234 resultados para Urban VI, Pope, 1318-1389.
In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe 500. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for anionic contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions using HT-Fe 500 was achieved using batch adsorption experiments. The adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir-Freundlich model showed to be dependent on temperature, reaching values of 25.93 and 48.31 mg g-1, respectively, for temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC.
In this study, a method for determination of hexavalent chromium in aqueous samples using liquid-liquid microextraction (LLME) and detection by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (F AAS) was developed. The LLME procedure was based on the extraction of Cr (VI) by acetone at a sample pH of 1.2. The use of saturated ammonium sulphate solution allowed effective separation of the aqueous and organic phases and acetone extracted chromium. The sample pH, acetone volume and stirring time were optimized by a full factorial design.
Effluents containing toxic metals are dangerous and more economical, efficient and environmentally friendly treatments must be studied, with the biosorption process with microbial biomass constituting an efficient solution. Thus, the ability of Spirulina platensis biomass for removing chromium (VI) using passive and active biosorption was evaluated. Inactive microalgae biomass and synthetic solution containing chromium (VI) were used to evaluate important factors in the process and biomass biosorption ability. Results of the experiments showed that microalgae have potential for biosorption of chromium (VI), attaining removal of 100.39 mg g-1, and that pH was the variable with the greatest influence on the process.
In this study, electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) was thermally modified at different temperatures under H2 flow or charcoal in order to obtain reduced iron phases (Fe3O4, FeO and Fe0). The formation of these phases was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction. The tests performed for reducing Cr (VI) using resultant materials obtained after thermal treatment of the EAFD showed excellent results, with PAE600H (EAFD reduced at 600 ºC under H2 flow) decreasing around 100% of the Cr (VI) in only 10 minutes of reaction. These results indicate the possibility of adding value to the residue, obtaining materials that offer great potential for environmental applications.
In this study, the concentration and morphological characteristics of inhalable particulate material (PM10) were evaluated and associated with climatic conditions. The mean annual concentration was 11.0 µg m−3, varying between 0,647 µg m−3 and 36.8 µg m−3. Wind speed has a higher influence on PM10 dispersion, but direction was associated with particle source. During the wet period, wind speed is the main dispersion factor, while speed and direction both are important during the dry period. Based on the morphological characteristics, it is concluded that biogenic particles prevail during the rainy season and terrigenous particles during the dry period, depending on the wind direction and intensity.
The adsorption of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution by magnetic particles of crosslinked chitosan-ethylenediamine-Fe(III) (MPCh-EDA-FeCL) was studied in a batch system. Fe3+ in the MPCh-EDA-FeCL permitted that adsorption of Cr(VI) occurred with maximum efficiency between pH 3 and 11. The maximum adsorption capacity at pH 7.0 was 81.04 mg g-1 at 25 ºC. The adsorption kinetic process was described by the pseudo-second-order model. Thermodynamic parameters indicated spontaneous, exothermic and chemical adsorption nature. The adsorbent was successively regenerated using a 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH solution. Results were satisfactory for treatment of wastewater from the electroplating industry.
En el número V de "Contribuciones a la Ictiologia" se dán normas para el estudio sistemático de los organos ciatiformes, que proporcionaron a los Gobiidae de Europa un medio seguro de ordenación genérica y distinción específica. Se añade el estudio de la colección del Laboratorio Aragó, de Banyuls-sur-mer, Francia. En el número VI de "Contribuciones a la Ictiología" se aloja el Gobiosoma parri Ginsburg en el nuevo gênero Austrogobius De Buen, y se dán las características que lo distinguen, especialmente la distribución de tubos mucosos y geniporos.
O presente trabalho reporta um método para a determinação de cromo (VI) por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS) após a extração e pré-concentração no ponto nuvem. O cromo (VI) é complexado com 1,5-difenilcarbazida (DFC) em meio ácido (pH 2,0) e é extraído para um volume de fase rica de 25 µL, com o uso do surfactante Triton X-114. As variáveis que afetam a formação do ponto nuvem, tais como a concentração de surfactante (0,1-1,0% m/v) e de complexante (0,01-0,80% m/v), o tempo de complexação (0-60 min) e o efeito da adição do eletrólito NaCl (0-20% m/v), são avaliadas. Sob condições otimizadas, são utilizados o Triton X-114 a 0,3% m/v, a DFC a 0,05% m/v e o NaCl a 10% m/v para a extração do cromo (VI). Esse método fornece limites de detecção e quantificação de 0,4 µg L-1 e 1,5 µg L-1, respectivamente, e uma faixa linear de calibração de 5 a 500 µg L-1. O fator de pré-concentração obtido é igual a 27 e a eficiência de extração varia de 87 a 99,3%.
Specific combustion programs (Gaseq, Chemical equilibria in perfect gases, Chris Morley) are used to model dioxin and formation in the incineration processes of urban solid wastes. Thanks to these programs, it is possible to establish correlations with the formation mechanisms postulated in literature on the subject. It was found that minimum oxygen quantities are required to obtain a significant formation of these compounds and that more furans than dioxins are formed. Likewise, dioxin and furan formation is related to the presence of carbon monoxide, and dioxin and furan distribution among its different compounds depends on the chlorine and hydrogen relative composition. This is due to the fact that an increased chlorine availability leads to the formation of compounds bearing a higher chlorine concentration (penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octachlorides), whereas an increased hydrogen availability leads to the formation of compounds bearing a lower chlorine number (mono, di-, tri-, and tetrachlorides).
Assessment of hydrochemical quality of ground water under some urban areas within sana'a secreteriat
Groundwater from nine wells of three different districts, located at Sana'a secretariat was analyzed for hydrochemical quality assessment. Measurements of water quality parameters including pH, EC, CO3(2-), HCO3-, Cl-, NO3-, SO4(2-), Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+, K+, and Na+ were carried out . Classification of the groundwater samples according to Cl, SO4(2-), CO3(2-) and HCO3-, hardness (H), total dissolved solids (TDS), base-exchange, and meteoric genesis was demonstrated. Suitability of ground water samples for irrigation and industrial uses according to sodium adsorption ration (SAR), ratio of dissolved sodium (RDS), residual sodium carbonate (RSC) and saturation index (SI) was also investigated. The results of this study showed that almost all ground water samples were of good quality that makes them suitable for drinking and domestic uses. Results also indicated that even though some of the ground water samples were suitable for irrigation purposes, almost all of them were found not be good for industrial uses. Despite all drawbacks of the sewerage system built around Sana'a secretariat at the beginning of the first decade of the third millennium, the results of this study indicate that there is scope of significant improvement in Sana'a secretariat ground water quality.
No livro VI de suas "Questões sobre a Metafísica", João Duns Escoto desenvolve um complexo estudo sobre a verdade. Para tanto, ele distingue dois modos de verdade: a "verdade na coisa" e a "verdade no intelecto". Pretendo aqui me voltar para a primeira dessas duas noções, interpretando uma curta passagem daquela obra à luz de outros textos do Doutor Sutil – um procedimento sugerido por aquelas próprias questões.
Drosophila paulistorum populations colonizing the urban area of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, were studied with the objective of characterizing their chromosomal polymorphism in this new environment. Despite being geographically and ecologically marginal and the fact that the colonization of the urban area seems to be a recent event, the populations showed a large number of inversions on all chromosome arms. Differences regarding inversion frequencies and percentage of heterozygosis were found when we compared the samples with respect to geographical, microenvironmental and temporal aspects. Such differences, however, could be attributed to both selective and stochastic factors
This article is an edited transcription of a virtual symposium promoted by the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC). Although the dynamics of sensory and motor representations have been one of the most studied features of the central nervous system, the actual mechanisms of brain plasticity that underlie the dynamic nature of sensory and motor maps are not entirely unraveled. Our discussion began with the notion that the processing of sensory information depends on many different cortical areas. Some of them are arranged topographically and others have non-topographic (analytical) properties. Besides a sensory component, every cortical area has an efferent output that can be mapped and can influence motor behavior. Although new behaviors might be related to modifications of the sensory or motor representations in a given cortical area, they can also be the result of the acquired ability to make new associations between specific sensory cues and certain movements, a type of learning known as conditioning motor learning. Many types of learning are directly related to the emotional or cognitive context in which a new behavior is acquired. This has been demonstrated by paradigms in which the receptive field properties of cortical neurons are modified when an animal is engaged in a given discrimination task or when a triggering feature is paired with an aversive stimulus. The role of the cholinergic input from the nucleus basalis to the neocortex was also highlighted as one important component of the circuits responsible for the context-dependent changes that can be induced in cortical maps.
Adenylyl cyclase (AC) isoforms catalyze the synthesis of 3',5'-cyclic AMP from ATP. These isoforms are critically involved in the regulation of gene transcription, metabolism, and ion channel activity among others. Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous product whose synthesis from L-arginine is catalyzed by the enzyme NO synthase. It has been well established that NO activates the enzyme guanylyl cyclase, but little has been reported on the effects of NO on other important second messengers, such as AC. In the present study, the effects of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide-releasing compound, on COS-7 cells transfected with plasmids containing AC types I, II, V and VI were evaluated. Total inhibition (~98.5%) of cAMP production was observed in COS-7 cells transfected with the AC I isoform and previously treated with SNP (10 mM) for 30 min, when stimulated with ionomycin. A high inhibition (~76%) of cAMP production was also observed in COS-7 cells transfected with the AC VI isoform and previously treated with SNP (10 mM) for 30 min, when stimulated with forskolin. No effect on cAMP production was observed in cells transfected with AC isoforms II and V.