219 resultados para ciberseguridad nacional


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A fusariose, também conhecida como giberela é uma doença importante, causada principalmente pelo fungo Fusarium graminearum, que afeta de forma generalizada as regiões produtoras de trigo do Brasil e dos principais países do qual o produto é importado. Além dos danos diretos causados pela doença, os grãos infectados podem ser tóxicos para o homem e animais devido à presença de micotoxinas especialmente o desoxinivalenol (DON). A contaminação com DON foi avaliada em 100 amostras de trigo, sendo 50 de trigo nacional (provenientes dos Estados de São Paulo, Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul) e 50 de trigo importado (Argentina e Paraguai). As amostras foram coletadas durante o período de maio a dezembro de 2005 de empresas que normalmente comercializam ou processam trigo e foram analisadas por cromatografia em camada delgada. Os resultados indicaram que, do total de amostras avaliadas, 94% do trigo nacional e 88% do trigo importado apresentaram-se positivas quanto a presença de DON. Os níveis médios de contaminação com DON do trigo nacional (332 µg.kg- 1) foram maiores (p < 0,05) do que do trigo importado (90 µg.kg -1). Apenas 2 amostras (4%) do trigo nacional apresentaram níveis de contaminação maiores que 1.250 µg.kg -1, teor máximo aceitável pela Comunidade Européia.


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No dia 14 de novembro de 2009, a Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia promoveu um fórum de discussão das novas diretrizes do KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes). O objetivo desse encontro, onde estiveram presentes 64 participantes, foi discutir estas novas diretrizes diante da realidade brasileira. Esse encontro teve o patrocínio da Empresa de Biotecnologia Genzyme, que não teve acesso à sala de discussão e tampouco aos temas tratados durante o evento. Este artigo traz um resumo das diretrizes do KDIGO e das discussões realizadas pelos participantes.


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After a review of the concept of economic growth as a historical process beginning with the capitalist revolution and the formation of the modern national states, the author claims that growth is almost invariably the outcome of a national development strategy. Effective economic development occurs historically when the different social classes are able to cooperate and formulate an effective strategy to promote growth and face international competition. It follows a discussion of the main characteristics and of the basic tensions that such strategies face in the central countries which first developed, and in the underdeveloped countries, which, besides their domestic problems, confront major challenges in their relations with the rich countries.


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This paper discusses the Irish experience in the 90s, and details the main aspects of the impressive and rapid transition from a situation of excessive indebtedness, economic stagnation and high unemployment to sustainable growth. The presence of a national development strategy seems to be the crucial institutional tool that allowed this transition.


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This article is devoted to analyze changes in economic policy to be adopted by Mexico if a national development project were implemented. Starting from an evaluation of the main economic and political outcomes of Vicente’s Fox administration, the author proposes an alternative development strategy which permits Mexico to overcome economic stagnation. That strategy would be based in recovering the internal market as the dynamical focus of the economy with the purpose of satisfying basic needs of people. To be successful this strategy should to confront the "critical knots" of the Neo-liberal model: to reverse the uneven distribution of income; abandoning the fixing of restrictive monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies; and mobilizing economic surplus by means of a profound revision of debt service schemes. It concludes that to implement a national development project it is required a political and economic strategy to dismantle neoliberalism, which is an antinational structure of power.


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Banco Nacional: Ponzi game, PROER and FCVS. This paper analyses the causes of the failure of Banco Nacional and the resolution method adopted by the Brazilian central bank. The program (PROER) designed by the central bank and its legal framework allowed the failed bank to buy " defaulted securities" , financed by the central bank, and to use them as borrowing collateral. The paper also analyses the private and social costs of this bank failure.


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This paper aims at studying Malaysia's national development strategy in the last three decades. Firstly, we will give emphasis to the country's economic planning development, its medium-term and long-term plans, as well as Mahathir's political influence. Secondly, we will try to identify key elements in the Malaysian growth process, such as its exchange rate and current account policies, the participation of the government in the whole process and matters related to domestic savings and foreign direct investment. We will also talk about the 1997 financial crisis.


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A consensus has not yet emerged about the relationship between budget deficit, external deficit and national saving. According to mainstream economic literature the budget deficit can cause an insufficiency of national saving for a given investment rate. In this case, the investment rate will not be reduced if foreign saving is absorbed, causing an external deficit. In general, the mechanisms through which budget deficits could cause current account deficits are not highlighted in the works about this theme. We arrive at the conclusion that there is not a systematic relationship between budget deficit, current account deficit and national saving and that when it happens it can be processed only through changes in the real exchange rate.


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RESUMOO texto analisa os principais efeitos decorrentes da política econômica de defesa do café e do extraordinário esforço de industrialização desencadeado pelo Estado Nacional entre 1929 e 1954. Distingue o desenvolvimentismo do I e II governo Vargas (30-45 e 51-54), contrapondo-o à frustrada tentativa de retorno liberal de Dutra (46-50). Destaca o importante esforço de reconstrução do Estado e da introdução de instrumentos de controle da política econômica nacional, materializados pelo extraordinário trabalho da Assessoria Econômica da Presidência (51-54), criada por Vargas, onde pontificaram nomes de grandes brasileiros como Rômulo de Almeida, Ignácio Angel, Jesus Soares Pereira, Cleanto Paiva Leite e Tomás P. Acioli Borges, verdadeiros artífices de nossos principais projetos e planos de desenvolvimento de então.