427 resultados para Brasil. Ministério da Fazenda - História


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O Autor apresenta o resultado de um inquérito sôbre a distribuição geográfica de Triatomídeos em Minas Gerais e sua infecção pelo Schizotrypanum cruzi. O levantamento foi iniciado em 1946 com a colaboração dos destacamentos militares distribuídos por todos os municípios do Estado. Dos 388 municípios em que se divide o Estado de Minas, recebeu triatomas de 155 (39,94%) sendo que em 94 encontrou exemplares infectados pelo S. cruzi (60,64% dos municípios com triatomas). Dos 155 municípios recebeu o Autor um total de 21 159 triatomas sendo que 14 978 eram T. infestans (70,78%), 4 589 eram P. megistus (21,68%) e 1 547 eram T. sordida (7,31%). As outras espécies (P. geniculatus, P. diasi, T. arthurneivai, T. maculata e Ps. coreodes) constituíram sòmente 0,21% do material reunido. Foram examinados 8 422 T. infestans para a pesquiza do S. cruzi nas dejeções; 27,59% estavam infectados. O P. megistus (626 insetos examinados) e o T. sordida (57 insetos examinados) deram, respectivamente, 27,12 e 7,49% de positividade.


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A second species of monkey Plasmodium of the New World is described from the howler monkey Alouatta`fusca GEOFFROY, 1812, captured in Itapecirica, São Paulo, Brazil. The new species differs from Plasmodium brasilianum GONDER et VON BERENBERG-GOSSLER, 1909 by following characters: 1st. Almost constant presence in the blood cells of granulations of the same type as SCHÜFFNER dots. 2nd. Considerable hypertrophy of the parasitised cells. 3rd. Greater number of merozoites after schizogony with an habitual minimum of 16 elements in contrast with the maximum of 16 in Plasmodium brasilianum. 4th. Extreme rarity of band forms. This morphology strongly suggests an infection of the benignan tertian type. To this new species the name of Plasmodium simium, sp.n. is proposed.


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1. Es werden Schuppenfelder auf den Fluegeln von Maennchen und Weibchen verschiedener brasilianischer Hesperiden-Arten beschrieben. 2. Diese Felder werden in Verbindung gebracht zu den Bindevorrichtungen zwischen Vorder- und Hinterfluegeln. 3. Es zeigt sich, dass die Duftschuppenfelder des Hinterfluegels aus Bindeschuppenfeldern hervorgegangen sind. Dieser Funktionswechsel wird durch die Schuppenform im Vergleich mit funktionierenden Bindeschuppen dargelegt. 4. Es wird eine eingehende Beschreibung des feineren Baues der Binde- und Duftschuppen gegeben. 5. Die maennlichen Falter der untersuchten Arten lassen sich nach dem Fehlen oder Vorhandensein verschiedenartiger Duftorgane einteilen (siehe hierzu Tabelle 1.): 1. Gruppe: Falter ohne spezielle Duftdruesen (Vehilius-Typ) 2. Gruppe: Falter mit Duftrinne auf dem Vorderfluegel (Augiades-Typ) 3. Gruppe: Falter mit Costalumschlag des Vorderfluegels (Thanaos-Typ) 4. Gruppe: Falter mit Duftorgan am Metathorax (Achlyodes-Typ) 6. Das Weibchen von H 31 besitzt auf der Intersegmentalmembran VII/VIII Duftschuppen von bemerkenswertem feineren Bau. 7. Die Duftschuppen werden im feineren Bau untersucht und eine moegliche Ableitung der Borste aus der Schuppe gegeben. 8. Die Betrachtung der Duftorgane geschieht mit Ruecksichtnahme auf die Vergroesserung der verdunstenden Oberflaeche durch die Schuppen und auf die Schutzfunktion durch Deckschuppen und Cuticularfalten. 9. Die Entwicklung verschiedenartiger Duftorgane an verschiedenen Koerperteilen deutet auf eine polyphyletische Entwicklung der organe hin, was in der gut abgegrenzten Familie der Hesperiden von systematischem Wert ist. 10. Die Maennchen von H 16 und H 130 besitzen zwei Typen von spezifischen Duftorganen, den Costalumschlag und das Duftorgan des Metathorax mit verteilerpinsel an der Hintertibie. Bei den genannten und verwandten Arten hat eine polyphyletische Entwicklung von Duftorganen Platz gegriffen. Diese Bemerkung ist an die Voraussetzung geknuepft, dass beide Organe die gleiche Funktion haben, was noch nicht nachgewiesen ist. 11. Die Entwicklungshoehe der verschiedenen Duftorgantypen laesst phylogenetische Reihen erkennen. 12. Die Funktion der speziellen maennlichen Duftorgane scheint die einer Werbeduftdruese zu sein. 13. Die Funktion der Duftfelder auf den Hinterfluegeln bei Maennchen und Weibchen kann nicht geklaert werden. Es wird die Vermutung ausgesprochen, dass es sich hierbei um eine Form von "Artgeruch" handeln kann.


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After comparison of the types of Ixodes ricinus aragãoi Fonseca, 1935, with a lot of Ixodes affinis Neumann, 1899, kindly loaned by Dr. Kohls, it was observed that both species differ by the aspect of the dorsal scutm, no large punctations being in the posterior border in the Brazilian material. Therefore is FONSECA'S species maintened as Ixodes aragãoi Fonseca, 1935. Ixodes amarali Fonseca, 1935 was reexamined and confirmed as a valid species. A list of Brazilian species of the genus Ixodes studied by the authors is presented.


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An attempt is made to clear the nomenclature of some netropical species of the genus Amblyomma. Amblyomma myrmecophagium Schulze, 1933 and Amblyomma brasiliense guyanense Floch et Abonnenc, 1933, are synonyms of Amblyoma scalpturatum Neumann, 1906. Amblyomma superbrasiliense Schulze, 1941, is cospecific with Amblyomma incisum Neumann, 1906. Amblyomma ypsilophorum Schulze, 1941, is a synonym of Amblyomma cooperi Nuttal et Warburton, 1907.


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O extrato total placentário humano, o Apoidin (Park-Davis) (hormônio sexual pré-hipofisoide), a Cortone (Merk, U.S.A. - acetato de Cortisona) e o sangue placentário total humano citratado, quando injetados como terpêutica curativa, não tiveram influência alguma benéfica na evolução da doença experimetnal pela raça V. B. no cobaio. As cobaias fêmeas prenhes, quando inoculadas com a raça V.B. apresentam, não raro, uma evolução mórbida aparentemente mais benígna que as não fecundadas.


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O autor diz ter tentado a terapêutica do Tifo exantemático neotrópico entre nós, por várias maneiras, durante cêrca de 18 anos, sem que tivesse obtido resultado apreciável. Agora, porém, pensa que a questão está resolvida com o emprego apropriado da Terramicina. Antes dêsse antibiótico aparecer, aconselhára a Aureomycina e a Cloromicetina. Prefere, porém, agora a Terramycina, via oral e sub-cutânea ou intra muscular. Diz o autor que com ou sem terapêutica, as formas graves do Tifo exantemático neotrópico no Brasil deixavam escapar 16 a 18 % dos doentes. Foi por isso que agora, reunindo cerca de 34 casos das formas graves da doença, resolveu publicar o quadro que se segue. Nele vemos que dos doentes tratados com a Aureomicina, morreram 31,25% e os tratados com Terramicina, apenas 6,6%. Deve assinalar que o doente tratado com Terramicina que faleceu, esteve apenas no Hospital Cícero Ferreira, 7 horas antes da morte. Descreve 4 observações clínicas da doença.


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Anocentor columbianus Schulze, 1937 is a synonym of Otocentor nitens (Neumann, 1897). Otocentor Cooley, 1938 becomes a synonym of Anocentor Schulze 1937. The correct name of the species is now Anocentor nitens (Neumann, 1897). In Brazil this species was first recorderd by ARAGÃO (in FLOCH and ABONNENC, 1945) in Belém do Pará and by FONSECA (1948) in Goyaz. New records from Minas Gerais and Matto Grosso are presented and a new host, the jaguar, Panthera onca, is added.


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Foram analisados os élitros de uma nova espécie Oontelus e, para comparação, os de Chalepus sanguinicollis ab. axilaris, com o fim de esclarecer a origem das membranas transparentes em forma de janela. As membranas formam-se das epicutículas das duas superfícies do élitro, colads uma a outra por meio de uma massa colaginosa. A espessura em Oontelus é de 0,34 à 0,36 micron, em Chalepus de 4à 4,3 micra. Os dois casos referidos confirmam um exemplo típico de lei da continuidade da cutícula nos tecidos ectodermal, dos insetos, cuja formção - segundo o plano básico da estrutura do corpo - não permite nenhuma interrupção da cutícula.


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In this work the author publishes an observation of a human case, which he believes to be the second in South America, of "Q" fever in Minas Gerais. The first positive data and the first observation were made in S. Paulo by Dr. Helvecio Brandão and there communicated to the S. Paulo Medical Association in 1951 and 1954. The first part was published in 1953; the second part is yet unpublished. The author of the present work cured his patient with Terramycine. He thinks that greater research should be made amongst the workpeople who have to do with cattle in the pastures and slaughterhouses in order to verify the extent of the disease amongst us. Belo Horizonte Dezembro de 1954


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In this work, the author considers that in Brazil, there exist three forms of the disease of the Exanthematic Typhus group, that have been well studied: Neotropic Exanthematic Typhus, Murine Typhus and "Q" fever. The first of these forms has existed in this country, perhaps, for over five hundred years. He says that modern antibiotic, Aureomycin, Chloromycetin and, principally, Terramcin have resolved the problem of the therapeutic treatment of the disease. The modern insecticides, D. D. T., Gammexane and Toxafeno have resolved the prophylactic problem. The author studies minutely the question of denomination, showing, by means of drawing and history, the origin of the diseases, both Norte American and Brazilian. The name Neotropic Exanthematic Typhus (in BRazil, Colombia, United States or India) should substitute the erroneous anme "Spotted Fever"; the disease is exanthematic, a very different thing. He formulates two hypotheses about these diseases: first - it passed from the neotropic to the neartic region, where it acquired individual properties; second - they developed independently in a more rmeote epoch, acquiring each its own characteristics. The disease is today rather of the neotropic than of the neartic region. As it also exists in India it cannot be named American exanthematic Typhus. The author finds it unnecessary to change the name to "Rikettsioses"; we do not call bacillar dysentery "Schigeloses"or malignant edema "Chlostridiose". The name exanthematic typhus is classic, precise, scientific, expressive and the denomination "neotropical" completes the localisation. The author thinks that all the diseases of the exanthematic typhus group, in the world had a simple primitive common origin. At first, the rickettsias or the virus had a free life, perhaps in the waters of the marshes or grass-lands. Later, in the struggle for life, came the parasitism of the plants. They became fitoparatifs. The mode of life...