261 resultados para viral vector


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Pregnant cows infected with noncytopathic (NCP) isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) between days 40 and 120 days of gestation frequently deliver immunotolerant, persistently infected (PI) calves. We herein report the characterization of PI calves produced experimentally through inoculation of pregnant cows with a pool of Brazilian BVDV-1 (n=2) and BVDV-2 isolates (n=2) between days 60 and 90 of gestation. Two calves were born virus positive, lacked BVDV antibodies, but died 7 and 15 days after birth, respectively. Six other calves were born healthy, seronegative to BVDV, harbored and shed virus in secretions for up to 210 days. Analysis of the antigenic profile of viruses infecting these calves at birth and 30 days later with a panel of monoclonal antibodies indicated two patterns of infection. Whereas three calves apparently harbored only one isolate (either a BVDV-1 or BVDV-2), co-infection by two antigenically distinct challenge viruses was demonstrated in three PI calves. Moreover, testing the viruses obtained from the blood of PI calves by an RT-PCR able to differentiate between BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 confirmed the presence/persistence of two co-infecting viruses of different genotypes (BVDV-1 and BVDV-2) in these animals. These findings indicate that persistent infection of fetuses/calves - a well characterized consequence of fetal infection by BVDV - may be established concomitantly by more than one isolate, upon experimental inoculation. In this sense, mixed persistent infections with antigenically distinct isolates may help in understanding the immunological and molecular basis of BVDV immunotolerance and persistence.


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Isolados do vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV) apresentam grande diversidade genética e antigênica, o que pode dificultar o diagnóstico e a formulação de vacinas. O presente trabalho apresenta um perfil genotípico e antigênico de 20 amostras do BVDV isoladas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul entre 2000 e 2010. As amostras foram oriundas de uma variedade de condições clínicas, que incluíam doença respiratória ou gastroentérica aguda ou crônica, lesões cutâneas, abortos, animais com crescimento retardado, além de animais persistentemente infectados (PI). A maioria das amostras (19 ou 95%) pertence ao biótipo não-citopático (NCP); enquanto um isolado apresentou uma mistura de vírus NCP e citopático (CP). O sequenciamento e análise filogenética de uma região de 270 nucleotídeos da região 5' não-traduzida do genoma viral permitiu identificar 9 isolados de BVDV-2 (45%) e 8 isolados de BVDV-2 (40%). Três amostras não agruparam filogeneticamente com nenhum dos genótipos, sendo classificados como pestivírus atípicos. Não foi possível associar os genótipos ou subgenótipos com as condições clínicas e, tanto os BVDV-1 quanto os BVDV-2 estavam envolvidos em diferentes síndromes clínico-patológicas. Análise de reatividade com um painel de 19 anticorpos monoclonais (AcMs) revelou uma variabilidade marcante na glicoproteína principal do envelope (E2) entre vírus do mesmo genótipo, e sobretudo, entre vírus de genótipos diferentes. Testes de neutralização viral (SN) com anti-soro de cepas de referência de BVDV-1 e BVDV-2 frente às amostras isoladas revelaram níveis variáveis de reatividade cruzada entre vírus do mesmo genótipo, e reatividade muito baixa ou ausente entre vírus de genótipos diferentes. Esses resultados indicam uma frequência semelhante de BVDV-1 e BVDV-2 na população estudada, confirmam a marcante variabilidade antigênica e reforçam a necessidade de se incluir vírus dos dois genótipos nas vacinas. Finalmente, indicam a presença de pestivírus atípicos circulantes na população bovina do RS.


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O vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) é responsável por diferentes síndromes que afetam bovinos em todo o mundo, causando grandes perdas econômicas. O presente trabalho analisou as características clínicas, patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas e virais de cinco bovinos persistentemente infectados pelo BVDV de uma mesma propriedade, localizada no Município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul. Dentre os sinais clínicos verificados destacaram-se subdesenvolvimento, secreções nasais e oculares, além de catarata congênita unilateral em dois bovinos. As principais lesões observadas durante a necropsia consistiram de aumento dos linfonodos mesentéricos, evidenciação das placas de Peyer e pododermatite e lesões crostosas no plano nasal e na região periocular em um animal. Os achados microscópicos caracterizavam-se, principalmente, por infiltrado mononuclear na lâmina do intestino delgado e rarefação linfoide com infiltrado histiocitário nos centrofoliculares de linfonodos e nas placas de Peyer. Antígenos virais foram detectados por imuno-histoquímica principalmente em queratinócitos da epiderme, no epitélio de folículos pilosos e células mononucleares da derme de orelhas e pele; histiócitos e em linfócitos dos linfonodos; células foliculares da tireoide; no citoplasma de neurônios e, em menor escala, em células da micróglia no córtex cerebral e no hipocampo. O isolamento viral de amostras de sangue e órgãos dos animais confirmou a presença de BVDV não citopático. Também foi possível detectar a presença do genoma viral por RT-PCR no soro dos animais. A análise filogenética do fragmento parcial da região 5' não traduzida do genoma viral permitiu a classificação da amostra viral como BVDV tipo 2b. O presente estudo reforça a necessidade de investigar e caracterizar surtos de BVD e descrever suas diferentes for-mas de apresentação.


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O sucesso na estratégia de controle e erradicação do vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV), passa necessariamente pela identificação e eliminação dos animais persistentemente infectados (PI). Como esses animais excretam continuamente o vírus em suas secreções e excreções, a prevalência de anticorpos no rebanho, frequentemente é alta e com altos títulos. Devido a essas características, amostras de tanques coletivos de leite, foram submetidas a duas técnicas sorológicas, a fim de estabelecer a mais adequada na realização de triagem de rebanhos. Para isso, 767 amostras coletivas de leite foram submetidas à análise por um kit ELISA indireto (teste referência) e pela técnica de vírus-neutralização (VNT) adaptada (teste proposto). Devido aos efeitos tóxicos do leite sobre o cultivo celular, a adaptação consistiu no aumento do volume final na etapa de incubação celular. Foram positivas, 177 e 139 amostras no ELISA e na VNT, respectivamente. Com isso, a VNT adaptada apresentou uma sensibilidade de 76,8% e uma especificidade de 99,5%. O índice Kappa (k) foi de 0,82, demonstrando uma ótima concordância entre as duas técnicas. A análise do coeficiente de correlação entre os valores de absorbância no ELISA (OD) e os títulos de anticorpos na VNT nas amostras positivas, demonstrou uma positividade moderada (r = 0,57) com p < 0,05. No entanto, várias amostras com títulos altos na VNT apresentaram ODs moderadas ou baixas. Por outro lado, algumas amostras com títulos neutralizantes baixos apresentaram ODs altas. Como a presença de animais PI é sugerida por títulos neutralizantes ≥ 80, conclui-se que a técnica de VNT adaptada é mais adequada para a realização de triagem em amostras coletivas de leite quando objetiva-se detectar rebanhos com altos títulos de anticorpos.


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A infecção pelo vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) foi avaliada em um rebanho bovino leiteiro de alta produção com histórico de problemas reprodutivos e de vacinação regular contra o BVDV. A identificação do vírus foi realizada por RT-PCR em soro sanguíneo e o perfil sorológico por vírus-neutralização. Inicialmente, 100% (n=692) dos animais do rebanho foram avaliados com relação à presença de infecção ativa pelo BVDV por meio da RT-PCR. Quatro meses após, todos os animais positivos (n=29) na primeira avaliação foram avaliados novamente pela RT-PCR, assim como todos os animais que nasceram (n=72) e os que apresentaram problemas reprodutivos (n=36) no intervalo entre a primeira e a segunda colheita de sangue. Os resultados finais do estudo possibilitaram identificar 27 animais transitoriamente infectados e três animais persistentemente infectados (PI). A sorologia, realizada apenas nos animais positivos na primeira avaliação pela RT-PCR e nas vacas que apresentaram problemas reprodutivos entre a primeira e a segunda RT-PCR, demonstrou grande flutuação nos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes, além de soroconversão na maioria dos animais. Foram identificados aumentos nos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes que variaram entre 3 e 8 log2, indicando infecção ativa no rebanho. A circulação viral no rebanho avaliado foi responsável pela expressão de sinais clínicos da esfera reprodutiva em animais com baixo título de anticorpos e consequente falha na proteção fetal. Os resultados demonstram que o controle da infecção pelo BVDV apenas por meio da vacinação regular em rebanhos com animais PI pode não ser eficaz na profilaxia dessa virose.


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O presente estudo avaliou a participação de agentes bacterianos e virais em abortos em bovinos de propriedades rurais do sul de Minas Gerais. Foi realizada análise histopatológica e imuno-histoquímica dos casos de aborto recebidos pelo Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Lavras no período de 1999 a 2013. De 60 fetos analisados, em 30 (50%) foram observadas lesões microscópicas. Destes, oito apresentavam lesões compatíveis com infecção por agentes bacterianos e três apresentaram lesões sugestivas de agentes virais. Dos abortos bacterianos, um feto tinha lesões compatíveis com leptospirose, caracterizadas por icterícia e colestase, nefrite intersticial linfoplasmocítica e nefrose tubular. Sete fetos apresentaram pneumonia ou broncopneumonia purulenta; num deles havia também pleurite e peritonite fibrinosas; e em dois desses fetos houve imunomarcação para Brucella abortus. Dos três fetos com lesões sugestivas de aborto viral ocorreu imunomarcação anti-Herpesvírus bovino em um. Os resultados demonstram a ocorrência de abortos de origem bacteriana e viral na Região do estudo e que medidas profiláticas devem ser adotadas nas propriedades. O trabalho demonstra também que a imuno-histoquímica (IHQ); associada à histopatologia; é uma ferramenta útil e viável para o diagnóstico, especialmente quando provas microbiológicas e/ou sorológicas não estão disponíveis.


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In the present investigation we studied the fusogenic process developed by influenza A, B and C viruses on cell surfaces and different factors associated with virus and cell membrane structures. The biological activity of purified virus strains was evaluated in hemagglutination, sialidase and fusion assays. Hemolysis by influenza A, B and C viruses ranging from 77.4 to 97.2%, from 20.0 to 65.0%, from 0.2 to 93.7% and from 9.0 to 76.1% was observed when human, chicken, rabbit and monkey erythrocytes, respectively, were tested at pH 5.5. At this pH, low hemolysis indexes for influenza A, B and C viruses were observed if horse erythrocytes were used as target cells for the fusion process, which could be explained by an inefficient receptor binding activity of influenza on N-glycolyl sialic acids. Differences in hemagglutinin receptor binding activity due to its specificity to N-acetyl or N-glycolyl cell surface oligosaccharides, density of these cellular receptors and level of negative charges on the cell surface may possibly explain these results, showing influence on the sialidase activity and the fusogenic process. Comparative analysis showed a lack of dependence between the sialidase and fusion activities developed by influenza B viruses. Influenza A viruses at low sialidase titers (<2) also exhibited clearly low hemolysis at pH 5.5 (15.8%), while influenza B viruses with similarly low sialidase titers showed highly variable hemolysis indexes (0.2 to 78.0%). These results support the idea that different virus and cell-associated factors such as those presented above have a significant effect on the multifactorial fusion process


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Nineteen Brazilian isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) were characterized antigenically with a panel of 19 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) (Corapi WV, Donis RO and Dubovi EJ (1990) American Journal of Veterinary Research, 55: 1388-1394). Eight isolates were further characterized by cross-neutralization using sheep monospecific antisera. Analysis of mAb binding to viral antigens by indirect immunofluorescence revealed distinct patterns of reactivity among the native viruses. Local isolates differed from the prototype Singer strain in recognition by up to 14 mAbs. Only two mAbs - one to the non-structural protein NS23/p125 and another to the envelope glycoprotein E0/gp48 - recognized 100% of the isolates. No isolate was recognized by more than 14 mAbs and twelve viruses reacted with 10 or less mAbs. mAbs to the major envelope glycoprotein E2/gp53 revealed a particularly high degree of antigenic variability in this glycoprotein. Nine isolates (47.3%) reacted with three or less of 10 E2/gp53 mAbs, and one isolate was not recognized by any of these mAbs. Virus-specific antisera to eight isolates plus three standard BVDV strains raised in lambs had virus-neutralizing titers ranging from 400 to 3200 against the homologous virus. Nonetheless, many antisera showed significantly reduced neutralizing activity when tested against heterologous viruses. Up to 128-fold differences in cross-neutralization titers were observed for some pairs of viruses. When the coefficient of antigenic similarity (R) was calculated, 49 of 66 comparisons (74.24%) between viruses resulted in R values that antigenically distinguish strains. Moreover, one isolate had R values suggesting that it belongs to a distinct serologic group. The marked antigenic diversity observed among Brazilian BVDV isolates should be considered when planning diagnostic and immunization strategies.


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DNA plasmids encoding foreign proteins may be used as immunogens by direct intramuscular injection alone, or with various adjuvants and excipients, or by delivery of DNA-coated gold particles to the epidermis through biolistic immunization. Antibody, helper T lymphocyte, and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses have been induced in laboratory and domesticated animals by these methods. In a number of animal models, immune responses induced by DNA vaccination have been shown to be protective against challenge with various infectious agents. Immunization by injection of plasmids encoding foreign proteins has been used successfully as a research tool. This review summarizes the types of DNA vaccine vectors in common use, the immune responses and protective responses that have been obtained in animal models, the safety considerations pertinent to the evaluation of DNA vaccines in humans and the very limited information that is available from early clinical studies.


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To assess the clinical relevance of a semi-quantitative measurement of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA in renal transplant recipients within the typical clinical context of a developing country where virtually 100% of both receptors and donors are seropositive for this virus, we have undertaken HCMV DNA quantification using a simple, semi-quantitative, limiting dilution polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We evaluated this assay prospectively in 52 renal transplant patients from whom a total of 495 serial blood samples were collected. The samples scored HCMV positive by qualitative PCR had the levels of HCMV DNA determined by end-point dilution-PCR. All patients were HCMV DNA positive during the monitoring period and a diagnosis of symptomatic infection was made for 4 of 52 patients. In symptomatic patients the geometric mean of the highest level of HCMV DNAemia was 152,000 copies per 106 leukocytes, while for the asymptomatic group this value was 12,050. Symptomatic patients showed high, protracted HCMV DNA levels, whereas asymptomatic patients demonstrated intermittent low or moderate levels. Using a cut-off value of 100,000 copies per 106 leukocytes, the limiting dilution assay had sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 92%, a positive predictive value of 43% and a negative predictive value of 100% for HCMV disease. In this patient group, there was universal HCMV infection but relatively infrequent symptomatic HCMV disease. The two patient groups were readily distinguished by monitoring with the limiting dilution assay, an extremely simple technology immediately applicable in any clinical laboratory with PCR capability.


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Three Brazilian isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), antigenically distinct from the standard North American isolates, were selected to immunize BALB/c mice in order to obtain hybridoma cells secreting anti-BVDV monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Two hybridoma clones secreting mAbs, reacting specifically with BVDV-infected cells (mAbs 3.1C4 and 6.F11), were selected after five fusions and screening of 1001 hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine-resistant clones. These mAbs reacted in an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) assay with all 39 South and North American BVDV field isolates and reference strains available in our laboratory, yet failed to recognize other pestiviruses, namely the hog cholera virus. The mAbs reacted at dilutions up to 1:25,600 (ascitic fluid) and 1:100 (hybridoma culture supernatant) in IFA and immunoperoxidase (IPX) staining of BVDV-infected cells but only mAb 3.1C4 neutralized virus infectivity. Furthermore, both mAbs failed to recognize BVDV proteins by IPX in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues and following SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of virus-infected cells, suggesting they are probably directed to conformational-type epitopes. The protein specificity of these mAbs was then determined by IFA staining of CV-1 cells transiently expressing each of the BVDV proteins: mAb 3.1C4 reacted with the structural protein E2/gp53 and mAb 6.F11 reacted with the structural protein E1/gp25. Both mAbs were shown to be of the IgG2a isotype. To our knowledge, these are the first mAbs produced against South American BVDV isolates and will certainly be useful for research and diagnostic purposes.


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Interactions of viral proteins play an important role in the virus life cycle, especially in capsid assembly. Andean potato mottle comovirus (APMoV) is a plant RNA virus with a virion formed by two coat proteins (CP42 and CP22). Both APMoV coat protein open reading frames were cloned into pGBT9 and pGAD10, two-hybrid system vectors. HF7c yeast cells transformed with the p9CP42 construct grew on yeast dropout selection media lacking tryptophan and histidine. Clones also exhibited ß-galactosidase activity in both qualitative and quantitative assays. These results suggest that CP42 protein contains an amino acid motif able to activate transcription of His3 and lacZ reporter genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Several deletions of the CP42 gene were cloned into the pGBT9 vector to locate the region involved in this activation. CP42 constructions lacking 12 residues from the C-terminal region and another one with 267 residues deleted from the N-terminus are still able to activate transcription of reporter genes. However, transcription activation was not observed with construction p9CP42deltaC57, which does not contain the last 57 amino acid residues. These results demonstrate that a transcription activation domain is present at the C-terminus of CP42 between residues 267 and 374.


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There is increasing interest in the immune response induced by plant viruses since these could be used as antigen-expressing systems in vaccination procedures. Cowpea severe mosaic virus (CPSMV), as a purified preparation (300 g of leaves, 2 weeks post-inoculation), or crude extract from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) leaves infected with CPSMV both administered by gavage to Swiss mice induced a humoral immune response. Groups of 10 Swiss mice (2-month-old females) were immunized orally with 10 daily doses of either 50 µg viral capsid protein (boosters of 50 µg at days 21 and 35 after immunization) or 0.6 mg protein of the crude extract (boosters of 0.6 mg at days 21 and 35 after immunization). Anti-CPSMV antibodies were quantified by ELISA in pooled sera diluted at least 1:400 at days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after the 10th dose. IgG and IgA against CPSMV were produced systemically, but IgE was not detected. No synthesis of specific antibodies against the proteins of leaf extracts from V. unguiculata, infected or not with CPSMV, was detected. The use of CPSMV, a plant-infecting virus that apparently does not induce a pathogenic response in animals, induced a humoral and persistent (at least 6 months) immune response through the administration of low antigen doses by gavage. These results raise the possibility of using CPSMV either as a vector for the production of vaccines against animal pathogens or in quick and easy methods to produce specific antisera for viral diagnosis.


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We report here the construction of a vector derived from pET3-His and pRSET plasmids for the expression and purification of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli based on T7 phage RNA polymerase. The resulting pAE plasmid combined the advantages of both vectors: small size (pRSET), expression of a short 6XHis tag at N-terminus (pET3-His) and a high copy number of plasmid (pRSET). The small size of the vector (2.8 kb) and the high copy number/cell (200-250 copies) facilitate the subcloning and sequencing procedures when compared to the pET system (pET3-His, 4.6 kb and 40-50 copies) and also result in high level expression of recombinant proteins (20 mg purified protein/liter of culture). In addition, the vector pAE enables the expression of a fusion protein with a minimal amino-terminal hexa-histidine affinity tag (a tag of 9 amino acids using XhoI restriction enzyme for the 5'cloning site) as in the case of pET3-His plasmid and in contrast to proteins expressed by pRSET plasmids (a tag of 36 amino acids using BamHI restriction enzyme for the 5'cloning site). Thus, although proteins expressed by pRSET plasmids also have a hexa-histidine tag, the fusion peptide is much longer and may represent a problem for some recombinant proteins.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of HEV, TTV and GBV-C/GBV-C/HGV in patients with acute viral hepatitis A, B and non-A-C. We evaluated sera of 94 patients from a sentinel program who had acute hepatitis A (N = 40), B (N = 42) and non-A-C (N = 12); 71 blood donors served as controls. IgM and anti-HEV IgG antibodies were detected by enzyme immunoassay using commercial kits. TTV and GBV-C/HGV were detected by nested PCR; genotyping was done by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Anti-HEV IgG was present in 38, 10 and 17% of patients with hepatitis A, B and non-A-C. Four patients with hepatitis A and 1 with non-A-C hepatitis also had anti-HEV IgM detected in serum. TTV was detected in 21% of patients with acute hepatitis and in 31% of donors. GBV-C/HGV was detected in 9% of patients with hepatitis, and in 10% of donors. We found TTV isolates of genotypes 1, 2, 3, and 4 and GBV-C/HGV isolates of genotypes 1 and 2. Mean aminotransferase levels were lower in patients who were TTV or GBV-C/HGV positive. In conclusion, the detection of anti-HEV IgM in some acute hepatitis A cases suggests co-infection with HEV and hepatitis E could be the etiology of a few cases of sporadic non-A-C hepatitis in Salvador, Brazil. TTV genotype 1, 2, 3 and 4 isolates and GBV-C/HGV genotype 1 and 2 strains are frequent in the studied population. TTV and GBV-C/HGV infection does not appear to have a role in the etiology of acute hepatitis.