260 resultados para Eleições : 2002 : Brasil


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Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been used for the determination of twenty minor and trace elements in hair samples from an urban population group (N = 1775), aiming at the establishment of reliable hair reference intervals. Statistical evaluation of the data with respect to age, sex and anatomic region was performed by multivariant analysis and according to recommendations of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC). The results show that mainly age and anatomic region (scalp or pubis) influence significantly the concentration of several elements. Comparison of the here calculated reference intervals with those previously published and used by clinical laboratories for this population showed larger discrepancies and the need for an urgent revision of these data.


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There is no evidence of urban civilization in Brazilian prehistory; most inhabitants lived in tribal groupings, probably with regional economic integration among several independent tribes. There is little evidence of seasonal migrations between the coast and the inland of southern Brazil. Some specialized horticulturists competed among themselves but other groups lived more isolated and probably peacefully, in the upper interfluvial regions. Chemical analysis of artifacts is a means of documenting traffic in particular materials and intraregional production and distribution, development of craft specialization and typological refinement among other issues. In this study we tested some possibilities in two different cultural contexts using the parametric k0 neutron activation analysis technique, which allowed the determination of elements: Al, As, Au, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, La, Na, Rb, Sc, Ta, Ti, V and Zn.


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This article reports questions related to the training and jobs of chemistry graduates from Brazilian universities. It is focussed on academic and career paths and on relations between knowledge and work. The main questions addressed in this study were: what have been the paths since undergraduate education? what were graduates doing before their enrolment in master and doctoral programs? Which were their motivations for this? Where do graduates work now? How do they appraise some aspects of their graduate education? Did the degree enlarge their job opportunities and improve work quality? How much do they earn?


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This article reports questions related to the training and jobs of biochemistry graduates from Brazilian universities. It is focussed on academic and career paths and on relations between knowledge and work. The main questions addressed in this study were: what have been the paths since undergraduate education? What were graduates doing before their enrolment in master and doctoral programs? Which were their motivations for this? Where do graduates work now? How do they appraise some aspects of their graduate education? Did the degree enlarge their job opportunities and improve work quality? How much do they earn?


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Defining environmental chemistry is a not an easy task because it encompasses many different topics. According to Stanley E. Manahan, author of a classical textbook of Environmental Chemistry, this branch could be defined as the one centered in the study of the sources, transport, effects and fates of chemical species in the water, soil, and air environments, as well as the influence of human activity upon these processes. More recently, new knowledge emerged from the Environmental Toxicology allowed to go even deeper in the meaning of 'effects' and 'fates' of a continuous growing number of organic and inorganic species disposed in water bodies, soils and atmosphere. Toxicity tests became an important tool to evaluate the environmental impact of such species to a great number of organisms, thus allowing to set quality criteria for drinking water, sediments and biota. The state of art shows that environmental chemistry is a multi-inter disciplinary science by nature; therefore, it needs more than a limited, unique-approach and non-oriented set of data to understand the nature of natural processes. Taking all these aspects into consideration, one can say that Environmental Chemistry in Brazil is now a well established area of research within the classical areas of the Chemistry, with a large number of emerging groups as well research groups with worldwide recognition.


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In the last 25 years the research in catalysis has passed from heterogeneous processes mainly applied to petrochemical industries to homogeneous processes applied to fine chemicals and green chemistry. In this context the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) is playing an important role in the organization of this interdisciplinary area involving researches from different fields of physical sciences.


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This article summarizes the main achievements of the Brazilian research in chemistry education in these 25 years of existence of the Brazilian Chemical Society and raises some prospective questions for the field. Six main events are described as the responsible ones for the development of research in chemistry teaching in Brazil. Valuable contributions of Brazilian researches are discussed and related with international trends in science education. Some perspectives for improving research in chemistry teaching in Brazil are also presented.


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An historical overview is provided of the origins, growth and development of the field of photochemistry in Brazil, with special emphasis on the last three decades.


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This article focuses on the development of Inorganic Chemistry in Brazil, including historical perspectives, scientific production (WEB-ISI data), international cooperation, teaching, literature and human resources, with particular emphasis on the last 25 years.


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Relata-se, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de uma ferrugem em acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii) no Brasil, identificada, morfologicamente, como fase uredinial da ferrugem foliar Uromycladium alpinum. O fungo causa leve amarelecimento e queda dos folíolos de árvores com dois anos de idade em plantações nos municípios de Cristal, Piratini e Encruzilhada do Sul, RS. Os danos em conseqüência dos surtos dessa ferrugem foram de baixa intensidade. Ressalta-se também que não há, até então, nenhum relato de ocorrência de ferrugem nesse hospedeiro nos países vizinhos do cone Sul.


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A cultura do pak choi (Brassica chinensis), hortaliça de origem Asiática, foi introduzida no Brasil há dois anos por empresas importadoras de sementes. No estado do Paraná vem se destacando na região de Curitiba, principalmente em condições de cultivo protegido. Realizou-se um levantamento da ocorrência de doenças na cultura na safra 1999/2000. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Fazenda Escola "Capão da Onça" da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG), com a diagnose das doenças sendo realizada nos laboratórios de fitopatologia da UEPG e da ESALQ/USP. As doenças que apresentaram maior intensidade na safra de verão foram a Mancha de Alternaria (Alternaria sp.), a Podridão Mole (Erwinia sp.) e a Ferrugem Branca (Albugo candida). Na safra de outono, a Mancha de Alternaria e a Podridão Mole apresentaram baixa incidência e não se observou a ocorrência de Ferrugem Branca.


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O mal-do-pé em arroz (Oryza sativa) foi constatado em lavouras de terras altas nos municípios de Unaí (MG), Palmeiras (GO), Itaberaí (GO), Humaitá (AM) e em lavouras irrigadas nos Estados de Goiás, Tocantins e Rio Grande de Sul. O agente causal foi identificado como Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis baseado em características morfológicas, culturais e testes de patogenicidade utilizando diferentes isolados brasileiros. O método de inoculação e avaliação da doença em de casa de vegetação foi descrito. Este é o primeiro registro desta enfermidade na cultura do arroz no Brasil.