263 resultados para Antígeno HLA-B51
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (alloBMT) is the only curative therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). This success is explained by the delivery of high doses of antineoplastic agents followed by the rescue of marrow function and the induction of graft-versus-leukemia reaction mediated by allogeneic lymphocytes against host tumor cells. This reaction can also be induced by donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) producing remission in most patients with CML who relapse after alloBMT. The immunological mechanisms involved in DLI therapy are poorly understood. We studied five CML patients in the chronic phase, who received DLI after relapsing from an HLA-identical BMT. Using flow cytometry we evaluated cellular activation and apoptosis, NK cytotoxicity, lymphocytes producing cytokines (IL-2, IL-4 and IFN-gamma), and unstimulated (in vivo) lymphocyte proliferation. In three CML patients who achieved hematological and/or cytogenetic remission after DLI we observed an increase of the percent of activation markers on T and NK cells (CD3/DR, CD3/CD25 and CD56/DR), of lymphocytes producing IL-2 and IFN-gamma, of NK activity, and of in vivo lymphocyte proliferation. These changes were not observed consistently in two of the five patients who did not achieve complete remission with DLI. The percent of apoptotic markers (Fas, FasL and Bcl-2) on lymphocytes and CD34-positive cells did not change after DLI throughout the different study periods. Taken together, these preliminary results suggest that the therapeutic effect of DLI in the chronic phase of CML is mediated by classic cytotoxic and proliferative events involving T and NK cells but not by the Fas pathway of apoptosis.
Dysregulation of the skin immune system (SIS) could explain the high prevalence of skin disorders in HIV+ individuals. The present study was carried out to determine whether alterations in the cell population of SIS and epidermal immunoactivation occur in the normal skin of HIV+ individuals. Forty-five biopsies were taken from the normal upper arm skin of 45 HIV+ patients and of 15 healthy controls. HIV+ individuals were divided into three categories according to their CD4 cell blood count (<200, 200-499 and ³500/µl). Hematoxylin-eosin was used to stain tissue sections for morphological analysis and immunohistochemistry was used for the evaluation of the frequency of macrophages, Langerhans cells, and CD lymphocyte subsets. In addition, semiquantitative analysis of LFA-1, ICAM-1 and HLA-DR was determined in epidermal cells. Macrophages, Langerhans cells, and CD lymphocyte subsets did not differ significantly between any of the patient categories and the control group. When all HIV+ individuals were compared as a group to the control group, a significant increase in dermal CD8+ T lymphocytes (P < 0.01) and lower CD4-CD8 ratios (P < 0.01) were observed in the HIV+ individuals. Epidermal ICAM-1 and HLA-DR expression was negative in both HIV+ and normal skin biopsies. No evidence of a depletion of the SIS population or of epidermal immunoactivation in normal skin from HIV+ individuals was demonstrable, suggesting that alterations in the central immune system are not necessarily reflected in the SIS of HIV-infected patients.
Identification and enumeration of human hematopoietic stem cells remain problematic, since in vitro and in vivo stem cell assays have different outcomes. We determined if the altered expression of adhesion molecules during stem cell expansion could be a reason for the discrepancy. CD34+CD38- and CD34+CD38+ cells from umbilical cord blood were analyzed before and after culture with thrombopoietin (TPO), FLT-3 ligand (FL) and kit ligand (KL; or stem cell factor) in different combinations: TPO + FL + KL, TPO + FL and TPO, at concentrations of 50 ng/mL each. Cells were immunophenotyped by four-color fluorescence using antibodies against CD11c, CD31, CD49e, CD61, CD62L, CD117, and HLA-DR. Low-density cord blood contained 1.4 ± 0.9% CD34+ cells, 2.6 ± 2.1% of which were CD38-negative. CD34+ cells were isolated using immuno-magnetic beads and cultured for up to 7 days. The TPO + FL + KL combination presented the best condition for maintenance of stem cells. The total cell number increased 4.3 ± 1.8-fold, but the number of viable CD34+ cells decreased by 46 ± 25%. On the other hand, the fraction of CD34+CD38- cells became 52.0 ± 29% of all CD34+ cells. The absolute number of CD34+CD38- cells was expanded on average 15 ± 12-fold when CD34+ cells were cultured with TPO + FL + KL for 7 days. The expression of CD62L, HLA-DR and CD117 was modulated after culture, particularly with TPO + FL + KL, explaining differences between the adhesion and engraftment of primary and cultured candidate stem cells. We conclude that culture of CD34+ cells with TPO + FL + KL results in a significant increase in the number of candidate stem cells with the CD34+CD38- phenotype.
Endemic pemphigus foliaceus (EPF) is an autoimmune bullous skin disease characterized by acantholysis and antibodies against a desmosomal protein, desmoglein 1. Genetic and environmental factors contribute to development of this multifactorial disease. HLA class II and some cytokine gene polymorphisms are the only genetic markers thus far known to be associated with susceptibility to or protection from EPF. The cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 gene (CTLA4) encodes a key immunoreceptor molecule that regulates and inhibits T-cell proliferation. It participates in the regulatory process controlling autoreactivity and therefore has been considered a strong candidate gene in autoimmune diseases. In the search for genes that might influence EPF pathogenesis, we analyzed variants of the CTLA4 gene in a sample of 118 patients and 291 controls from a Brazilian population. This is the first study investigating the possible role of polymorphisms of the 2q33 chromosomal region in differential susceptibility to pemphigus foliaceus. Promoter region and exon 1 single nucleotide polymorphisms -318 (C,T) and 49 (A,G) were genotyped using sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes after amplification by the polymerase chain reaction. The allelic and genotypic frequencies did not differ significantly between the patient and the control groups (-318T: 9.8 and 10.9%, 49G: 33.0 and 35.2% were the allelic frequencies in patients and controls, respectively). In addition, no significant difference was found when the patient and control population samples were stratified by the presence of HLA-DRB1 alleles. We conclude that the CTLA4 -318 (C,T) and 49 (A,G) polymorphisms do not play a major role in EPF development.
We transplanted 47 patients with Fanconi anemia using an alternative source of hematopoietic cells. The patients were assigned to the following groups: group 1, unrelated bone marrow (N = 15); group 2, unrelated cord blood (N = 17), and group 3, related non-sibling bone marrow (N = 15). Twenty-four patients (51%) had complete engraftment, which was not influenced by gender (P = 0.87), age (P = 0.45), dose of cyclophosphamide (P = 0.80), nucleated cell dose infused (P = 0.60), or use of anti-T serotherapy (P = 0.20). Favorable factors for superior engraftment were full HLA compatibility (independent of the source of cells; P = 0.007) and use of a fludarabine-based conditioning regimen (P = 0.046). Unfavorable factors were > or = 25 transfusions pre-transplant (P = 0.011) and degree of HLA disparity (P = 0.007). Intensity of mucositis (P = 0.50) and use of androgen prior to transplant had no influence on survival (P = 0.80). Acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) grade II-IV and chronic GVHD were diagnosed in 47 and 23% of available patients, respectively, and infections prevailed as the main cause of death, associated or not with GVHD. Eighteen patients are alive, the Kaplan-Meyer overall survival is 38% at ~8 years, and the best results were obtained with related non-sibling bone marrow patients. Three recommendations emerged from the present study: fludarabine as part of conditioning, transplant in patients with <25 transfusions and avoidance of HLA disparity. In addition, an extended family search (even when consanguinity is not present) seeking for a related non-sibling donor is highly recommended.
Chronic Chagas' disease cardiomyopathy (CCC) is an often fatal outcome of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, with a poorer prognosis than other cardiomyopathies. CCC is refractory to heart failure treatments, and is the major indication of heart transplantation in Latin America. A diffuse myocarditis, plus intense myocardial hypertrophy, damage and fibrosis, in the presence of very few T. cruzi forms, are the histopathological hallmarks of CCC. To gain a better understanding of the pathophysiology of CCC, we analyzed the protein profile in the affected CCC myocardium. Homogenates from left ventricular myocardial samples of end-stage CCC hearts explanted during heart transplantation were subjected to two-dimensional electrophoresis with Coomassie blue staining; protein identification was performed by MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprinting. The identification of selected proteins was confirmed by immunoblotting. We demonstrated that 246 proteins matched in gels from two CCC patients. They corresponded to 112 distinct proteins. Along with structural/contractile and metabolism proteins, we also identified proteins involved in apoptosis (caspase 8, caspase 2), immune system (T cell receptor ß chain, granzyme A, HLA class I) and stress processes (heat shock proteins, superoxide dismutases, and other oxidative stress proteins). Proteins involved in cell signaling and transcriptional factors were also identified. The identification of caspases and oxidative stress proteins suggests the occurrence of active apoptosis and significant oxidative stress in CCC myocardium. These results generated an inventory of myocardial proteins in CCC that should contribute to the generation of hypothesis-driven experiments designed on the basis of the classes of proteins identified here.
Costimulatory and antigen-presenting molecules are essential to the initiation of T cell immunity to mycobacteria. The present study analyzed by immunocytochemistry, using monoclonal antibodies and alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase method, the frequency of costimulatory (CD86, CD40, CD40L, CD28, and CD152) and antigen-presenting (MHC class II and CD1) molecules expression on human lung cells recovered by sputum induction from tuberculosis (TB) patients (N = 22) and non-TB controls (N = 17). TB cases showed a statistically significant lower percentage of HLA-DR+ cells than control subjects (21.9 ± 4.2 vs 50.0 ± 7.2%, P < 0.001), even though similar proportions of TB cases (18/22) and control subjects (16/17, P = 0.36) had HLA-DR-positive-stained cells. In addition, fewer TB cases (10/22) compared to control subjects (16/17) possessed CD86-expressing cells (P = 0.04; OR: 0.05; 95%CI = 0.00-0.51), and TB cases expressed a lower percentage of CD86+ cells (P = 0.04). Moreover, TB patients with clinically limited disease (£1 lobe) on chest X-ray exhibited a lower percentage of CD86-bearing cells compared to patients with more extensive lung disease (>1 lobe) (P = 0.02). The lower expression by lung cells from TB patients of HLA-DR and CD86, molecules involved in antigen presentation and activation of T cells, may minimize T cell recognition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, fostering an immune dysfunctional state and active TB.
To find Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) strains with genetic variations of EBV latent membrane protein 1 (EBV-LMP1) from nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), the full-length DNA of LMP1 genes from 21 NPC biopsies obtained in Hunan province in southern China was amplified and sequenced. Our sequences were compared to those previously reported by the Clustal V method. Results showed that all 21 sequences displayed two amino acid changes most frequently in LMP1 of CD4+ T cell epitopes at codons 144 (F®I, 21/21) and 212 (G®S, 19/21) or (G®N, 2/21). We also show that type A EBV strain is prevalent in the cases of NPC from Hunan province with a 30-bp 18/21 deletion, and we highlight that this deletion resulted in loss of one of the CD4+ T cell-restricted epitopes. The other 3 sequences without this deletion all had a change at codon 344 (G®D). Furthermore, in the major epitope sequence of CD8+ T cells restricted by HLA-A2, all 21 sequences showed changes at codons 126 (L®F) and 129 (M®I). Our study discovered that one of the 21 sequence variations harbored a new change at codon 131 (W®C), and 5/21 specimens showed another novel change at codon 115 (G®A) in the major epitope sequence of CD8+ T cells restricted by HLA-A2. Our study suggests that these sequence variations of NPC-derived LMP1 may lead to a potential escape from host cell immune recognition, protecting latent EBV infection and causing an increase in tumorigenicity.