260 resultados para Construção em madeira
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de se estimar o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) com os dados de altura e de número de árvores derivados do escâner a laser aerotransportado (LiDAR, "light detection and ranging"), e determinar o volume de madeira de talhão de Eucalyptus sp. a partir dessas variáveis. O número total de árvores detectadas foi obtido com uso da filtragem de máxima local. A altura de plantas estimada pelo LiDAR apresentou tendência não significativa à subestimativa. A estimativa do DAP foi coerente com os valores encontrados no inventário florestal; porém, também mostrou tendência à subestimativa, em razão do comportamento observado quanto à altura. A variável número de fustes apresentou valores próximos aos observados nas parcelas do inventário. O LiDAR subestimou o volume total de madeira do talhão em 11,4%, em comparação ao volume posto na fábrica. A tendência de subestimação da altura das árvores (em média, cerca de 5%) impactou a estimativa do volume individual de árvores e, consequentemente, a do volume do talhão. No entanto, é possível gerar equações de regressão que estimam o DAP com boa precisão, a partir de dados de altura de plantas obtidos pelo LiDAR. O modelo parabólico é o que possibilita as melhores estimativas da produção volumétrica dos talhões de eucalipto.
Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia da aplicação de modelos de análise de regressão e redes neurais artificiais (RNAs) na predição do volume de madeira e da biomassa acima do solo, da vegetação arbórea em área de cerradão. Volume de madeira e biomassa foram estimados com equações alométricas desenvolvidas para a área de estudo. Os índices de vegetação, como variáveis preditoras, foram estimados a partir de imagens do sensor LISS-III, e a área basal foi determinada por medições na floresta. A precisão das equações foi verificada pela correlação entre os valores estimados e observados (r), erro-padrão da estimativa (Syx) e gráfico residual. As equações de regressão para o volume de madeira total e do fuste (0,96 e 0,97 para r, e 11,92 e 9,72% para Syx, respectivamente) e para a biomassa (0,91 e 0,92 para r, e 22,73 e 16,80% para Syx, respectivamente) apresentaram bons ajustes. As redes neurais também apresentaram bom ajuste com o volume de madeira (0,99 e 0,99 para r, e 4,93 e 4,83% para Syx) e a biomassa (0,97 e 0,98 r, e 8,92 e 7,96% para Syx, respectivamente). A área basal e os índices de vegetação foram eficazes na estimativa do volume de madeira e biomassa para o cerradão. Os valores reais de volume de madeira e biomassa não diferiram estatisticamente dos valores estimados pelos modelos de regressão e redes neurais (χ2ns); contudo, as RNAs são mais acuradas.
Um protótipo de máquina coletora de anteras foi projetado e construído, e seu desempenho foi avaliado, comparando - se com o método de coleta manual, em flores rosáceas e campanuladas de pessegueiro (Prunus persica). O trabalho foi conduzido utilizando-se do delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, arranjado em um esquema bifatorial (2 métodos de remoção x 2 formas florais), com 12 repetições de 30 balões florais. O protótipo apresentou maior velocidade de processamento, sem diminuir a qualidade do pólen, mesmo sendo armazenadas anteras com maior quantidade de filetes e descartado maior número de anteras do que o método manual.
This study has shown that Eucalyptus tar and creosote can be used in phenolic adhesive formulations (resols) for wood products bonding. Some adhesives were prepared substituting 0; 17.7; 35.0 and 67.0% of the phenol by anhydrous tar and 0; 15.0 e 28.5% by creosote. In gluing Brazilian pine veneers, eucalypt tar and creosote based adhesives required longer pressing times for curing than conventional phenol-formaldehyde adhesives. By using 13C NMR, the number of carbons in side chains and hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl and methoxyl groups related to 100 aromatic rings could be estimated in tar and creosote. In creosote, after reaction with excess formaldehyde in alkaline medium, only 0,28 hydroxymethyl groups was detected per phenolic ring. This low amount of hydroxymethylation explains the lack of reactivity in curing observed when creosote was introduced in a standard adhesive formulation.
A model for the construction of a simple and cheap apparatus to be used as bioreactor for reactions catalyzed by baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is described. The bioconversion and separation of cells from products and residual substrates are obtained at the same time. The reactions carried out in this type of reactor are faster than those catalyzed by immobilized cells. Yeast cells can be cultivated in this bioreactor operating with cell recycling at appropriated conditions using glucose and other nutrients.
Construção de equipamentos de refrigeração que permitem trabalhar com temperaturas de -40ºC ou -60ºC
In this article we describe the construction of two cooling systems with an immersion probe which will allow one to work at temperatures of either -40ºC or -60ºC. The two systems were constructed with readily available components and have been used daily for the last year in our laboratory to carry out reactions at low temperature or to cool down traps of vacuum pumps, reducing our need of dry-ice or liquid nitrogen.
This work describes the techniques of construction and several applications of ultramicroelectrodes in electrochemistry and electroanalytical chemistry. Disc shaped UME are produced by embedding metal wires on insulating materials such as glass or epoxy resin. In the field of electrochemistry, UME have been applied in studies of the hydrogen evolution reaction and the electrocrystallization of metals. The negligible values of sensibility for ohmic drop and the enhanced mass transport rate by spherical diffusion are the main advantages of UME in these applications. New important conclusions regarding the phenomena under study were drawn from the experimental results. The applications in electroanalytical chemistry involved the determination of contaminants such as heavy metals and nitrites in natural waters and food products. The use of UME requires little sample manipulation and, in general, no need for oxygen removal or the addition of supporting electrolytes.
The construction of a tubular hydrogen ion-selective potentiometric electrode without inner reference solution, based on the tridodecylamine (TDDA) ionophore, and its evaluation in a flow system are described. TDDA was dissolved in 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether, dispersed in a PVC membrane and applied directly to a conducting support which consisted of an epoxy resin and graphite mixture. The electrode was designed with a tubular geometry to effort facilities to be coupled as part of a flow injection network. The main working characteristics such as response time, linear pH range, selectivity and life time were evaluated and compared with those obtained which a conventionally shaped electrode based on the same sensor. The electrode showed a slope of 51-52 mV dec-1 within a linear pH range from 4.0 up to 12.0.
The construction of a temperature controllable spectroelectrochemical cell is described. Its use in the analysis of the thermodynamic and structural parameters of the electrochromic process of poly(3-methyl thiophene) in the temperature range between -40ºC and 60ºC is given as an example of application.
This paper shows the assembly of an ozonization system to be used in laboratory scale, mainly to study effluent treatability. The system is simple, practical and provides easy acquisition of data when interfaced to a microcomputer. The performance of ozone generation and K La values are also described.
This paper describes the construction of a kit of molecular model for illustration of molecular structure in chemical class using cheap materials. The atoms were represented by plastic spheres and the bonds between the atoms were made from plastic straws which were cut in the required length using a scale of 1.6 cm corresponding to 100 pm. Examples of adaptations made in this kit for didactical application are given.
A simple and low cost flow cell is proposed for measurements by solid-phase spectrophotometry employing a conventional spectrophotometer. The flow cell geometry allows the employment of a large amount of the solid support without causing both excessive attenuation of the radiation beam and increasing of the back-pressure. The adaptation of the flow cell in the optical path of the spectrophotometer in order to increase the precision is discussed. The flow cell characteristics were demonstrated by measurements of Co(II), employing 1-(2-tiazolylazo)-2-naphthol (TAN) immobilized on C18 bonded silica as solid support. The apparent molar absorptivity and coefficient of variation were estimated as 1.86 x 10(5) L mol-1 cm-1 and 1.4 % (n=15). A sample throughput of 40 determinations per hour and a detection limit of 15 mug L-1 (99.7 % confidence level) were achieved.
This work describes the construction of a home-made low-cost reactor, using easily available materials, capable of destroying efficiently dissolved organic matter. Just 30 minutes of irradiation were sufficient to destroy more than 99% of the humic acids present in a solution of 4 mg C L-1. Copper speciation was evaluated in natural waters of different salinities to test the reactor's efficiency in destroying organically complexed metal species. The effect of the organic matter concentration, salinity, dissolved oxygen and temperature in the photo-oxidation process is discussed.
A low cost spectrophotometric cell for use in flow analysis was manufactured in acrylic and adapted to a commercial spectrophotometer. The application of this cell was performed in the determination of chromium (VI) in steel samples using the reaction with the alkaloid brucine in presence of oxalic acid and 0.6 mol L-1 sulfuric acid. The cell allows an enlarged analytical range, diminishing the extension of dilutions, which is useful for on-line monitoring of industrial processes.
The use of sol-gel materials to develop new biosensors has received great attention due to its characteristics and versatility of sol-gel process. An overview is presented of the state-of-the-art of electrochemical biosensors employing sol-gel materials. Low-temperature, porous sol-gel ceramics represent a new class for the immobilization of biomolecules. The rational design of sol-gel sensing materials, based on the judicious choice of the starting alkoxide, encapsulated reagents, and preparation conditions, allows tailoring of material properties in a wide range, and offers great potential for the development of electrochemical biosensors.