244 resultados para weed regrowth


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Among the herbicides recommended for the dry season and registered to sugarcane crop, amicarbazone, isoxaflutole and the association diuron + hexazinone + sulfomethuron-methyl can be highlighted. These are pre-emergence herbicides efficient against broad-leaved weeds. Morning glory causes large losses in infested sugarcane fields by bending the stalks and interfering in harvesting. In this study the effectiveness of pre-emergence herbicides for two species of morning glory (Ipomoea hederifolia and Ipomoea grandifolia) was evaluated. Treatments were arranged in completely randomized factorial design (4 x 7). There were four periods of water restriction (0, 30, 60 and 90 days), seven chemical treatments [diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1387 + 391 + 33.35 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1507.5 + 425 + 36.25 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1658.25 + 467.5 + 39.87 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron­methyl (1809 + 510 + 43.5 g a.i. ha-1), amicarbazone (1190 g a.i. ha-1), amicarbazone + isoxaflutole (840 + 82.5 g a.i. ha-1)] and a control with no application. At 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the restoration of moisture, control was visually evaluated. After the final evaluation, the dry mass of morning glories was measured. At 90 days of water restriction, diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl was more effective to control I. hederifolia than the amicarbazone + isoxaflutole tank mixture. The four diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron­methyl doses have reduced morning glory dry mass to zero; whereas treatments with amicarbazone have not. The most effective treatment for morning glory control was diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl. This result may be due to a possible synergistic interaction.


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Weed resistance to herbicides has been a major issue in Brazil, mainly due to the inefficiency of the herbicides used in no-till areas and to the high cost of these herbicide treatments. Failures in controlling the weed Conyza have been reported in Western and Northern grain crop areas in Paraná (Brazil). This work aimed to evaluate the potential occurrence of C. sumatrensis biotypes resistant to the herbicides chlorimuron-ethyl and glyphosate. Experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions with four biotypes (Cascavel-2, Toledo-4, Tupãssi-6, and Assis Chateaubriand-7) possibly resistant to, as well as a population considered susceptible to chlorimuron-ethyl and glyphosate. To obtain dose-response curves, eight herbicide doses of chlorimuron-ethyl (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 g ha-1) and glyphosate (0, 90, 180, 360, 720, 1,440, 2,880 and 5,760 g e.a. ha-1) were applied and weed control and shoot biomass evaluations were made. Results provided evidence that two biotypes (Cascavel-2 and Tupãssi-6) were resistant to glyphosate and four biotypes (Cascavel-2, Toledo-4, Tupãssi-6 and Assis Chateaubriand-7) were resistant to chlorimuron­ethyl. Multiple resistance to glyphosate and chlorimuron was confirmed for biotypes Cascavel­2 and Tupãssi 6. This is the first report on multiple resistance in Conyza sumatrensis, worldwide.


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Horseweed (Conyza spp.) is an annual weed, infesting soybean crops in southern Brazil, with chlorimuron-ethyl being one of the most commonly used herbicides for its control. However, in recent soybean harvests, an unsatisfactory control of this weed using this herbicide was observed, generating suspicion regarding the selection of resistant biotypes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of horseweed biotypes to the herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl. Two experiments were conducted in a greenhouse; in the first one, the biotypes were selected selected, and the second experiment was arranged in a 5 x 5 factorial in a completely randomized design with four replications. The treatments used in the preparation of the dose response curves were doses of the herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl (0.0, 1.56, 3.13, 6.25, 12.5, and 25 g ha-1), applied on the five horseweed biotypes at the 3-4 leaf growth stage. The variables evaluated were visual control percentage and shoot dry weight, compared to the control without herbicide application, and plant acetolactate accumulation. It was concluded that there is a differential susceptibility among the biotypes at doses of less than 20 g ha-1 (dose response curves), which indicates low-level resistance. The practical consequences are the indications of chlorimuron-ethyl application at the maximum doses recomended and that the practice of rotating mechanisms of action must be used in the chemical weed management of these areas.


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When in competition with cotton, Amaranthus retroflexus can cause high yield losses. Due to the limited availability of selective herbicides registered for post emergence control of this weed, the same herbicides have been used repeated times over the last few years, which may have selected resistant biotypes. Biotypes of A. retroflexus collected from the main areas of cotton cultivation in Brazil were submitted to dose-response trials, by applying the herbicides trifloxysulfuron-sodium and pyrithiobac-sodium in doses equivalent to 0, ¼, ½, 1, 2 and 4 times the recommended rates. Resistance to ALS inhibitors was confirmed in biotypes of A. retroflexus. Biotype MS 2 from Mato Grosso do Sul, was cross-resistant to both trifloxysulfuron-sodium and pyrithiobac-sodium, while biotype MS 1 was resistant to trifloxysulfuron-sodium only. Likewise, singular and cross resistance was also confirmed in biotypes from Goiás (GO 3, GO 4 and GO 6), in relation to trifloxysulfuron­sodium and pyrithiobac-sodium. One biotype from Mato Grosso (MT 13) was not resistant to any of the ALS inhibitors evaluated in this work.


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Aiming to identify the populations of aquatic plants present in the Porto Primavera reservoir and evaluate the behavior of Hydrilla verticillata colonization of this water body a survey was carried out in 2007. The data was based on presence or absence, only were assessed the presence or absence of the species and the data were subjected to cluster analysis to establish differences in distribution and occurrence of populations. The community of aquatic plants showed 24 species distributed in 16 botanical families. Cyperaceae and Pontederiaceae were the most representative in terms of species richness. The submerged macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata showed the highest frequency of occurrence in the water body, showing a different behavior from the other populations of the water body. Species like Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia azurea, Typha dominguensis and Oxycaryum cubense also showed different behavior in relation to other populations within the community, forming large populations in lagoons and backwater areas.


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The irrigated rice production can be limited by various phytopathogenic agents, including root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). Thus, the aim of this research was to check the host suitability of plant species most often found off-season and during rice cultivation, to root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola, under two irrigation managements. Two experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design. In the first experiment seven plant species that occur in an area of rice cultivation, in fallow, off-season were evaluated. For the second experiment nine weed species infesting the irrigated rice culture were tested in rainfed and flooding conditions. The sixteen species, kept individually in pots with sterilized substrate, were inoculated with 5,000 eggs and second stage juveniles (J2) of nematode. BRS 410 IRGA rice plants inoculated with M.graminicola were used as control. Two months after inoculation, the root system of each plant was evaluated for number of galls and nematode reproduction factor. It was verified that the species of off-season of rice cultivation Sida rhombifolia, Raphanus raphanistrum, Spergula arvensis, Lotus corniculatus and Trifolium repens, and, during the cycle of rice cultivation, Aeschynomene denticulata, Leersia hexandra, are immune to nematode. The plant species off-season, Avena strigosa and Lolium multiflorum and of cultivation, Alternanthera philoxeroides, red rice, Echinochloa crusgalli, Cyperus difformis, Cyperus esculentus, Cyperus iria and Fimbristylis miliacea would behave as hosts of M.graminicola, mostly under rainfed conditions.


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Due to the limited number of herbicides registered for the control of dicot weeds in cotton crops, ALS inhibitors have been used on an intensive and recurrent basis. Given that, cases of poor weed control have been described after application of these herbicides in the main cotton producing areas in Brazil, the purpose of the present work was to evaluate the occurrence of resistance to ALS herbicides in Amaranthus viridis biotypes from those areas. Dose-response curves were prepared after pre-emergence applications of trifloxysulfuron-sodium (0; 1.8; 3.7; 7.5; 15 and 30 g ha-1) and pyrithiobac-sodium (0; 35; 70; 140; 280 and 560 g ha-1), equivalent to 0, ¼, ½, 1, 2 and 4 times the recommended commercial rates. The selection of trifloxysulfuron-sodium resistant biotypes of A. viridis was confirmed in samples from Bahia (BA 7, BA 8, BA 9 and BA 11). However, no resistance to pyrithiobac-sodium was found for biotypes either from Bahia or from Mato Grosso do Sul.


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The objectives of this research were to evaluate (1) weed species presented in rice fields in relation to the geographical zone and crop rotation and (2) the resistance level of Ischaemum rugosum to the herbicide bispyribac-sodium. For the first objective, were sampled 79 commercial fields of rice to establish weed density, coverage, and rotation system in the evaluated fields with record of bispyribac-sodium application of at least five years. To reach the second objective, the seeds were collected from plants in commercial fields with different control levels of bispyribac-sodium herbicide. Seeds were germinated in trays under controlled conditions. When plants presented three leaves these were treated with bispyribac-sodium at different doses. Percentages of control and dry weight of plants were evaluated 12 days after treatments (dat). Dominant species in evaluated fields was I. rugosum, with a frequency of 100%, presenting escapes to different chemical commercial treatments. No significant differences were recorded between rotation systems, nevertheless, the most of I. rugosum population was found in the system rice-fallow-rice. The response of applications at different concentrations allows concluding that 65% of samples had resistance at different degrees reported as indexes from 2 to 42 which are related to rotation systems.


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S-metolachlor is a preemergent herbicide used for the control of annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds in more than 70 agricultural crops worldwide. Recently, Smetolachlor has been used to control imidazolinone-resistant red rice in rice-soybean rotation in lowland environments of the Southern Brazil. However, limited information concerning the environmental fate of S-metolachlor in lowland soil is available in the literature. Thus, this review was designed to describe the major transport and dissipation processes of Smetolachlor in attempting to improve weed management programs used in rice-soybean rotation and mitigate environmental contamination of lowland areas.


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The loss of grains during the harvest of glyphosate tolerant corn may generate volunteer plants, which can interfere in the conventional or glyphosate crop in succession. The current work aim to evaluate the control of the volunteer corn glyphosate tolerant under two weed stages. Aimed to evaluate the control of volunteer glyphosate tolerant corn in two stages of development. There were conducted two experiments with hybrid 2B688 HR (lepidoptera and glyphosate tolerant), the application were at V5 and V8 stage. The experiment was randomized block design with four replicates, using the treatments: haloxyfop at 25, 50 and 62 g ha-1 alone and associated with 2,4-D at 670 g ha-1 or fluroxypyr at 200 g ha-1. The standard was clethodim at 84 g ha-1 with 2,4-D and fluroxypyr at same rates. The applications of haloxyfop and clethodim both isolated or in a mixture with 2,4-D and fluroxypyr at V5 stage showed total control (100%) at 32 and 39 days after the application, except for haloxyfop + 2,4-D (25 + 670 g ha-1) mixture, which did not provided adequate control. At V8 stage, haloxyfop + 2,4-D (50 + 670 g ha-1) and haloxyfop + 2,4-D (62 + 670 g ha-1) mixtures took up to 6 and 10 days or longer to reach adequate to excellent control, when compared to haloxyfop isolated applications in the same doses, respectively. Either isolated clethodim or mixed with 2, 4-D and fluroxypyr did not show adequate control. The treatments showed efficient control on volunteer corn plants at V5 stage, except for haloxyfop + 2, 4-D (25 + 670 g ha-1) mixture. At V8 stage applications, haloxyfop either isolated or mixture with fluroxypyr demonstrated excellent control on every evaluated dose. The mixture with 2, 4-D can reduce haloxyfop efficiency at low doses. Clethodim alone or mixed with 2,4-D or furoxypyr did not provide acceptable level of control.


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Mycorrhizal association promotes better survival and nutrition of colonized seedling on field, and consequently, increasing of productivity. However, the weed management can interfere on this association, due to incorrect use of glyphosate. This work has assessed the effects of glyphosate drift on the growth and nutrition of arabica coffee plants (Catuaí Vermelho - IAC 99) colonized with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The experiment was conducted in 2 x 5 factorial scheme, and included inoculated and non-inoculated plants, and five glyphosate subdoses (0.0, 57.6, 115.2, 230.4, and 460.8 g ha-1 of glyphosate), in randomized blocks with five replication. The inoculation was carried during the greenhouse phase of seedlings production with a mixture of Rhizophagus clarus and Gigaspora margarita, and after to transplanting, when the plants had seven pairs of leaves, glyphosate subdoses were applied. The product caused intoxication in up to 60% of non-inoculated and 45% on inoculated plants, when the highest dose of 460.8 g a.e. ha-1 was applied. A negative effect was noted on the growth and phosphorus content of coffee plants, this effect increased depending on glyphosate subdose, but regardless of inoculation. Glyphosate drift reduces the growth and nutrition of plants colonized by species of AMF and native fungi, negatively affecting root colonization of plants treated.


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Species of the orchidaceae family are grown for marketing flowers and among them the genus Cattleya stands out. However, due to its slow growth, the substrate is subjected to weed infestation. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the selectivity and efficiency of herbicides in controlling Pilea microphylla in Cattleya orchid seedlings (Cattleya tenebrosa x Cattleya leopoldy). We used a completely randomized design with four replications. The evaluated herbicides were oxyfluorfen (0, 120, 240 and 480 g ha-1), flumioxazin (0, 12.5, 25 and 40 g ha-1), nicosulfuron (0, 20, 40 and 80 g ha-1) mesotrione (0, 96, 144 and 192 g ha-1), clethodim (0, 60, 84 and 108 g ha-1) and metsulfuron-methyl (0, 1.2, 1.8 and 2.4 g ha-1). At post-emergence applying time, the Cattleya plants had three bulb sand were 10 cm tall, while P. microphylla, where 5 cm tall. Nicosulfuron, mesotrione and clethodim herbicides did not control P. microphylla, while oxyfluorfen and flumioxazin showed over 90% efficiency level sin controlling P. microphyllafrom 14 days after application (DAA). As to metsulfuron-methyl, it showed efficiency superior to 90% from the control dose of 1.8 g ha-1 at 28 DAA. All herbicides were selective plants of Cattleya, however, only oxyfluorfen, flumioxazin and metsulfuron-methyl were effective in controlling P. microphylla.


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The weed Borreria densiflora is a management issue in soybean and sugarcane crops from North and Northeastern Brazil. Knowledge upon chemical control of B. densiflora contributes to the integrated management of this weed species, especially when active ingredient options become reduced due to the selection of herbicide resistant or tolerant weed species. Experiments in pre- and post-emergence of B. densiflora were conducted in greenhouse, in a randomized block design and four replications. In pre-emergence, the dose-response curve methodology was used and 7 herbicides were tested. In post-emergence, 9 herbicides at the recommended rate and 4 herbicide mixtures were tested. For pre and post-emergence conditions, evaluations were conducted at 60 and 21 days after treatment (DAT), respectively, and the variables analyzed were weed control and dry weight (%). The results showed options of pre-emergent herbicides that can be used for controlling B. densiflora, especially in sugarcane, where chemical weed control is mainly based on pre-emergent applications. In the current glyphosate resistance scenario, one should consider the use of pre-emergent herbicides within an integrated management of B. densiflora. For satisfactory post-emergence control, B. densiflora plants should be sprayed at the phenological stage of up to three pairs of leaves. Herbicide mixtures have been and will continue to be an important tool in chemical weed management, broadening the spectrum of weed control, while diversifying herbicide mechanisms of action, which helps to prevent or delay the appearance of herbicide resistance.


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The competition between weeds and crops is a topic of great interest, since this interaction can cause heavy losses in agriculture. Despite the existence of some studies on this subject, little is known about the importance of soil microorganisms in the modulation of weed-crop interactions. Plants compete for water and nutrients in the soil and the ability of a given species to use the available resources may be directly affected by the presence of some microbial groups commonly found in the soil. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are able to associate with plant roots and affect the ability of different species to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, promoting changes in plant growth. Other groups may promote positive or negative changes in plant growth, depending on the identity of the microbial and plant partners involved in the different interactions, changing the competitive ability of a given species. Recent studies have shown that weeds are able to associate with mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural environments, and root colonization by these fungi is affected by the presence of other weeds or crops species. In addition, weeds tend to have positive interactions with soil microorganisms while cultures may have neutral or negative interactions. Competition between weeds and crops promotes changes in the soil microbial community, which becomes different from that observed in monocultures, thus affecting the competitive ability of plants. When grown in competition, weeds and crops have different behaviors related to soil microorganisms, and the weeds seem to show greater dependence on associations with members of the soil microbiota to increase growth. These data demonstrate the importance of soil microorganisms in the modulation of the interactions between weeds and crops in agricultural environments. New perspectives and hypotheses are presented to guide future research in this area.


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Chickpea yield potential is limited by weed competition in typical chickpea growing areas of Pakistan where zero tillage crop grown on moisture conserved from rains received during the months of September and August. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and yield characteristics of chickpea grown in coexistence with increasing densities of wild onion (Asphodelus tenuifolius). The experiment was comprised of six density levels viz. zero, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 plants m-2 of A. tenuifolius. A decrease in chickpea primary and secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight and seed yield was observed due to more accumulation of dry matter per increasing densities of A. tenuifolius. The increase in A. tenuifolius density accelerated chickpea yield losses and reached the maximum values of 28, 35, 42, 50, 58 and 96% at 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 A. tenuifolius plants m-2, respectively. The yield loss estimation model showed that chickpea losses with infinite A. tenuifolius density were 60%. Yield reduction could be predicted by 2.52% with increase of one A. tenuifolius plant m-2. It is concluded that A. tenuifolius has a strong influence on chickpea seed yield and showed a linear response at the range of densities studied.