351 resultados para estrutura de oportunidades


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Solid solution of iron doped potassium strontium niobate with KSr2(FeNb4)O15-Δ stoichiometry was prepared by high efficiency ball milling method. Structural characterization was carried out by X-ray diffraction. Crystalline structure was analyzed by the Rietveld refinements using the FullProf software. The results showed a tetragonal system with the tetragonal tungsten bronze structure - TTB (a = 12.4631 (2) Å and c = 3.9322 (6) Å, V = 610.78 (2) ų). In this work, the sites occupancy by the K+, Sr2+ and Fe3+ cations on the TTB structure were determined. NbO6 polihedra distortion and its correlation with the theoretical polarization are discussed.


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This paper describes 2D-QSAR and 3D-QSAR studies against Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neofarmans for a set of 20 bisbenzamidines. In the studies of 2D-QSAR with C. albicans it was obtained a correlation between log MIC-1 and lipolo component-Z (r² = 0.68; Q² = 0.51). In the case of C. neofarmans a correlation between log MIC-1 and lipolo component-Z and of Balaban index (r² = 0.85; Q² = 0.6) was obtained. 3D-QSAR studies using CoMFA showed that the steric fields contributed more to the predicted activities for Candida albicans (94.9%) and Cryptococcus neofarmans (97.9%).


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Multidrug resistance, MDR is a major obstacle for cancer chemotherapy. MDR can be reversed by drugs that vary in their chemical structure and main biological activity. Many efforts have been done to overcome MDR based on studies of structure-activity relationships and in this review we summarize some aspects of MDR mediated by P-glycoprotein (P-gp), as the most experimentally and clinically tested form of drug resistance. The most significant MDR mechanisms revealed until now are shortly discussed. Physicochemical and structural properties of MDR modulators, measures of the MDR reversal, and QSAR studies are included.


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High-throughput screening (HTS) and virtual screening (VS) are useful methods employed in drug discovery, allowing the identification of promising hits for lead optimization. The efficiency of these approaches depends on a number of factors, such as the organization of high quality databases of compounds and the parameterization of essential components of the screen process. This brief review presents the basic principles of the HTS and VS methods, as well as a perspective of the utility and integration of these drug design approaches, highlighting current opportunities and future challenges in medicinal chemistry.


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Potential energy and dipole moment curves for the HCl molecule were computed. Calculations were performed at different levels of theory (DFT, MRCI). Spectroscopic properties are reported and compared with experimental data, for validating the theoretical approaches. Interaction of infrared radiation with HCl is simulated using the wave packet formalism. The quantum control model for population dynamics of the vibrational levels, based on pi-pulse theory, is applied. The results demonstrate that wavepackets with specific composition can be built with short infrared laser pulses and provide the basis for studies of H + HCl collision dynamics with infrared laser excitation.


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Parabens are p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters widely used as preservatives. With the aim of teaching the structure-activity relationships (SAR) knowledge in a practical form, this paper proposed a practical class to view the SAR of parabens as antimicrobial agents. Methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl and isopentyl paraben compounds were synthesized and their respective antimicrobial activities were assessed through determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 stains. With the MIC values, it was possible to verify theircorrelation with calculated lipophilicity (ClogP). This method can be applied in practical Medicinal Chemistry classes.


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In an article recently published in Química Nova, entitled "Chemistry Without Borders" ("Química Sem Fronteiras") [Pinto, A. C.; Zucco, C.; Galembeck, F.; Andrade, J. B.; Vieira, P. C. Quim. Nova 2012, 35, 2092], the authors highlighted the important aspects of science and technology with special emphasis on the field of Chemistry and its contributions toward a more prosperous Brazil of future. As a second step in that direction, this article extends the discussion of a key issue for the country in the framework of the chemistry community through the so called position papers in strategic areas. This document is a part of the contribution of the Brazilian Chemical Society to the World Science Forum to be held in Rio de Janeiro in November 2013. In this context, the present paper provides a brief discussion on neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) with emphasis on the current challenges and opportunities towards the development and evolution of the field. NTDs leads to illness, long-term disability or death, and has severe social, economic and psychological consequences for millions of men, women, and children worldwide. In most cases, the available treatments are inadequate and extremely limited in terms of efficacy and safety, leading to an urgent demand for new drugs. In addition to the traditional challenges involved in any drug discovery process, it is widely recognized that there is an innovation gap and a lack of investment for research and development (R&D) in the area of NTDs. In the last few decades, methods toward combating, eradication, prevention, and treatment of NTDs have been repeatedly emphasized in the major international agendas. Developments in these strategies and alliances have continued to have an essential impact, particularly in the area of drug discovery, both in Brazil and globally and should be encouraged and supported. Several examples of international activities dedicated to the reduction of the devastating global impact of NTDs can be provided. Despite the beneficial developments in the past 30 years, NTDs continue to devastate poor communities in remote and vulnerable areas, in large part, due to market failures and public policies. Recent studies have shown that among 756 new drugs approved between 2000 and 2011, only four new chemical entities (NCEs) were identified for the treatment of malaria, while none were developed against NTDs or tuberculosis. Furthermore, only 1.4% of approximately 150,000 clinical trials were registered for neglected diseases, with a smaller number of trials for NCEs. Establishment and strengthening of global strategies involving the triad "government-academia-industry" is fundamental to the success in R&D of new drugs for NTDs. National and international public-private initiatives that aim to create, encourage, and invest in R&D projects have been implemented and therefore are of utmost importance to successfully integrate Brazil into this new paradigm. It is essential to lay the foundation for mechanisms that will intensify investments in infrastructure, training, and qualification of personnel with an ultimate strategic vision that foresees continuity. Our research group has made significant contributions to the development of this field with the goal of forging new frontiers while tackling both current and future challenges that include indispensable elements such as innovation and integration.


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Chemical knowledge plays a central role in the economical and social development of a nation. Chemistry is considered a key science, which provides the means and meanings that fuel the advancement of other fields of knowledge. However, the public image of chemistry is often associated with negative facts and misconceptions. This paper addresses and discusses the public image of chemistry with two case studies: the public image of chemistry depicted in two major Brazilian newspapers and the Brazilian project for the International Year of Chemistry (IYC). Analysis of the newspaper data strongly suggests that the public image of chemistry is related to both the way news is written and the ability of the reader to identify the chemical knowledge actually present in the text. Analysis of IYC related data in the second case study depicted an optimistic panorama for the divulgation of chemistry at both national and local levels. A model for broad and effective initiatives for dissemination of chemistry is discussed. The need to keep science divulgation as the top agenda of the scientific community is also highlighted.


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Water-soluble CdTe quantum dots are synthesized to investigate how short-chain surface ligands bearing -SH, -COOH, and -NH2 groups interact with CdTe during nucleation/growth processes. Their optical properties and colloidal stability after the ligand exchange are also investigated. We then characterize the resulting CdTe by fluorescence, UV–Vis absorption, and infrared spectroscopies. The stability of the colloidal dispersions was determined by their Zeta potentials. The results show that in the synthesis of water-soluble CdTe, surface ligands with at least two functional groups are required and the hard/soft character of them is an important factor in the stability of CdTe.


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A morte súbita dos citros (MSC) é uma nova e destrutiva doença que afeta laranjeiras doces (Citrus sinensis) e algumas tangerineiras (C. reticulata) enxertadas em limoeiro 'Cravo' (C. limonia). Sua etiologia e mecanismos de transmissão são ainda desconhecidos e estudos epidemiológicos foram iniciados recentemente. Com o objetivo de caracterizar a disseminação da MSC, foi empregada a técnica de análise da dinâmica e estrutura de focos (ADEF) em 166 mapas de distribuição espacial de plantas com sintomas de MSC, provenientes de 51 talhões do norte do Estado de São Paulo e sul do Triângulo Mineiro. Pela ADEF, as epidemias de MSC se iniciam com focos unitários distribuídos de maneira aleatória no talhão. Em talhões com até 2% de incidência, 85% dos focos continham uma planta. Posteriormente, o progresso da doença ocorreu mais pelo aumento de novos focos, que pelo aumento do tamanho dos focos, indicado pelo aumento do número de focos até 18% de incidência e pelo número reduzido de plantas por foco (menos de quatro plantas por foco a 20% de incidência). Na maioria dos casos (71,5%), os focos apresentaram maior expansão na direção da linha de plantio que entre as linhas. A diminuição da compacidade dos focos com o aumento da incidência da MSC sugere que os focos maiores tendem a ser menos compactos e que a disseminação da doença não ocorre de forma homogênea e contínua ao redor da primeira planta afetada. Estes padrões são similares aos padrões de doenças causadas por um agente infeccioso, transmitido por vetores.


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O presente trabalho discute os recentes avanços na biossíntese e na produção de celulose bacteriana (CB) pela gram-negativa, aeróbia e aceto-ácida Gluconacetobacter. xylinus. A CB se difere de seu par vegetal, principalmente devido ao seu caráter de fibras nanométricas, contra o caráter micrométrico da vegetal, são extruídas através da parede celular de G. xylinus, com isso sua estrutura macroscópica é mecanicamente e fisicamente mais resistente, abrindo grandes oportunidades de aplicações tecnológicas e biológicas, muito além das obtidas pela celulose vegetal. O desafio atual está no aumento da produção de CB, que se debruça num maior entendimento de sua biossíntese para que seja possível uma posterior manipulação genético-bioquímica oriundas do recente avanço na biologia molecular e nos bioprocessos. São relacionados trabalhos utilizando a CB como base para produção de compósitos como também o que a está sendo feito de mais atual com este material biológico.


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Propomos uma análise do verbete "Spinoza" do Dictionnaire Historique et Critique salientando a estrutura retórica do texto, em cujo centro se encontra a nova figura do ateu, construída por Bayle, o ateu especulativo ou "o ateu de sistema".


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O objetivo principal deste artigo é estabelecer uma reflexão sobre a função da ideia da estrutura básica da sociedade (basic structure of society) para a justificação pública (public justification) dos princípios morais na teoria da justiça como equidade de John Rawls, principalmente nas obras Political Liberalism (PL, Lecture VII) e Justice as Fairness: A Restatement (JF, I, § 4, 9; II, § 15, 16), com a intenção de identificar um modelo ético coerentista e pragmatista de justificação, analisando o papel da categoria de justiça de fundo (background justice) neste contexto justificacional.


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Introdução A simulação é uma metodologia usada para substituir ou amplificar experiências reais por experiências guiadas que evocam ou replicam aspectos do mundo real de maneira interativa. A simulação in situ leva essa técnica diretamente aos locais onde ocorrem atendimentos, com a própria equipe de saúde atuando em seu ambiente de trabalho em cenário simulado. Objetivo Descrever experiência piloto de simulação in situ realizada em unidade de pronto atendimento, destacando oportunidades de avaliação de sistema de atendimento, trabalho em equipe e detecção de ameaças latentes à segurança (ALS). Métodos Estudo aplicado na Unidade Ibirapuera do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein e realizado pelo Centro de Simulação Realística Albert Einstein. Foi apresentado cenário de paciente de 45 anos com síndrome coronariana aguda que evolui para parada cardiorrespiratória. Simulação híbrida de 30 minutos com uso de ator e simulador de alta fidelidade (SimMan 3G®).Utilizado checklist e filmagem para avaliar habilidades e atitudes, usados em debriefing estruturado com uma hora de duração. Resultados A experiência proporcionou avaliação técnica, comportamental e sistemas. Detectou quatro ALS e permitiu reflexão guiada sobre trabalho em equipe. Conclusão Este piloto contribuiu para o alcance dos objetivos propostos com o cenário e demonstrou oportunidades de treinamento e melhoria. A simulação in situ pode ser usada no futuro sistematicamente para treinamento contínuo de equipes, visando à melhoria da qualidade de atendimento e à segurança do paciente.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a estrutura da regeneração natural de uma floresta explorada de várzea baixa localizada no município de Afuá, no norte do Estado do Pará. Foram amostradas 25 subparcelas de 100 m², nas quais foram medidos a altura de todos os indivíduos das espécies arborescentes com altura (h) ³ 0,30 m e diâmetro a 1,30 m do nível do solo (DAP) < 15,0 cm e o diâmetro das espécies com h ³ 3,0 m e DAP < 15,0 cm, além de ter sido realizada a identificação botânica. Foram amostrados 13.380 indivíduos/ha, distribuídos em 63 espécies, 51 gêneros e 23 famílias botânicas. As espécies mais importantes da fitocenose foram: Euterpe oleracea, Astrocaryum murumuru, Crudia bracteata, Gustavia augusta e Inga edulis. Mais de 60% das espécies estudadas apresentaram padrão de distribuição agregado, e o índice de diversidade de Shannon-Weaver (H') foi de 3,05.