225 resultados para Determination of sex
We have developed a system with two epi-illumination sources, a DC-regulated lamp for transillumination and mechanical switches for rapid shift of illumination and detection of defined areas (250-750 µm²) by fluorescence and phosphorescence videomicroscopy. The system permits investigation of standard microvascular parameters, vascular permeability as well as intra- and extravascular PO2 by phosphorescence quenching of Pd-meso-tetra (4-carboxyphenyl) porphine (PORPH). A Pechan prism was used to position a defined region over the photomultiplier and TV camera. In order to validate the system for in vivo use, in vitro tests were performed with probes at concentrations that can be found in microvascular studies. Extensive in vitro evaluations were performed by filling glass capillaries with solutions of various concentrations of FITC-dextran (diluted in blood and in saline) mixed with different amounts of PORPH. Fluorescence intensity and phosphorescence decay were determined for each mixture. FITC-dextran solutions without PORPH and PORPH solutions without FITC-dextran were used as references. Phosphorescence decay curves were relatively unaffected by the presence of FITC-dextran at all concentrations tested (0.1 µg/ml to 5 mg/ml). Likewise, fluorescence determinations were performed in the presence of PORPH (0.05 to 0.5 mg/ml). The system was successfully used to study macromolecular extravasation and PO2 in the rat mesentery circulation under controlled conditions and during ischemia-reperfusion.
IFN-gamma mRNA expression was evaluated in nonstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of HIV-infected and seronegative individuals using quantitative competitive and semiquantitative RT-PCR and the sensitivity of these methods was compared. A significant correlation was found between quantitative competitive and semiquantitative RT-PCR in samples of both HIV-seronegative (P = 0.004) and HIV-infected individuals (P = 0.0004). PBMC from HIV-infected individuals presented a remarkable increase of IFN-gamma mRNA expression, as determined by both types of RT-PCR methods. Semiquantitative RT-PCR even without an internal standard is also acceptable for measuring cytokine mRNA expression, but less reliable if small amounts are quantified. Moreover, we found that increased IFN-gammamRNA expression is independent of CD4+ cell count in AIDS-free HIV-infected patients.
Aluminum (Al3+) overload is frequently associated with lipid peroxidation and neurological disorders. Aluminum accumulation is also reported to be related to renal impairment, anemia and other clinical complications in hemodialysis patients. The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of lipid peroxidation, platelet aggregation and serum aluminum in patients receiving regular hemodialytic treatment. The level of plasma lipid peroxidation was evaluated on the basis of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Mean platelet peroxidation in patients undergoing hemodialysis was significantly higher than in normal controls (2.7 ± 0.03 vs 1.8 ± 0.06 nmol/l, P<0.05). Platelet aggregation and serum aluminum levels were determined by a turbidimetric method and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, respectively. Serum aluminum was significantly higher in patients than in normal controls (44.5 ± 29 vs 10.8 ± 2.5 µg/l, P<0.05). Human blood platelets were stimulated with collagen (2.2 µg/ml), adenosine diphosphate (6 µM) and epinephrine (6 µM) and showed reduced function with the three agonists utilized. No correlation between aluminum levels and platelet aggregation or between aluminum and peroxidation was observed in hemodialyzed patients.
The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of goiter in schoolchildren in a formerly iodine-deficient region in southern Brazil by assessing the relationship between body surface area (m²) and thyroid volume (ml) measured by ultrasonography. A population-based sample of 1,094 randomly selected schoolchildren (6 to 14 years; 556 boys and 538 girls) underwent clinical evaluation. A total of 119 (10.9%) children were diagnosed with goiter upon clinical examination according to WHO criteria (grade Ia: 65, grade Ib: 24, grade II: 29, grade III: 1). Of these, 85 underwent ultrasonography. In order to ascertain the absence of goiter in the 975 schoolchildren with a negative result upon clinical examination, one of ten children was randomly selected for ultrasonography. Sixty-two children agreed to be submitted to the exam. Thus, 147 schoolchildren were evaluated by ultrasonography (7.5-MHz transducer). Goiter was considered to be present when the thyroid volume:body surface area index was >6.2 ml/m². The estimated prevalence of goiter if all schoolchildren had been submitted to thyroid volume measurement by ultrasound was 7.2%; it was higher in the lower socioeconomic class (8.2%) than in the upper (7.8%) and middle classes (6.5%). In conclusion, the prevalence of goiter in schoolchildren of this region was higher than in other iodine-sufficient areas, especially in lower socioeconomic classes. Goiter in this region may be associated with naturally occurring goitrogens that operate more intensively among less privileged individuals.
The break point of the curve of blood lactate vs exercise load has been called anaerobic threshold (AT) and is considered to be an important indicator of endurance exercise capacity in human subjects. There are few studies of AT determination in animals. We describe a protocol for AT determination by the "lactate minimum test" in rats during swimming exercise. The test is based on the premise that during an incremental exercise test, and after a bout of maximal exercise, blood lactate decreases to a minimum and then increases again. This minimum value indicates the intensity of the AT. Adult male (90 days) Wistar rats adapted to swimming for 2 weeks were used. The initial state of lactic acidosis was obtained by making the animals jump into the water and swim while carrying a load equivalent to 50% of body weight for 6 min (30-s exercise interrupted by a 30-s rest). After a 9-min rest, blood was collected and the incremental swimming test was started. The test consisted of swimming while supporting loads of 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 7.0% of body weight. Each exercise load lasted 5 min and was followed by a 30-s rest during which blood samples were taken. The blood lactate minimum was determined from a zero-gradient tangent to a spline function fitting the blood lactate vs workload curve. AT was estimated to be 4.95 ± 0.10% of body weight while interpolated blood lactate was 7.17 ± 0.16 mmol/l. These results suggest the application of AT determination in animal studies concerning metabolism during exercise.
The maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) is the highest blood lactate concentration that can be identified as maintaining a steady state during a prolonged submaximal constant workload. The objective of the present study was to analyze the influence of the aerobic capacity on the validity of anaerobic threshold (AT) to estimate the exercise intensity at MLSS (MLSS intensity) during cycling. Ten untrained males (UC) and 9 male endurance cyclists (EC) matched for age, weight and height performed one incremental maximal load test to determine AT and two to four 30-min constant submaximal load tests on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer to determine MLSS and MLSS intensity. AT was determined as the intensity corresponding to 3.5 mM blood lactate. MLSS intensity was defined as the highest workload at which blood lactate concentration did not increase by more than 1 mM between minutes 10 and 30 of the constant workload. MLSS intensity (EC = 282.1 ± 23.8 W; UC = 180.2 ± 24.5 W) and AT (EC = 274.8 ± 24.9 W; UC = 187.2 ± 28.0 W) were significantly higher in trained group. However, there was no significant difference in MLSS between EC (5.0 ± 1.2 mM) and UC (4.9 ± 1.7 mM). The MLSS intensity and AT were not different and significantly correlated in both groups (EC: r = 0.77; UC: r = 0.81). We conclude that MLSS and the validity of AT to estimate MLSS intensity during cycling, analyzed in a cross-sectional design (trained x sedentary), do not depend on the aerobic capacity.
A continuous assay using internally quenched fluorescent peptides with the general sequence Abz-peptidyl-(Dnp)P-OH (Abz = ortho-aminobenzoic acid; Dnp = 2,4-dinitrophenyl) was optimized for the measurement of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) in human plasma and rat tissues. Abz-FRK(Dnp)P-OH, which was cleaved at the Arg-Lys bond by ACE, was used for the enzyme evaluation in human plasma. Enzymatic activity was monitored by continuous recording of the fluorescence (lambdaex = 320 nm and lambdaem = 420 nm) at 37ºC, in 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.0, with 50 mM NaCl and 10 µM ZnCl2. The assays can be performed directly in the cuvette of the fluorimeter and the hydrolysis followed for 5 to 10 min. ACE measurements in the plasma of 80 healthy patients with Hip-His-Leu and with Abz-FRK(Dnp)P-OH correlated closely (r = 0.90, P < 0.001). The specificity of the assay was demonstrated by the complete inhibition of hydrolysis by 0.5 µM lisinopril or captopril. Abz-FRK(Dnp)P-OH cleavage by ACE was monitored in rat lung, kidney, heart, and liver homogenates in the presence of a cocktail of inhibitors containing trans-epoxy-succinyl-L-leucylamido-(4-guanido)-butene, pepstatin, phenyl-methylsulfonyl fluoride, N-tosyl-L-phenylalanyl-chloromethyl ketone, and N-tosyl-lysyl-chloromethyl ketone to prevent undesirable hydrolysis. ACE activity in lung, heart and kidney homogenates, but not in liver homogenates, was completely abolished by 0.5 µM lisinopril or captopril. The advantages of the method are the procedural simplicity and the high sensitivity providing a rapid assay for ACE determinations.
Significant improvements have been noted in heart transplantation with the advent of cyclosporine. However, cyclosporine use is associated with significant side effects, such as chronic renal failure. We were interested in evaluating the incidence of long-term renal dysfunction in heart transplant recipients. Fifty-three heart transplant recipients were enrolled in the study. Forty-three patients completed the entire evaluation and follow-up. Glomerular (serum creatinine, creatinine clearance measured, and creatinine clearance calculated) and tubular functions (urinary retinol-binding protein, uRBP) were re-analyzed after 18 months. At the enrollment time, the prevalence of renal failure ranged from 37.7 to 54% according to criteria used to define it (serum creatinine > or = 1.5 mg/dL and creatinine clearance <60 mL/min). Mean serum creatinine was 1.61 ± 1.31 mg/dL (range 0.7 to 9.8 mg/dL) and calculated and measured creatinine clearances were 67.7 ± 25.9 and 61.18 ± 25.04 mL min-1 (1.73 m²)-1, respectively. Sixteen of the 43 patients who completed the follow-up (37.2%) had tubular dysfunction detected by increased levels of uRBP (median 1.06, 0.412-6.396 mg/dL). Eleven of the 16 patients (68.7%) with elevated uRBP had poorer renal function after 18 months of follow-up, compared with only eight of the 27 patients (29.6%) with normal uRBP (RR = 3.47, P = 0.0095). Interestingly, cyclosporine trough levels were not different between patients with or without tubular and glomerular dysfunction. Renal function impairment is common after heart transplantation. Tubular dysfunction, assessed by uRBP, correlates with a worsening of glomerular filtration and can be a useful tool for early detection of renal dysfunction.
A method for the screening of tetanus and diphtheria antibodies in serum using anatoxin (inactivated toxin) instead of toxin was developed as an alternative to the in vivo toxin neutralization assay based on the toxin-binding inhibition test (TOBI test). In this study, the serum titers (values between 1.0 and 19.5 IU) measured by a modified TOBI test (Modi-TOBI test) and toxin neutralization assays were correlated (P < 0.0001). Titers of tetanus or diphtheria antibodies were evaluated in serum samples from guinea pigs immunized with tetanus toxoid, diphtheria-tetanus or triple vaccine. For the Modi-TOBI test, after blocking the microtiter plates, standard tetanus or diphtheria antitoxin and different concentrations of guinea pig sera were incubated with the respective anatoxin. Twelve hours later, these samples were transferred to a plate previously coated with tetanus or diphtheria antitoxin to bind the remaining anatoxin. The anatoxin was then detected using a peroxidase-labeled tetanus or diphtheria antitoxin. Serum titers were calculated using a linear regression plot of the results for the corresponding standard antitoxin. For the toxin neutralization assay, L+/10/50 doses of either toxin combined with different concentrations of serum samples were inoculated into mice for anti-tetanus detection, or in guinea pigs for anti-diphtheria detection. Both assays were suitable for determining wide ranges of antitoxin levels. The linear regression plots showed high correlation coefficients for tetanus (r² = 0.95, P < 0.0001) and for diphtheria (r² = 0.93, P < 0.0001) between the in vitro and the in vivo assays. The standardized method is appropriate for evaluating titers of neutralizing antibodies, thus permitting the in vitro control of serum antitoxin levels.
Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining and echocardiography (ECHO) are methods used to determine experimental myocardial infarction (MI) size, whose practical applicability should be expanded. Our objectives were to analyze the accuracy of ECHO in determining infarction size in rats during the first days following coronary occlusion and to test whether a simplified single measurement by TTC correctly indicates MI size, as determined by the average value for multiple slices. Infarction was induced in female Wistar rats by coronary artery occlusion and MI size analysis was performed after the acute (7th day) and chronic periods (after 4 weeks) by ECHO matched with TTC. ECHO and TTC showed similar values of MI size (% of left ventricle perimeter) in acute (ECHO: 33 ± 11, TTC: 35 ± 14) and chronic (ECHO: 38 ± 14, TTC: 39 ± 13 periods), and also presented an excellent correlation (r = 0.92, P < 0.001). Although measurements from different heart planes showed discrepancies, a single measurement acquired from the mid-ventricular level by TTC was a good estimate of MI size calculated by the average of multiple planes, with minimal disagreement (Bland-Altman test with mean ratio bias of 0.99 ± 0.07) and close to an ideal correlation (r = 0.99, P < 0.001). In the present study, ECHO was confirmed as a useful method for the determination of MI size even in the acute phase. Also, the single measure of a mid-ventricular section proposed as a simplification of the TTC method is a satisfactory prediction of average MI extension.
The CYP2D6 enzyme is crucial for the metabolism of tamoxifen. The CYP2D6 gene is highly polymorphic, and individuals can be extensive, intermediate, or poor tamoxifen metabolizers. The aim of this study was to determine the frequencies of the CYP2D6 *3, *4, and *10 alleles in women with breast cancer who were treated with tamoxifen and analyze the association of enzyme activity with prognostic factors and disease-free survival. We observed a high frequency of CYP2D6 *10, with an allelic frequency of 0.14 (14.4%). The *3 allele was not present in the studied population, and *4 had an allelic frequency of 0.13 (13.8%). We conclude that patients with reduced CYP2D6 activity did not present worse tumor characteristics or decreased disease-free survival than women with normal enzyme activity, as the difference was not statistically significant. We also observed a high frequency of CYP2D6 *10, which had not been previously described in this specific population. This study is the first in north-northeastern Brazil that aimed to contribute to the knowledge of the Brazilian regional profile for CYP2D6 polymorphisms and their phenotypes. These findings add to the knowledge of the distribution of different polymorphic CYP2D6 alleles and the potential role of CYP2D6 genotyping in clinical practice prior to choosing therapeutic protocols.
The relaxation of coronary arteries by estrogens in the coronary vascular beds of naive and hypertensive rats has been well described. However, little is known about this action in gonadectomized rats. We investigated the effect of 17-ß-estradiol (E2) in coronary arteries from gonadectomized rats, as well as the contributions of endothelium-derived factors and potassium channels. Eight-week-old female and male Wistar rats weighing 220-300 g were divided into sham-operated and gonadectomized groups (n=9−12 animals per group). The baseline coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) was determined, and the vasoactive effects of 10 μM E2 were assessed by bolus administration before and after endothelium denudation or by perfusion with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), indomethacin, clotrimazole, L-NAME plus indomethacin, L-NAME plus clotrimazole or tetraethylammonium (TEA). The CPP differed significantly between the female and sham-operated male animals. Gonadectomy reduced the CPP only in female rats. Differences in E2-induced relaxation were observed between the female and male animals, but male castration did not alter this response. For both sexes, the relaxation response to E2 was, at least partly, endothelium-dependent. The response to E2 was reduced only in the sham-operated female rats treated with L-NAME. However, in the presence of indomethacin, clotrimazole, L-NAME plus indomethacin or L-NAME plus clotrimazole, or TEA, the E2 response was significantly reduced in all groups. These results highlight the importance of prostacyclin, endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, and potassium channels in the relaxation response of coronary arteries to E2 in all groups, whereas nitric oxide may have had an important role only in the sham-operated female group.
The importance of starch for the food industry makes it necessary to develop new, fast, economic and accurate methodologies for its quantification. In the present paper starch hydrolysis using commercial enzymes of industrial grade are studied aiming to develop an easy and cheap analysis, available to a greater number of industries and technicians. The proposed method is simple, divided in a first step where soluble sugars are eliminated from the samples by using dialysis, followed by starch hydrolysis of the retained fraction with a thermoresistent bacterial alfa-amylase (Termamyl 120L®) and an amyloglucosidase (AMG 300L®). The hydrolysis conditions were those suggested by the enzyme producer. After the hydrolysis step the material was dialysed again for the extraction of glucose that was quantified by the glucose-oxidase colorimetric reactant. The results allowed the construction of calibration equations for starch determination on the analyzed samples. These samples were produced on a laboratory scale and native and acid-modified corn starches were added in known concentrations. By considering the final dilutions employed for glucose determination on the samples, it was possible to confirm that they were identical to that of the glucose-oxidase reactant calibration.
Milk and egg matrixes were assayed for aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) and B1 (AFB1) respectively, by AOAC official and modified methods with detection and quantification by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC). The modified methods: Blanc followed by Romer, showed to be most appropriate for AFM1 analysis in milk. Both methods reduced emulsion formation, produced cleaner extracts, no streaking spots, precision and accuracy improved, especially when quantification was performed by HPTLC. The use of ternary mixture in the Blanc Method was advantageous as the solvent could extract AFM1 directly from the first stage (extraction), leaving other compounds in the binary mixture layer, avoiding emulsion formation, thus reducing toxin loss. The relative standard deviation (RSD%) values were low, 16 and 7% when TLC and HPTLC were used, with a mean recovery of 94 and 97%, respectively. As far as egg matrix and final extract are concerned, both methods evaluated for AFB1 need further studies. Although that matrix leads to emulsion with consequent loss of toxin, the Romer modified presented a reasonable clean extract (mean recovery of 92 and 96% for TLC and HPTLC, respectively). Most of the methods studied did not performed as expected mainly due to the matrixes high content of triglicerides (rich on saturated fatty acids), cholesterol, carotene and proteins. Although nowadays most methodology for AFM1 is based on HPLC, TLC determination (Blanc and Romer modified) for AFM1 and AFB1 is particularly recommended to those, inexperienced in food and feed mycotoxins analysis and especially who cannot afford to purchase sophisticated (HPLC,HPTLC) instrumentation.