212 resultados para nasal carriers
Beginning with a patient presenting with an atrial septal defect (ASD) of the secundum type, the genealogy was identified in four affected individuals who belonged to three successive generations of the same family. The defects were visually confirmed in all individuals and were found to be anatomically similar. No other congenital malformations were present in these individuals. The genealogy was identified in 1972, when ASD recurred in two generations, and it was concluded that the mechanism of transmission was autosomal recessive. The fifth individual, identified 21 years later, and having an anomaly identical to that of the others, was the child of a couple who had no consaguinity and whose mother was a member of the previously studied genealogy. Considering the absence of phenotype in the parents and the rarity of the ASD gene in the general population, the occurrence of the uniparental disomy for this family nucleus, and the same autosomal recessive mechanism of transmission by this affected individual is possible. This study reports the familial occurrence of ASD by genetic mechanisms of transmission, emphasizing the necessity for genetic-clinical studies in members of the familial nucleus in order to detect new carriers, who usually are asymptomatic, thereby allowing for early and adequate treatment of individuals who may be affected.
Relatamos aqui o caso de um menino com 43 dias de vida, apresentando síndrome brânquio-óculo-facial (BOFS) e cardiopatia congênita. Na avaliação clínica, ele possuía retardo de crescimento, pregas epicânticas, fendas palpebrais pequenas, telecanto, base nasal alargada, fenda labial falsa (pseudocleft), micrognatia, orelhas displásicas e rotadas posteriormente, fendas branquiais, pescoço curto e alado, mamilo extranumerário, hipotonia e reflexos tendinosos profundos diminuídos. A ecocardiografia verificou presença de um defeito do septo atrioventricular completo do tipo A e persistência do canal arterial. Essa descrição fortalece a possibilidade de que defeitos cardíacos congênitos possam fazer parte do espectro de anormalidades observado na BOFS.