267 resultados para apical buds


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OBJETIVO: analisar os resultados de uma variante técnica de colpopexia sacroespinhal para tratamento cirúrgico do prolapso de cúpula vaginal, e também como medida adjuvante nos casos de prolapso uterovaginal total, visando facilitar o procedimento. MÉTODOS: quarenta e seis pacientes foram operadas e acompanhadas por período de 12 a 44 meses, com média de 32 meses. Vinte e três pacientes apresentavam prolapso de cúpula vaginal (GCúpula) e 23 eram portadoras de prolapso uterovaginal (GÚtero). O critério de inclusão foi a presença de prolapso sintomático grau III ou IV, segundo a classificação proposta pela Sociedade Internacional de Continência. Foram excluídas pacientes portadoras de prolapso de menor grau. A média de idade das pacientes foi semelhante: 67,0 anos no GCúpula e 67,5 anos no GÚtero. O índice de massa corpórea médio também foi semelhante, sendo de 27,4 kg/m² no GCúpula e de 25,6 kg/m² no Gútero. A paridade variou de 0 a 13 partos nas pacientes do GCúpula, com média de 4,4 partos, e de 1 a 13 partos nas pacientes do GÚtero, com média de 6,2 partos. Entre as 23 pacientes do GCúpula, oito (34,7%) já haviam sido submetidas à cirurgia para correção do problema, sem sucesso. Os resultados obtidos em ambos os grupos foram analisados e comparados. O método utilizado obedece a princípios anatômicos bem definidos, e difere da técnica original pelo emprego de porta-agulha curvo orientado de cima para baixo para transfixar o ligamento sacroespinhal direito com suturas sob visão direta, aproximadamente dois cm medialmente à espinha isquiática, minimizando assim o risco de lesão dos vasos e nervo pudendo. RESULTADOS: a média de duração da cirurgia foi de 90,0 minutos no GCúpula e 119,5 minutos no GÚtero (p<0,05). Ocorreram três transfusões sanguíneas, uma no GCúpulae duas no GÚtero, não havendo lesões vesicais, retais, ureterais ou óbitos em nenhum dos grupos. A incidência e o tipo de complicações pós-operatórias foram semelhantes nos dois grupos estudados: infecção urinária, granuloma, retenção urinária, neuropatia transitória, dor na nádega e transfusão sanguínea. O comprimento vaginal médio após a operação foi de 7,6 cm nas pacientes do GCúpula e de 7,3 cm nas do GÚtero (p>0,05). O resultado anatômico dos compartimentos vaginais apical, anterior e posterior foi satisfatório em mais de 90% das pacientes de ambos os grupos. O resultado funcional também foi semelhante entre os grupos, sendo que das pacientes com vida sexual ativa, apenas uma (7,7%) do GCúpula e duas (13,3%) do GÚtero queixaram-se de dispareunia após a cirurgia. Não foi verificada associação entre idade, paridade, obesidade e os resultados anatomofuncionais. CONCLUSÃO: a análise dos dados obtidos demonstra que esta variante de colpopexia sacroespinhal é tecnicamente simples, segura e eficaz, fornecendo resultados semelhantes nos dois grupos de pacientes estudados.


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Ocorrendo habitualmente após um stress físico ou emocional intenso, a miocardiopatia de Takotsubo caracteriza-se por disfunção aguda e transitória do segmento apical do ventrículo esquerdo, mimetizando uma síndrome coronária aguda. Essa é uma síndrome rara, na qual o diagnóstico diferencial assume particular importância. Um elevado nível de suspeição é essencial, pelo que obstetras e o restante da equipe devem estar preparados para diagnosticar e lidar com esse evento inesperado. O tratamento é fundamentalmente de suporte, verificando-se reversão espontânea e completa das alterações num intervalo de dias a semanas. A ocorrência de complicações podem ditar um prognóstico menos benigno. Apresentamos o caso de uma mulher de 39 anos, sem antecedentes relevantes. Submetida à cesariana por suspeita de sofrimento fetal. Terminada a intervenção iniciou quadro de bradicardia e precordialgia, com edema pulmonar. Apresentava alterações de enzimas cardíacas e do electrocardiograma. O ecocardiograma revelou disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo com hipocinésia de toda a parede anterior. O cateterismo cardíaco excluiu doença coronária obstrutiva.


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Forty-one wild house mice (Mus musculus) were trapped in an urban area, near railways, in Santa Fe city, Argentina. Both kidneys from each mouse were removed for bacteriological and histological examination. One kidney was inoculated into Fletcher semi-solid medium and isolates were serologically typed. The other kidney was microscopically examined after hematoxylin-eosin, silver impregnation and immunohistochemical stains. Leptospires, all of them belonging to the Ballum serogroup, were isolated from 16 (39%) out of 41 samples. The presence of the agent was recorded in 18 (44%) and in 19 (46%) out of 41 silver impregnated and immunohistochemically stained samples respectively. Additionally, leptospires were detected in high number on the apical surface of epithelial cells and in the lumen of medullary tubules and they were less frequently seen on the apical surface of epithelial cells or in the lumen of the cortical tubules, which represents an unusual finding in carrier animals. Microscopic lesions consisting of focal mononuclear interstitial nephritis, glomerular shrinkage and desquamation of tubular epithelial cells were observed in 13 of 19 infected and in 10 of 22 non-infected mice; differences in presence of lesions between infected and non-infected animals were not statistically significant (P=0,14). The three techniques, culture, silver impregnation and immunohistochemistry, had a high agreement (k³0.85) and no significant differences between them were detected (P>0.05). In addition, an unusual location of leptospires in kidneys of carrier animals was reported, but a relationship between lesions and presence of leptospires could not be established.


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The presence of microorganisms in dental structures with experimentally induced necrosis was evaluated. The materials were tested to evaluate their antimicrobial activity and tissue repair efficacy. Four dogs were used in this experiment, with a total of 64 roots of premolar teeth, divided into three groups. The root canals of Group I were filled with gutta-percha and zinc oxide/eugenol cement; Group II were filled with calcium hydroxide, and Group III were not filled. All animals were clinically and radiographically examined 15 days after surgery andthen again every subsequent 15 days until 120 days, when the teeth were extracted en bloc.Histopathological analysis showed inflammatory infiltration, cement and bone resorption andnecrotic tissue in the apical delta in different proportions. Histomicrobiological analysis showedthe presence of microorganisms inside the teeth structures, with different concentrationsaccording to the treatment used. There was statistical significance between the groups(p>0.05). Gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol demonstrated good antimicrobial activity;calcium hydroxide was not efficient. The conclusion of this study is that gutta-percha withzinc oxide/eugenol is the better protocol for filling root canals in dogs.


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During endodontic therapy (pulpectomy, root canal debridement and root canal filling) microbiological management is a major concern. Bacteria present in dentine tubules, apical foramina and apical delta are causally related to failure of the procedure. Studies have shown that during single session endodontic treatment bacteria remain within dental structures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate endodontic treatment performed as two sessions, using temporary endodontic dressing materials for different periods in four groups of experimental dogs. A total of 80 roots of second and third upper premolar teeth and second, third and fourth lower premolar teeth were divided into four groups. The pulp chamber was opened with burrs and the pulp exposed for 60 days to induce pulpal inflammation and necrosis. Groups II, III and IV were treated with calcium hydroxide plus camphorated paramono-chlorophenol (PMCC) for 7, 15 and 30 days, respectively. In all groups, the root canals were filled with zinc oxide-eugenol and gutta-percha cones. Clinical and radiographical measurements were performed every 2 weeks. After 60 days a small block section containing the teeth, surrounding periapical tissues and the periodontium was removed for histological and microbiological study. Histological analysis revealed intense inflammatory response in all groups. Microbiological analysis showed microbial reduction inversely proportional to the period of time that the intracanal temporary medicament was left in place.


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No tratamento endodôntico a presença de bactérias é a maior preocupação. A presença de bactérias nos túbulos dentinários, foraminas apicais e no delta apical é considerado como falha de procedimento. Alguns estudos revelam que após o tratamento endodôntico em sessão única, bactérias ainda permanecem em estruturas dentais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o tratamento endodôntico em uma ou duas sessões, usando hidróxido de cálcio associado ao paramonoclorofenol canforado (PMCC) como "curativo de demora". Foram utilizados quatro cães, onde dois animais foram submetidos a tratamento em sessão única e os outros em duas sessões. Foram utilizados no estudo 40 dentes: segundo e terceiro pré-molares superiores e segundo, terceiro e quarto pré-molares inferiores divididos em dois grupos. Foi realizada abertura coronária dos dentes, expondo a câmara pulpar por 60 dias. Após este período o grupo tratado em sessão única foi obturado com guta-percha e óxido de zinco e eugenol e o grupo tratado em duas sessões recebeu o PMCC que permaneceu no canal por 30 dias e, após, foi obturado com o mesmo material do outro grupo. Controle clínico e radiográfico foram realizados quinzenalmente e após 60 dias foi retirado um bloco contendo dente e periodonto para análise histopatológica e microbiológica. A análise histopatológica revelou intensa resposta inflamatória em todos os grupos. A análise microbiológica apresentou redução microbiana mais acentuada no grupo tratado em sessão única. Contudo, bactérias ainda foram observadas nos dois grupos evidenciando que nenhum tratamento utilizado foi totalmente eficiente.


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O ducto epididimário (DE) de codorna doméstica mostrou, ao longo do ano, variabilidade pequena, porém muito expressiva no outono, o qual corresponde à fase quiescente do ciclo testicular anual. A morfologia do DE na primavera foi, em termos, similar à verificada no verão e inverno. Nestas fases notaram-se aumento significante do calibre tubular do DE; estocagem intraluminal de espermatozóides e ocorrência de mitocôndrias, lamelas do RE, vesículas variáveis quanto à forma, dimensões e conteúdos e presença de alguns lisossomos localizados, principalmente, no citoplasma apical das células principais (P), no epitélio epididimário. Estas características ultra-estruturais das células P parecem ser indicativas da ocorrência de processos ativos de endocitose e de secreção micromerócrina. A quiescência outonal foi caracterizada pelo aspecto anfractuoso do DE; ausência de espermatozóides e pouco material intraluminal, observados à microscopia de luz. Características ultra-estruturais degenerativas foram verificadas ao nível do citoplasma supranuclear das células P epididimárias no outono.


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Whole-mount preparations were prepared and submitted to NADH-diaphorase and NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry techniques. The myenteric plexus arrangement and the number of neurons were comparatively evaluated among the different portions of the cecum. The neurons from the apical and basal regions were distributed in classes at intervals of 100µm², the means of the corresponding intervals being compared. The ganglia, in both techniques, were often connected by fine bundles, which became thicker in the mesenteric region and in the region next to the cecal ampulla. The number of positive NADH-d neurons was higher than that of NADPH-d neurons in all portions, from both regions. The numbers of reactive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons were significantly different among the different portions of the cecum, except for the antimesenteric basal and intermediate basal regions, considering the NADH-d neurons. The profile area for the reactive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons was higher in the apical region than in the basal area. Differences in arrangement, distribution and size of positive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons in the different cecum portions evidenced the importance of the subdivision of the analyzed organ.


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An outbreak of Lawsonia intracellularis infection in rabbits, which occurred in 1988 in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, is reported. The disease had an acute course (24-48 hours) with clinical signs characterized by brownish or green diarrhea and dehydration. Occasionally, the animals died one day after the onset of diarrhea, without showing any other clinical signs. At necropsy, the ileum was prominent, firm and had a thickened wall; it was dilated in the caudal direction and had a somewhat reticulated appearance, perceptible through the serosa. The thickened mucous membrane had finely corrugated aspect and a shiny surface. The ileocecal valve and surrounding areas were slightly edematous and irregular. The Peyer's patches were sometimes more evident. There was moderate enlargement of the mesenteric lymph nodes. The histological examination revealed different degrees of hyperplasia of the epithelial cells of intestinal crypts consisting of poorly differentiated, hyperchromatic cells with high mitotic index, arranged in a pseudostratified layer which, in some cases, reached the apical portions of the villi. The inflammatory infiltrate between the hyperplastic epithelial cells was composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, some eosinophils and globular leukocytes. Silver impregnation revealed large numbers of bacteria with morphology of the genus Lawsonia in the apical pole of cryptal enterocytes. These bacteria reacted positively to a Lawsonia intracellularis polyclonal antibody by the avidin-biotin immunohistochemistry method.


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Dezoito novilhos de diferentes raças, com idade de 18-24 meses foram submetidos a remoção do ligamento apical para ocasionar desvio de pênis. Decorridos 60 dias os animais foram colocados em presença de fêmeas em estro, sendo verificado desvio ventral e lateral direito do pênis, com incapacitade de cópula. Os animais foram submetidos ao transplante autólgo de um segmento da cartilagem do pavilhão auricular, sobre a túnica albugínea, substituindo o ligamento apical do pênis removido. Os bovinos quando em presença de fêmeas em estro não apresentaram desvio de pênis e alteração do comportamento sexual. Notou-se a presença de poucas células mononucleares, polimorfonucleares e células gigantes e formação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, ocasionando aderências resistentes e capacidade de sustentar a extremidade livre do pênis. O método cirúrgico mostrou-se eficiente para corrigir desvios ventral e lateral de pênis de bovinos.


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Objetivou-se analisar o comportamento do epitélio branquial de tilápias, cultivadas em tanques posicionados em diferentes altitudes e interconectados por tubos de PVC. Filamentos branquiais de quatro espécimes de quatro tanques (T1, T2, T3 e T4) interconectados seqüencialmente foram submetidos à rotina histológica, para obtenção de cortes de 5µm de espessura, os quais foram corados com Hematoxilina-Eosina, ou submetidos à técnica histoquímica para glicoconjugados: PAS + solução de diástase ou Alcian Blue pH 2,5 ou Alcian Blue pH 1,0. Considerando as regiões basal, intermediária e apical dos filamentos, mensurou-se a área lamelar e contou-se o número de células mucosas em cada uma dessas regiões, o que correspondia a 0,56 mm². Verificou-se que a concentração de oxigênio, pH e a temperatura se reduziam progressivamente com a passagem da água de um tanque para outro. Em função disso, constatou-se um aumento abrupto do número de células mucosas e da área lamelar no T2, e uma redução progressiva destas medidas nos tanques que recebiam água do T2. Além disso, observou-se nos animais do T2, T3 e T4, descolamento do epitélio branquial, hiperplasia celular no espaço interlamelar e telangectasias. Conclui-se que o ambiente aquático de tanques interconectados seqüencialmente por tubos de PVC se altera ao passar de um tanque para o outro, e que estas flutuações físico-químicas se refletem no comportamento do epitélio branquial através de variações da área lamelar e do número de células mucosas.


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A morphological and cell culture study from nasal mucosa of dogs was performed in order to establish a protocol to obtain a cell population committed to neuronal lineage, as a proposal for the treatment of traumatic and degenerative lesions in these animals, so that in the future these results could be applied to the human species. Twelve mongrel dogs of 60-day aged pregnancy were collected from urban pound dogs in São Paulo. Tissue from cribriform ethmoidal lamina of the fetuses was collected at necropsy under sterile conditions around 1h to 2h postmortem by uterine sections and sections from the fetal regions described above. Isolated cells of this tissue were added in DMEM/F-12 medium under standard conditions of incubation (5% CO², >37ºC). Cell culture based on isolated cells from biopsies of the olfactory epithelium showed rapid growth when cultured for 24 hours, showing phase-bright sphere cells found floating around the fragments, attached on culture flasks. After 20 days, a specific type of cells, predominantly ellipsoids or fusiform cells was characterized in vitro. The indirect immunofluorescence examination showed cells expressing markers of neuronal precursors (GFAP, neurofilament, oligodendrocyte, and III â-tubulin). The cell proliferation index showed Ki67 immunostaining with a trend to label cell groups throughout the apical region, while PCNA immunostaining label predominantly cell groups lying above the basal lamina. The transmission electron microscopy from the olfactory epithelium of dogs revealed cells with electron-dense cytoplasm and preserving the same distribution as those of positive cell staining for PCNA. Metabolic activity was confirmed by presence of euchromatin in the greatest part of cells. All these aspects give subsidies to support the hypothesis about resident progenitor cells among the basal cells of the olfactory epithelium, committed to renewal of these cell populations, especially neurons.


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The composition and distribution of the glycoconjugates (GCs) secreted by the epithelium of ovarian lamellae with reference to the reproductive biology of Genypterus blacodes (Schneider, 1801) through lectin hi stochemistry is here discussed. In this species, the epithelial cells that line the ovarian cavity presented sharp morphological variations along the reproductive cycle related to the mucus secretion that accompanies oocyte ma turation. During sp awning season, residues of mannose and N-acetylglucosamine were detected in the glycocalyx of those cells using lectinhistochemistry. N- acetylgalactosamine and fucose were also observed in the same zone. The greatest variations in the lectinhistochemical pattern were found in the apical cytoplasm composition in comparison to the basal zone of the cells. The results of the present study were discussed by comparing their possible functional implications.


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The measurement of cardiovascular features of wild animals is important, as is the measurement in pets, for the assessment of myocardial function and the early detection of cardiac abnormalities, which could progress to heart failure. Speckle tracking echocardiography (2D STE) is a new tool that has been used in veterinary medicine, which demonstrates several advantages, such as angle independence and the possibility to provide the early diagnosis of myocardial alterations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the left myocardial function in a maned wolf by 2D STE. Thus, the longitudinal, circumferential and radial strain and strain rate were obtained, as well as, the radial and longitudinal velocity and displacement values, from the right parasternal long axis four-chamber view, the left parasternal apical four chamber view and the parasternal short axis at the level of the papillary muscles. The results of the longitudinal variables were -13.52±7.88, -1.60±1.05, 4.34±2.52 and 3.86±3.04 for strain (%), strain rate (1/s), displacement (mm) and velocity (cm/s), respectively. In addition, the radial and circumferential Strain and Strain rate were 24.39±14.23, 1.86±0.95 and -13.69±6.53, -1.01±0.48, respectively. Thus, the present study provides the first data regarding the use of this tool in maned wolves, allowing a more complete quantification of myocardial function in this species.


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The epithelium lining of cauda epididymidis in mongrel dogs was examined by transmission electron microscopy. The epididymal epithelium is pseudostratified with stereocilia and is composed predominantly of principal and clear cells. Therefore, exist basal and apical cells. The principal and clear cells show features suggesting that they may be preferentially involved in absorptive and secretive functions. These results are compared with previously published data on the cauda epididymidis of other mammalian species, in order to understand the significance of the epididymis in sperm maturation.