254 resultados para Fauna records
ABSTRACTWe analyzed the effects of Bacillus sphaericus on Anopheles larvae and on the associated insect fauna in fish farming ponds. Five breeding sites in the peri-urban area of the city of Manaus, AM, Brazil, were studied. Seven samples were collected from each breeding site and B. sphaericus was applied and reapplied after 15 days. The samples were made at 24 h before application, 24 h post-application and 5 and 15 days post-application. We determined abundance, larval reduction and larval density for Anopheles, and abundance, richness, Shannon diversity index and classified according to the functional trophic groups for associated insect fauna. A total of 904 Anopheles larvae were collected and distributed into five species. Density data and larval reduction demonstrated the rapid effect of the biolarvicide 24 h after application. A total of 4874 associated aquatic insects belonging to six orders and 23 families were collected. Regression analysis of diversity and richness indicated that the application of the biolarvicide had no influence on these indices and thus no effect on the associated insect fauna for a period of 30 days. B. sphaericus was found to be highly effective against the larvae of Anopheles, eliminating the larvae in the first days after application, with no effect on the associated insect fauna present in the fish ponds analyzed.
ABSTRACTSarcophagidae species are frequent and abundant in the decomposition process of corpses and, consequently, play an important role as a tool for the application of Forensic Entomology. Helicobia pilifera Lopes, 1939, Microcerella erythropyga (Lopes, 1936), Oxysarcodexia fringidea Curran & Walley, 1934 and Peckia (Peckia) pexata(Wulp, 1895) were recorded for the first time in a Forensic Entomology experiment in Rio de Janeiro, using domestic pig carcasses as substrate.
ABSTRACT A list of the Coleoptera of importance from Brazil, based on published records was compiled. The checklist contains 345 species of 16 families allocated to 16 states of the country. In addition, three species of two families are registered for the first time. The fauna of Coleoptera of forensic importance is still not entirely known and future collection efforts and taxonomic reviews could increase the number of known species considerably in the near future.
ABSTRACT Insect galls of a protected remnant of the Atlantic Forest tableland from Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil): Galling insects in Rio de Janeiro state are known by their great diversity, despite most of the surveys have been done in restinga. This paper investigated the insect galls from a remnant of Atlantic Forest located in São Francisco de Itabapoana municipality, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The galling insect fauna was surveyed from March, 2013 to April, 2014 at the Estação Ecológica Estadual de Guaxindiba. 143 gall morphotypes were found in 31 plant families, 60 genera and 82 species. Fabaceae, Myrtaceae and Sapindaceae were the main host families, being Trichilia, Tontelea and Eugenia the main host genera. Most galls occured on leaves, with globose shape, green and glabrous. Diptera (Cecidomyiidae), Hemiptera, and Lepidoptera were the inducing orders and the associated fauna comprised parasitoids (Hymenoptera), inquilines (Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera: Coccoidea), successors (Psocoptera, Collembola and Acari), and predators (Pseudoscorpiones). Three plant genera and nine plant species are recorded for the first time as host of galls in Brazil. All the records are new to the municipality, and the distribution of 15 galling species is extended to the North of the state of Rio de Janeiro.
ABSTRACT Predation of the brood of Mischocyttarus injucundus by another polistine social wasp is reported from an Amazonian rainforest locality. This is the first report for the American tropics of naturally occurring predation by one social wasp on the brood of another. Three species are added to the list of the Ferreira Penna Research Station, raising known local richness to 81 species: Mischocyttarus filiformis (de Saussure, 1854), Mischocyttarus vaqueroi Zikán, 1949, and Parachartergus griseus (Fox, 1898).
O sistema solo-serapilheira é o habitat natural para grande variedade de organismos, que diferem em tamanho e metabolismo, responsáveis por inúmeras funções. O monitoramento dos grupos de fauna no sistema solo-serapilheira permite não só uma inferência sobre a funcionalidade destes organismos, mas também uma indicação simples da complexidade ecológica dessas comunidades. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a distribuição da fauna edáfica nos compartimentos solo e serapilheira em duas épocas do ano e em cinco diferentes coberturas vegetais (eucalipto, floresta não preservada, floresta preservada, capoeira, pasto) no Norte Fluminense. As coberturas de floresta natural, especialmente das florestas preservadas e não preservadas, mostraram, de maneira geral, valores de densidade e riqueza de fauna superiores aos de eucalipto e pasto, tanto no solo quanto na serapilheira, nas duas épocas de coleta. Em geral, não houve preferência dos grupos de fauna pelos compartimentos solo e serapilheira. A densidade de fauna, riqueza de espécies, índice de Shannon e índice de Pielou também variaram conforme a época de coleta, sendo, no verão, estabelecidas maiores diferenças entre as diferentes coberturas vegetais estudadas do que no inverno. O índice de Pielou foi a variável mais estável e, portanto, mais apropriada para o estudo da dissimilaridade entre as coberturas vegetais em termos de distribuição dos grupos de fauna.
The decomposition of plant residues is a biological process mediated by soil fauna, but few studies have been done evaluating its dynamics in time during the process of disappearance of straw. This study was carried out in Chapecó, in southern Brazil, with the objective of monitoring modifications in soil fauna populations and the C content in the soil microbial biomass (C SMB) during the decomposition of winter cover crop residues in a no-till system. The following treatments were tested: 1) Black oat straw (Avena strigosa Schreb.); 2) Rye straw (Secale cereale L.); 3) Common vetch straw (Vicia sativa L.). The cover crops were grown until full flowering and then cut mechanically with a rolling stalk chopper. The soil fauna and C content in soil microbial biomass (C SMB) were assessed during the period of straw decomposition, from October 2006 to February 2007. To evaluate C SMB by the irradiation-extraction method, soil samples from the 0-10 cm layer were used, collected on eight dates, from before until 100 days after residue chopping. The soil fauna was collected with pitfall traps on seven dates up to 85 days after residue chopping. The phytomass decomposition of common vetch was faster than of black oat and rye residues. The C SMB decreased during the process of straw decomposition, fastest in the treatment with common vetch. In the common vetch treatment, the diversity of the soil fauna was reduced at the end of the decomposition process.
O Rio Grande do Sul detém grande relevância na produção de tabaco. Adotam-se três sistemas de manejo: convencional, mínimo e plantio direto. Para analisar o impacto desses sistemas sobre a população da fauna do solo, efetuou-se uma amostragem da fauna epigeica. Foram avaliados preparo convencional (PC), cultivo mínimo (CM) e plantio direto (PD), além de área de reconversão da fumicultura para a vitivinicultura (RV) e de mata nativa (MN). Na amostragem, foram utilizadas dez armadilhas Provid em cada área. Os atributos avaliados foram: abundância de organismos, riqueza, índice de diversidade (H') e equitabilidade de Shannon (J). Collembola (Arthropoda: Hexapoda) foi identificada até o nível de família, devido à sua sensibilidade às modificações do ambiente. Efetuaram-se a análise multivariada de Agrupamento Hierárquico e a Análise de Componentes Principais, e os índices H' e J foram comparados pelo teste t, de Student. O PD apresentou maior número total de organismos, isolando-se das demais áreas pela análise de agrupamento hierárquico. Os valores de riqueza foram muito semelhantes entre as áreas, destacando-se a aproximação entre RV e MN. Os tratamentos PC, PD e RV não diferiram estatisticamente quanto ao H', apresentando valores de 1,58; 1,60; e 1,52, respectivamente. CM apresentou menor valor de H' (1,18) e MN, o valor intermediário (1,33). O comportamento estatístico de J foi muito semelhante ao encontrado em H'. Em relação à Classe Collembola, foram identificadas as famílias Entomobrydae, Sminthuridae, Poduridae e Hipogasturidae. PD apresentou exemplares das quatro famílias identificadas, enquanto nas demais áreas foram identificadas apenas Entomobrydae e Sminthuridae. Pela Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA), as diferenças entre as áreas explicaram 32 % da variabilidade encontrada; desse percentual, 59,3 % foram explicados pelos eixos 1 e 2. A presença ou ausência de revolvimento do solo e a rotação com culturas de cobertura foram os fatores que mais influenciaram as populações de fauna epigeica.
The interactions between soil invertebrates and environmental variations are relatively unknown in the assessment of soil quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil quality in areas with different soil management systems, based on soil fauna as indicator, in Além Paraíba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The soil invertebrate community was sampled using pitfall traps, in the dry and rainy seasons, from areas with five vegetation types (acacia, mimosa, eucalyptus, pasture, and secondary forest). The abundance of organisms and the total and average richness, Shannon's diversity index, the Pielou uniformity index, and change index V were determined. The fauna was most abundant in the areas of secondary forest and mimosa plantations in the dry season (111.3 and 31.7 individuals per trap per day, respectively). In the rainy season, the abundance of organisms in the three vegetation types did not differ. The highest values of average and total richness were recorded in the secondary forest in the dry season and in the mimosa stand in the rainy season. Shannon's index ranged from 1.57 in areas with acacia and eucalyptus in the rainy season to 3.19 in the eucalyptus area in the dry season. The uniformity index was highest in forest stands (eucalyptus, acacia and mimosa) in the dry season, but higher in the rainy season in the pasture and secondary forest than in the forest stands. The change index V indicated that the percentage of extremely inhibited groups was lowest in the area with mimosa, both in the dry and rainy season (36 and 23 %, respectively). Of all forest stands, the mimosa area had the most abundant soil fauna.
No compartimento serapilheira-solo, a fauna do solo exerce importante papel na disponibilização de nutrientes, uma vez que é responsável pela regulação da comunidade de microrganismos decompositores da matéria orgânica e pela fragmentação desse material. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a riqueza e abundância da fauna edáfica, bem como sua distribuição vertical, em área de restinga periodicamente inundada na Ilha da Marambaia, RJ, em duas épocas distintas, verão (chuvosa) e inverno (seca). Foram coletadas 10 amostras de serapilheira e de solo na profundidade de 0-5 cm, em que foram feitas extrações da fauna por meio de extratores do tipo Berlese-Tüllgren. Observou-se aumento da abundância da fauna edáfica do período seco para o chuvoso, enquanto a riqueza de grupos taxonômicos não foi modificada. Em ambas as épocas, os grupos de maior ocorrência foram Formicidae e Collembola. Quanto à distribuição vertical, verificou-se a preferência dos organismos pelo compartimento serapilheira, no período chuvoso, e pelo solo, no período seco. A microfagia e a saprofagia representaram as principais formas de utilização dos recursos alimentares, seguidos da predação, sugerindo melhor estruturação do habitat no ecossistema. Além disso, a ocorrência de grupos que só são percebidos em ambientes não perturbados indica que o ecossistema de restinga da Ilha da Marambaia, no momento em que foi avaliado, ano de 2002, encontrava-se pouco ou nada degradado e em bom estado de conservação.
The results of ecological restoration techniques can be monitored through biological indicators of soil quality such as the leaf litter arthropod fauna. This study aimed to determine the immediate effect of brushwood transposition transferred from an area of native vegetation to a disturbed area, on the leaf litter arthropod fauna in a degraded cerrado area. The arthropod fauna of four areas was compared: a degraded area with signal grass, two experimental brushwood transposition areas, with and without castor oil plants, and an area of native cerrado. In total, 7,660 individuals belonging to 23 taxa were sampled. Acari and Collembola were the most abundant taxa in all studied areas, followed by Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, and Symphyla. The brushwood transposition area without castor oil plants had the lowest abundance and dominance and the highest diversity of all areas, providing evidence of changes in the soil community. Conversely, the results showed that the presence of castor oil plants hampered early succession, negatively affecting ecological restoration in this area.
O plantio consorciado de eucalipto com leguminosas pode promover a melhoria da qualidade biológica do solo em áreas degradadas e também ser vantajoso para as espécies do consórcio. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de sistemas de plantios (puros e consorciados) de Acacia mangium (AM), Sesbania virgata (SV) e Eucalyptus camaldulensis (EC), sobre o desenvolvimento das plantas em estudo (variáveis dendrométricas) e especificamente sobre a fauna da serapilheira e dos primeiros 5 cm do solo. Realizou-se um experimento, cujo delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e três repetições. Os tratamentos utilizados para avaliação dos atributos dendrométricos foram: 100EC (100 % EC) e 100AM (100 % AM); 50EC:50AM (50 % EC + 50 % AM); 50EC:50SV (50 % EC + 50 % SV); e 50AM:50SV (50 % AM + 50 % SV). Para avaliação da fauna do solo foram: 100EC, 100AM, 100SV (100 % SV), 50EC:50SV e 50 AM:50SV. Aos 48 meses após o plantio, foram feitas medições de altura (H) e diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) das espécies E. camaldulensis e A. mangium e estimativas da área basal (AB) e volume de madeira com casca por indivíduo (VCI). Na serapilheira e no solo (0-5 cm), foram avaliadas a abundância e diversidade da fauna edáfica. O E. camaldulensis quando cultivado em consórcio com as leguminosas apresentou maior DAP, AB e VCI. Em contrapartida, a A. mangium não teve essas variáveis influenciadas quando em consórcio com o E. camaldulensis e com a S. virgata. Plantios de E. camaldulensis e S. virgata em consórcio promoveram maior abundância total de organismos e maiores valores dos índices de diversidade de Shannon e Pielou, principalmente no que se refere ao compartimento serapilheira.
Fertilization and/or the accumulation of organic matter from plant residues can influence the composition of soil and litter community. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of P and K fertilization on total faunal and nematode faunal composition and richness in plant litter and soil for 360 days in an area reforested with Acacia auriculiformis (A. Cunn), located in the municipality of Conceição de Macabu in the State of Rio de Janeiro. For each treatment (fertilized and unfertilized plots), samples of litter and soil (to a depth of 5 cm) were collected and transferred into a Berlese-Tüllgren funnels for the extraction of fauna. Mesofauna and macrofauna were quantified, and the major taxa identified. Nematodes were extracted by centrifugal flotation in sucrose solution and identified according to feeding habits. Density (number of individuals m-2) of total fauna, microphages, social insects and saprophages varied significantly per treatment and sampling time in both litter and soil. The total number of individuals collected was 5,127, and the total number of nematodes 894. Phosphorus and potassium fertilization resulted in an increase in total fauna density and richness in the litter due to an increased abundance of social insects, saprophages and herbivores. In the soil, fertilization increased the saprophage and predator densities. Saprophages were the predominant taxa in the litter, while social insects (Formicidae) prevailed in the soil. Litter nematode populations were favored by mineral fertilization. Bacteriophages were the predominant nematode group in both litter and soil.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de sistemas de preparo e cultivo do solo sobre a diversidade de animais da fauna edáfica, por meio de técnicas de análise multivariada. Na análise canônica discriminante, os preparos conservacionistas com sucessão de culturas foram separados em relação aos tratamentos com rotação de culturas. Os grupos Acarina, Hymenoptera, Isopoda e Collembola, e o índice de Shannon (H) foram os atributos que mais contribuíram para separar os tratamentos. A análise de correspondência mostrou forte associação dos grupos Acarina e Hymenoptera com o tratamento semeadura direta com sucessão de culturas, e do grupo Collembola com o preparo convencional.
The reasons why we care about soil fauna are related to their intrinsic, utilitarian and functional values. The intrinsic values embrace aesthetic or moral reasons for conserving below-ground biodiversity. Unfortunately, the protection of soil invertebrates has rarely been a criterion for avoiding changes in land use and management. Utilitarian, or direct use values, have been investigated more extensively for fungi, bacteria and marine invertebrates than for soil fauna. However, some traditional remedies, novel enzymes and pharmaceutical compounds have been derived from earthworms, termites and other groups, and gut symbionts may provide microbial strains with interesting properties for biotechnology. The functional importance of soil invertebrates in ecosystem processes has been a major focus of research in recent decades. It is suggested herein that it is rarely possible to identify the role of soil invertebrates as rate determinants of soil processes at plot and ecosystem scales of hectares and above because other biophysical controls override their effects. There are situations, however, where the activities of functional groups of soil animals, even of species, are synchronised in space or time by plant events, resource inputs, seasonality or other perturbations to the system, and their emergent effects are detectable as higher order controls.