673 resultados para Brazil, Bahia State, Sobradinho Reservoir
The clinical records of 182 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis probably due to Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis are analysed. 68% had a single lesion which was usually an ulceron the lower anterior tibial third. Many had short histories of one to two months and all age groups were represented 13% had closed lesions of a verrucose or plaque like nature. Evolution of these skin lesions after treatment was related to the regularity of antimony therapy. Although healing usually occurred in three months, the time to scarring after commencing treatment was variable and related to the size ofthe lesion (p < 0.01). Usually if sufficient antimony treatment was given the lesion closed. Seven of the ten patients with initially negative leishmanin skin tests converted to positive after treatment. A significant decline of indirect fluorescent antibody titres occurred in patients followed, during and after therapy.
The triatomine species Rhodnius nasutus and Triatoma pseudomaculata were captured on palm trees Orbignya martiana "babaçu ", in the urban zone of Teresina. This kind of palm tree is largely distributed in Piauí State. The predominant species was R. nasutus; the young in stars predominated. The infestation index of palm trees and the infection index of triatomines by flagellates were 96.0 ana 29.1%, respectively. Marsupiais, bats and a rodent were captured in palm trees. The flagellates found in both triatomines ana marsupiais were morphologically and biologically indistinguishable from Trypanosoma cruzi. Forty seven percent (481/1,025) of triatomines were found concentrated in six palm trees where marsupiais circulated. Of the total of 1,025 triatomines 230 (22%) were infected by flagellates and 53.0% (123/230) of these infected triatomines were present in the same six palm trees. No evidence of triatomine domiciliation or human transmission was observed in the houses in the vicinity of palm trees. The results suggest that marsupiais play an important role in the life-cycle of T. cruzi in this region. The natural focus of Chagas' disease, demonstrated in the present study could represent a potential epidemiological threat.
Three isolates of Leishmania were recovered from five of 27 specimens of the rodent Proechimys iheringi denigratus Moojen captured near Três Braços in the Atlantic Forest region of Bahia, Brazil. Two of these isolates were recovered from hamsters inoculated with a pooled triturate of liver, spleen and skin tissue from apparently healthy P. i. denigratus. The third isolate was recovered from a triturate of only skin tissue from another. Metastasis was observed in the inoculated hamsters, the parasites grew abundantly in artificial media and a typical suprapylarial pattern of infection in Lutzomyia longipalpis was produced indicating that the parasites belong to the Leishmania mexicana complex. All isolates reacted with Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Leishmania mexicana amazonensis monoclonal antibodies. The isoenzyme analysis differentiated these isolates from standard isolates of L. m. mexicana, L. m. amazonensis, L. m. aristedesi, L. m. pifanoi, L. m. garnhami and L. m. ssp.(Goiás-W. Barbosa). These isolates seem to be a subspecies of L. mexicana very closely related to L. m. amazonensis from which they differ by decreased electrophoretic mobility of GPI, PEP and ALAT. This is the first record of the isolation of a parasite of thegenus Leishmania in a rodent captured in the State of Bahia.
One-hundred and thirty-five bats from 12 species were examined for thepresence of trypomastigotes by means of direct blood examination, xenodiagnosis, and hemoculture. Of those, 44 specimens (32.6%) from 8 species were infected with trypanosomes. Phyllostomus discolor discolor presented the highest rate of infection, being captured only in one locality, while Phyllostomus hastatus hastatus captured in four localities showed high rates. Two species, Anoura geoffroyii and Pteronotus (Phillodia) pamelli rubiginosa, were found infected by T. cruzi-like trypanosomes, apparently described for thefirst time. Flagellates from Artibeus jamaisensis jamaisensisa and A. geoffroyii were able toproduce detectable parasitaemia in young mice. One triatomine bug was found infected in natural conditions, Triatoma brasiliensis was associated with a P.h. hastatus colony, in which six captured bats were also found infected.
The C. cerifera palm tree (carnaúba) is widely distributed in the Northeastem Brazil, including the State of Piauí. This investigation revealed that R. nasutus is the ortly triatomine species captured on that palm tree, in five different localities. 78% of palm trees were infested with triatomines, and 4.0% were infected with flagellates morphologically and biologically indistinguishable from Trypanosoma cruzi. Birds, rodents and marsupials were found as major blood meai sources for R. nasutus.
In August 1983,85 inhabitants of the municipality of Humaitá, Amazonas State, Brazil were studied to determine the prevalence of antigens to HLA-A, -B, -C and DR. Thirty-eight were sick with malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum. All subjects were examined for splenomegaly, blood parasitaemia and antibodies to malaria. They constituted three groups: 1) 25 subjects native to the Amazon region who had never had malaria; 2) 38 Amazonian subjects who had malaria in the past or currently had an infection; 3) 22 patients with malaria who had acquired the infection in the Amazon Region but came from other regions of Brazil. Blood was taken from each person, the lymphocytes were separated and typed by the test of microlymphocytotoxicity. There was a high frequency of antigens that could not be identified in the groups studied which suggests the existence of a homozygote or phenotype not identified in the population. There was a high frequency of the phenotype Ag(W24) (44.7%) in group 2 when compared with group 1 (32%) or group 3 (9%). Also the individuals in group 2 showed an elevated frequency of antigen DR(4)80%) when compared with group 1 (36.6%) or group 3 (16.6%). These observations suggest the possibility of a genetic susceptibility to malaria among Amazonian residents and indicate a necessity for more extensive studies of the frequency of HLA antigens among inhabitants of this endemic malarial zone.
A total of 207 patients with malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum were submitted to 5 different treatment schedules with clindamycin from 1981 to 1984: A - 89 patients were treated intravenously and orally, or intramuscularly and orally with 20 mg/kg/day divided into two daily applications for 5 to 7 days; B-40 patients were treated orally with 20 mg/kg/day divided into two daily doses for 5 to 7 days; C-27 patients were treated with 20 mg/kg/day intravenously or orally divided into two daily applications for 3 days; D-16 patients were treated orally and/or intravenously with a single daily dose of 20 to 40 mg/kg/day for 5 to 7 days; E-35 patients were treated orally with 5 mg/kg/day divided into two doses for 5 days. Patients were examined daily during treatment and reexamined on the 7th, 24th, 21st, 28th and 35th day both clinically and parasitologically (blood test). Eighty three (40.1%) had moderate or severe malaria, and 97 (46.8%) had shown resistance to chloroquine or to the combination ofsulfadoxin and pyrimethamine. The proportion of cured patients was higher than 95% among patients submitted to schedules A and B. Side effects were only occasional and of low intensity. Three deaths occurred (1.4%), two of them involving patients whose signs and symptoms were already very severe when treatment was started. Thus, clindamycin proved to be very useful in the treatment of patients with malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum and we recommend schedule A for moderate and severe cases and Bfor initial cases.
Four years after the first visit seventeen public health units were visited again and evaluated as to standards of storage recommended by the Brazilian Immunization Programme. In 100% of the units, refrigerators and proper inside location of vaccines in the refrigerator were adequatety or regularfy maintained and checked, respectively. However, when control of temperature was checked, onfy 64.7% presented adequate storage conditions. In 94.1 % of the units, health workers complained of lack of immediate technical support in emergency situations. In 55.2 % the titers vaccine samples of were under the minimal recommended potency. It is necessary that the factors concerning the cold chain be continualfy evaluated so that the quality of the vaccines that will be used is not affected.
A case of fulminat hepatitis with microvesicular steatosis resembling Labrea 's fever, diagnosed in Vitoria (ES) is reported. The 16 year old bcy presented with severe epistaxis, agitation, jaundice and hemorrhagic vomiting and died two days after admission to the emergency unit of the Vnivesity Hospital. The disease started five days before with fever, myalgias, dark urine and jaundice andprogressed withpsychic agitation, torpor and coma. The liver andspleen were notpalpable. HBsAg was negative in the serum. The autopsy showed acute hepatitis with tylic necrosis confluent in the midizonal and periportal areas with massive microvesicular steatosis in the remaining hepatocytes. Mononuclear cellspredominated in the exudate. The reticulum showed condensation in the necrotic areas without typical bands of collapse. The portal tracts were edematous with mononuclear infiltration and mild bile duct proliferation. Absence of cholestasis. Exceptfor the confluent midzonalandperiportal necrosis this case showed several clinical and morphological aspects of the Labreafever describedfrom the East Amazon, demonstrating that the anatomical picture of this disease probabty is not in related to afactor peculiar to the Amazon region.
Brazilian mucosal leshmaniasis is briefly reviewed, emphasis being given to recent advances clinical management. Patients continue to occupy much hospital bed space and in some cases are notoriously difficult to treat. Indefinite follow up is recommended. Many aspects of the aetiology remain mysterious although Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is the most common organism isolated. Perspectives for a more effective treatment, oral and cheap, are still remote.
HIV-l isolation was attempted on 72 individuais, including persons with knoum HIV infection and five without proven HIV infection but with indeterminate Western blot patterns, as well as on low-risk HIV seronegative persons. The ahility to detect HIV- 1 frorn culture supernatant by p24 antigen capture assay was evaluated by segregating patients by absolute CD4+ cell counts, clinicai stage of disease, p24 antigenemia and zidovudine use. The likelihood of a p24 positive HIV culture was highest among patients with CD4+ T-cell counts below 200/ul and patients with advanced clinical disease. Use of zidovudine did not affect the rate ofHIV positwity in cultures.
An epidemiological survey was carried out in 3,344 people of an urban town in Lagamar, Minas Gerais, Brazil - during 1992-1993, to evaluate the main risk factors related to taeniasis and cysticercosis. A total number of 875 (78.9%) houses were visited and 1080 (32.3%) subjects were clinically examined. Poor sanitary conditions were positively associated with former history of taeniasis or seizures in households (p < 0.05). It was remarkable the positive relationship between taeniasis and seizures when households were questioned and subjects were clinically evaluated (p < 0.05). The relative risk of seizures was 2.3 between households and 1.7 for individuals clinically examined respectively. The breeding of swine nearby and the chronic carriers of taeniasis are determinant factors in the maintenance of the epidemiological link between taeniasis and cysticercosis in endemic areas.