204 resultados para temporal advance
Reported neuroimaging studies have shown functional and morphological changes of temporal lobe structures in panic patients, but only one used a volumetric method. The aim of the present study was to determine the volume of temporal lobe structures in patients with panic disorder, measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Eleven panic patients and eleven controls matched for age, sex, handedness, socioeconomic status and years of education participated in the study. The mean volume of the left temporal lobe of panic patients was 9% smaller than that of controls (t21 = 2.37, P = 0.028). In addition, there was a trend (P values between 0.05 and 0.10) to smaller volumes of the right temporal lobe (7%, t21 = 1.99, P = 0.06), right amygdala (8%, t21 = 1.83, P = 0.08), left amygdala (5%, t21 = 1.78, P = 0.09) and left hippocampus (9%, t21 = 1.93, P = 0.07) in panic patients compared to controls. There was a positive correlation between left hippocampal volume and duration of panic disorder (r = 0.67, P = 0.025), with recent cases showing more reduction than older cases. The present results show that panic patients have a decreased volume of the left temporal lobe and indicate the presence of volumetric abnormalities of temporal lobe structures.
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is associated with hippocampal atrophy and hippocampal signal abnormalities. In our series of familial MTLE (FMTLE), we found a high proportion of hippocampal abnormalities. To quantify signal abnormalities in patients with FMTLE we studied 152 individuals (46 of them asymptomatic) with FMTLE. We used NIH-Image® for volumetry and signal quantification in coronal T1 inversion recovery and T2 for all cross-sections of the hippocampus. Values diverging by 2 or more SD from the control mean were considered abnormal. T2 hippocampal signal abnormalities were found in 52% of all individuals: 54% of affected subjects and 48% of asymptomatic subjects. T1 hippocampal signal changes were found in 34% of all individuals: 42.5% of affected subjects and 15% of asymptomatic subjects. Analysis of the hippocampal head (first three slices) revealed T2 abnormalities in 73% of all individuals (74% of affected subjects and 72% of asymptomatic subjects) and T1 abnormalities in 59% (67% of affected subjects and 41% of asymptomatic subjects). Affected individuals had smaller volumes than controls (P < 0.0001). There was no difference in hippocampal volumes between asymptomatic subjects and controls, although 39% of asymptomatic patients had hippocampal atrophy. Patients with an abnormal hippocampal signal (133 individuals) had smaller ipsilateral volume, but no linear correlation could be determined. Hippocampal signal abnormalities in FMTLE were more frequently found in the hippocampal head in both affected and asymptomatic family members, including those with normal volumes. These results indicate that subtle abnormalities leading to an abnormal hippocampal signal in FMTLE are not necessarily related to seizures and may be determined by genetic factors.
We describe the relative frequency, clinical features, neuroimaging and pathological results, and outcome after pharmacological or surgical intervention for a series of pediatric patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) from an epilepsy center in Brazil. The medical records of children younger than 12 years with features strongly suggestive of TLE were reviewed from January 1999 to June 1999. Selected children were evaluated regarding clinical, EEG, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) investigation and divided into three groups according to MRI: group 1 (G1, N = 9), patients with hippocampal atrophy; group 2 (G2, N = 10), patients with normal MRI, and group 3 (G3, N = 12), patients with other specific temporal lesions. A review of 1732 records of children with epilepsy revealed 31 cases with TLE (relative frequency of 1.79%). However, when the investigation was narrowed to cases with intractable seizures that needed video-EEG monitoring (N = 68) or epilepsy surgery (N = 32), the relative frequency of TLE increased to 19.11 (13/68) and 31.25% (10/32), respectively. At the beginning of the study, 25 of 31 patients had a high seizure frequency (80.6%), which declined to 11 of 31 (35.5%) at the conclusion of the study, as a consequence of pharmacological and/or surgical therapy. This improvement in seizure control was significant in G1 (P < 0.05) and G3 (P < 0.01) mainly due to good postsurgical outcome, and was not significant in G2 (P > 0.1, McNemar's test). These results indicate that the relative frequency of TLE in children was low, but increased considerably among cases with pharmacoresistant seizures. Patients with specific lesions were likely to undergo surgery, with good postoperative outcomes.
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is common in asthma patients and can contribute to sleep disruption. The aim of the present study was to determine the time-related distribution of GER events together with their impact on sleep in asthmatic subjects with GER disease symptoms. The inclusion criteria were: 18-65 years, controlled moderate to severe asthma and GER-compatible clinical evidence. The exclusion criteria were: chronic obstructive lung disease, smoking, infections of the upper airways, use of oral corticosteroids, other co-morbidities, pregnancy, sleep-related disorders, night-time shift work, and the use of substances with impact on sleep. Asthmatic patients with nocturnal symptoms were excluded. All-night polysomnography and esophageal pH monitoring were recorded simultaneously. Of the 147 subjects selected, 31 patients and 31 controls were included. Seventeen patients were classified as DeMeester positive and 14 as DeMeester negative. Both groups displayed similar outcomes when general variables were considered. Sleep stage modification one minute prior to GER was observed in the DeMeester-positive group. Awakening was the most frequent occurrence at GER onset and during the 1-min period preceding 38% of the nocturnal GER. Sleep stage 2 was also prevalent and preceded 36% of GER events. In the DeMeester-negative group, awakening was the most frequent response before and during GER. Modifications in sleep stages, arousals or awakenings were associated with 75% of the total GER events analyzed during the period of one minute before and after the fall of esophageal pH below 4 in the DeMeester-positive group. These data provide evidence that sleep modifications precede the GER events in asthmatic patients.
Simultaneous measurements of EEG-functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) combine the high temporal resolution of EEG with the distinctive spatial resolution of fMRI. The purpose of this EEG-fMRI study was to search for hemodynamic responses (blood oxygen level-dependent - BOLD responses) associated with interictal activity in a case of right mesial temporal lobe epilepsy before and after a successful selective amygdalohippocampectomy. Therefore, the study found the epileptogenic source by this noninvasive imaging technique and compared the results after removing the atrophied hippocampus. Additionally, the present study investigated the effectiveness of two different ways of localizing epileptiform spike sources, i.e., BOLD contrast and independent component analysis dipole model, by comparing their respective outcomes to the resected epileptogenic region. Our findings suggested a right hippocampus induction of the large interictal activity in the left hemisphere. Although almost a quarter of the dipoles were found near the right hippocampus region, dipole modeling resulted in a widespread distribution, making EEG analysis too weak to precisely determine by itself the source localization even by a sophisticated method of analysis such as independent component analysis. On the other hand, the combined EEG-fMRI technique made it possible to highlight the epileptogenic foci quite efficiently.
Studies have shown that dyslexic children present a deficiency in the temporal processing of auditory stimuli applied in rapid succession. However, discussion continues concerning the way this deficiency can be influenced by temporal variables of auditory processing tests. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to analyze by auditory temporal processing tests the effect of temporal variables such as interstimulus intervals, stimulus duration and type of task on dyslexic children compared to a control group. Of the 60 children evaluated, 33 were dyslexic (mean age = 10.5 years) and 27 were normal controls (mean age = 10.8 years). Auditory processing tests assess the abilities of discrimination and ordering of stimuli in relation to their duration and frequency. Results showed a significant difference in the average accuracy of control and dyslexic groups considering each variable (interstimulus intervals: 47.9 ± 5.5 vs 37.18 ± 6.0; stimulus duration: 61.4 ± 7.6 vs 50.9 ± 9.0; type of task: 59.9 ± 7.9 vs 46.5 ± 9.0) and the dyslexic group demonstrated significantly lower performance in all situations. Moreover, there was an interactive effect between the group and the duration of stimulus variables for the frequency-pattern tests, with the dyslexic group demonstrating significantly lower results for short durations (53.4 ± 8.2 vs 48.4 ± 11.1), as opposed to no difference in performance for the control group (62.2 ± 7.1 vs 60.6 ± 7.9). These results support the hypothesis that associates dyslexia with auditory temporal processing, identifying the stimulus-duration variable as the only one that unequally influenced the performance of the two groups.
The objective of this study was to investigate the phenomenon of learning generalization of a specific skill of auditory temporal processing (temporal order detection) in children with dyslexia. The frequency order discrimination task was applied to children with dyslexia and its effect after training was analyzed in the same trained task and in a different task (duration order discrimination) involving the temporal order discrimination too. During study 1, one group of subjects with dyslexia (N = 12; mean age = 10.9 ± 1.4 years) was trained and compared to a group of untrained dyslexic children (N = 28; mean age = 10.4 ± 2.1 years). In study 2, the performance of a trained dyslexic group (N = 18; mean age = 10.1 ± 2.1 years) was compared at three different times: 2 months before training, at the beginning of training, and at the end of training. Training was carried out for 2 months using a computer program responsible for training frequency ordering skill. In study 1, the trained group showed significant improvement after training only for frequency ordering task compared to the untrained group (P < 0.001). In study 2, the children showed improvement in the last interval in both frequency ordering (P < 0.001) and duration ordering (P = 0.01) tasks. These results showed differences regarding the presence of learning generalization of temporal order detection, since there was generalization of learning in only one of the studies. The presence of methodological differences between the studies, as well as the relationship between trained task and evaluated tasks, are discussed.
A síndrome de disfunção de múltiplos órgãos e sistemas (DMOS) e a disfunção renal aguda compartilham muitos dos fatores fisiológicos envolvidos em seu desenvolvimento. Estudos recentes correlacionam suscetibilidades individuais, determinadas geneticamente, à disfunção de órgãos em pacientes criticamente enfermos, situação em que o gene da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA) poderia ser um candidato para elucidar predisposição ou risco genético. Nosso objetivo foi examinar os efeitos da presença de dois polimorfismos, I/D e -262A > T, na disfunção renal em pacientes agudamente graves do Sul do Brasil. O escore SOFA (sequential organ failure assessment) à admissão e a tendência da função renal (medida pelo escore renal diário do SOFA) foram determinados em pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). Um total de 153 pacientes adultos (79 homens) foi incluído no estudo. Houve monitoração diária da função renal durante toda a permanência na UTI e também pós-UTI. Observou-se a progressão para insuficiência renal (SOFA 3 e 4) nos primeiros sete dias de internação em UTI, bem como necessidade de diálise. As frequências genotípicas gerais em nossa amostra foram II = 0,17; ID = 0,46; DD = 0,37; e AA = 0,30; AT = 0,55; TT = 0,15; e as frequências alélicas foram I = 0,40, D = 0,60; e A = 0,56; T = 0,44. Este é o primeiro estudo para verificar a influência de polimorfismos I/D e -262A > T da ECA em disfunção renal aguda em pacientes críticos. Nenhuma associação significativa foi encontrada entre os genótipos ou as frequências alélicas e a evolução da função renal. Os polimorfismos I/D e -262A > T da ECA não têm impacto significativo sobre a evolução da função renal durante a primeira semana de internação na UTI nem exercem qualquer influência sobre a mortalidade em pacientes graves.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar como o processo de conhecimento traduz-se numa estrutura triádica, cuja característica não pode prescindir da temporalidade e de seu aspecto social. De outra forma, conforme o dualismo subjacente nas teorias tradicionais, a esfera do conhecimento tornar-se-ia limitada pela inevitabilidade do recurso à coisa-em-si.