435 resultados para Escola - Uberlândia (MG)
O conhecimento dos requerimentos nutricionais das espécies e de suas respostas à correção do substrato é fundamental para a produção de mudas de qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes tipos de calcário e da correção da deficiência de Ca e Mg sobre o desenvolvimento de mudas de angelim-pedra (D. excelsa) em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se como substrato Latossolo Amarelo. Foram testados três tipos de calcário e fornecimento de Ca e Mg por meio de fontes não-corretivas da acidez em três relações Ca:Mg. Os tratamentos consistiram de T0 & testemunha; T1 & calcário dolomítico; T2 & calcário magnesiano; T3 & calcário calcítico; T4 & Ca e Mg na relação 3:1; T5 & Ca e Mg na relação 9:1; e T6 & Ca e Mg na relação 15:1. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições, totalizando 35 parcelas, cada uma delas com 3 mudas. O substrato foi adubado com doses equivalentes a 100-250-150 e 15 kg ha-1 de N, P2O5, K2O e S, respectivamente e com solução de micronutrientes (3 mL de Chelamix L-1 de água destilada). Foram avaliadas: a altura da planta, o diâmetro do colo, matéria seca da parte aérea, matéria seca da raiz, matéria seca total, relação raiz/parte aérea e conteúdos de nutrientes da parte aérea das plantas. De modo geral, a aplicação de calcário favoreceu o crescimento de D. excelsa, sendo os melhores resultados obtidos com a aplicação de calcário magnesiano na relação 9:1.
O potencial de resposta à adubação é uma ferramenta utilizada para a interpretação dos valores dos índices DRIS, de forma que pode ser útil para verificar se diferentes grupos de normas resultam em diagnósticos distintos ou semelhantes entre si. Neste sentido, objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento do diagnóstico nutricional, submetidos a cinco grupos de normas DRIS. Para isto, amostras foliares de cupuaçueiros foram coletadas de pomares comerciais, cuja idade das plantas variou de 5 a 18 anos, sob monocultivo e sistemas agroflorestais (SAF's), obtendo-se para cada relação nutricional entre os nutrientes N, P, K, Ca, Mg, as normas DRIS bivariadas, as quais foram obtidas para o conjunto das populações monitoradas e para subpopulações específicas. As diferentes normas DRIS resultaram em diagnósticos semelhantes para N, P e Ca, enquanto que para K e Mg os diagnósticos produzidos distinguiram-se entre as normas resultando em desvios nutricionais.
OBJECTIVE - To assess hypertension control rates in a specialized university-affiliated medical department, the influence of sex, diabetes, and obesity on that control, and the strategies for the treatment of hypertension. METHODS - We carried out a cross-sectional study with 1,210 patients followed up for at least 6 months. Information was gathered from medical and nursing records and comprised the following data: sex, age, weight, height, abdominal and hip circumferences, blood pressure, and class and number of the antihypertensive drugs prescribed. To assess obesity, we used body mass index and waist/hip ratio. Blood pressure was considered under control when its levels were below 140/90 mmHg. RESULTS - The study consisted of 73% females and 27% males. Most females (31.7%) were 50 to 59 years of age, and most males (28.3%) were 60 to 69 years. The blood pressure control rate found was 20.9% for the 1,210 patients and 23.4% for the hypertensive diabetic patients (n=290). Despite the low control rates found, 70% of the patients used 1 or 2 antihypertensive medications. A high prevalence of obesity (38%) was observed, and females had a greater abdominal obesity index than males did (90% vs 82%, p<0.05). Patients with a greater body mass index had less control of blood pressure. CONCLUSION - The percentage of hypertensive patients with controlled blood pressure levels was low and was associated with a high prevalence of obesity. These data indicate the need for reviewing the strategies of global treatment for hypertension.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a distribuição dos lipídeos séricos em crianças e adolescentes de Florianópolis, SC. Determinar a associação entre colesterol não-desejável (>170 mg/dL) e outros fatores de risco para aterosclerose. MÉTODOS: Amostra aleatória estratificada (por idade e tipo de escola) de alunos da rede escolar de Florianópolis. Dados sobre fatores de risco, antropometria, pressão arterial e concentração sérica de lípides foram coletados. RESULTADOS: Participaram 1.053 indivíduos com idade entre 7 e 18 anos. A concentração sérica do colesterol (média±DP) foi 162±28 mg/dL; dos triglicerídeos 93±47 mg/dL; do HDL-colesterol 53±10 mg/dL; do LDL-colesterol 92±24 mg/dL e do colesterol não-HDL 109± 26 mg/dL. As médias das relações CT/HDL e LDL/HDL foram, respectivamente, 3,1±0,6 e 1,8±0,5. Os lípides foram mais elevados nas crianças de escola privada, nos menores de 10 anos, no sexo feminino e nos de cor negra. O modelo de regressão logística que melhor previu os níveis de colesterol anormal incluía: obesidade, história familiar de acidente vascular cerebral ou infarto do miocárdio, sexo feminino, idade inferior a 10 anos e a imagem corporal definida pelo médico como sobrepeso/obesidade. CONCLUSÃO: As concentrações de lipídeos em crianças e adolescentes mostraram valores intermediários quando comparados a estudos semelhantes. Uma grande parcela dos indivíduos apresenta níveis de colesterol sérico classificados como não-desejáveis para idade. Pela significância da associação do colesterol com o excesso de peso, o controle deste fator na infância deve ser tomado como prioridade nos programas de prevenção primordial com o objetivo de reduzir a incidência das doenças relacionadas à aterosclerose na idade adulta.
OBJETIVOS: Analisar ocorrência e tipos de neoplasias que se desenvolveram em pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco ortotópico, no Programa de Transplante Cardíaco da Escola de Paulista de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: O presente estudo apresenta uma análise observacional de 106 pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco ortotópico, no período de novembro de 1986 a setembro de 2002, que sobreviveram por período superior a trinta dias após o procedimento. O regime de imunossupressão consistiu de terapia tríplice com ciclosporina A, azatioprina e corticosteróide. Apenas dois pacientes receberam, além da terapia tríplice, a adição de ortoclone OKT-3. O período médio de acompanhamento foi de 61,4 meses. (variação de dois meses a 192 meses). RESULTADOS: Vinte e três pacientes (21,3%) desenvolveram neoplasias, dos quais 56,5% apresentaram neoplasia de pele, 30,1% apresentaram tumores sólidos e 13,4%, doença linfoproliferativa pós-transplante (DLPT). O intervalo médio entre o transplante e o diagnóstico de neoplasia foi: pele - 54,9 meses, tumores sólidos - 24,8 meses e DLPT - 70,3 meses. CONCLUSÕES: A ocorrência de neoplasias malignas foi relativamente comum na população analisada. O câncer de pele prevaleceu em relação às demais neoplasias e os tumores sólidos foram mais diagnosticados do que as doenças linfoproliferativas nessa série de pacientes.
OBJETIVOS: Estimar a prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e identificar variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e antropométricas associadas. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostragem probabilística. População-alvo: pessoas com idade > 18 anos residentes na região urbana do município de Formiga, Minas Gerais, e cadastradas no Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), que tem cobertura de 94% da população total do município. Participaram do estudo 285 indivíduos (131 homens e 154 mulheres). Critério para diagnóstico de HAS: pressão arterial sistólica > 140 mmHg e/ou pressão arterial diastólica > 90 mmHg, ou uso de medicação anti-hipertensiva. Utilizou-se questionário padronizado, afim de obter informações socioeconômicas e demográficas, consumo de álcool, tabagismo e nível de atividades física. RESULTADOS: A estimativa da prevalência total de HAS na população-alvo foi de 32,7% (IC 95%: 28,2-37,2). Entre os homens foi de 31,7% e, entre as mulheres, 33,6%. Dentre os hipertensos com prescrição de anti-hipertensivos, 66,7% declararam fazer uso regular da medicação. A prevalência de HAS aumentou continuamente com a idade (OR = 1,07; IC 95%: 1,05-1,10) e esteve positivamente associada com a medida da circunferência da cintura (OR = 3,05; IC 95%: 1,49-6,22) e negativamente associada com o nível de atividade física (OR = 0,45; IC 95%: 0,25-0,82). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de HAS na população adulta e cadastrada no PSF, foi muito elevada em Formiga, representando um grave problema de saúde pública. É preciso que os programas de intervenção promovam a prática de atividades físicas, considerem a adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso e os hipertensos que desconhecem sua condição.
FUNDAMENTO: A prevalência de obesidade e pressão arterial (PA) tem aumentado em crianças e adolescentes, enquanto os domínios da atividade física declinaram. OBJETIVO: Identificar e associar o excesso de peso, de gordura corporal e de PA elevada entre os estudantes ativos e passivos no deslocamento à escola. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 1.570 escolares de 7 a 12 anos de idade, de João Pessoa, PB. Os estudantes responderam a um questionário sobre a forma de deslocamento à escola (ativo = caminhada/bicicleta ou passivo = carro/moto/ônibus) e o tempo despendido. O excesso de peso foi determinado no IMC > 25 kg/m², a gordura no percentil > 85 da dobra tricipital e a PA elevada no percentil > 90. Na análise, utilizaram-se o teste qui-quadrado e a regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: O deslocamento ativo associou-se à menor prevalência de excesso de peso e de gordura, em relação ao passivo (p < 0,05). A razão de prevalência (RP) para o excesso de peso associou-se à gordura (masculino: RP = 6,45, IC95% = 4,55-9,14; feminino: RP = 4,10, IC95%= 3,09-5,45), à PAS elevada (masculino: RP = 1,99, IC95%= 1,30-3,06; feminino: RP = 2,09, IC95%= 1,45-3,01) e à PAD elevada nas meninas (RP = 1,96, IC95% = 1,41-2,75). Não houve associação com o deslocamento ativo (p > 0,05) CONCLUSÃO: O deslocamento passivo à escola associou-se ao excesso de peso e gordura, e dissociou-se da PA elevada. O excesso de peso associou-se ao excesso de gordura e à PA elevada. É preciso prevenir o excesso de peso, como meio de evitar o acúmulo de gordura e o aumento da PA.
The main object of the present paper consists in giving formulas and methods which enable us to determine the minimum number of repetitions or of individuals necessary to garantee some extent the success of an experiment. The theoretical basis of all processes consists essentially in the following. Knowing the frequency of the desired p and of the non desired ovents q we may calculate the frequency of all possi- ble combinations, to be expected in n repetitions, by expanding the binomium (p-+q)n. Determining which of these combinations we want to avoid we calculate their total frequency, selecting the value of the exponent n of the binomium in such a way that this total frequency is equal or smaller than the accepted limit of precision n/pª{ 1/n1 (q/p)n + 1/(n-1)| (q/p)n-1 + 1/ 2!(n-2)| (q/p)n-2 + 1/3(n-3) (q/p)n-3... < Plim - -(1b) There does not exist an absolute limit of precision since its value depends not only upon psychological factors in our judgement, but is at the same sime a function of the number of repetitions For this reasen y have proposed (1,56) two relative values, one equal to 1-5n as the lowest value of probability and the other equal to 1-10n as the highest value of improbability, leaving between them what may be called the "region of doubt However these formulas cannot be applied in our case since this number n is just the unknown quantity. Thus we have to use, instead of the more exact values of these two formulas, the conventional limits of P.lim equal to 0,05 (Precision 5%), equal to 0,01 (Precision 1%, and to 0,001 (Precision P, 1%). The binominal formula as explained above (cf. formula 1, pg. 85), however is of rather limited applicability owing to the excessive calculus necessary, and we have thus to procure approximations as substitutes. We may use, without loss of precision, the following approximations: a) The normal or Gaussean distribution when the expected frequency p has any value between 0,1 and 0,9, and when n is at least superior to ten. b) The Poisson distribution when the expected frequecy p is smaller than 0,1. Tables V to VII show for some special cases that these approximations are very satisfactory. The praticai solution of the following problems, stated in the introduction can now be given: A) What is the minimum number of repititions necessary in order to avoid that any one of a treatments, varieties etc. may be accidentally always the best, on the best and second best, or the first, second, and third best or finally one of the n beat treatments, varieties etc. Using the first term of the binomium, we have the following equation for n: n = log Riim / log (m:) = log Riim / log.m - log a --------------(5) B) What is the minimun number of individuals necessary in 01der that a ceratin type, expected with the frequency p, may appaer at least in one, two, three or a=m+1 individuals. 1) For p between 0,1 and 0,9 and using the Gaussean approximation we have: on - ó. p (1-p) n - a -1.m b= δ. 1-p /p e c = m/p } -------------------(7) n = b + b² + 4 c/ 2 n´ = 1/p n cor = n + n' ---------- (8) We have to use the correction n' when p has a value between 0,25 and 0,75. The greek letters delta represents in the present esse the unilateral limits of the Gaussean distribution for the three conventional limits of precision : 1,64; 2,33; and 3,09 respectively. h we are only interested in having at least one individual, and m becomes equal to zero, the formula reduces to : c= m/p o para a = 1 a = { b + b²}² = b² = δ2 1- p /p }-----------------(9) n = 1/p n (cor) = n + n´ 2) If p is smaller than 0,1 we may use table 1 in order to find the mean m of a Poisson distribution and determine. n = m: p C) Which is the minimun number of individuals necessary for distinguishing two frequencies p1 and p2? 1) When pl and p2 are values between 0,1 and 0,9 we have: n = { δ p1 ( 1-pi) + p2) / p2 (1 - p2) n= 1/p1-p2 }------------ (13) n (cor) We have again to use the unilateral limits of the Gaussean distribution. The correction n' should be used if at least one of the valors pl or p2 has a value between 0,25 and 0,75. A more complicated formula may be used in cases where whe want to increase the precision : n (p1 - p2) δ { p1 (1- p2 ) / n= m δ = δ p1 ( 1 - p1) + p2 ( 1 - p2) c= m / p1 - p2 n = { b2 + 4 4 c }2 }--------- (14) n = 1/ p1 - p2 2) When both pl and p2 are smaller than 0,1 we determine the quocient (pl-r-p2) and procure the corresponding number m2 of a Poisson distribution in table 2. The value n is found by the equation : n = mg /p2 ------------- (15) D) What is the minimun number necessary for distinguishing three or more frequencies, p2 p1 p3. If the frequecies pl p2 p3 are values between 0,1 e 0,9 we have to solve the individual equations and sue the higest value of n thus determined : n 1.2 = {δ p1 (1 - p1) / p1 - p2 }² = Fiim n 1.2 = { δ p1 ( 1 - p1) + p1 ( 1 - p1) }² } -- (16) Delta represents now the bilateral limits of the : Gaussean distrioution : 1,96-2,58-3,29. 2) No table was prepared for the relatively rare cases of a comparison of threes or more frequencies below 0,1 and in such cases extremely high numbers would be required. E) A process is given which serves to solve two problemr of informatory nature : a) if a special type appears in n individuals with a frequency p(obs), what may be the corresponding ideal value of p(esp), or; b) if we study samples of n in diviuals and expect a certain type with a frequency p(esp) what may be the extreme limits of p(obs) in individual farmlies ? I.) If we are dealing with values between 0,1 and 0,9 we may use table 3. To solve the first question we select the respective horizontal line for p(obs) and determine which column corresponds to our value of n and find the respective value of p(esp) by interpolating between columns. In order to solve the second problem we start with the respective column for p(esp) and find the horizontal line for the given value of n either diretly or by approximation and by interpolation. 2) For frequencies smaller than 0,1 we have to use table 4 and transform the fractions p(esp) and p(obs) in numbers of Poisson series by multiplication with n. Tn order to solve the first broblem, we verify in which line the lower Poisson limit is equal to m(obs) and transform the corresponding value of m into frequecy p(esp) by dividing through n. The observed frequency may thus be a chance deviate of any value between 0,0... and the values given by dividing the value of m in the table by n. In the second case we transform first the expectation p(esp) into a value of m and procure in the horizontal line, corresponding to m(esp) the extreme values om m which than must be transformed, by dividing through n into values of p(obs). F) Partial and progressive tests may be recomended in all cases where there is lack of material or where the loss of time is less importent than the cost of large scale experiments since in many cases the minimun number necessary to garantee the results within the limits of precision is rather large. One should not forget that the minimun number really represents at the same time a maximun number, necessary only if one takes into consideration essentially the disfavorable variations, but smaller numbers may frequently already satisfactory results. For instance, by definition, we know that a frequecy of p means that we expect one individual in every total o(f1-p). If there were no chance variations, this number (1- p) will be suficient. and if there were favorable variations a smaller number still may yield one individual of the desired type. r.nus trusting to luck, one may start the experiment with numbers, smaller than the minimun calculated according to the formulas given above, and increase the total untill the desired result is obtained and this may well b ebefore the "minimum number" is reached. Some concrete examples of this partial or progressive procedure are given from our genetical experiments with maize.
The photometric determination of ascorbic acid with the "E. E. L. portable colorimeter" can be carried" out rapid and conveniently using either 3% HPO3 or 0,4% (COOH) 2 as protective agent. The standards would contain from 2 to 20 micrograms of ascorbic acid per ml of metaphosphoric or oxalic acid solutions. We mix 10 ml of these solutions with 3 ml of the adequate citrate buffer solutions, and we pipet 5 ml of the resulting mixture to a matched test tube containing 5 ml of sodium - 2,6 - dichlorobenzenoneindophenol (80 mg per liter); then we shake well and after 15 seconds the extintion is read using green filter. The readings are subtracted from the blank one. Designating the differences by x and the concentrations of ascorbic acid/ml in the standards by y, we get, with the acid of the method of least squares, the following regression equations: for the metaphosphoric acid Y = 0,543x + 0,629 for the oxalic acid Y = 0,516x + 0,422, which permit, by interpolating, the determination of the ascorbic acid content in plant materials.
In several cotton crops areas of the State of S. Paulo it was observed, during the years of 1948, 1949, and 1951, the appearance of a purple color of the leaves; the color appears in the opening of the bolls and was correlated with a decrease of production. The opinions concerning the cause of such abnormality were very different and sometimes contradictory; certain investigators attributed the disease to insect attack, others to bad climatic conditions whereas others to a potassium deficiency now called "fome de potássio" (potash hunger); our ideas on the subject is another one. We think that the disease is caused by lack of a suitable supply of magnesium. This opinion is largely based on the syntomatology found in the literature. To study the problem, several experiments were carried out, namely: 1. pot experiments using soil collected in areas where the disorder had appeared; 2. pot experiments controlling the water supply; 3. sand culture experiments omitting either potassium or magnesium; 4. leaf analysis of plant matrial collected troughout the Piracicaba County; 5. plot experiments with the varieties Texas, Express, and I.A. 817 Campinas. The first four experiments were discussed elsewhere. To study the point 5 an experiment was carried out, with the following treatments : 1 - NPKCaMg (no K added) - Mg supplied as MgSO4 (a soluble form); 2 -NPKCa (no Mg added); 3 -NPKCaMg (complete) - Mg supplied as MgSO4; 4 - NPKCaMg (complete) - Mg supplied as dolomitic limestone (a slightly soluble form) as a rate 2.5 higher than in the treatment 1 and 3. Organic matter as cottonseed meal was applied in the proportion of 500 kg per hectare. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 replications and the results can be summarized as follows: 1 the I.A 817 variety was the most strongly affected by the physiological disorder, with severe decrease in yield; 2. the disease occurred more frequently in the minus magnesium treatment; 3. dolomitic limestone is so effective as magnesium sulfate in the control of the disease as well in the raising of the yield; 4. in the minus K treatment it was observed a marked occurrence of the typical symptoms of potassium deficiency (cotton rust); 5. magnesium was actually, in the experimental conditions the responsible for the purple color (vermelhão) of the cotton leaves.
During the years 1948, 1949 and 1951 a disease occurred in the cotton crops of the state of S. Paulo Brazil (S. Am.), which caused a severe drop in yields. The abnormality was characterized by a typical reddish - purple color of the leaves, being by this reason, called "vermelhão", that is, reddening of the cotton plant. The disease was associated with a dry season. Among the several hypotheses raised to explain the causes of the disease were: insect attack, potassium deficiency - where from the name "potash hunger" was also given -, and magnesium deficiency: In order to study the problem the Department of Agricultural Chemistry of the College of Agriculture of the University of São Paulo, at Piracicaba, carried out a series of experiments as follows: 1. pot experiments in which soil of one of the affected regions was used ("terra roxa", a red-brownish soil derived from basalt); 2. pot-soil experiments varying the moisture supplied; 3. sand culture experiments omitting certain elements from the nutrient solutions; 4. field plot experiments, conducted on a sandy soil; three different varieties were employed: Texas, Express, and I.A. 817; magnesium was applied either as sulfate or dolomitic limestone. All the experiments were completed with suitable chemical analyses. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. in the first trial, the not properly manured pots (minus Mg), symptoms were registered which were similar to the symptoms observed in the field; it was possible to establish some differences among three different types of reddening: due to lack of K in the mixed fertilizers used, the characteristic cotton rust made its appearance, the red color in the leaves of the minus Mg plants was all alike that described in the current literature as a symptom of Mg-deficiency; in all the treatments ocurred a yellow-reddish color in the leaves associated with the latest stages of maturity; 2. in the second experiment it was verified that when the plants in the pots with soil were kept 75 per cent of the water holding capacity, no symptom of deficiency showed up; was true even for the plants not receiving neither K nor Mg; however, plants supplied with only 25 per cent of the water holding capacity showed, respectively, cotton rust in the minus K treatment and the red purplish color in the minus Mg series; 3. the sand culture experiment confirmed lack of Mg as the cause of "vermelhão", being potash deficiency the responsible for cotton rust; 4. in the field experiment, variety LA. 817 revealed to be the most sensitive to "vermelhão" when Mg was omitted from the fertilizers; symptoms of K deficiency appeared when no K was supplied; both magnesium sulfate and dolomitic limestone proved to be equally effective in the control of "vermelhão"; 5. the analyses of material collected both in the field as well in the pots revealed that leaf petiole in the most reliable part to indicate the K and Mg status of the plant; the variation in Mg content suffered by the plants showing different stages of "vermelhão was, quantitatively, at least as large as that in K content, however when one deals with K deficient plants, that is, plants showing the typical rust, no variation occurred in the Mg content, whereas K in the dry mater dropped from more than 1 per cent to less than half per cent. Then, the following general conclusions can be drawn: 1. Mg deficiency is the cause of "vermelhão" of cotton crops; 2. K deficiency also occurred, but in a lesser degree; 3. the climate conditions - especially the lack of rain influenced the soil dynamic of K, and especially Mg, bringing a severe reduction in their assimilability; 4. the "vermelhão" disease can be easily controlled upon additions either of magnesium sulfate or dolomitic limestone.
Kikuio grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst) is beyond any doubt, a pasture very important for farm animals; since its chemical composition is very similar to that of alfalfa, the present field trial was carried out; a randomized block design with 8 treatments was selected as follows: 1 N - P - K - Ca - Mg (complete manuring) 2 N - P - K - Ca----- (without Mg) 3 N - P - K-------Mg (without Ca) 4 ----P - K - Ca - Mg (without N) 5 N------K - Ca Mg (without P) 6 N - P - Ca - Mg (without K) 7 organic matter (without mineral fertilizers) 8 control Nitrogen was applied as NaN03 (topdressed) and as ammonium sulfate; P2O5 was given as superphosphate associated to bonemeal; K2O was applied as muriate, CaO as "sambaquis" (oyster shells); MgO was given as MgSO4 (topdressed). The source of organic matter was farmyard manure. As far yields are concerned the following observations were made: 1. treatment n. 7 was superior to all others; 2. considering the mineral fertilizers, good responses were due to N and P2O5; 3. the control yield was exceedingly poor, being inferior to all the others treatments; The chemical analyses revealed that: 1. the protein content decreased accordingly to this order: 7, 6, 5 and 1; treatment 4 (without N) gave the lowest protein content; 2. treatment n. 4 produced the highest fat content; treatment no. 7 ranked second; no. 8 gave the lowest fat content; 3. crude fiber: highest - treatment 7; lowest - 8; 4. ashes: the ashes content was higher in treatment 5; proprobably because the most abundant element in the ashes is K, the ash content of treatment 6 (no K) was very low; 5. non nitrogenous substances (determined by difference) - high in treatment 8 and low in treatment 7; 6. mineral elements in the ashes - the element omitted from a given treatment was very low in the grasses therein obtained; this shows the relative poverty of the soil in that element. As general remark the Authors suggest the use of farmyard manure in the fertilization of Kikuio grass; farmyard manure could probably substitute wither green manure or compost.