253 resultados para Neoplasia intra-epitelial vulvar (NIV)
Sob consenso recente em pacientes humanos, os valores basais da pressão intra-abdominal (PIA) e seus prováveis limiares em casos mórbidos, foram estipulados com intuito de favorecer a homogeneidade de estudos científicos, além de fornecer diretrizes para conduta diagnóstica e terapêutica destes pacientes. Valores basais e alterações na pressão intra-abdominal em animais não são ainda suficientemente conhecidos e cientificamente determinados. Médicos veterinários necessitam conhecer melhor os estados mórbidos que cursam com Hipertensão Intra-Abdominal (HIA) ou Síndrome de Compartimento Abdominal (SCA). O presente estudo objetivou testar em cães a técnica já descrita sob consenso na medicina como modelo de mensuração da pressão intra-abdominal, assim como determinar os valores normais para a espécie. Foram utilizados 15 cães hígidos, machos e fêmeas, homogêneos e todos sem raça definida. A mensuração da pressão intra-abdominal foi realizada por meio da técnica indireta de sondagem vesical e utilização de coluna de água com régua graduada em cm de H2O, sendo seu valor final convertido para a unidade de mm de Hg. Foi observado valor mínimo subatmosférico (abaixo de zero mm de Hg) até o valor máximo de 3,75 mmHg. Houve importante variação entre os valores encontrados individualmente em determinados cães, colocando sob discussão questões como massa corporal, freqüência/volume total de solução fisiológica a ser infundida e agitação destes pacientes no momento do exame. Os valores limítrofes encontrados são considerados fisiológicos, indicando confiabilidade da técnica e possibilidade do seu emprego clínico. A ausência de sedação e utilização de sonda uretral não inviabilizou a realização da mensuração, porém podendo culminar numa sub ou superestimativa dos valores encontrados.
A avaliação de linfonodo, parte importante do estadiamento das neoplasias mamárias em cadelas, pode auxiliar no estabelecimento do prognóstico e na escolha da conduta terapêutica. A ultrassonografia em modo B possibilita avaliação de tamanho, contorno, borda, forma, arquitetura, ecotextura e ecogenicidade do parênquima dos linfonodos e, em modo Doppler, da quantidade e distribuição dos seus vasos internos. Este trabalho visou identificar as características ultrassonográficas mais importantes utilizadas para classificar os linfonodos em metastáticos e não-metastáticos, estabelecer elementos de confiabilidade do ultrassom como ferramenta para diferenciar linfonodos metastáticos de não-metastáticos e estabelecer procedimentos de reprodução deste exame. Foram examinados 67 linfonodos inguinais superficiais de 30 cadelas com tumor mamário e cada linfonodo foi classificado como metastático ou não-metastático. A impressão diagnóstica ultrassonográfica foi associada aos resultados do exame histopato lógico dos linfonodos obtendo-se taxa de concordância de 92,5%, índice de sensibilidade de 94,1%, índice de especificidade de 92%, valor preditivo positivo de 0,8 e valor preditivo negativo de 0,9787. Características ultrassonográficas que classificaram um linfonodo como metastático ou como não-metastático foram listadas. O exame ultrassonográfico dos linfonodos regionais constitui importante ferramenta na detecção de metástase e sugere-se incluí-lo como rotina do estadiamento de neoplasias mamárias em cadelas.
Carcinomas de células escamosas vulvares (CCEVs) em bovinos foram estudados retrospectivamente quanto à prevalência, epidemiologia, quadro clinicopatológico e aspectos imuno-histoquímicos. O grau de pigmentação da pele vulvar foi também avaliado. Nos 48 anos analisados retrospectivamente, foram computados materiais de necropsias e biópsias de 7.483 bovinos recebidos no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da UFSM. Desses, em 664 (8,87%) casos de neoplasmas foram identificados, sendo 33 (4,97%) casos de CCEVs. Dezenove eram vacas da raça Holandesa, três da Charolesa, uma era Jersey e 10 eram sem raça definida. A principal alteração macroscópica foi aumento de volume vulvar, sangrante e com miíase concomitante. As massas tumorais eram firmes, ulceradas e com áreas amarelas. Foi possível reavaliar microscopicamente 30 dos 33 casos. Desses, oito eram CCEVs bem diferenciados, 17 eram moderadamente diferenciados e cinco eram pobremente diferenciados. A avaliação de lesões intraepiteliais escamosas (LIEs) foi realizada em tecidos de 21 casos que tinham epitélio de revestimento. Hiperplasia epitelial foi observada em 10 casos; displasia leve em dois, moderada em um e acentuada em cinco casos; em três casos não havia LIEs. A técnica de Fontana-Masson para melanina foi realizada em 21 casos. Desses, em 17 a pigmentação do epitélio da epiderme vulvar era ausente, em dois era leve e em outros dois era moderada. Independentemente do grau de diferenciação dos CCEVs, houve imunomarcação acentuada da maioria dos ceratinócitos neoplásicos para pancitoceratina bovina pela técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Papilomavírus bovino não foi detectado pela IHQ neste estudo.
O tomateiro (Lycopersicum esculentum) é uma das mais importantes hortaliças produzidas no mundo, porém sua produtividade pode ser reduzida em função da convivência com Solanum americanum (maria-pretinha). O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da adubação na relação de interferência intra e interespecífica entre plantas de tomateiro e S. americanum. Duas plantas em condições de convivência intra e interespecífica, por espécie, foram plantadas em vasos e adubadas com 13, 18 e 24 g de 4-14-8 por vaso, sendo avaliadas características de crescimento de ambas as espécies aos 90 dias após o transplante das plantas. A adubação com 4-14-8 estimulou o desenvolvimento da área foliar e da massa seca de caules, folhas e frutos de S. americanum, além da área foliar e da massa seca de folhas e frutos do tomateiro. A convivência interespecífica proporcionou maior altura de plantas de S. americanum, bem como menor altura e massa seca de folhas e frutos do tomateiro. Houve interação dos fatores adubação e convivência somente para o tomateiro, sendo a altura e a massa seca de folhas da cultura influenciadas negativamente quando submetidas às maiores doses de adubo e à competição com S. americanum.
A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years to study the effect of fertilizer application methods and inter and intra-row weed-crop competition durations on density and biomass of different weeds and growth, grain yield and yield components of maize. The experimental treatments comprised of two fertilizer application methods (side placement and below seed placement) and inter and intra-row weed-crop competition durations each for 15, 30, 45, and 60 days after emergence, as well as through the crop growing period. Fertilizer application method didn't affect weed density, biomass, and grain yield of maize. Below seed fertilizer placement generally resulted in less mean weed dry weight and more crop leaf area index, growth rate, grain weight per cob and 1000 grain weight. Minimum number of weeds and dry weight were recorded in inter-row or intra-row weed-crop competition for 15 DAE. Number of cobs per plant, grain weight per cob, 1000 grain weight and grain yield decreased with an increase in both inter-row and intra-row weed-crop competition durations. Maximum mean grain yield of 6.35 and 6.33 tha-1 were recorded in inter-row and intra-row weed competition for 15 DAE, respectively.
Com o objetivo de estudar a variabilidade genética intra-específica em Oncidium varicosum Lindl. (Orchidaceae - Oncidiinae), foram avaliadas cinco populações de Minas Gerais, coletadas em Alfenas (AL), Estiva (ES), Pedra do Coração (PC), Pedra Branca (PB) e Pouso Alegre (PA). Foram considerados 22 caracteres florais, medidos a partir de "vouchers" (fichas florais), empregando-se métodos estatísticos univariados e multivariados (análise discriminante canônica - CDA e análise de agrupamento a partir de distância de Mahalanobis). Houve diferença significativa (p < 0,05) entre populações, pelo teste F, para 13 caracteres. O primeiro eixo canônico separou a população PA de PB e de PC. Os indivíduos de PA são menores que os de PC, que são menores que os de PB. AL se sobrepôs a PA, ES e PC pelo primeiro eixo, mas se separou completamente de PA e quase que totalmente das demais populações de acordo com o segundo eixo canônico, por apresentar características como colunas compridas e espessas, sépalas laterais compridas e estreitas e ovários mais curtos. De acordo com a análise de agrupamento, novamente a população AL divergiu das demais. Observou-se que as populações ES, PC e PB são mais próximas entre si, seguidas da população de PA. O padrão de variabilidade genética observado não parece estar relacionado a diferenças de latitude. Entretanto, parece estar associado a diferenças de longitude, embora este único fator pode não ser suficiente para explicá-lo.
Intra and interspecific variability was measured in the genus Lycopersicon for the traits: productivity rate (PR, total number of regenerated shoots/total number of cultures), regeneration percentage (%R, number of cultures regenerating shoots or primordia/total number of cultures) and callus percentage (%C, number of cultures only producing callus/total number of cultures). Leaf explants from various genotypes of L. esculentum, L. esculentum var. cerasiforme, L. pimpinellifolium and L. peruvianum were placed on Murashige and Skoog (Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-493, 1962) medium + 0.175 mg/l IAA + 2.25 mg/l BA. Significant differences among species and among genotypes within the same species were found, while genotypes from different species showed similar responses.
The histopathology of the liver is fundamental for the differential diagnosis between intra- and extrahepatic causes of neonatal cholestasis. However, histopathological findings may overlap and there is disagreement among authors concerning those which could discriminate between intra- and extrahepatic cholestasis. Forty-six liver biopsies (35 wedge biopsies and 11 percutaneous biopsies) and one specimen from a postmortem examination, all from patients hospitalized for neonatal cholestasis in the Pediatrics Service of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, were prospectively studied using a specially designed histopathological protocol. At least 4 of 5 different stains were used, and 46 hepatic histopathological variables related to the differential diagnosis of neonatal cholestasis were studied. The findings were scored for severity on a scale from 0 to 4. Sections which showed less than 3 portal spaces were excluded from the study. Sections were examined by a pathologist who was unaware of the final diagnosis of each case. Bile tract permeability was defined by scintigraphy of the bile ducts and operative cholangiography. The F test and discriminant analysis were used as statistical methods for the study of the hepatic histopathological variables. The chi-square method with Yates correction was used to relate the age of the patients on the date of the histopathological study to the discriminatory variables between intra- and extrahepatic cholestasis selected by the discriminant function test. The most valuable hepatic histopathological variables for the discrimination between intra- and extrahepatic cholestasis, in decreasing order of importance, were periportal ductal proliferation, portal ductal proliferation, portal expansion, cholestasis in neoductules, foci of myeloid metaplasia, and portal-portal bridges. The only variable which pointed to the diagnosis of intrahepatic cholestasis was myeloid metaplasia. Due to the small number of patients who were younger than 60 days on the date of the histopathological study (N = 6), no variable discriminated between intra- and extrahepatic cholestasis before the age of 2 months and all of them, except for the portal expansion, were discriminatory after this age. In infants with cholestasis, foci of myeloid metaplasia, whenever present in the liver biopsy, suggested intrahepatic cholestasis. Periportal ductal proliferation, portal ductal proliferation, portal expansion, cholestasis in neoductules, portal cholestasis and portal-portal bridges suggested extrahepatic obstructive cholestasis.
Intra-amygdala infusion of the non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) prior to testing impairs inhibitory avoidance retention test performance. Increased training attenuates the impairing effects of amygdala lesions and intra-amygdala infusions of CNQX. The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of additional training on the impairing effects of intra-amygdala CNQX on expression of the inhibitory avoidance task. Adult female Wistar rats bilaterally implanted with cannulae into the border between the central and the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala were submitted to a single session or to three training sessions (0.2 mA, 24-h interval between sessions) in a step-down inhibitory avoidance task. A retention test session was held 48 h after the last training. Ten minutes prior to the retention test session, the animals received a 0.5-µl infusion of CNQX (0.5 µg) or its vehicle (25% dimethylsulfoxide in saline). The CNQX infusion impaired, but did not block, retention test performance in animals submitted to a single training session. Additional training prevented the impairing effect of CNQX. The results suggest that amygdaloid non-NMDA receptors may not be critical for memory expression in animals given increased training.
Estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors in the normal uterine cervix, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive carcinoma were studied in consecutive samples from Hospital do Câncer, São Paulo, between 1996 and 1997. Tissue was collected by removing a fragment of the tumoral area using a 5-mm diameter biopsy punch, followed by removal of a macroscopically normal area as close as possible from the tumor. Histopathological confirmation was obtained for all specimens analyzed. A total of 24 normal tissues, 17 cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and 7 of invasive carcinomas were studied. The ER/PR ratio was determined by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies specific for each receptor. Adjacent tissue slides were submitted to generic PCR for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA detection followed by typing by dot blot hybridization. About half (45.8%) of the tumors were HPV DNA positive while 29.1% of the patients were also HPV positive in their respective normal tissue. ER was negative in the tumoral epithelium of 11 HPV-positive patients (P = 0.04). There was a trend in the ER distribution in normal tissue that was opposite to that from lesions, but it was not statistically significant (P = 0.069). No difference in ER distribution in stromal tissues was observed between HPV-positive and HPV-negative tissues. PR staining was negative in the epithelium of all cases studied. The results obtained from this small number of cases cannot be considered to be conclusive but do suggest that factors related to viral infection affect the expression of these ER/PR cervix receptors.
The present study on molecular characterization of a human papillomavirus (HPV) isolated in Central Brazil describes the L1 gene sequence from a new variant of HPV-58, the isolate Bsb-02. The sample was from a smear obtained from a woman with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II. The whole L1 gene from isolate Bsb-02 was sequenced automatically, showing 99.1% nucleotide identity with the gene from the HPV-58 reference. The clustering between Bsb-02 and HPV-58 reference sequence was also supported by phylogenetic analysis. Fourteen nucleotide substitutions were observed: eight were synonymous and six were associated with amino acid substitutions. A10V and V144I have not been previously described. At GenBank, the only complete L1 sequence from HPV-58 in addition to the HPV-58 reference one is that of Bsb-02. These data provide information that may be relevant to HPV diagnosis and to rational vaccine strategies. HPV variants may also be associated with host immune responses and with the risk of cervical neoplasia.
We analyzed the genetic recombination pattern of the T-cell receptor beta-chain gene (TCR-beta) in order to identify clonal expansion of T-lymphocytes in 17 human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I)-positive healthy carriers, 7 of them with abnormal features in the peripheral blood lymphocytes. Monoclonal or oligoclonal expansion of T-cells was detected in 5 of 7 HTLV-I-positive patients with abnormal lymphocytes and unconfirmed diagnosis by using PCR amplification of segments of TCR-beta gene, in a set of reactions that target 102 different variable (V) segments, covering all members of the 24 V families available in the gene bank, including the more recently identified segments of the Vbeta-5 and Vbeta-8 family and the two diversity beta segments. Southern blots, the gold standard method to detect T-lymphocyte clonality, were negative for all of these 7 patients, what highlights the low sensitivity of this method that requires a large amount of very high quality DNA. To evaluate the performance of PCR in the detection of clonality we also analyzed 18 leukemia patients, all of whom tested positive. Clonal expansion was not detected in any of the negative controls or healthy carriers without abnormal lymphocytes. In conclusion, PCR amplification of segments of rearranged TCR-beta is reliable and highly suitable for the detection of small populations of clonal T-cells in asymptomatic HTLV-I carriers who present abnormal peripheral blood lymphocytes providing an additional instrument for following up these patients with potentially higher risk of leukemia.
Epidemiological studies show that human papillomaviruses (HPV) are strongly related to cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN). Unlike the case for women, there are no consistent data on the natural history of HPV in the male population even though these viruses are prevalent in males. We carried out a prospective study to assess the prevalence of HPV in males as well as the factors that determine such infections in 99 male sexual partners of women with CIN. The genitalia of the males were physically examined and subjected to peniscopy for the collection of scrapings which were subjected to the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism to detect HPV. Of the 99 males sampled, 54 (54.5%) were positive for HPV DNA, 24% of whom presented normal peniscopy, 28% presented evident clinical lesions and 48% isolated lesions consistent with subclinical infection. In the HPV-negative group, 53% showed normal peniscopy, 4% presented evident clinical lesions and 42% isolated lesions consistent with subclinical infection. The study detected a statistically significant association (P < 0.02, Pearson chi-square test) between HPV infection and both the mean number of sexual partners which a male had during his life and the mean number of sexual partners in the year prior to testing. Viral types 6 and 11 were most frequently encountered. The study shows that infection with HPV was frequent in male sexual partners of women with CIN.