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O A. recapitula os dados já conhecidos sôbre a filtrabilidade de muitas Rickettsias e sôbre o que êle chama o ciclo evolutivo das mesmas, citando os trabalhos de S. B. Dulky e E. Gordon sôbre a Coxiella papilliae e a observação de A. Donatien e F. Lestoquard bem como os de P. Giraud. Refere-se à filtrabilidade do agente da febre "Q". Reporta-se depois aos trabalhos de Mme. Ruth Rein Gutfreund sôbre os achados de Rickettsia prowazedi em animais domésticos na Etiópia e a transmissão dos mesmos pelos carrapatos, dizendo que isto confirma suas próprias idéias, de há muito emitidas, de que não há no grupo tifo exantemático, de regra, especificidade estrita para os transmissores, não podendo êste carácter servir de base para classificações racionais. Descreve um caso clínico, mostrando a dificuldade de diagnóstico cofundido com a febre tifóide, mesmo com longa prática do exame na doença e que só a inoculação em animais sensíveis - aqui os cobaios - pode decidir a questão. Estuda depois dois surtos epidêmicos de tifo exantemático neotrópico - em 1950 em Carmópolis (Minas Gerais); outro em 1956, Mucuri (Bahia). Em ambos, a percentagem de mortes dos casos graves, não tratados, foi elevada e a terapêutica pelos antibióticos, principalmente a Cloromicetina e Terramicina foi brilhante. Nestes dois surtos epidêmicos com já se vira em 1941 (4 casos na mesma residência) e 1948 (6 casos na mesma moradia), apuraram-se 2 e 3 casos da doença na mesma casa. As reações de Fixação de Complemento (R.F.C.), Weil-Feliz (W.F.) e Widal - confirmam o diagnóstico de tifo exantemático neotrópico.
The Author made the description of the clinic furunculosis forms of the Sporotrichosis, which he found twice in 102 observations. He considers the localized forms of the disease and obtains pure and abundant cultures of Sporotrichum Schencki-Beurmanni.
In this paper three species of genus Archytas are studied, the type species A. diaphana (Fabr.), A. shannoni sp. n. and A. willistoni Curran. The definitions of the species are based on the characters of the male and females genitalia.
In the present paper four species of genus Archytas Jaennecke, 1867, are studied and figured in detail: Archytas incertus Macq. (= Pseudoarchytas brasiliensis Towns), Archytas marmoratus Towns. (= Archytas pilifrons Sch.) and Archytas chilensis Curran. A new species Archytas travassosi is described from Angra dos Reis, Brazil. The material studied is deposited in the following collections: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Nacional de Veterinária, Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo and Departamento de Defesa Sanitária Vegetal, Brasil.
Twelve species of the genus Archytas Jennicke, 1867, eight of which described as new are studied and figured in detail. Definitions of the species are based mainly on characters of male genitalia. The male genital characters are the most significant for separation of the species and most demonstrative of their affinities. By examining a long series of species of this genus we came to the conclusion that the presence of one pair of median marginal bristles on the third abdominal tergite seems to be characteristic of the genus. This caracter apparently so important, is not however considered fundamental. The most significant example is found in Archytas lenkoi sp. n. and Archytas vexor Curran, 1928. In A. lenkoi we can find one or two pairs or thay may, less frquently, be absent. In A. vexor these bristles are lacking. The shape of the male copulatory apparatus of Jurinia nitidiventris Curran, 1928 refered to by CURRAN in his "Revision of Archytas", is not characteristic of any species of the group and so, is not considered in this paper. To help in the identification, the species studied here are divided into groups. The analis group" includes: A. apicifer (Walker, 1894), A. californiae (Walker, 1856), A. nivalis Curran, 1928, a. giacomellii (Blanchard, 1941), A. basifulvus (Walker, 1849), A. incasanus Townsend, 1912 and A. cirphis Curran, 1927. The identification of members of these group is extremely difficult owing both to their similarity in colour pattern and to their variability. They all have black testaceous or dark brown abdomen, the last segment pale or brownish pollinose; second segment without bristles; third with a pair of strong marginals, fourth and fifth with two rows of discals on apical third. The final determination often rests upon the structure of the male copulatory apparatus. Fortunately in this group, many of the forcipes superiores and palpi genitalium are strikingly different from one another. The "zikani group" includes: A. zikani sp. n., A seabrai sp. n., A. duckei sp. n. and A. vernalis Curran, 1928. This group may be characterized as follows: forcipes interiores absent; forcipes superiores strongly chitinized an dilated at anex. Within this group, the forcipes of. A. seabrai sp. n. do not present an aberrant form. The "dissimilis group" will be studied in forthcoming papers. The limits of the genus Archyta Jaen. are not as yet sharply difined, the evaluation of the significance of each character used in the definition remaining as most difficult problem. The distinction between Archytas and other related genera is very difficult, chiefly because it is based on variable characters. In this paper we place the genera Parafabricia Towsend, 1931, Itachytas Blanchard, 1940, Archynemochaeta Blanchard, 1941, Proarchytoides Blanchard, 1941 and Archytodejeania Blanchard, 1941 in the synonymy of Archytas Jaen. The detailed examination of the characters used in their definition, proved them to be fundamentally proposed on basis of chaetotasy, these characters alone being precarious, because of the considerabel intraspecifical variation. The type of the new species are in the Oswaldo Cruz Institute collection. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and paratypes in the collections of the followings institutions: Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo; Instituto de Ecologia e Experimemtação Agrícolas; Departamento de Defesa Sanitária Vegetal; Campos Seabra collection; and Barbiellini collection.
Der Autor schlaegt eine Unterteilung der Vegetation vor, die sich auf die grossen Landschaftstypen Brasiliens bezieht. Er grenzt diese gegeneinander ab und beschreibt sie in grossen Zuegen, soweit sie bis heute bekannt sind. Er bringt einige Komentare zur Phytoklimatologie und zeigt, dass die Versuche einer floristischen Einteilung auf klimatischer Grundlage nichtbefriedigend sind; er laesst den "Klimax" nur zu als Annahme des maximalen Ausdrucks der Vegetation innerhalb eines begrenzten Gebiets. Ers bespricht kurz die regionalen geomorphologischen Studien und beschreibt zum Schluss jeden phyto-oekologischen Typ. Er beleuchtet in den Beschreibungen alle historischen Moeglichkeiten, wobei er sich auf die palaeo-Oekologie und Phylogenese stuetzt. In Suedbrasilien finden wir, abgesehen von den Waeldern der immerfeuchten Regenzonen, den Cerrado und den Campo und neben diesen den Wald der periodisch trockenen Klimate. Der Autor weist daraufhin, dass die Ausbreitung der Formationen mehr an den "Raum" als an die "Zeit" gebunden sind, dieses will besagen, dass in juengst bewachsenen Gebieten der Wald sich in jeder Richtung ausdehnt und in alt bewachsenen Regionen mit tiefen Boeden der Cerrado und in solchen mit flachen Boeden der Campo sich allseits ausbreiten. 1. Der Laubwald, der sich wahrscheinlich seit der juengeren Pluvialzeit ausbreitet, befidet sich heute noch in voller Taetigkeit: a) der Wald der Abhaenge der kristalinen Gebirge der Sued-Atlantikkueste, der schattige Haenge bedeckt und durch cyophile und phylogenetisch primitive Elemente gekennzeichnet ist, scheint die aeltere Ausbreitung darzustellen; und b) der Wald der Einzugsbecken und Kuestenebenen, der die aluvialen Gelaende einnimmt und durch heliophile und hoeher entwickelte Arten charakterisiert ist, scheint die modernere Ausbreitung zu vertreten. 2. Der Nadelwald, der dem Einzugsnetz der Hochflaech folgend sich in relativ neuer Zeit ausgebreitet hat, befindet sich ebenfalls auch heute noch in voller Taetigkeit: a) in Gebieten der Campos, neuerdings wieder bewachsen (Niederungen, Quellgruende usw), finden wir die seiner heutigen Ausbreitung; und b) die ausschliesslich erwachsenen Elemente inmitten von Laubwald zeigen sein heutigen Gebiet des Konkurrenzhampfes an. 3. Die Savannen und Campos, urspruenglich in Abhaengigkeit von ihrem geologischen Ursprung auf die sauren, armen Boeden beschraenkt, dehnen sich schnell infolge Raubbaus durch den Menschen auf neue Gebiete aus: a) zerstoerte Waldgebiete auf tiefen Sandformationen, wo der entwaldete Boden im halbfeuchten Klima der Lateritisierung beschleunigt unterliegt, sind Bildung des Cerrados ausgesetzt; b) zerstoerte Waldgebiete auf Tonformationen, wo die Erosion schnell bis zu den halbzerlegten Gesteinen fortschreitet, werden in Campo verwandelt; und c) Ackerbaugebiete und Weiden auf jedem Boden, wo periodisch gebrannt wird, sind gezwungenermassen dem "Feuer-Klimax" unterworfen. 4. Bezueglich der historischen Vergangenheit der heute von einem bestimmten Vegetationstyp bedeckten Gebiete kann nur eine Pollenanalyse der lokalen organischen Ablagerungen definitive Antwort geben.
The author redescribes two species of the genus Ormia: Ormia bilimekii Brauer et Bergenstamm, 1889 and ormia lineifrons Sabrosky, 1953, Brasil. Two new species, Ormia rachoui sp. n. from Corcovado, Estado da Guanabara and Ormia lopesi sp. n. from Angra dos Reis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, are also described.
The author studies 10 species of the Tribu Cuphoceratini, belonging to the genera Ccrpecrypta Townsend, 1908, Cyanopsis Townsend, 1917, Spanipalpus Townsend, 1931, Neocuphocera Townsend, 1927, Beskiocephala Townsend, 1916 and Deopalpus Townsend, 1908. Eight species are identified with previously described species and two species are considered new to science: Neocuphocera aurifacies sp. n. and Deopalpus reinhardi sp. n. The characteristics of the new species are chiefly founded in the male genitalia. Generic definitions are based on the following characters: presence or absence of ocellar bristles, shape and relative length of antennal articles and arrangement of the head bristles in both sexes. The material is located in the Institute Oswaldo Cruz collections, Guanabara, Brazil.
The author studies 5 species of Archytas Jaennicke, 1867, belonging to the "dissimilis group": A. seminigra (Wiedemann, 1830) and four species which are considered as new. The species of this group may be characterized as follow: Species of short body, exceptionally large ones. Abdomen yellowish, with a median blackish V-shapedspot. Second antennal segment with 2/3 length of third. Parafacialia with blackish hairs. Propleura pilose. Post alar wall with few hairs. The following key facilitates the identification of the species: 1. Third article of antennae, strongly convex in the anterior margin (fig. 10); posterior margin straight. Parafacialia with a facio-orbital bristle well differentiated . . . . A. arnaudi sp. n. Third article of antennae not so convex in the anterior margin; facio-orbital bristle absent, if present not well differentiated [...] 2; 2. Parafrontalia with golden polen [...] 3; Parafrontalia brownish to shining black with few polen . . . 4; 3. Forcipes superiores slender and sub-truncate apically (figs. 5 and 6)[...] A. seminigra; Forcipes superiores broad apically (fig .20)[...] A, gongalvesi sp. n.; 4. First, second and third sternites yellowish [...] A. angrensis sp. n.; All sternites brownish to black [...] A. sabroskpi sp. n.; The material studied belongs to the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz collections, where is located the types of new species.
The author described two new species belonging to the genus Euempheremyia Towsend, 1927: E. albuquerquei sp. n. and E. elyowaldi sp. n., from Brazil. The redescription of E. paulensis Towsend, 1927 is based on a paratype male, from the Departamento de Zoologia, São Paulo. The genus Euhuascaraya Towsend, 1927 is placed in synonymy with Euempheremyia Towsend, 1927.
The author studies Chordonota inermis Wied. based on adults and larvae. Male and female genitalia are figured.