322 resultados para Campo rupestre vegetation
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a incidência em várias partes da planta e o desenvolvimento da antracnose do caquizeiro causada por Colletotrichum horiinas cultivares Fuyu e Kakimel produzidas sob os sistemas orgânico e convencional, respectivamente, nas safras de 2010/2011 e 2011/2012, em Campina Grande do Sul, Paraná, Brasil. Em cada pomar, 10 plantas foram selecionadas aleatoriamente, e 10 ramos do ano por planta, distribuídos ao redor dacopa, foram marcados para as avaliações de incidência de antracnose em ramos e folhas, a cada 15 dias. A quantificação de frutos caídos com ou sem sintomas da doença foi a cada 15 dias, durante o período de crescimento de frutos até a colheita, relacionada com a produção total. C. horii em flores foi avaliada em campo e também após incubação no laboratório. Infecção latente foi observada em frutos verdes coletados aos 90; 120 e 150 dias após a floração. Em ambas as safras, observou-se a queda de frutos com sintomas de antracnose entre os meses de janeiro e abril. C. horii é capaz de infectar flores, permanecer latente e provocar sintomas de antracnose em frutos imaturos. Frutos colhidos sadios apresentaram sintomas em pós-colheita após a incubação.
OBJETIVO: Comparar os aparelhos de ressonância magnética de baixo campo e de alto campo para estudo da cartilagem articular da patela. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo usando as seqüências GRE 2D, GRE 3D, FSE T2 e STIR (baixo campo) e TSE T2 SPIR. Cada seqüência foi analisada separadamente para o estudo da cartilagem, sem o conhecimento dos dados do paciente e do resultado das outras seqüências, sendo atribuído grau de lesão de 0 a 3 e descrita a sua localização. Os resultados de concordância e discordância foram analisados pelos testes de Kappa e McNemar. RESULTADOS: Na faceta medial houve baixas concordâncias e as discordâncias mostraram significativa superestimação. Na faceta lateral houve boas concordâncias e as discordâncias não foram significativas. No ápice houve boas concordâncias e as discordâncias mostraram significativa subestimação. CONCLUSÃO: A seqüência STIR teve a melhor concordância com a seqüência TSE T2 SPIR. Lesões de alto grau são mais bem caracterizadas pelas seqüências do aparelho de baixo campo. Áreas de aumento de sinal dificultam o estudo da cartilagem da faceta medial da patela no aparelho de baixo campo.
OBJETIVO: Comparar a ressonância de baixo campo (0,2 T) com a de alto campo (1,5 T) na avaliação da endometriose pélvica e adenomiose. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas, prospectivamente, 27 pacientes do sexo feminino com suspeita clínica de endometriose, realizando-se exames de ressonância magnética de alto campo e baixo campo. Um mesmo radiologista realizou a leitura dos exames, iniciando pelo baixo campo, seguido pelo alto campo, usando como padrão-ouro o alto campo. RESULTADOS: Das 27 pacientes estudadas, 18 (66,7%) apresentaram alguma lesão indicativa de endometriose nos exames realizados no alto campo. Foram corretamente diagnosticados pelo baixo campo 14 destas pacientes. Endometriomas, lesões tubárias e focos de endometriose maiores do que 7 mm identificados pelo alto campo foram também identificados no baixo campo, com acurácia, sensibilidade e especificidade de 100%. Das nove pacientes com adenomiose caracterizadas pelo alto campo, oito foram corretamente identificadas pelo baixo campo, com acurácia, sensibilidade e especificidade de 88,9%. CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância de baixo campo apresentou baixa sensibilidade na detecção de pequenos focos de endometriose, alta sensibilidade na detecção de endometriomas e focos de endometriose grandes, e boa acurácia na detecção da adenomiose quando comparada com a ressonância de alto campo.
In the oil industry, the paraffination phenomenon is a major problem during oil production, displacement and treatment. Paraffin deposition in subsea flowlines, surface equipment, production string or even in the reservoir, can cause significant and increasing oil losses. To minimize paraffin precipitation, the application of magnetic field in the petroleum path has been suggested based on empiric studies. In this study, we assembled a labscale magnetic conditioner to determine the influence of magnetic field on the physical-chemical properties of two fluids : oil and a paraffin mixture. We observed that magnetic field reduce sample aparent viscosity due to crystal morphology alteration.
The influence of a strong external electric field in chemical bonding is not extensively studied. In this work, the behavior of the potential energy curves of the BeH+ ion in an external electric field is investigated by means of variational calculations using molecular orbitals. For simplicity we consider the case where the external field is parallel to the molecular axis, in the direction of the dipole moment, which raises the polarization of the ion. The effects on dissociation are investigated.
Little is known about the amount of water and ash in brazilian foodstuffs and plants. The relationships between fresh, dry and ash weight were determined in 40 different biological samples. It could be an important tool when one studies biological material containing low concentration of the chemical elements. This study address to determine these relationships and to provide the amount of biological material that one needs to collect. It aims to supply information that could be used to improve the detection limit, precision and accuracy of the analytical methodology utilized.
A view of the general aspects involving the 2D NMR spectroscopy using inverse detection and field gradient techniques is presented through the analysis of a sesquiterpene.
Rhynchophorol (6-Methyl-2-hepten-4-ol) is the major constituent of the aggregation pheromone of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), which is released by males of this species. The racemic mixture has been produced in one step-simplified preparation. The pheromone is placed into ampoules and furnished to coconut farmers. In the field, traps baited with Rhynchophorol and pieces of sugarcane attract both males and females, reducing the population of R. palmarum. The best conditions for field application are showed.
The experiment introduces the undergraduate students to the crystal field theory. The electronic spectra of the octahedral complexes of [Ni(L)n]2+ (L = H2O, dmso, NH3 and en) obtained in the experiment are used to calculate 10Dq and B parameters. The experiment shows how the parameters can be calculated and correlated with the nature of the ligands and the field intensities produced.
In this work we present a new parametrization in molecular mechanics for studying iron complexes. This force field was implemented in the FORCES 2000 program, developed in our group for studying in coordination compounds of interest in bioinorganic chemistry. Mononuclear and dinuclear iron complexes were studied using this program with good success.
This work describes the chemical composition of the volatile oil of Hyptis marrubioides cultivated in field and greenhouse. The experimental design was completely randomized, with ten replications for each type of cultivation. The volatile oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. The highest content of volatile oil was found for plants grown in field. The highest percentage of the compounds present in oils was observed in samples grown in the field, such as germacra-4(15),5,10(14)-trien-1-α-ol (16.34%), β-caryophyllene (10.42%), γ-muurolene (12.83%) and trans-thujone (9.98%). However, some compounds were found only in plants grown in a greenhouse, such as cis-muurol-5-en-4α-ol (10.84%), α-cadinol (3.06%) and eudesma-4(15),7-dien-1β-ol (6.82%).
We describe herein the synthesis and characterization of the complexes KNiF3, [Ni(en)3]I2, [Ni(en)3]Cl2, [Ni(acac)2(H2O)2], [Ni(en)2(H2O)2]Cl2 and [Ni(NH3)6](BF4)2 (en = ethylenediamine, acac- = acetylacetonate) performed in the inorganic synthesis major course at the Chemistry Institute of UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul). The compounds were characterized by infrared and electronic spectroscopy and the electrolytic conductivity was measured. The parameters 10Dq and B were obtained from the electronic spectra and the nefelauxetic and spectrochemical series were determined. The obtained spectrochemical series was F- < acac- < NH3 < en and the nefeulaxetic series was en < NH3 < acac- < F-.
Two methods using headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry were developed for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and BTEX. Best results were obtained using DVB/CAR/PDMS fiber, with 10 min extraction at 25 °C and 0.15 min desorption at 260 °C (BTEX), and PDMS/DVB fiber, with 60 min extraction at 90 °C, 10% NaCl and 5 min desorption at 270 °C (PAH). LOD intervals were 3x10-2 - 5x10-2 µg L-1 (BTEX) and 1.6x10-3 - 1.4 µg L-1 (PAH). The methods were applied to forty-five groundwater samples from monitoring wells of gas stations and only benzene level exceeded the limit established by Brazilian regulations.
To choose among the variety of oleaginous plants for biodiesel production, the oil content of several matrices was determined through different low-field ¹H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments with varied pulse sequences, namely single-pulse, spin-echo, CPMG, and CWFP. The experiments that involved the first three sequences showed high correlation with each other and with the solvent extraction method. The quality of the vegetable oils was also evaluated on the basis of the existing correlation between the T2 values of the oils and their properties, such as viscosity, iodine index, and cetane index. These analyses were performed using HCA and PCA chemometric tools. The results were sufficiently significant to allow separation of the oleaginous matrices according to their quality. Thus, the low-field ¹H NMR technique was confirmed as an important tool to aid in the selection of oleaginous matrices for biodiesel production.