395 resultados para Cônego Hermógenes Casimiro de Araújo Brunswik
OBJETIVO: Analisar a assistência pré-natal na prevenção da transmissão vertical da sífilis. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal representativo para as gestantes de baixo risco atendidas em unidades de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, período de 2007 a 2008. A identificação de gestantes com diagnóstico de sífilis na gestação foi feita por meio de entrevistas, verificação do cartão de pré-natal e busca de casos notificados em sistemas públicos de informação em saúde. Os casos de sífilis congênita foram identificados por meio de busca nos sistemas de informação em saúde: Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan), Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH) do SUS. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 46 casos de sífilis na gestação e 16 casos de sífilis congênita com uma prevalência estimada de 1,9% (IC95% 1,3;2,6) de sífilis na gestação e de 6/1.000 (IC95% 3;12/1.000) de sífilis congênita. A taxa de transmissão vertical foi de 34,8% e três casos foram fatais, um abortamento, um óbito fetal e um óbito neonatal, com proporções elevadas de baixo peso e prematuridade. A trajetória assistencial das gestantes mostrou falhas na assistência, como início tardio do pré-natal, ausência de diagnóstico na gravidez e ausência de tratamento dos parceiros. CONCLUSÕES: Estratégias inovadoras, que incorporem melhorias na rede de apoio diagnóstico, são necessárias para enfrentamento da sífilis na gestação, no manejo clínico da doença na gestante e seus parceiros e na investigação dos casos como evento sentinela da qualidade da assistência pré-natal.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the putative effect of type of shift and its interaction with leisure-time physical activity on cardiovascular risk factors in truck drivers.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was undertaken on 57 male truck drivers working at a transportation company, of whom 31 worked irregular shifts and 26 worked on the day-shift. Participants recorded their physical activity using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire along with measurements of blood pressure, body mass index and waist-hip ratio. Participants also provided a fasting blood sample for analysis of lipid-related outcomes. Data were analyzed using a factorial model which was covariate-controlled for age, smoking, work demand, control at work and social support.RESULTS: Most of the irregular-shift and day-shift workers worked more than 8 hours per day (67.7% and 73.1%, respectively). The mean duration of experience working the irregular schedule was 15.7 years. Day-shift workers had never engaged in irregular-shift work and had been working as a truck driver for 10.8 years on average. The irregular-shift drivers had lower work demand but less control compared to day-shift drivers (p < 0.05). Moderately-active irregular-shift workers had higher systolic and diastolic arterial pressures (143.7 and 93.2 mmHg, respectively) than moderately-active day-shift workers (116 and 73.3 mmHg, respectively) (p < 0.05) as well as higher total cholesterol concentrations (232.1 and 145 mg/dl, respectively) (p = 0.01). Irrespective of their physical activity, irregular-shift drivers had higher total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations (211.8 and 135.7 mg/dl, respectively) than day-shift workers (161.9 and 96.7 mg/dl, respectively (ANCOVA, p < 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: Truck drivers are exposed to cardiovascular risk factors due to the characteristics of the job, such as high work demand, long working hours and time in this profession, regardless of shift type or leisure-time physical activity.
OBJETIVO : Analisar fatores associados à baixa adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso em idosos. MÉTODOS : Estudo transversal de base populacional, com amostra representativa de 1.593 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais, residentes na região urbana de Bagé, RS, em 2008. A amostragem foi realizada em múltiplos estágios. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas individuais nos domicílios. Analisou-se a associação entre a baixa adesão referida ao tratamento medicamentoso mensurado pelo Brief Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) e fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, comportamentais e de saúde, assistência e prescrição. Foi utilizado modelo de regressão de Poisson para estimar as razões de prevalência bruta e ajustada, os respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% e p-valor (teste de Wald). RESULTADOS : Cerca de 78,0% dos indivíduos referiram ter usado algum medicamento nos sete dias precedentes à entrevista. Desses, cerca de 1 / 3 foram considerados com baixa adesão ao tratamento. Os fatores significativamente associados à baixa adesão foram: idade (65 a 74 anos), não ter plano de saúde, ter que comprar (totalmente ou em parte) os seus medicamentos, ter três ou mais morbidades, possuir incapacidade instrumental para a vida diária e usar três ou mais medicamentos. CONCLUSÕES : A utilização elevada de medicamentos, decorrente da alta prevalência de doenças crônico-degenerativas em idosos, e o acesso ao tratamento devem ser considerados pelos profissionais de saúde para adoção de estratégias que visem diminuir a baixa adesão ao tratamento, aumentando a resolutividade terapêutica e a qualidade de vida desses pacientes.
OBJETIVO: Estimar o consumo de energia e nutrientes e a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão de micronutrientes entre adolescentes brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Amostra probabilística composta por 6.797 adolescentes (49,7% do sexo feminino) entre dez e 18 anos de idade foi avaliada no Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação, 2008-2009. Os fatores de expansão, a complexidade do desenho da amostra e a correção da variabilidade intrapessoal do consumo foram considerados. A prevalência de inadequação de consumo de micronutrientes foi estimada pela proporção de adolescentes com ingestão abaixo da necessidade média estimada. Para o sódio, estimou-se a prevalência de consumo acima do valor de ingestão máxima tolerável. RESULTADOS: A média de consumo de energia variou de 1.869 kcal, observada nas adolescentes de 10 a 13 anos, a 2.198 kcal, estimada para os adolescentes de 14 a 18 anos. Os carboidratos forneceram 57% da energia total, os lipídios, 27% e as proteínas, 16%. As maiores prevalências de inadequação foram observadas para cálcio (> 95%), fósforo (entre 54% e 69%) e vitaminas A (entre 66% e 85%), E (100%) e C (entre 27% e 49%). Mais de 70% dos adolescentes apresentaram consumo de sódio superior à ingestão máxima tolerável. CONCLUSÕES: As médias de consumo energético e a distribuição de macronutrientes eram adequadas, mas foram observadas elevadas prevalências de inadequação no consumo de vitaminas e minerais, destacando-se consumo de sódio muito acima do recomendado, consumo de cálcio reduzido e nas adolescentes de 14 a 18 anos foi observada importante inadequação na ingestão de ferro.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de ingestão inadequada de nutrientes na população idosa brasileira. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados do Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação como parte da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares, em 2008-2009. Dados de consumo alimentar individual de 4.322 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais foram obtidos por meio do registro alimentar de dois dias não consecutivos. A ingestão habitual para cada nutriente foi estimada pelo método do National Cancer Institute, cujos modelos tiveram como covariáveis sexo e região. As prevalências de inadequação de ingestão de micronutrientes foram estimadas segundo sexo e região utilizando o método da EAR como ponte de corte. RESULTADOS: Elevadas prevalências de inadequação (> 50%) foram observadas para as vitaminas E, D, A, cálcio, magnésio e piridoxina em ambos os sexos. Em todas as regiões, observou-se 100% de inadequação de vitamina E. Vitamina D obteve percentuais de inadequação próximos de 100% em todas as regiões, exceto para a região Norte. As prevalências de inadequação de vitamina A foram superiores a 70% nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. Cálcio e magnésio foram os minerais com maior prevalência de ingestão inadequada (> 80%) em todas as regiões. CONCLUSÕES: Idosos brasileiros apresentam elevada inadequação da ingestão de nutrientes, reconhecidos como protetores contra doenças crônicas.
Historicamente a discussão acerca da eticidade dos atos em pesquisas com seres humanos privilegiou os estudos experimentais, pelo maior potencial de danos aos sujeitos envolvidos. Todavia, os estudos observacionais também envolvem riscos e suscitam questões relevantes. Neste artigo pretende-se apresentar e discutir aspectos éticos do desenvolvimento do ELSA-Brasil, um estudo longitudinal e multicêntrico, com financiamento público, no qual os sujeitos da pesquisa e pesquisadores pertencem às mesmas instituições. São descritos os procedimentos adotados para atender às exigências e compromissos éticos e a casuística que orientou as ações segundo seus princípios norteadores (beneficência, autonomia e justiça social). São apresentados alguns problemas morais que exigiram ponderação sobre riscos e benefícios na confluência com os objetivos do estudo e comentam-se peculiaridades de um estudo longitudinal e seus potenciais benefícios.
O Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) é um estudo de coorte prospectivo com avaliações abrangentes ao longo do tempo. O artigo descreve a rotina de exames e entrevistas realizados pelo participante, assim como a estruturação da área física e da equipe dos Centros de Pesquisa. O ELSA-Brasil pressupõe o comparecimento do participante ao Centro de Pesquisa para a realização dos exames e entrevistas segundo protocolos padronizados desenvolvidos pelo estudo. Considerando a multiplicidade de atividades envolvidas, cada uma delas com suas necessidades particulares de padronização, foram criadas várias ordenações pré-determinadas de exames e entrevistas. Isso possibilitou um elevado padrão de qualidade na coleta dos dados sem prejuízo do conforto ao participante. Cada participante era previamente designado para uma sequência de exames e entrevistas com horário de chegada, tempo de permanência médio de cinco a seis horas e horário de saída previamente definidos.
OBJETIVO: O artigo descreve as estratégias do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) para a manutenção da adesão dos participantes ao longo do tempo e seu seguimento adequado. Isto é fundamental para garantir a validade interna de estudos longitudinais e identificar, investigar e classificar os desfechos incidentes de interesse.MÉTODOS: A metodologia de seguimento da coorte combina contatos telefônicos anuais com re-exames e entrevistas a cada três ou quatro anos. O objetivo é identificar desfechos incidentes de natureza transitória, reversíveis ou não; desfechos finais, de natureza irreversível; bem como complicações relacionadas à evolução das doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes, principais doenças estudadas.RESULTADOS: As entrevistas telefônicas visam monitorar a saúde dos participantes e identificar possíveis eventos ocorridos, como internações hospitalares, exames ou procedimentos especializados definidos previamente. O participante também é incentivado a comunicar a ocorrência de algum evento de saúde ao Centro de Pesquisa. A partir da identificação de um potencial evento, é iniciado um processo de investigação, que inclui acesso a prontuários médicos para verificação de datas e informações detalhadas sobre aquele evento. Os documentos obtidos são analisados sem identificação do paciente, profissional ou serviço de saúde e classificados por um comitê de especialistas médicos. A classificação de desfechos incidentes adotada baseia-se em critérios internacionais consagrados, garantindo comparabilidade e reduzindo o erro de classificação deles. Além dessas estratégias, a ocorrência de desfechos poderá ser investigada por meio do relacionamento de dados com bases secundárias do Ministério da Saúde, como as de mortalidade e internações.CONCLUSÕES: A correta identificação de desfechos permitirá estimar sua incidência na coorte e investigar o efeito das exposições estudadas no ELSA-Brasil em sua linha de base e nas ondas posteriores.
OBJECTIVE : To investigate the association between common mental disorders and intimate partner violence during pregnancy. METHODS : A cross sectional study was carried out with 1,120 pregnant women aged 18-49 years old, who were registered in the Family Health Program in the city of Recife, Northeastern Brazil, between 2005 and 2006. Common mental disorders were assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Intimate partner violence was defined as psychologically, physically and sexually abusive acts committed against women by their partners. Crude and adjusted odds ratios were estimated for the association studied utilizing logistic regression analysis. RESULTS : The most common form of partner violence was psychological. The prevalence of common mental disorders was 71.0% among women who reported all form of violence in pregnancy and 33.8% among those who did not report intimate partner violence. Common mental disorders were associated with psychological violence (OR 2.49, 95%CI 1.8;3.5), even without physical or sexual violence. When psychological violence was combined with physical or sexual violence, the risk of common mental disorders was even higher (OR 3.45; 95%CI 2.3;5.2). CONCLUSIONS : Being assaulted by someone with whom you are emotionally involved can trigger feelings of helplessness, low self-esteem and depression. The pregnancy probably increased women`s vulnerability to common mental disorders
OBJECTIVE Collection of triatomines in domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic environments in states of Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul, Northeastern and Southern Brazil respectively, and isolation of Trypanosoma cruzi strains. METHODS First, the captured triatomines were identified using insect identification keys, then their intestinal content was examined by abdominal compression, and the samples containing trypanosomatid forms were inoculated in LIT medium and Swiss mice. RESULTS Six triatomine species were collected in cities in Bahia, namely Panstrongylus geniculatus (01), Triatoma melanocephala (11), T. lenti (94), T. pseudomaculata (02), T. sherlocki (26) and T. sordida (460), and two in cities in Rio Grande do Sul, namely T. circummaculata (11) and T. rubrovaria (115). Out of the specimens examined, T. cruzi was isolated from 28 triatomine divided into four different species: T. melanocephala (one), T. lenti (one), T. rubrovaria (16) and T. sordida (10). Their index of natural infection by T. cruzi was 6.4%. CONCLUSIONS The isolation of T. cruzi strains from triatomines found in domestic and peridomestic areas shows the potential risk of transmission of Chagas disease in the studied cities. The maintenance of those T. cruzi strains in laboratory is intended to promote studies that facilitate the understanding of the parasite-vector-host relationship.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the trends and factors associated with the antidepressant use among older adults. METHODS This population-based study evaluated older adults in 1997 (n = 351, baseline) and the survivors at the 15th follow-up year (n = 462, in 2012) among the aging cohort of Bambuí. The prevalence of antidepressant use was estimated, and the most commonly used antidepressants each year were identified. Prevalence ratios with 95% confidence intervals were estimated using Poisson regression with robust variance to investigate differences in the prevalence of use between 1997 and 2012. RESULTS The overall consumption of antidepressants (PR = 2.87, 95%CI 1.94;4.25) and of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (PR = 7.50, 95%CI 3.74;15.02) was significantly higher in 2012. However, no significant difference was observed in the use of tricyclic antidepressants between the two cohorts (PR = 0.89, 95%CI 0.49;1.62). In the 2012 cohort, antidepressant use was associated with females, increased age, increased income (≥ 4 minimum wages), self-assessment of health as reasonable, and attending ≥ 5 medical consultations in the last 12 months. CONCLUSIONS The increased consumption of antidepressants in the period due to increased use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors was consistent with results observed in international studies of different population groups and contexts. The positive correlation observed between antidepressant use and family income may be a warning of possible inequalities in access to mental health services.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the perception of and motivation for the chronic use of benzodiazepine among older adults. METHODS A qualitative study was conducted on 22 older adults living in Bambuí, MG, Southeastern Brazil, who were taking benzodiazepines and had the clinical and cognitive ability to respond to interview questions. The collected data were analyzed on the basis of the “signs, meanings, and actions” model. RESULTS The main reasons pointed out for the use of benzodiazepines were “nervousness”, “sleep problems”, and “worry” due to family and financial problems, everyday problems, and existential difficulties. None of the interviewees said that they used benzodiazepines in a dose higher than that recommended or had been warned by health professionals about any risks of their continuous use. Different strategies were used to obtain the prescription for the medication, and any physician would prescribe it, indicating that a bond was established with the drug and not with the health professional or healthcare service. Obtaining and consuming the medication turned into a crucial issue because benzodiazepine assumes the status of an essential food, which leads users to not think but sleep. It causes a feeling of relief from their problems such as awareness of human finitude and fragility, existential difficulties, and family problems. CONCLUSIONS Benzodiazepine assumes the characteristics of polyvalence among older adults, which extrapolate specific clinical indications, and of essentiality to deal with life’s problems in old age. Although it relieves the “nerves”, the chronic use of benzodiazepines buffers suffering and prevents older adults from going through the suffering. This shows important difficulties in the organization and planning of strategies that are necessary for minimizing the chronic use in this population.
OBJECTIVE To assess the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding abandonment. METHODS Longitudinal study based on a birth cohort in Viçosa, MG, Southeastern Brazil. In 2011/2012, 168 new mothers accessing the public health network were followed. Three interviews, at 30, 60, and 120 days postpartum, with the new mothers were conducted. Exclusive breastfeeding abandonment was analyzed in the first, second, and fourth months after childbirth. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was applied to identify depressive symptoms in the first and second meetings, with a score of ≥ 12 considered as the cutoff point. Socioeconomic, demographic, and obstetric variables were investigated, along with emotional conditions and the new mothers’ social network during pregnancy and the postpartum period. RESULTS The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding abandonment at 30, 60, and 120 days postpartum was 53.6% (n = 90), 47.6% (n = 80), and 69.6% (n = 117), respectively, and its incidence in the fourth month compared with the first was 48.7%. Depressive symptoms and traumatic delivery were associated with exclusive breastfeeding abandonment in the second month after childbirth. In the fourth month, the following variables were significant: lower maternal education levels, lack of homeownership, returning to work, not receiving guidance on breastfeeding in the postpartum period, mother’s negative reaction to the news of pregnancy, and not receiving assistance from their partners for infant care. CONCLUSIONS Psychosocial and sociodemographic factors were strong predictors of early exclusive breastfeeding abandonment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and provide early treatment to nursing mothers with depressive symptoms, decreasing the associated morbidity and promoting greater duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Support from health professionals, as well as that received at home and at work, can assist in this process.
OBJECTIVE To assess the prevalence and factors associated with intimate partner violence after the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases.METHODS This cross-sectional study was conducted in Fortaleza, CE, Northeastern Brazil, in 2012 and involved 221 individuals (40.3% male and 59.7% female) attended to at reference health care units for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Data were collected using a questionnaire applied during interviews with each participant. A multivariate analysis with a logistic regression model was conducted using the stepwise technique. Only the variables with a p value < 0.05 were included in the adjusted analysis. The odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was used as the measure of effect.RESULTS A total of 30.3% of the participants reported experiencing some type of violence (27.6%, psychological; 5.9%, physical; and 7.2%, sexual) after the diagnosis of sexually transmitted disease. In the multivariate analysis adjusted to assess intimate partner violence after the revelation of the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, the following variables remained statistically significant: extramarital relations (OR = 3.72; 95%CI 1.91;7.26; p = 0.000), alcohol consumption by the partner (OR = 2.16; 95%CI 1.08;4.33; p = 0.026), history of violence prior to diagnosis (OR = 2.87; 95%CI 1.44;5.69; p = 0.003), and fear of disclosing the diagnosis to the partner (OR = 2.66; 95%CI 1.32;5.32; p = 0.006).CONCLUSIONS Individuals who had extramarital relations, experienced violence prior to the diagnosis of sexually transmitted disease, feared disclosing the diagnosis to the partner, and those whose partner consumed alcohol had an increased likelihood of suffering violence. The high prevalence of intimate partner violence suggests that this population is vulnerable and therefore intervention efforts should be directed to them. Referral health care services for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases can be strategic places to identify and prevent intimate partner violence.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the coverage of a cervical cancer screening program in a city with a high incidence of the disease in addition to the factors associated with non-adherence to the current preventive program.METHODS A cross-sectional study based on household surveys was conducted. The sample was composed of women between 25 and 59 years of age of the city of Boa Vista, RR, Northern Brazil who were covered by the cervical cancer screening program. The cluster sampling method was used. The dependent variable was participation in a women’s health program, defined as undergoing at least one Pap smear in the 36 months prior to the interview; the explanatory variables were extracted from individual data. A generalized linear model was used.RESULTS 603 women were analyzed, with an mean age of 38.2 years (SD = 10.2). Five hundred and seventeen women underwent the screening test, and the prevalence of adherence in the last three years was up to 85.7% (95%CI 82.5;88.5). A high per capita household income and recent medical consultation were associated with the lower rate of not being tested in multivariate analysis. Disease ignorance, causes, and prevention methods were correlated with chances of non-adherence to the screening system; 20.0% of the women were reported to have undergone opportunistic and non-routine screening.CONCLUSIONS The informed level of coverage is high, exceeding the level recommended for the control of cervical cancer. The preventive program appears to be opportunistic in nature, particularly for the most vulnerable women (with low income and little information on the disease). Studies on the diagnostic quality of cervicovaginal cytology and therapeutic schedules for positive cases are necessary for understanding the barriers to the control of cervical cancer.