237 resultados para pH inhibition
O desenvolvimento de biofilmes tem crescido devido à possibilidade de substituição parcial de materiais plásticos não biodegradáveis. Proteínas e polissacarídeos têm sido utilizados para a produção de filmes com boas propriedades mecânicas. Porém, filmes a partir desses materiais apresentam alta permeabilidade ao vapor de água. Uma alternativa usada para diminuir a permeabilidade ao vapor de água dos filmes é a incorporação de substâncias hidrofóbicas na composição da solução filmogênica, porém essa incorporação não ocorre de maneira homogênea. Com o objetivo de melhorar a incorporação das substâncias hidrofóbicas (ácido esteárico e ácido capróico) na matriz protéica (gelatina) do filme foram adicionados os surfactantes (SDS e Tween 80), que são substâncias capazes de interagir com a proteína e com o ácido graxo, tornando a matriz filmogênica menos heterogênea. O efeito do pH também foi estudado, com a finalidade de observar se este exerce influência na homogeneidade da matriz filmogênica. A adição do ácido esteárico aos filmes de gelatina foi mais eficiente na redução da permeabilidade ao vapor de água do que o ácido capróico. A adição do surfactante SDS reduziu a permeabilidade ao vapor de água dos filmes contendo ácido esteárico, ou ácido capróico. O ajuste de pH nos filmes sem adição de surfactantes também produziu matrizes mais homogêneas.
Dez peças de paletas suínas sem pele e sem osso, pesando em média 1,6 kg, receberam injeção de salmoura (20% p.v -1) contendo cultura de Staphylococcus xylosus e permaneceram dentro de uma câmara durante 30 dias à temperatura de 4 a 9 °C e umidade de 55 a 45% controladas. Em seguida, foram embaladas a vácuo e armazenadas durante 120 dias a 10 °C. Desde o início da produção até o final do armazenamento, as amostras foram coletadas da superfície e da parte interna das peças de paleta suína, em triplicata, para realização das análises de atividade de água, pH, umidade e contagem da cultura de S. xylosus, com objetivo de caracterizá-las e verificar as possíveis associações com ações exercidas em outros produtos cárneos fermentados. Durante a etapa de armazenamento, os valores de umidade e pH obtidos na parte interna dos tratamentos ficaram dentro dos parâmetros recomendados para presunto curado. A cultura adicionada apresentou melhor desenvolvimento na parte interna da paleta. A temperatura de armazenamento recomendada para a paleta seria entre 5 e 10 °C, uma vez que os valores de pH foram maiores que 5,2 e os de a w menores que 0,91.
Para la elaboración de surimi se han empleado distintas técnicas, sin embargo, es indispensable mantener la funcionalidad de las proteínas musculares durante su extracción, ya que son afectadas principalmente por el pH. La incorporación de fosfatos en productos cárnicos afecta el pH, teniendo como consecuencia una mejora en la capacidad de retención de agua de las proteínas musculares, alterando la funcionalidad de estos productos. Se utilizó la metodología de superficie de respuesta para determinar el efecto de cinco niveles de pH y cinco concentraciones de una mezcla de fosfatos de sodio comercial sobre la funcionalidad de surimi de trucha arco-iris, evaluada por su capacidad de emulsión y trabajo de emulsión, fuerza de gel y trabajo de penetración de geles de surimi. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el incremento en la concentración de fosfatos de sodio mejoró la funcionalidad del surimi y a pH alcalino las propiedades de emulsión mejoraron, pero se afectaron negativamente las propiedades de gelificación.
Nos últimos anos, os estudos sobre a composição química do fruto do morangueiro vêm ganhando destaque devido ao seu elevado consumo e às atividades biológicas atribuídas a ele. Além disso, os principais metabólitos secundários encontrados nesses frutos são as antocianinas, compostos responsáveis pela intensa coloração vermelha e amplamente utilizados como corantes naturais pela indústria alimentícia. Neste trabalho, foram preparados diferentes extratos de frutos de morango com a cultivar Oso Grande, com o intuito de verificar a influência do pH no perfil espectroscópico do extrato e no teor de antocianos. O extrato em pH 1,0 forneceu um perfil clássico para antocianinas na análise por espectroscopia no ultravioleta, assim como um maior teor de antocianinas nos frutos frescos devido a uma extração mais eficiente das substâncias de interesse.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of pH, dextrose and yeast extract on the cadmium toxicity on Saccharomyces cerevisiae PE-2. In the first assay, the YED mediums with different pH (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) containing 0.0 and 0.05 mmol Cd L-1 were inoculated with yeast suspension and incubated at 30 °C for 18 hours. During the anaerobic growth, the biomass concentration was determined. The yeast trehalose content, cell viability, and the growth rate were assessed at the beginning and at the end of the growth stages. In the second assay the YED mediums were diluted to the total, ½, and ¼ content of dextrose and yeast and 0.0 and 0.05 mmol Cd L-1 were added. The pH of the mediums was adjusted to 5. The culture mediums were inoculated and incubated at 30 °C for 18 hours. The yeast growth was not affected by cadmium at high pH, but at low pH the yeast becomes more sensitive to the toxic effect. The yeast susceptibility to cadmium was enhanced by the decrease of yeast extract strength and the increase of dextrose strength.
Microbial pectinolytic enzymes are known to play a commercially important role in a number of industrial processes. Two kinds of yeast can be discerned regarding the production of enzymes. One group includes those which can produce enzymes in the absence of an inducer, and the other group comprises the yeasts that produce enzymes in the presence of an inducer. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of pectic substances, glucose, pH, and temperature on the polygalacturonase activity by Kluyveromyces marxianus CCMB 322. The yeast was grown in a fermentation broth containing different concentrations of glucose and pectic substances. The polygalacturonase activity was determined by the DNS method, and the pH and temperature were optimized using a central composite experimental design. The polygalacturonase secreted by K. marxianus CCMB 322 was partially constitutive showing optimum pH and temperature of 7.36 and 70 °C, respectively, and maintained approximately 93% of its original activity for 50 minutes at 50 °C. Thermal stability of the polygalacturonase enzyme was studied at different temperatures (50, 60, 70, and 80 °C) and different incubation times (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 minutes). This study showed that glucose can influence the regulation of the synthesis of polygalacturonase.
In this study, the influence of storage temperature and passive modified packaging (PMP) on the respiration rate and physicochemical properties of fresh-cut Gala apples (Malus domestica B.) was investigated. The samples were packed in flexible multilayer bags and stored at 2 °C, 5 °C, and 7 °C for eleven days. Respiration rate as a function of CO2 and O2 concentrations was determined using gas chromatography. The inhibition parameters were estimated using a mathematical model based on Michaelis-Menten equation. The following physicochemical properties were evaluated: total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, and reducing sugars. At 2 °C, the maximum respiration rate was observed after 150 hours. At 5 °C and 7 °C the maximum respiration rates were observed after 100 and 50 hours of storage, respectively. The inhibition model results obtained showed a clear effect of CO2 on O2 consumption. The soluble solids decreased, although not significantly, during storage at the three temperatures studied. Reducing sugars and titratable acidity decreased during storage and the pH increased. These results indicate that the respiration rate influenced the physicochemical properties.
Cassava starch factories produce residues that can be commercialized as food ingredients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological safety of cassava peel and bagasse during storage, with and without chemical treatment. The bagasse was acidified with lactic acid, and the peel was immersed in a sodium hypochlorite solution. The microbiological analyses were carried out for 72 h after harvest. All of the samples showed the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, and the acidification and sanitization were effective in controlling total coliforms. Cassava bagasse and peel samples can be considered safe for consumption by humans as ingredients for other food products.
The application of natural antifungal substances is motivated by the need for alternatives to existing methods that are not always applicable, efficient, or that do not pose risk to consumers or the environment. Furthermore, studies on the behaviour of toxigenic species in the presence of natural fungicides have enabled their safe application in the food chain In this study, Spirulina LEB-18 phenolic extract was assessed for its antifungal activity on 12 toxigenic strains of Fusarium graminearum isolated from barley and wheat. The susceptible metabolic pathways were assessed through the determination of structural compounds (glucosamine and ergosterol) and enzyme activity of the microorganisms' primary metabolism. The results indicate that phenolic extracts reduced the growth rate of the toxigenic species investigated. The IC50 was obtained by applying 3 to 8% (p/p) of phenolic compounds in relation to the culture medium. The use of this natural fungicide proved promising for the inhibition of fungal multiplication, especially in terms of the inactivation of enzymatic systems (amylase and protease) of Fusarium graminearum.
The importance of the kidney in glucose homeostasis has been recognized for many years. Recent observations indicating a greater role of renal glucose metabolism in various physiologic and pathologic conditions have rekindled the interest in renal glucose handling as a potential target for the treatment of diabetes. The enormous capacity of the proximal tubular cells to reabsorb the filtered glucose load entirely, utilizing the sodium-glucose co-transporter system (primarily SGLT-2), became the focus of attention. Original studies conducted in experimental animals with the nonspecific SGLT inhibitor phlorizin showed that hyperglycemia after pancreatectomy decreased as a result of forced glycosuria. Subsequently, several compounds with more selective SGLT-2 inhibition properties (“second-generation”) were developed. Some agents made it into pre-clinical and clinical trials and a few have already been approved for commercial use in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. In general, a 6-month period of therapy with SGLT-2 inhibitors is followed by a mean urinary glucose excretion rate of ~80 g/day accompanied by a decline in fasting and postprandial glucose with average decreases in HgA1C ~1.0%. Concomitant body weight loss and a mild but consistent drop in blood pressure also have been reported. In contrast, transient polyuria, thirst with dehydration and occasional hypotension have been described early in the treatment. In addition, a significant increase in the occurrence of uro-genital infections, particularly in women has been documented with the use of SGLT-2 inhibitors. Conclusion: Although long-term cardiovascular, renal and bone/mineral effects are unknown SGLT-2 inhibitors, if used with caution and in the proper patient provide a unique insulin-independent therapeutic option in the management of obese type 2 diabetes patients.
Introduction: Continuous exposition of the peritoneal membrane to conventional dialysis solutions is an important risk factor for inducing structural and functional alterations. Objective: To compare in vitro mouse fibroblast NIH-3T3 cell viability after exposition to a neutral pH dialysis solution in comparison to cells exposed to a standard solution. Methods: Experimental study to compare the effects of a conventional standard or a neutral-pH, low-glucose degradation products peritoneal dialysis solution on the viability of exposed fibroblasts in cell culture. Both solutions were tested in all the commercially available glucose concentrations. Cell viability was evaluated with tetrazolium salt colorimetric assay. Results: Fibroblast viability was significantly superior in the neutral pH solution in comparison to control, in all three glucose concentrations (Optical density in nm-means ± SD: 1.5% 0.295 ± 0.047 vs. 0.372 ± 0.042, p < 0.001; 2.3% 0.270 ± 0.036 vs. 0.337 ± 0.051, p < 0.001; 4.25% 0.284 ± 0.037 vs. 0.332 ± 0.032, p < 0.001; control vs. neutral pH respectively, Student t Test). There was no significant difference in cell viability between the three concentrations of glucose when standard solution was used (ANOVA p = 0.218), although cell viability was higher after exposition to neutral pH peritoneal dialysis fluid at 1.5% in comparison to 2.3 and 4.25% glucose concentrations (ANOVA p = 0.008: Bonferroni 1.5% vs. 2.3% p = 0.033, 1.5% vs. 4.25% p = 0.014, 2.3% vs. 4.25% p = 1.00). Conclusion: Cell viability was better in neutral pH dialysis solution, especially in the lower glucose concentration. A more physiological pH and lower glucose degradation products may be responsible for such results.
Com a finalidade de verificar os resultados para genótipos de milho e simplificar o processo por meio da avaliação individual e massal das sementes, desenvolveu-se o presente estudo. Foram utilizados 32 lotes de sementes de milho em dois experimentos. O primeiro visou a avaliação individual do pH do exsudato das sementes, empregando concentrações de uma solução indicadora (SI) composta de carbonato de sódio e fenolftaleína, e períodos de embebição de sementes. O segundo visou a avaliação massal das sementes em duas modalidades: (i) do tempo necessário até desaparecimento da coloração rosa forte do meio contendo sementes, água destilada e SI agregada ao início da prova, (ii) quantidade da SI necessária para colorir o exsudato das sementes após embebição em água destilada. A germinação e o vigor (teste de frio) foram correlacionados com os dados obtidos no teste de pH do exsudato. Baseado nos resultados concluiu-se que é possível determinar a viabilidade das sementes pelo teste de pH do exsudato massal, porém, apresenta relação mediana com o teste de frio. O processo de determinação da viabilidade das sementes pelo teste de pH do exsudato individual que melhor relaciona-se é o utilizado a SI após 20' de embebição. Na avaliação massal, é possível determinar que lotes de sementes de baixa qualidade requerem mais de 0,7ml da SI para mudar de coloração, após 25min. de embebição.