247 resultados para Regnorum III


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Sapovirus of the Caliciviridae family is an important agent of acute gastroenteritis in children and piglets. The Sapovirus genus is divided into seven genogroups (G), and strains from the GIII, GVI and GVII are associated with infections in swine. Despite the high prevalence in some countries, there are no studies related to the presence of porcine enteric sapovirus infections in piglets in Brazil. In the present study, 18 fecal specimens from piglets up to 28 days were examined to determine the presence of sapovirus genome by RT-PCR assay, using primers designed to amplify a 331 bp segment of the RNA polymerase gene. In 44.4% (8/18) of fecal samples, an amplified DNA fragment was obtained. One of these fragments was sequenced and submitted to molecular and phylogenetic analysis. This analysis revealed high similarity, with nucleotides (87%) and amino acids (97.8%), to the Cowden strain, the GIII prototype of porcine enteric calicivirus. This is the first description of sapovirus in Brazilian swine herds.


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Extracellular matrix (ECM) components such as fibrillar collagens play a fundamental role in wound repair and have also been studied in association with the gastric ulcer healing process in gastroenterology. Nevertheless, there have been no studies in the literature to date regarding the description and characterization of ECM components, neither in normal nor in injured gastric tissue of primate species. The objective of this study was to investigate the expression of gastric collagen types I, III, and IV in marmosets (Callithrix sp.). Histological specimens from the stomach of 6 Callithrix jacchus, 12 C. kuhli, and 12 C. geoffroyi were evaluated. The specimens were immunostained with anti-types I and III collagen polyclonal antibodies and anti-type IV collagen monoclonal antibody. Collagen types I and III were detected in the submucosa and lamina propria between the mucosal glands while collagen type IV was detected in the muscularis mucosae, muscular layers, blood vessels, and gastric mucosa between the mucosal glands. It is hoped that these findings can contribute to future studies on the gastric extracellular matrix components in primates and to comparative studies in the area of gastroenterology.


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A aplicação pré-colheita do dessecante paraquat, quando real izada a partir das primeiras épocas (75 e 72 dias após o início do florescimento, para a Santa Rosa e IAC-2, respectivamente) não modificaram os teores com que ocorreram normalmente, proteína, extrato etéreo e cinzas nos grãos. As análises do resíduo de paraquat nos grãos colhidos, mostram claramente que não se deve recomendar tal prática às lavouras de soja, cujo objetivo final seja o fornecimento de grãos para a alimentação humana e animal. Entretanto pode ser indicada, sem maiores restrições, àquelas cuja finalidade é a produção de sementes comerciais.


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Conduziu-se um ensaio em campo na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, em Eldorado do Sul, RS, em 1989/90. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito residual potencial dos herbicidas imazaquin e imazethapyr, aplicados em três doses à superfície do solo (PRE) ou incorporados no mesmo (PPI), na cultura de girassol. Num sistema de rotação soja-girassol, o efeito residual potencial de imazaquin foi mais acentuado que o de imazethapyr. A atividade herbicida de imazaquin e imazethapyr não foi dependente do método de aplicação. Imazaquin e imazethapyr, nas maiores doses, promoveram danos iniciais acentuados. As plantas de girassol recuperaram-se dos sintomas de intoxicação de imazethapyr, os quais diminuíram com o decorrer do tempo, mas não se recuperaram das injúrias causadas pelas maiores doses de imazaquin.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a anatomia das folhas das espécies de plantas daninhas de grande ocorrência no Brasil: Galinsoga parviflora, Crotalaria incana, Conyza bonariensis e Ipomoea cairica, visando melhor entendimento sobre as barreiras que cada espécie impõe à penetração dos herbicidas e, assim, fornecer subsídios à busca de estratégias para superar esses obstáculos. As folhas completamente expandidas do terceiro ao quinto nó foram coletadas de plantas de ocorrência espontânea no campo. Das folhas de cada espécie foram obtidas três amostras da região central, com aproximadamente 1 cm², as quais foram utilizadas em estudos da estrutura e clarificação e em observações em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV). Todas as espécies avaliadas são anfiestomáticas. A principal barreira foliar potencial à penetração de herbicidas observada na planta daninha G. parviflora foi a baixa densidade estomática na face adaxial. C. incana apresentou como possível principal obstáculo foliar à penetração de herbicidas o alto teor de cera epicuticular. Já em relação a C. bonariensis, alta densidade tricomática, grande espessura da cutícula da face adaxial e baixa densidade estomática na face adaxial foram as principais barreiras detectadas. Grande espessura da cutícula da face adaxial e baixa densidade estomática na face adaxial foram os possíveis obstáculos constatados nas folhas de I. cairica.


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Um experimento foi conduzido em São João da Boa Vista-SP, com o objetivo de determinar o período anterior à interferência (PAI) e o período total de prevenção à interferência (PTPI) das plantas daninhas na cultura da cana-de-açúcar. A cana foi plantada em abril de 1995, na época de plantio caracterizada por maior deficiência hídrica. A comunidade infestante presente foi variada, sendo Brachiaria decumbens e Panicum maximum as espécies mais importantes. Essa comunidade tendeu a apresentar acúmulo crescente de matéria seca durante todo o período de avaliação e reduziu em até 40% a produtividade de colmos da cana-de-açúcar. A cultura conviveu com a comunidade infestante até 74 dias após o plantio, sem sofrer redução significativa na produtividade (PAI). O período mínimo de controle para garantir a produtividade foi de 127 DAP (PTPI). Dessa forma, o controle das plantas daninhas foi crítico no período compreendido entre 74 e 127 dias após o plantio.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as conseqüências da adoção de um sistema de consórcio com culturas forrageiras sobre a infestação e a produção de massa seca e área foliar de três espécies daninhas, na cultura do milho. Os tratamentos resultaram da combinação entre quatro níveis do fator plantas forrageiras (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria brizantha, Panicum maximum e ausência de forrageira) e três níveis do fator plantas daninhas (Ipomoea grandifolia corda-de-viola, Amaranthus hybridus caruru-roxo e Digitaria horizontalis capim-colchão). Durante a condução do experimento foram avaliadas a área foliar, a massa seca e a densidade das plantas daninhas quando submetidas à convivência com a associação do milho e espécies forrageiras. De forma geral, o sistema de produção que envolve a associação de uma cultura forrageira com a cultura do milho reduz a infestação e suprime o crescimento de plantas daninhas no sistema; B. decumbens foi a forrageira que menos reduziu a infestação de plantas daninhas; a espécie B. brizantha foi a forrageira mais eficiente em reduzir a infestação de corda-de-viola, mas não suprimiu o crescimento do caruru-roxo; e a forrageira P. maximum foi a espécie que mais reduziu o crescimento do caruru-roxo e a área foliar do capim-colchão.


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Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a seletividade dos herbicidas diuron+hexazinone, azafenidin+hexazinone, metribuzin e isoxaflutole aplicados em pós-emergência inicial e tardia das plantas de cana-de-açúcar, variedade RB835089, na época da estiagem, em soqueira de quarto corte, após colheita com queima prévia do canavial, em Araras, SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com testemunhas pareadas, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições, existindo uma testemunha capinada para cada tratamento químico dentro de cada bloco. Os tratamentos foram: diuron+hexazinone (1.170+330 g ha-1), azafenidin+ hexazinone (192,5+247,5 g ha-1), metribuzin (1.920 g ha-1), isoxaflutole (127,5 g ha¹) e testemunha capinada. Concluiu-se que os herbicidas foram mais fitotóxicos quando aplicados na pós-emergência tardia. Em pós-emergência inicial, as plantas recuperaram-se totalmente dos efeitos fitotóxicos dos herbicidas. Na pós-emergência tardia, azafenidin+hexazinone, isoxaflutole e diuron+hexazinone prejudicaram o índice de fluorescência e a produtividade agrícola.


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The a-globin major genes from diploid and tetraploid Odontophrynus americanus were studied using PCR-based technology. The cloned and sequenced amplified fragments were shown to contain most of the exon II sequences as well as the whole exon III sequence of the a-globin gene. Unexpectedly, intron 2 was entirely absent in the amplified fragments of both 2n and 4n origin. High conservation was observed among the obtained sequences when compared to corresponding sequences from human and Xenopus laevis origin. The possibility that these sequences might be pseudogenes is raised


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Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO) or transfer factor (TLCO) is a particularly useful test of the appropriateness of gas exchange across the lung alveolocapillary membrane. With the purpose of establishing predictive equations for DLCO using a non-smoking sample of the adult Brazilian population, we prospectively evaluated 100 subjects (50 males and 50 females aged 20 to 80 years), randomly selected from more than 8,000 individuals. Gender-specific linear prediction equations were developed by multiple regression analysis with single breath (SB) absolute and volume-corrected (VA) DLCO values as dependent variables. In the prediction equations, age (years) and height (cm) had opposite effects on DLCOSB (ml min-1 mmHg-1), independent of gender (-0.13 (age) + 0.32 (height) - 13.07 in males and -0.075 (age) + 0.18 (height) + 0.20 in females). On the other hand, height had a positive effect on DLCOSB but a negative one on DLCOSB/VA (P<0.01). We found that the predictive values from the most cited studies using predominantly Caucasian samples were significantly different from the actually measured values (P<0.05). Furthermore, oxygen uptake at maximal exercise (VO2max) correlated highly to DLCOSB (R = 0.71, P<0.001); this variable, however, did not maintain an independent role to explain the VO2max variability in the multiple regression analysis (P>0.05). Our results therefore provide an original frame of reference for either DLCOSB or DLCOSB/VA in Brazilian males and females aged 20 to 80 years, obtained from the standardized single-breath technique.


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The Ca2+-modulated, dimeric proteins of the EF-hand (helix-loop-helix) type, S100A1 and S100B, that have been shown to inhibit microtubule (MT) protein assembly and to promote MT disassembly, interact with the type III intermediate filament (IF) subunits, desmin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), with a stoichiometry of 2 mol of IF subunit/mol of S100A1 or S100B dimer and an affinity of 0.5-1.0 µM in the presence of a few micromolar concentrations of Ca2+. Binding of S100A1 and S100B results in inhibition of desmin and GFAP assemblies into IFs and stimulation of the disassembly of preformed desmin and GFAP IFs. S100A1 and S100B interact with a stretch of residues in the N-terminal (head) domain of desmin and GFAP, thereby blocking the head-to-tail process of IF elongation. The C-terminal extension of S100A1 (and, likely, S100B) represents a critical part of the site that recognizes desmin and GFAP. S100B is localized to IFs within cells, suggesting that it might have a role in remodeling IFs upon elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration by avoiding excess IF assembly and/or promoting IF disassembly in vivo. S100A1, that is not localized to IFs, might also play a role in the regulation of IF dynamics by binding to and sequestering unassembled IF subunits. Together, these observations suggest that S100A1 and S100B may be regarded as Ca2+-dependent regulators of the state of assembly of two important elements of the cytoskeleton, IFs and MTs, and, potentially, of MT- and IF-based activities.


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This article is a transcription of an electronic symposium in which active researchers were invited by the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC) to discuss the advances of the last decade in the neurobiology of emotion. Four basic questions were debated: 1) What are the most critical issues/questions in the neurobiology of emotion? 2) What do we know for certain about brain processes involved in emotion and what is controversial? 3) What kinds of research are needed to resolve these controversial issues? 4) What is the relationship between learning, memory and emotion? The focus was on the existence of different neural systems for different emotions and the nature of the neural coding for the emotional states. Is emotion the result of the interaction of different brain regions such as the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens, or the periaqueductal gray matter or is it an emergent property of the whole brain neural network? The relationship between unlearned and learned emotions was also discussed. Are the circuits of the former the underpinnings of the latter? It was pointed out that much of what we know about emotions refers to aversively motivated behaviors, like fear and anxiety. Appetitive emotions should attract much interest in the future. The learning and memory relationship with emotions was also discussed in terms of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, innate and learned fear, contextual cues inducing emotional states, implicit memory and the property of using this term for animal memories. In a general way it could be said that learning modifies the neural circuits through which emotional responses are expressed.


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Clinical stage (CS) is an established indicator of breast cancer outcome. In the present study, a cDNA microarray platform containing 692 genes was used to identify molecular differences between CSII and CSIII disease. Tumor samples were collected from patients with CSII or CSIII breast cancer, and normal breast tissue was collected from women without invasive cancer. Seventy-eight genes were deregulated in CSIII tumors and 22 in CSII tumors when compared to normal tissue, and 20 of them were differentially expressed in both CSII and CSIII tumors. In addition, 58 genes were specifically altered in CSIII and expression of 6 of them was tested by real time RT-PCR in another cohort of patients with CSII or CSIII breast cancer and in women without cancer. Among these genes, MAX, KRT15 and S100A14, but not APOBEC3G or KRT19, were differentially expressed on both CSIII and CSII tumors as compared to normal tissue. Increased HMOX1 levels were detected only in CSIII tumors and may represent a molecular marker of this stage. A clear difference in gene expression pattern occurs at the normal-to-cancer transition; however, most of the differentially expressed genes are deregulated in tumors of both CS (II and III) compared to normal breast tissue.


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Our aim was to determine if anatomical abnormalities of the upper airway (UA) and facial skeleton of class III severely obese patients are related to the presence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Forty-five patients (69% females, mean age 46.5 ± 10.8 years) with a body mass index (BMI) over 40 kg/m² underwent UA and facial skeletal examinations as well as polysomnography. Mean BMI was 49 ± 7 kg/m² and mean neck circumference was 43.4 ± 5.1 cm. Polysomnographic findings showed that 22% had a normal apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and 78% had an AHI over 5. The presence of OSAS was associated with younger age (P = 0.02), larger neck circumference (P = 0.004), presence of a voluminous lateral wall (P = 0.0002), posteriorized soft palate (P = 0.0053), thick soft palate (P = 0.0014), long uvula (P = 0.04), thick uvula (P = 0.0052), and inferior turbinate hypertrophy (P = 0.04). A larger neck circumference (P = 0.02), presence of a voluminous lateral wall (P = 0.04), posteriorized soft palate (P = 0.03), and thick soft palate (P = 0.04) were all associated with OSAS severity. The prevalence of OSAS in this group was high. A larger neck circumference and soft tissue abnormalities of the UA were markers for both the presence and severity of OSAS. Conversely, no abnormalities in the facial skeleton were associated with OSAS in patients with morbid obesity.


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Cardiac interstitial fibrosis may contribute to ventricular dysfunction and the prognosis of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. The objective of the present study was to determine if total myocardial collagen content and collagen type III/I (III/I ratio) mRNAs differ in hypertensive, alcoholic, and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy subjects. Echocardiography and exercise cardiopulmonary testing were performed in patients with idiopathic (N = 22), hypertensive (N = 12), and alcoholic (N = 11) dilated cardiomyopathy. Morphometric analysis of collagen was performed in fragments obtained by endomyocardial biopsy with picrosirius red staining. The collagen III/I ratio was determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Samples of controls (N = 10) were obtained from autopsy. Echocardiographic variables and maximal oxygen uptake were not different among dilated cardiomyopathy groups. Collagen was higher in all dilated cardiomyopathy groups (idiopathic, hypertensive and alcoholic, 7.36 ± 1.09%) versus controls (1.12 ± 0.18%), P < 0.05. Collagen was lower in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (4.97 ± 0.83%) than hypertensive (8.50 ± 1.11%) and alcoholic (10.77 ± 2.09%) samples (P < 0.005 for both). The collagen III/I ratio in all samples from dilated cardiomyopathy patients was higher compared to that in controls (0.29 ± 0.04, P < 0.05) but was the same in the samples from idiopathic (0.77 ± 0.07), hypertensive (0.75 ± 0.07), and alcoholic (0.81 ± 0.16) dilated cardiomyopathy groups. Because of the different physical properties of the types of collagen, the higher III/I ratio may contribute to progressive ventricular dilation and dysfunction in dilated cardiomyopathy patients.