whether stress interferes with fertility during adulthood. Male Wistar rats (weighing 220 g in the beginning of the experiment) were forced to swim for 3 min in water at 32ºC daily for 15 days. Stress was assessed by the hot-plate test after the last stressing session. To assess fertility, control and stressed males (N = 15 per group) were mated with sexually mature normal females. Males were sacrificed after copulation. Stress caused by forced swimming was demonstrated by a significant increase in the latency of the pain response in the hot-plate test (14.6 ± 1.25 s for control males vs 26.0 ± 1.53 s for stressed males, P = 0.0004). No changes were observed in body weight, testicular weight, seminal vesicle weight, ventral prostate weight or gross histological features of the testes of stressed males. Similarly, no changes were observed in fertility rate, measured by counting live fetuses in the uterus of normal females mated with control and stressed males; no dead or incompletely developed fetuses were observed in the uterus of either group. In contrast, there was a statistically significant decrease in spermatid production demonstrated by histometric evaluation (154.96 ± 5.41 vs 127.02 ± 3.95 spermatids per tubular section for control and stressed rats, respectively, P = 0.001). These data demonstrate that 15 days of forced swimming stress applied to adult male rats did not impair fertility, but significantly decreased spermatid production. This suggests that the effect of stress on fertility should not be assessed before at least the time required for one cycle of spermatogenesis.


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The use of bovine pericardium as a urethral patch to substitute a ventral segment of canine urethras was studied. Healing, epithelial growth, urethral permeability, fistulas, and calcification were analyzed. Thirty male mongrel dogs of medium and large size underwent resection of a ventral segment of the medial urethra measuring 2.0 x 0.5 cm, which was replaced with a bovine pericardium graft, treated with buffered glutaraldehyde and preserved in formaldehyde. Two running sutures of polygalactin 5-0 were applied, one on each side of the patch. The corpus spongiosum was closed with uninterrupted suture and the skin with interrupted suture of polygalactin 5-0. Six months later, the animals were examined and sacrificed under anesthesia. Retrograde urethrograms showed that the urethral healing was complete in six of the 30 animals, without stenosis, fistulas or dilations. Microscopic examination showed complete epithelization of these six urethras. The remaining 24 animals presented urethrocutaneous fistulas without stenosis, demonstrated by urethral catheterism using a 10-Fr plastic catheter. These data show that a successful urethral reconstruction of the penile urethra was possible in only 20% of the operated animals. Infection and leakage may be the cause of the urethrocutaneous fistulas present in 80% of cases. Further studies are necessary to determine whether such fistulas are avoidable. If they are, the bovine pericardium may well be an option in the treatment of urethral lesions in dogs.