653 resultados para anais de congressos
In this paper the A. A. report the observations about the general anesthesia by chloral hydrate on the veterinary surgery. The observations were made on emasculation practices of horses, mules and hogs. It was possible to establish the following conclusions: 1) The choral hydrate presents low cost, it harmless, and is of easy application. 2) The more recommendable dosis for equine and swine were : 12-13 g per 100 k of body weight, in destilled water solution at 30 and 20%, respectively. 3) The anaethestic was injected by intravenous way with good results; in horses and mules the applications were made in the jugular; in swine, in the anterior vena cava, as was described by Carle and Dewhirst, because it was impracticable in the ear vein. 4) The dosis applied produced deep narcosis not lasting to long and with no danger to the animal's life. 5) In the case of fattening hogs, it must be made a discount of about 40% on the body weight, to calculate dosis to be employed. 6) The tables A and B show the results, that may be considered as good.
A biologia de Ascia monuste orseis (Godart, 1818) (Lep., Pierididae) foi estudada. O material utilizado foi coligido em Campinas e Piracicaba (Estado de São Paulo), durante os meses de dezembro de 1951 e janeiro de 1952 e constituiu-se principalmente de posturas do inseto. O número máximo de ovos, obtido de uma fêmea, em condições de laboratório, foi de 202, sendo registradas algumas observações sobre o comportamento da borboleta durante a oviposição na natureza. Os ovos e as posturas são descritos. A incubação exigiu cerca de 4 dias. Durante a vida larvária, a espécie passa por 5 estádios, sofrendo, portanto, 4 ecdises. São descritas as lagartas em tôdas essas idades. O ciclo completo, de ôvo a imago, andou ao redor de 22 dias. O 5º. estádio larval mostrou-se, de todos, o mais longo, consumindo 3 até 6 dias. O período de crisálida abrangeu 6 a 7 dias. Os adultos viveram, em insetário, 5 a 9 dias, quer em presença ou em ausência de uma mecha de algodão hidrófilo em-bebida de uma mistura de água e mel. Unicamente um caso de parasitismo foi verificado, os Autores concluindo que, nestas regiões de São Paulo, na época em que as observações foram feitas, a espécie é muito pouco perseguida por agentes naturais de controle. O parasito foi identificado pelo Professor Luis De Santis, da Universidade de La Plata (Rep. Argentina), como Pteromalus caridei Brèthes, 1913, interessante Hymenoptera da família Pteromalidae. Os Autores procuraram esclarecer a ação do pardal - Passer domesticus domesticus (L.) - com relação às lagartas de A. m. orseis, uma vez que há, entre olericultures, a crença de que o referido Ploceidae constitui inimigo do Lepidoptera em estudo. As observações colhidas não permitiram uma conclusão, sendo, contudo, de molde a negar a ação do pássaro como devorador das lagartas.
Foram utilizadas na alimentação de coelhos e cobaios as seguintes Leguminosas: Mucuna pruriens Wall, Styzolobium Deeringianum Steph e Bort, Indiqojera hirsuta Lam, Tephrosia cândida, Cajanus cajam Millsp, Canavália ensiformes DC, Clitoria ternatea L., Crotalaria juncea L., C. paulina, C. spectabilis Hoth, C. striata DC, C. brevijlora, C. campista, C. lanceolata e C. anagyroides. Delas, apenas a Crotalaria spectabilis Roth se mostrou altamente tóxica, ao ponto de matar os animais em experiência. Os quadros I e II demonstram a aceitação e aproveitamento controlado em dez dessas espécies, com coelhos. Foram feitos também algumas observações da toxidês das sementes com cobaios cujos resultados são apresentados nas conclusões parciais.
The author studied in this paper effect of chicory (Chicorium intybus L.), kikuyugrass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hoahst) and a variety of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactilon Pers.) named "Grama seda" as green feeds in growth of White Leghorn chickens (0-8 weeks). Males and females were se-pareted by feathering and development of comb. The results obtained can be summarized as follows : a) - Without separation of sex, the chickens that received green feeds showed better development than that did not receive green suplements. b) - The chicory showed to be something better that kikuyugrass and Bermuda grass, which had a similar effect. c) - The green feeds used had little influence in development of males. d) - The females in the lots suplemented by green feeds showed to be superior to the females in the lots that did not receive it. e) - The author think that the presence of some priciples having action in the female hormony function is responsable for the better growth in the lot that received green feeds.
This paper is a joined publication of the Depts. of Genetics and of Technology, of the E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo, and deals with the variation of the percentage oil content in the whole seeds, the embryos and the seed-coat of 28 varieties of castor-beans (Ricinus communis, L.). Primarily, the authors, as a justification of this paper, make reference to the applications which castor-oil has in industry, medicine, etc. In accordance with the weight of 100 seeds, the varieties of castor-beans were classified into 3 classes : small seeds (100 seeds less than 30 g), medium seeds (100 seeds between 30 g and 60) and large seeds (100 seeds more than 60 g). The percentage of oil in the seed, embryo and seed-coat, the dimensions of the seeds and the weight of 100 seeds are given for every variety in table 1. In order to obtain an estimate of the variability for the methods of determination of the oil percentage, in the 3 differents parts of the seeds and also in the 3 groups of seeds, the coefficient of variability was calculate (table 2). It is showed that the variation in the seed and embryo is low and that in the seed-coat is very high. The analysis of variance, with regard to the difference among the 3 types of seeds (small, medium and large), among the 3 parts of the seed (whole seed, embryo and seed-coat) and residual error, is given in table 3. Only, the oil content of whole seeds among types of seeds was significant at the 5% level. The t test among the correspondent means is not significant for the difference between medium and large seeds is significant between both these types (medium and large) and small seeds. The fiducial limits in relation to the mean of the oil percentage in the 3 differents types of seed, show that there is one variety (n. 1013-2), which has a percentage of oil, in the medium type of seed, significantly at the 5% level (table 4), higher than the general mean. Since the distribution of the percentage of oil in the seedcoat is discontinuous, 5 groups were established (table 5). All the differences between groups are significant (table 6). For practical purposes, when we have to remove the seed coat, one should eliminate those varieties which loose at least 3% of oil by this procedure. There is a significant linear correlation at 5% level between the percentage of oil in the seed and in the embryo, of the smali and medium type of seeds (table 7), and also, when taking the 3 types together (lower part of table 7), one finds that the same is true. Also, the correlation between the percentages of oil in the embryo and in the seed-coat of the 3 types together is significant at 5% level. According to the results obtained in relation to the percentage in 28 varieties studied, it can be recommended, for breeding purposes, to work only with those varieties which belong to the medium and the large types of seeds.