534 resultados para Manaus hospital
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a nosocomial pathogen in community settings. MRSA colonized individuals may contribute to its dissemination; the risk of MRSA infection is increased in human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) patients, although the prevalence of colonization in this group is not well established. The present study addressed this issue by characterizing MRSA isolates from HIV/AIDS patients and their healthcare providers (HCPs) to determine whether transmission occurred between these two populations. METHODS: A total of 24 MRSA isolates from HIV-infected patients and five from HCPs were collected between August 2011 and May 2013. Susceptibility to currently available antimicrobials was determined. Epidemiological typing was carried out by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, multilocus sequence typing, and Staphylococcus cassette chromosome (SCCmec) typing. The presence of heterogeneous vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (hVISA) and heterogeneous daptomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (hDRSA) was confirmed by population analysis profile. Isolates characterized in this study were also compared to isolates from 2009 obtained from patients at the same hospital. RESULTS: A variety of lineages were found among patients, including ST5-SCCmecII and ST30-SCCmecIV. Two isolates were Panton-Valentine leukocidin-positive, and hVISA and hDRSA were detected. MRSA isolates from two HCPs were not related to those from HIV/AIDS patients, but clustered with archived MRSA from 2009 with no known relationship to the current study population. CONCLUSIONS: ST105-SCCmecII clones that colonized professionals in 2011 and 2012 were already circulating among patients in 2009, but there is no evidence that these clones spread to or between HIV/AIDS patients up to the 7th day of their hospitalization.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, culling of seropositive dogs is one of the recommended strategies to control visceral leishmaniasis. Since infectiousness is correlated with clinical signs, control measures targeting symptomatic dogs could be more effective. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 1,410 dogs, predictive models were developed based on clinical signs and an indirect immunofluorescence antibody test. RESULTS: The validated predictive model showed sensitivity and specificity of 86.5% and 70.0%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Predictive models could be used as tools to aid control programs in focusing on a smaller fraction of dogs contributing more to infection dissemination.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The World Health Organization endorses the BACTEC Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT)(tm) system as a rapid, sensitive, and specific method to diagnostic of tuberculosis. Here, we compared the performance of this system against Ogawa-Kudoh cultures and microscopy. METHODS: A total of 927 samples were obtained between December 2011 and December 2013 from 652 cases of suspected tuberculosis at the School Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande in Brazil. RESULTS: The MGIT system confirmed tuberculosis in more cases in less time. CONCLUSIONS: The MGIT system is an effective tool for early diagnosis of tuberculosis, especially in patients with HIV/AIDS.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Klebsiella pneumoniae has become an increasingly important etiologic agent of nosocomial infections in recent years. This is mainly due to the expression of virulence factors and development of resistance to several antimicrobial drugs. METHODS This retrospective study examines data obtained from the microbiology laboratory of a Brazilian tertiary-care hospital. To assess temporal trends in prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility, K. pneumoniae isolates were analyzed from 2000 to 2013. The relative frequencies of K. pneumoniae isolation were calculated among all Gram-negative bacilli isolated in each period analyzed. Susceptibility tests were performed using automated systems. RESULTS: From 2000-2006, K. pneumonia isolates comprised 10.7% of isolated Gram-negative bacilli (455/4260). From 2007-2013, this percentage was 18.1% (965/5331). Strictly considering isolates from bloodstream infections, the relative annual prevalence of K. pneumoniae increased from 14-17% to 27-32% during the same periods. A progressive decrease in K. pneumoniae susceptibility to all antimicrobial agents assessed was detected. Partial resistance was also observed to antimicrobial drugs that have been used more recently, such as colistin and tigecycline. CONCLUSIONS Our study indicates that K. pneumoniae has become a major pathogen among hospitalized patients and confirms its recent trend of increasing antimicrobial resistance.
The treatment of malignant or benign colorectal pathologies that require more complex management are priorities in tertiary hospitals such as "Hospital das Clínicas" University of São Paulo Medical Center (HCFMUSP). Therefore, benign, uncomplicated orifice conditions are relegated to second place. The number of patients with hemorrhoids, perianal fistulas, fissures, condylomas and pilonidal cysts who seek treatment at the HFMUSP is very great, resulting in over-crowding in the outpatient clinics and a long waiting list for recommended surgical treatment (at times over 18 months). The authors describe the experience of the HCFMUSP over an eight-day period with day-hospital surgery in which 140 patients underwent surgery. Data was prospectively taken on the patients undergoing surgery for benign orifice pathologies including age, sex, diagnosis, surgery performed, immediate and late postoperative complications, and follow-up. 140 patients operated on over eight days were studied. 68 were males (48.75%) with ages ranging from 25 to 62 (mean 35.2 yrs.). Hemorrhoids was the most frequent condition encountered (82 hemorrhoidectomies, 58.6%), followed by perineal fistula (28 fistula repairs, 20.0%). The most common complication was headache secondary to rachianesthesia occurring in 9 patients (6.4%). One patient (0.7%) developed bleeding immediately PO that required reoperation. Mean follow-up was 104 days. Day-surgery characterized by quality care and low morbidity is feasible in tertiary public hospitals, permitting surgery for benign orifice pathologies on many patients within a short period of time.
In order to evaluate the obstetric care in the Obstetric Clinic of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of University of São Paulo, the authors present a survey of the management of pregnancy during the 6-year period from 1993 to 1998. The number of deliveries increased during the study by 45% over the 6 years. During this same period the number of fetal deaths was 526 (4.48%), but there was a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the incidence of fetal death. However, there was no concomitant increase in the proportion of pregnant women with prenatal care that could explain this improvement. Incidence of premature labor also decreased considerably. The authors believe that the increment in the number of deliveries was due mainly to the increasing number of pregnant women referred to our service. The efforts made by the service towards decreasing the time of hospitalization of both newborns in the nursery and the mothers in the hospital made this possible. Despite the increasing number of deliveries, there was a significant improvement in the management of pregnancy during the period of study. This improvement may be a consequence of the standardization of a protocol of management of pregnancy based on the recent progress in scientific and technological knowledge.
The hospital pharmacy in large and advanced institutions has evolved from a simple storage and distribution unit into a highly specialized manipulation and dispensation center, responsible for the handling of hundreds of clinical requests, many of them unique and not obtainable from commercial companies. It was therefore quite natural that in many environments, a manufacturing service was gradually established, to cater to both conventional and extraordinary demands of the medical staff. That was the case of Hospital das Clinicas, where multiple categories of drugs are routinely produced inside the pharmacy. However, cost-containment imperatives dictate that such activities be reassessed in the light of their efficiency and essentiality. METHODS: In a prospective study, the output of the Manufacturing Service of the Central Pharmacy during a 12-month period was documented and classified into three types. Group I comprised drugs similar to commercially distributed products, Group II included exclusive formulations for routine consumption, and Group III dealt with special demands related to clinical investigations. RESULTS: Findings for the three categories indicated that these groups represented 34.4%, 45.3%, and 20.3% of total manufacture orders, respectively. Costs of production were assessed and compared with market prices for Group 1 preparations, indicating savings of 63.5%. When applied to the other groups, for which direct equivalent in market value did not exist, these results would suggest total yearly savings of over 5 100 000 US dollars. Even considering that these calculations leave out many components of cost, notably those concerning marketing and distribution, it might still be concluded that at least part of the savings achieved were real. CONCLUSIONS: The observed savings, allied with the convenience and reliability with which the Central Pharmacy performed its obligations, support the contention that internal manufacture of pharmaceutical formulations was a cost-effective alternative in the described setting.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence rates of infections among intensive care unit patients, the predominant infecting organisms, and their resistance patterns. To identify the related factors for intensive care unit-acquired infection and mortality rates. DESIGN: A 1-day point-prevalence study. SETTING:A total of 19 intensive care units at the Hospital das Clínicas - University of São Paulo, School of Medicine (HC-FMUSP), a teaching and tertiary hospital, were eligible to participate in the study. PATIENTS: All patients over 16 years old occupying an intensive care unit bed over a 24-hour period. The 19 intensive care unit s provided 126 patient case reports. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rates of infection, antimicrobial use, microbiological isolates resistance patterns, potential related factors for intensive care unit-acquired infection, and death rates. RESULTS: A total of 126 patients were studied. Eighty-seven patients (69%) received antimicrobials on the day of study, 72 (57%) for treatment, and 15 (12%) for prophylaxis. Community-acquired infection occurred in 15 patients (20.8%), non- intensive care unit nosocomial infection in 24 (33.3%), and intensive care unit-acquired infection in 22 patients (30.6%). Eleven patients (15.3%) had no defined type. The most frequently reported infections were respiratory (58.5%). The most frequently isolated bacteria were Enterobacteriaceae (33.8%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (26.4%), and Staphylococcus aureus (16.9%; [100% resistant to methicillin]). Multivariate regression analysis revealed 3 risk factors for intensive care unit-acquired infection: age > 60 years (p = 0.007), use of a nasogastric tube (p = 0.017), and postoperative status (p = 0.017). At the end of 4 weeks, overall mortality was 28.8%. Patients with infection had a mortality rate of 34.7%. There was no difference between mortality rates for infected and noninfected patients (p=0.088). CONCLUSION: The rate of nosocomial infection is high in intensive care unit patients, especially for respiratory infections. The predominant bacteria were Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus (resistant organisms). Factors such as nasogastric intubation, postoperative status, and age ³60 years were significantly associated with infection. This study documents the clinical impression that prevalence rates of intensive care unit-acquired infections are high and suggests that preventive measures are important for reducing the occurrence of infection in critically ill patients.
PURPOSE: To find out the prevalence of hypertension in employees of the Hospital and relate it to social demographic variables. METHODS: Blood pressure measurement was performed with a mercury sphygmomanometer, using an appropriate cuff size for arm circumference, weight, and height in a population sample of 864 individuals out of the 9,905 employees of a University General Hospital stratified by gender, age, and job position. RESULTS: Hypertension prevalence was 26% (62% of these reported being aware of their hypertension and 38% were unaware but had systolic/diastolic blood pressures of >140 and/or >90 mm Hg at the moment of the measurement). Of those who were aware of having hypertension, 51% were found to be hypertensive at the moment of the measurement. The prevalence was found to be 17%, 23%, and 29% (P <.05) in physicians, nursing staff, and "others", respectively. The univariate analysis showed a significant odds ratio for the male gender, age >50 years, work unit being the Institute of Radiology and the Administration Building, educational level
A produção de mamona é de grande importância econômica para o Brasil Entretanto, não existem informações sobre o comportamento da espécie na Amazônia. Para obter algumas informações a respeito, foram comparadas três variedades comerciais e uma "população" coletada nas proximidades de Manaus, tendo-se obtido produções médias/lha da ordem de 1090 Kg, 950 Kg, 802 Kg e. 635 Kg para a "população" Manaus e para as variedades Guarani, IAC - 38 e Campinas, respectivamente, sendo que a variedade Campinas diferiu estatisticamente da "população" Manaus, Os resultados obtidos sugerem a necessidade de implantação de um programa de melhoramento da mamoeira, antes que se possa recomendar seu cultivo na Região Amazônica.
O pequeno agricultor de terra firme da Amazônia tem dificuldades em produzir hortaliças para seu próprio consumo ou para comercialização uma vez que os solos locais são de baixa fertilidade e os preços dos adubos minerais são elevados. Com o objetivo de proporcionar novas alternativas para estes agricultores, foi realizado um experimento de campo com alface num Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo da região de Manaus. Utilizaram-se esterco de galinha, adubação química básica (N,P,K) e cupinzeiro (gênero Nasutiermes, o mais comum na região) como adubos. A aplicação de 50 ou lOOg de cupinzeiro por cova com ou sem a adição de esterco (530g/cova) resultou em alface de melhor qualidade comercial, maior peso das plantas e menor número de folhas refugadas em relação ao tratamento testemunha. A utilização da adubação mineral (N, P, K) junto com o esterco de galinha não favoreceu o desenvolvimento das plantas, embora este, ao ser colocado sozinho ou com cupinzeiro tenha resultado em maior desenvolvimento das plantas. Conclui-se portanto, que a adubação feita com esterco de galinha, cupinzeiro ou com a mistura dos dois são alternativas viáveis para produzir alface neste solo.
Foi testado o potencial de crescimento e de produção de jaraquis em açude de igarapé de terra firme, de águas quimicamente pobres, utilizando resíduos de lavagem de dejetos de criação de suínos como fonte de alimento e de adubação orgânica. Em período experimental de 383 dias, à taxa de estocagem de 1 peixe / m2, a produção foi de 1277 kg/ha, com crescimento análogo àquele obtido em ambiente natural. As condições físico-químicas da água do açude foram acompanhadas mensalmente. Os resultados evidenciam que os jaraqui apresentam um bom potencial para cultivo na Amazônia.
O trabalho descreve 4 espécies novas de Miridae (Hemiptera) dos arredores de Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil, como: Ceratocapsus barensis n. s.p., C. batistai n. sp., C. manaura n. sp. e C. kerri n. sp., todas do Parque das Laranjeiras. Estão incluídas as ilustrações de C. batistai n. sp. e das genitálias masculinas.
Estudaram-se a presença, associações interespecíficas e a distribuição de morcegos em relação a bueiros com diferentes características físicas na Rodovia BR-174, AM. Grandes colônias foram significativamente associadas com água parada e grande espaço interno livre nos bueiros. Carollia perspicillata foi a espécie encontrada mais frequentemente e em maior abundância. Anoura caudifer foi a segunda espécie mais comem e em número bem menor que Carollia. Foram também observadas as espécies Trachops cirrhosus, Macrophyllum macrophyllum e Glossophaga soricina. Não era conhecida a coabitação entre T. cirruhusus e M. macrophyllum e entre T. cirrhosus e A. caudifer.
As condições climáticas na região de Manaus, AM. lndicam-na como uma micro-região específica.. A variação da rentabilidade de soja em diferentes ambientes oscila muito. A meta deste trabalho foi determinar a melhor época de semeadura para a região de Manaus em condições de terra firme. Foram feitas semeaduras em dez épocas, iniciando-se em 25 de janeiro de 1979, espaçadas de dez em dez dias; outro ensaio complementar foi realizado no ano agrícola seguinte, Iniciando-se no dia 09 de novembio de 1979, espaçan do-se as semeaduras de quinze em quinze dias. Verificou-se que no primeiro ensaio a pro ducão de grãos não mostrou diferenças significativas em épocas de semeadura até o dia 23 de março e, após esta época, mostrou redução de produção. O segundo ensaio mostrou que a smeadura feita a partir de 25 de novembro até 10 de março foi estatisticamente me lhor do que as outras épocas. A melhor época de semeadura para estes dois anos de en saio pode considerar-se desde o mês de janeiro até meados do mês de março.