243 resultados para políticas familiares
As the Chemical Science is an experimental one a Chemical Industry require technical people in all its staff level: from Directors and Managers to Operators. This chemical and chemical engineering based education is the foundation of the innovate process and motivation. The paper discusses this and the role of Public Policies to improve the R&D and innovation in the Brazilian Chemical Industry.
Microbiológica is a science-based Brazilian Company with its core competence focused on nucleoside process chemistry. This article describes its origin and contributions as well as comments on public policies which impact the Brazilian industrial development.
This paper presents a technology roadmap applied to renewable raw materials as a basis for public policy and strategies in Brazil. The roadmap, developed by Braskem professionals and academic experts, intends to be a basis of discussion and common language creation regarding the possible utilization of renewable raw materials for biofuel and chemical production in Brazil. Following this perspective, the roadmap is presented to public debate and contribution from the stakeholders. The paper describes the roadmap construction and presents the main implications for policy and strategy goals. An analysis of the innovation dynamics in renewable raw materials is developed as an outcome of the roadmap.
Partindo da obra de Marcel Mauss, este artigo pretende argumentar que a oração é uma dimensão cerimonial que, para além dos evidentes aspectos teológicos e doutrinários, permite aos sujeitos refletir sobre as condições sociais, políticas e econômicas cotidianas. Tal argumento será explorado a partir de uma etnografia sobre bangladeshis, que vivem entre Portugal e Bangladesh realizada entre 2003 e 2008, na qual procurarei revelar como os discursos e práticas sobre a salat, as cinco orações do calendário islâmico, revelam diversas dimensões da experiência migratória e o lugar de muitos dos meus interlocutores no Portugal contemporâneo. Mais: a oração não é apenas uma forma de revelar a sua experiência, mas também uma prática ritual através da qual determinados segmentos e atores procuram agir sobre o próprio mundo em que vivem.
Há 40 anos, em plena Guerra Fria, Robert Bellah concluiu seu célebre artigo sobre a religião civil americana com a seguinte pergunta: como conceber a aplicabilidade legítima dos valores-chave que suportam o imaginário nacional americano para além dos confins territoriais do seu Estado-nação? O presente artigo quer revisitar esta questão criticamente à luz de incursões regulatórias recentes dos EUA sobre o campo da liberdade religiosa no globo. Primeiramente, reviso a história da relação entre secularismo, identidade nacional e cristianismo nos EUA. A seguir, analiso as articulações político-religiosas que dão origem ao International Freedom of Religion Act (IRFA), em 1998. Por fim, tento destacar como este exercício pode fornecer contribuições mais gerais para o estudo da relação entre religião, nacionalismo e poder secular na contemporaeidade, com ênfase na relação entre estes e o princípio de soberania do estado de direito.
Resumen En América Latina, desde hace algunos años, una serie de actores religiosos vienen articulando estrategias para oponerse a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Si bien la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica y algunas iglesias evangélicas continúan siendo centrales en la oposición a estos derechos, en las últimas décadas distintos sectores de la sociedad civil han comenzado también a activarse políticamente en pos de resistir el avance de la agenda de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Desde aquí, diversas ONG “pro-vida” vienen adquiriendo cada vez mayor relevancia en el contexto argentino. El presente artículo busca describir e identificar la emergencia y el desarrollo de estas ONG en Argentina, así como las transformaciones en sus identidades públicas y sus acciones. Se destaca cómo han mutado sus identidades religiosa, desplazando estos elementos a un segundo plano. Así, se da cuenta de las complejidades que adquieren las fronteras entre lo religioso y secular en su accionar político.
Public debate on social policies in Brazil has focused on the choice between targeted and universal programs. The article argues that the choice is unclear and misleading unless a previous decision is taken concerning principles of social justice. After distinguishing three different connotations of targeting - as residualism, conditionality or retification - and noting that universal programs may be compatible with minimalist social policy, the article goes on to make explicit a number of neglected options.
Public servant wages represent a significant part of Brazilian state governments' current expenses. Based on the literature, this paper has tried to identify which states practice efficient, compensatory or appropriation wage politics through the estimation of public-private wage differentials. The differential of salaries was calculated between 1995 and 2004 following the Oaxaca's technique. The results show that the wage policy of an important number of states has had efficiency and a numerous part of the North and the Northeast states have developed compensatory politics. The Federal District and Roraima practiced a wage policy characterized by explicit appropriation.
The effect of industrial policies on the electronic sector in Brazil. Brazil's reputation in vertical industrial policies is dreadful. The electronics industry case is a good example. As measured by the performance of Brazil's exports vis-à-vis that of a group of emerging economies, the result of these policies was a total disaster. Had not been for the inadequacy of Brazil's industrial policies for this sector, exports of manufactures could have been between 36% and 46% higher than they actually were. Brazil's cumulated losses from 1984, when foreign microcomputer firms were prohibited to operate in the country, are estimated to be from 3.6 to 4.6 the country's manufactures export revenue in 2005.
Sudene is the Brazilian Federal Agency for Northeast development. The Agency was recreated last year and this article discusses the possibility of its success. The main point argued here is that financial incentives per se are not the best way for a sustained economical and social progress. It is necessary a change in the institutions which maintain the status quo of the underdevelopment. The article shows the Sudene history and the motives of its failure.
This article deals with the conditioned income-transfer developed by the governments of Lula and Dilma, in the Brazilian case, and by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in Argentina. In other words, the programs Bolsa Família and "Asignación Universal por Hijo para Protección Social". They are comparatively analyzed with regard to their institutionality, the access criteria, the conditionings and the concept of poverty, in order to discuss whether they constitute or not a social right and the relative importance of the amount given.