212 resultados para LL LEPROSY
Este artigo aborda uma contribuição às classificações geotécnicas tradicionais de solos Unified Soil Classification System (USC), Transportation Research Board System (TRB) e a Metodologia Miniatura, Compactado, Tropical (MCT) para um caso aplicado à rodovia municipal não pavimentada VCS 346, no Município de Viçosa, MG, considerando-se várias amostras deformadas de solos coletadas no subleito da referida via. Os principais objetivos deste estudo residem na contribuição de um banco de dados geotécnicos sobre classificações de solos tropicais, bem como na verificação de possíveis agrupamentos entre os sistemas geotécnicos tradicionais de classificação e a metodologia MCT. O programa de laboratório envolveu a realização dos seguintes ensaios: (i) granulometria conjunta; (ii) limites de Atterberg (LL e LP); (iii) massa específica dos grãos do solo; (iv) compactação Mini-MCV; e (v) perda de massa do corpo-de-prova por imersão em água. Os resultados possibilitaram verificar que, após a classificação das amostras, vários agrupamentos entre os sistemas de classificações geotécnicas tradicionais coincidiram com aqueles já apresentados na metodologia MCT e, considerando a pedogênese da região de Viçosa, MG, para o grupo NG', houve a contribuição dos grupos SC, SM e CL do Sistema USC e do grupo A-4 do Sistema TRB.
Este artigo aborda a viabilidade técnica do uso de solos locais, preferencialmente os de comportamento geotécnico laterítico, em camadas de reforço do subleito de rodovias vicinais de baixo volume de tráfego, através de ensaios geotécnicos e da classificação MCT (Miniatura, Compactado, Tropical). Para este propósito, consideraram-se amostras deformadas de solos coletadas no subleito das estradas VCS 493 e VCS 296, pertencente à malha rodoviária vicinal do município de Viçosa-MG, Brasil. O programa de estudo de laboratório envolveu a realização dos seguintes ensaios: (i) granulometria conjunta; (ii) limites de Atterberg (LL e LP); (iii) massa específica dos grãos do solo; (iv) compactação e CBR realizados na energia do Proctor normal; (v) compactação Mini-MCV; e (vi) perda de massa do corpo-de-prova por imersão em água. Os resultados desta pesquisa possibilitaram verificar que os solos de comportamento laterítico foram enquadrados no grupo LG' na classificação MCT e que, mesmo apresentando valores de Limite de liquidez e Índice de plasticidade elevados, quando compactados na energia do Proctor normal e, conseqüentemente, imersos em água, não apresentaram expansão com valor significativo no ensaio de CBR. Por outro lado, as areias saprolíticas apresentam perda de massa por imersão (Pi) difícil de ser previsto na Metodologia MCT, pois podem apresentar valores muito elevados e baixos, conforme a compacidade atingida durante o processo de compactação dos corpos-de-prova, como pode ser notado no resultado da amostra 8.
A madeira de Pinus sp. tem utilização crescente na indústria madeireira brasileira. O decréscimo constante do suprimento de árvores adultas com grandes diâmetros, provenientes de florestas naturais, tornou comum a produção de madeira em ciclos curtos, com grande proporção de madeira juvenil. Resultados de diversas pesquisas têm reportado que o módulo de elasticidade e a resistência a diferentes solicitações mecânicas são seriamente afetados pela presença de madeira juvenil. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o módulo de elasticidade da madeira juvenil e adulta de Pinus taeda L. a partir da constante dinâmica C LL, obtida em ensaios não-destrutivos de ultra-som. A madeira de P. taeda era originária de plantios da Estação Experimental de Itapeva - SP, sendo amostrados seis indivíduos arbóreos com 34 anos de idade. Os corpos-de-prova (4 cm x 4 cm x 45 cm) foram obtidos separadamente das regiões de madeira juvenil e adulta da prancha central, previamente submetida à secagem industrial (umidade final de 12%), para a determinação da constante dinâmica por meio de ensaios de ultra-som. Para avaliar a sensibilidade do método do ultra-som, os corpos-de-prova foram ensaiados destrutivamente à compressão paralela. Os resultados mostraram boa sensibilidade do método do ultra-som (R² » 0,90) na avaliação desse parâmetro mecânico da madeira juvenil e adulta.
Objetivo: avaliar, por meio de estudo prospectivo, o valor de diferentes características ultra-sonográficas dos nódulos sólidos, na diferenciação de lesões malignas e benignas da mama. Métodos: foram incluídas 142 pacientes do Programa de Mastologia do Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da Universidade Federal de Goiás com nódulos sólidos da mama. A ultra-sonografia mamária foi realizada pelo médico estagiário de mastologia, acompanhado do preceptor. As seis características estudadas foram: contornos, ecos internos, ecos posteriores, diferença dos diâmetros, ligamentos de Cooper e halo ecogênico. Cada descrição característica ultra-sonográfica foi analisada estatisticamente e comparada, após a exérese da lesão, com o resultado do exame anatomopatológico. Resultados: dentre as 142 pacientes incluídas no estudo, 90 (63%) tiveram suas lesões ressecadas, com diagnóstico de 77 tumores benignos (86%) e 13 de malignos (14%). Foram significantes no diagnóstico de malignidade as seguintes características ultra-sonográficas: presença de sombra acústica posterior (p=0,0001), contornos irregulares (p=0,0007), ecos internos heterogêneos (p=0,0015) e diâmetro ântero-posterior (AP) maior que o látero-lateral (LL) (p<0,0001). A presença de halo ecogênico no tumor e a visibilização dos ligamentos de Cooper espessados não influenciaram o diagnóstico de malignidade nesse estudo. Conclusão: a ultra-sonografia é um método diagnóstico que pode ajudar na diferenciação de tumores sólidos benignos e malignos. Os contornos irregulares, os ecos internos heterogêneos, a sombra posterior e o diâmetro AP maior que o LL, quando presentes, apresentaram alta correlação com o exame anatomopatológico de câncer.
Objective The objective of the study is to describe the process of translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Lymphoedema Functioning, Disability, and Health Questionnaire for Lower Limb Lymphoedema (Lymph-ICF-LL) into (Brazilian) Portuguese. Methods The process was comprised of five steps - translation, back translation, revision by an expert panel, pretest, and final translation. The first translation was performed by two professionals of the healthcare area, and the back translation was performed by two translators. An expert panel assessed the questions for semantics and idiomatic, cultural, and conceptual equivalence. The pretest was conducted on 10 patients with lymphedema. Results Small differences were identified between the translated and back-translated versions, which were revised by the expert panel. The patients included in the pretest found 10 questions difficult to understand; these questions were reassessed by the same expert panel. Conclusion The results of the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Lymph- ICF-LL resulted in a Brazilian Portuguese version, which still requires validation with various samples of the local population.
The agouti is a species intensively hunted throughout the Amazon and the semi-arid regions of northeastern Brazil. Considering the current trend in conservation management of wild species, the aim of this study was to determine the morphometric reference to the heart of agouti raised in captivity, based on thoracic and cardiac measurements in these animals. Thirty adult agoutis, 1 to 3 years of age, without clinical signs of cardiac disease were selected. The animals were physically restrained and radiographies in laterolateral (LL) and ventrodorsal (VD) recumbence were produced. The following measures were taken: the apicobasilar length of the heart (at the most cranial height of the Carina region to the heart apex) (AB), maximum width of the heart perpendicular to AB (CD), heart inclination angle (AIC), trachea inclination angle (AIT), distance from the right heart wall (DPTd), distance from the left heart wall (DPTe) and vertical depth of the thorax, and the ventral face of the vertebral column to the dorsal border of the sternum at the level of the trachea bifurcation (H). The ratios between AB/CD, AB/H and CD/H were also analyzed. To calculate the vertebral heart scale (VHS), the AB and CD measurements were laid over the thoracic vertebra starting at T4. Radiographic evaluation showed values consistent with those reported in small animals and some wild and exotic species. The main biometric values in the chest cavity and heart of agouti are arranged as follows: (1) The ratios between AB/H ratio and CD/H were not sensitive for identifying heart increases (p>0.05), while the ratio AB/CD was more sensitive in this identification (p<0.05); (2) AIC: 21.2±6.4º (mean between male and famale); (3) AIT for males and females: 9.93±3.23° and 8.4±3.94°; (4) DPTd and DPTe for males: 0.97±0.40cm and 0.7±0.30cm; (5) DPTd and DPTe for females: 1.12±0.42cm and 01.02±0.43cm; (6) VHS for males and females: 7.75±0.48v e 7.61±0.34v; (7) The caudal vena cava (CVC) was visualized dorsal-cranially and located right of the midline. The data obtained allowed the acquisition of the first reference values for biometry of the heart of agoutis, contributing to better understanding of cardiac morphology and identification of cardiomyopathy in these animals.
No ano agrícola 1985/ 86, em Viçosa-MG, foi instalado um ensaio de campo em solo Pdzólico Vermelho-Amarelo argiloso e com 2,9% de matéria orgânica, objetivando estudar o efeito das doses de metribuzin (0,0; 0,35; 0,70 e 1,05 kg i.a.ha-1) no controle de plantas daninhas e na produtividade da soja (Geycine max (L.) Merri ll, cv. 'Uber aba'). A maioria das monocotiledôneas que ocorreram na area experimental foi represent ada por Cyperus rotundus L., Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitch. e Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., tendo-se verificado somente redução em Brachiaria planta taginea em virtude do aumento das doses de metribuzin, ocorrendo o mesmo com relação às dicotiledôneas que se fizerem presentes no experimento, com exceção de Oxalis Oxyptera Prop., que não foi controlada nas doses utilizadas. A densidade total médias das invasoras, menos Cyperus rotundus , Oxalis oxyptera e Cynodon dactylon, foi de 141; 124; 62 e 59 plantas . m-2, respectivamente, para as doses de 0,0; 0,35 ; 0,70 e 1,05 kg i.a.ha-1 de metribuzin. A dose de 0,35 kg i.a. de metribuzin.ha-1 foi suficiente para promover a redução da matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas daninhas com a mesma eficiência de controle da dose de 1,05 kg i.a .ha-1 Entretanto, a densidade total médil das invasoras foi reduzida sig nificativamente nas doses de 0,70 e 1,05 kg i.a. de metribuzin.ha-l. O efeito do metribuzin na soja foi evidenciado somente na dose de 1,05 kg i.a.ha-1, com injúria foliar (clorose) leve ocorrida até 25 dias, aproximadamente, apôs a emergência das plântulas. Após esse período, houve total recuperação de todas as plantas de soja submetidas a essa dose. A produção de grão se o índice de colheita não foram influencia dos significativamente pelas doses de metribuzin.
O crescimento e a eficiência na conversão da energia solar foram estudados em soja (Glycine max (L.) Merri ll, cv. 'Uberaba'), cultivada em condições de campo, sob quatro doses de metribuzin (0, 0,35; 0,70 e 1,05 kg i.a.ha-1). O valor máximo da conversão da energia solar foi de 0,75%, para as plantas cultiva das na maior dose do herbicida. Os valores da conversão da energia solar média durante o ciclo da cultura foram 0,32 ; 0,31 ; 0,32 e 0,33%. em ordem crescente de dose do metribuzin. De modo geral, na fase vegetativa as plantas controle apresentaram valores inferiores em todos os valores de crescimento determinados, superando as tratadas com metribuzin somente na fase reprodutiva, mostrando que no período crítico de competição o dano causado pelas plantas daninhas é maior que a possível fitotoxicida de causada pelo metribuzin.
O desenvolvimento, a partição e a produção de matéria seca, foram estudados em soja (Glycine Max (L. ) Merri ll, cv. 'Uberaba'), cultivadas em condições de campo, sob quatro doses de metribuzin - (0,0; 0,35; 0,70 e 1,05 kg i.a. ha-1). O metri buzin não reduziu a população e nem alterou significativamente a razão parte aérea/sistema radicular. A altura média das plantas aumentou significativamente com o incremento das doses de metribuzin, sendo que as alturas máximas das plantas foram 761, 784, 815 e 812 mm, em ordem crescente de dose de metribuzin. As variações das taxas de acúmulo de matéria seca foram nitida mente seqüenciais em todos os tratamentos, ocorrendo mudanças do dreno metabólico preferencial de um órgão para outro, de acordo com as transformações morfológicas das plantas, ressaltando-se que o metribuzin não alterou esse comportamento. Os tratamentos não influencia ramo acumulo de matéria seca das vagens (Wv), no entanto, a partir do inicio da maturação, as plantas-controle apres entaram maiores Wv, provavelmente, devido a maior taxa assi milatória líquida verificada a partir da floração plena. A matéria seca acumulada nos pericarpos (Wp) diminuiu, a partir das sementes completamente desenvolvid os, para todos os tratamentos com exceção de Wp das plantas tratadas com 0,7 kg i.a. ha-1 de metribuzin que, manteve-se estável. Por outro lado, a matéria seca nas sementes (Ws) aumentou de forma acentuada, desde o seu aparecimento até a colheita final , em todas as doses do herbicida.
In this study we evaluated photosynthetic characteristics and patterns of biomass accumulation in seedlings of two tree species from a Semideciduous Tropical Forest of Brazil. Seedlings of Trema micrantha (L.) Blum. (pioneer) and Hymenaea courbaril (L.) var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Lee & Langenh. (climax) were grown for 4 months under low light (LL) (5%-8% of sunlight) and high light (HL) (100% of sunlight). Under HL, T. micrantha showed higher CO2 assimilation rates (A CO2) and light saturation than H. courbaril. Under LL, A CO2 were higher in H. courbaril. Under LL, total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents per unit leaf area were higher in H. courbaril. Chlorophyll a/b ratio was higher in T. micrantha under both light regimes. A CO2 and Fv/Fm ratio at both pre-dawn and midday in H. coubaril were lower in HL indicating chronic photoinhibition. Thus, the climax species was more susceptible to photoinhibition than the pioneer. However, H. courbaril produced higher total biomass under both treatments showing high efficiency in the maintenance of a positive carbon balance. Thus, both species expressed characteristics that favor growth under conditions that resemble their natural microenvironments, but H. courbaril also grew under HL. The ecophysiological range of responses to contrasting light levels of this climax plant seems to be broader than generally observed for other rainforest climax species. We propose that this could be related to the particular spatio-temporal light regime of the semideciduous forests.
Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure is a lignified bamboo species endemic to Brazil. This species occurs in southeastern forests and can reach high density at forest edges, dominating the understory of canopy-disturbed forest patches. The goal of this study was to describe the flowering period, floral biology, fruiting and seedling recruitment of A. aristulata in natural conditions in two areas located in a segment of the Atlantic Forest. Data on the morphology of the synflorescences and florets, timing and sequence of the anthesis events and floral visitors were recorded. Natural pollinators (open pollination or control) as well as spontaneous self-pollination were also checked. Pollen viability was estimated using the acetocarmine technique. Aulonemia aristulata is monocarpic (semelparous) with gregarious flowering. All culms in both studied areas blossomed and fruited between August and November 2007, dying subsequently between December 2007 and April 2008. Two types of synflorescences and flowers were observed: terminal with bisexual and protandric florets, with the anthesis lasting for 3-4 days; and axillary, with morphologically bisexual, but functionally female, florets and anthesis lasting for 3-4 days. The latter were also observed in the rhizome of plants whose aerial portion had been removed. The presence of axillary synflorescences with pistillate flowers is described here for the first time in Aulonemia species. Moreover, this is the first report of gynomonoecy in woody bamboo. Fruiting from bisexual florets under natural conditions (35%) was superior to that obtained from bagged synflorescences (11.5%). Fruiting from functional female florets was around 20%. Pollen viability was on the average of 90%. The results suggest that Aulonemia aristulata is anemophilous. The massive bamboo seedling recruitment observed after dieback with the ability to colonize open areas could promote the regeneration of Aulonemia aristulata.
In routine studies of sensory nerve conduction, only fibers e7 µm in diameter are analyzed. The late components which originate from thinner fibers are not detected. This explains why a normal sensory action potential (SAP) may be recorded in patients with peripheral neuropathies and sensory loss. In the present study we investigated the late component of the median SAP with a near nerve needle electrode technique in 14 normal volunteers (7 men and 7 women), aged 34.5 ± 14.8 years. The stimulus consisted of rectangular pulses of 0.2-ms duration at a frequency of 1 Hz with an intensity at least 6 times greater than the threshold value for the main component. Five hundred to 2000 sweep averagings were performed. The duration of analysis was 40 or 50 ms and the wave analysis frequency was 200 (-6 dB/oct) to 3000 Hz (-12 dB/oct). We used an apparatus with a two-channel amplifier system, 200 MW or more of entry impedance and a noise level of 0.7 µVrms or less. The main component mean amplitude, conduction velocity and latency and the late component mean amplitude, conduction velocity and latency were respectively (mean ± SD): 26.5 ± 5.42 µV, 56.8 ± 5.42 m/s, 3.01 ± 0.31 ms, 0.12 ± 0.04 µV, 16.4 ± 2.95 m/s and 10.6 ± 2.48 ms. More sophisticated equipment has an internal noise of 0.6 µVrms. These data demonstrate that the technique can now be employed to study thin fiber neuropathies, like in leprosy, using commercial electromyographs, even in non-academic practices
Using a short-term bulk culture protocol designed for an intracellular-staining method based on a flow cytometry approach to the frequencies of cytokine-producing cells from tuberculosis and leprosy patients, we found distinct patterns of T cell subset expression. The method also reveals the profile of peak cytokine production and can provide simultaneous information about the phenotype of cytokine-producing cells, providing a reliable assay for monitoring the immunity of these patients. The immune response of Mycobacterium leprae and purified protein derivative (PPD) in vitro to a panel of mycobacteria-infected patients from an endemic area was assessed in primary mononuclear cell cultures. The kinetics and source of the cytokine pattern were measured at the single-cell level. IFN-gamma-, TNF-alpha-, IL-4- and IL-10-secreting T cells were intracytoplasmic evaluated in an attempt to identify M. leprae- and PPD-specific cells directly from the peripheral blood. The analysis by this approach indicated that TNF-alpha was the first (8 h) to be produced, followed by IFN-gamma (16 h), IL-10 (20 h) and IL-4 (24 h), and double-staining experiments confirmed that CD4+ were a greater source of TNF-alpha than of CD8+ T cells (P < 0.05). Both T cell subsets secreted similar amounts of IFN-gamma. We conclude that the protocol permits rapid evaluation of cytokine production by different T cell populations. The method can also be used to define immune status in non-infected and contact individuals.
Carpotroche brasiliensis is a native Brazilian tree belonging to the Oncobeae tribe of Flacourtiaceae. The oil extracted from its seeds contains as major constituents the same cyclopentenyl fatty acids hydnocarpic (40.5%), chaulmoogric (14.0%) and gorlic (16.1%) acids found in the better known chaulmoogra oil prepared from the seeds of various species of Hydnocarpus (Flacourtiaceae). These acids are known to be related to the pharmacological activities of these plants and to their use as anti-leprotic agents. Although C. brasiliensis oil has been used in the treatment of leprosy, a disease that elicits inflammatory responses, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of the oil and its constituents have never been characterized. We describe the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of C. brasiliensis seed oil in acute and chronic models of inflammation and in peripheral and central nociception. The mixture of acids from C. brasiliensis administered orally by gavage showed dose-dependent (10-500 mg/kg) anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan-induced rat paw edema, inhibiting both the edema by 30-40% and the associated hyperalgesia. The acid fraction (200 mg/kg) also showed significant antinociceptive activity in acetic acid-induced constrictions (57% inhibition) and formalin-induced pain (55% inhibition of the second phase) in Swiss mice. No effects were observed in the hot-plate (100 mg/kg; N = 10), rota-road (200 mg/kg; N = 9) or adjuvant-induced arthritis (50 mg/kg daily for 7 days; N = 5) tests, the latter a chronic model of inflammation. The acid fraction of the seeds of C. brasiliensis which contains cyclopentenyl fatty acids is now shown to have significant oral anti-inflammatory and peripheral antinociceptive effects.
We studied the effects of adverse conditions such as constant light (LL) on the circadian rhythm of malate (MDH, EC and lactate (LDH, EC dehydrogenase activities of the testes of male Wistar rats on postnatal day 28 (PN28), anxiety-like behavior (elevated plus-maze test) at PN60 and sexual behavior at PN120. The rats were assigned to mother groups on day 10 of pregnancy: control (12-h light/dark), LL (light from day 10 to 21 of pregnancy), and LL+Mel (LL and sc injection to the mothers of a daily dose of melatonin, 1 mg/kg body weight at circadian time 12, from day 17 to 21 of pregnancy). LL offspring did not show circadian rhythms of MDH (N = 62) and LDH (N = 63) activities (cosinor and ANOVA-LSD Fisher). They presented a 44.7% decrease in open-arm entries and a 67.9% decrease in time (plus-maze test, N = 15, P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test), an increase in mounting (94.4%), intromission (94.5%) and ejaculation (56.6%) latencies (N = 12, P < 0.01, Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test) and lower numbers of these events (61, 59 and 73%, respectively; P < 0.01, N = 12) compared to controls. The offspring of the LL+Mel group presented MDH and LDH circadian rhythms (P < 0.05, N = 50, cosinor and ANOVA-LSD Fisher), anxiety-like and sexual behaviors similar to control. These findings supported the importance of the melatonin signal and provide evidence for the protective effects of hormones on maternal programming during gestation. This protective action of melatonin is probably related to its entrainment capacity, favoring internal coupling of the fetal multioscillatory system.