295 resultados para evolução do crédito bancário
Doença de Gorham da escápula e clavícula: relato de caso e evolução de dois anos de uma afecção rara
A doença de Gorham é uma rara desordem osteolítica, de etiologia controversa, que pode afetar qualquer osso. O substrato histopatológico é a substituição óssea por uma formação expansiva de natureza vascular agressiva, não neoplásica. Descrevemos os achados radiográficos, tomográficos e de ressonância magnética de um caso desta afecção acometendo a escápula esquerda e, dois anos depois, a clavícula ipsilateral.
Os autores relatam um caso de paciente apresentando evolução favorável após confirmado diagnóstico de síndrome de desmielinização osmótica (mielinólise pontina central e extrapontina) através de exame de ressonância magnética.
Os autores descrevem um nódulo tireoidiano com padrões ultrassonográfico e citopatológico benignos que diminuiu mais de 50% em três anos e se modificou durante a gestação, constatando-se que era carcinoma papilífero. Conclui-se que a gestação pode aumentar o risco de malignização ou acelerar o crescimento de nódulo tireoidiano maligno preexistente, corroborando dados da literatura.
The post-graduate teaching of chemistry in Brazil over the last years is discussed, including comparisons with some other sciences and also experiences in the United States and the United Kingdom. We have also compared the more recent situation with the previous decade, which leads us to a favourable conclusion as to the results obtained in the teaching of post-graduate students in chemistry. Some conclusions and recommendations are made with respect to the near future.
The recent evolution of chemical research in Brazil is analyzed. Progress has been substantial according to principal indicators. The contributions of the Brazilian Chemical Society are pointed out.
The Brazilian Petrochemical Industry is about to turn fifty years old, and endures profound changes. In less than four years, it has moved from a system of centralized decisions and a national lever of planning, to another which is spread, without massive actions and with less integration with the raw material supplying company. On this issue it is presented, briefly, a small history of the development of this industrial type, including issues on how the growth of this activity, so important to the development of Brazil, shall be lead.
An analysis of the different activities carried out during the first twenty annual meetings (1978-1997) of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) is presented. The number of papers in the abstract book increased from around 300 in the biennium 78/79 to around 1230 in 96/97. The papers contained in the different sections of the abstract book in the 1st (1978), 10th (1987) and 19th (1996) annual meetings were grouped according to the regions of Brazil the authors' institutions were from, or abroad, and also considering whether the paper came from one institution or was a collaboration between two or more institutions. The relative contribution of the southeastern and northern regions decreased from 77% and 3.0% of the total in 1978 to 63% and 1.2% in 1996, respectively, while those of the northeastern, southern and midwestern regions increased from 12%, 4.8% and 0.6% to 15%, 13%, and 2.6%, respectively; the relative contribution of institutions from abroad also increased from 2.4% to 4.0%. Chemistry of Natural Products and Organic Chemistry decreased their relative contribution from around 55% in 1978 to around 28% in 1996, an evolution towards a more balanced development of the different areas of chemistry in Brazil.
The field of flow injection potentiometry (FIP) is reviewed and its current status assessed. The research development and application of electrodes in flow injection systems are presented and discussed.
This text describes the development of Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry in Brazil from the pioneers at the IQ/USP in the 70's to the present day status. It explains how the members of the scientific community organized themselves before the establishment in 1993 of a specific division within the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) through bi-ennial meetings (Brazilian Symposium of Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry - SIBEE). Those SIBEE meetings, in a present number of 12, are described individually giving some emphasis on their organizers, the invited speakers and the statistics and overall structure of the event. The activities of the Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry Division of the SBQ from 1993 are also briefly discussed as well as some considerations are made on the present and future of these fields.
This work presents an evolution profile of labels and containers of commercial chemicals employed in laboratories since 1870. Most chemicals were made in Germany before the Second World War, after which many other manufacturers arrived on the Brazilian market. North-american products were dominant in the 1940s, but Brazilian chemicals have increased their participation along time. Labels presented increasingly more information, from originally simple names of the compounds at the beginning of the XXth century to the data presented today such as chemical formulae, safety regards and detailed chemical analysis. The raw material for container manufacturing also changed: glass was dominant until the 1950s, but nowadays plastic flasks are preferred whenever possible. Cork covers were replaced by screw caps. The diversity of commercial products also sharply increased with time, especially after the 1950s, following the many new and specific applications of chemicals for research and commercial purposes.
This work intends to describe the historical evolution of the balance based on its technical improvement. This instrument has always been used for commercial and industrial purposes, but its value in research and chemistry was only recognized much later. The classical balance was the two-pan model for about 40 centuries, but when its importance in chemistry was established, particularly beginning at the end of the XVIIIth century, many improvements were made in order to increase sensitivity and shorten the weighing procedure. The balance design greatly changed along the XXth century: the classical two-pan models were replaced by one-pan balances that were replaced by electronic instruments.
Chemical industry underwent a significant upturn in the past few years. In Brazil, the position of this industry has been continuously strengthened as the second largest industrial sector. Current circumstances are discussed, especially the need for increased innovation, the impacts of nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technologies. Some misconceptions on the Brazilian chemical industry are criticized and recent improvements are described, including those related to environmental protection, to conclude that its prospects are very good, considering both the availability of basic raw materials (oil, natural gas, agribusiness products and minerals), the growing demand and increased competitiveness.