204 resultados para sexual differentiation
A biologia reprodutiva de Amaioua guianensis foi estudada numa área de Mata no Parque do Sabiá, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil, entre setembro de 2003 e abril de 2005. Foram investigados a fenologia, o sistema reprodutivo, a morfologia floral, o conjunto de polinizadores e dispersores, e a estrutura sexual dos indivíduos reprodutivos. Amaioua guianensis é uma espécie arbórea dióica comum em formações florestais brasileiras. Suas flores são hexâmeras, tubulares, esbranquiçadas e odoríferas, polinizadas por vetores relativamente especializados como grandes abelhas e esfingídeos. Flores pistiladas produziram néctar mais precocemente e em maior volume que as estaminadas. As estaminadas foram produzidas em maior número por inflorescência e eram significativamente maiores que as pistiladas. As flores eram dispostas em inflorescências terminais, umbelas compostas nas masculinas e simples nas femininas. Ambos os morfos apresentaram estruturas sexuais não funcionais do morfo oposto, contudo, o estilete nas flores masculinas parece funcionar como pseudo-estame, um mecanismo de apresentação secundária de pólen comum na tribo Gardenieae, porém ainda não descrito para a espécie. A razão sexual foi de 1,49 a favor de indivíduos masculinos, e a população apresentou distribuição agrupada dos morfos sexuais. Ambos os casos provavelmente ocorrem como conseqüências de perturbação e reprodução vegetativa. A taxa de flores polinizadas naturalmente foi de 98,6% e de produção de frutos 75,7%. A produção de frutos por apomixia foi muito baixa (3,4%). Os frutos foram dispersos efetivamente por aves. A morfologia floral associada à fauna de polinizadores relativamente especializados tornou o serviço de polinização e produção de frutos muito eficaz, mesmo nas condições de perturbação da área estudada.
In this work we attempted to characterize the diaspores and the germination process of Piper aduncum L., as well as to verify the influence of the interaction between presence and absence of light (photoperiod of 12 hours and dark) and temperature (25 °C, 30 °C and 20-30 °C) and also of gibberellin (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) on the root protrusion and normal seedlings formation. The diaspores are very small with a thousand seed weight of 0.3645 g, 13% moisture and protein reserve. Diaspores are strict positively photoblastic in the tested temperature range and the optimum temperature for root protrusion was 30 °C, while for normal seedlings was 25 °C. The previous permanence in the dark led to an increase in the speed of root protrusion and percentage and speed of seedling formation. The application of gibberellic acid negatively interfered with the protrusion and growth of the radicle while favoring the elongation of hypocotyls.
Pouteria ramiflora e P. torta são espécies arbóreas, simpátricas no Bioma Cerrado, e foram estudadas da Reserva Ecológica do Clube Caça e Pesca Itororó, Uberlândia-MG com o objetivo de comparar os vários aspectos de sua biologia reprodutiva. As fenofases foram avaliadas semanalmente e quantificadas quanto à intensidade. Os dados de biologia floral, sistema reprodutivo, sistema sexual e visitantes florais foram obtidos no campo e/ou no laboratório. As espécies apresentaram caducifolia no final da seca, brotação na transição da seca para o período chuvoso, floração na seca e maturação dos frutos na época chuvosa. Ambas possuem flores tubulares, pequenas e esverdeadas, nectaríferas e com viabilidade polínica alta. São autoestéreis e não agamospérmicas e apresentaram baixo sucesso de frutificação na polinização aberta. P. torta é hermafrodita, com flores protogínicas e hercogâmicas, enquanto P. ramiflora é morfologicamente ginomonóica e funcionalmente monóica. O fluxo de pólen aparentemente baixo entre as plantas e o aborto de frutos jovens resultaram em um pequeno sucesso de frutificação proveniente das polinizações naturais. Ambas as espécies são visitadas por diversos pequenos insetos, como borboletas, mariposas, dípteros e abelhas.
Intermediate filament (IF) proteins constitute an extremely large multigene family of developmentally and tissue-regulated cytoskeleton proteins abundant in most vertebrate cell types. Astrocyte precursors of the CNS usually express vimentin as the major IF. Astrocyte maturation is followed by a switch between vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression, with the latter being recognized as an astrocyte maturation marker. Levels of GFAP are regulated under developmental and pathological conditions. Upregulation of GFAP expression is one of the main characteristics of the astrocytic reaction commonly observed after CNS lesion. In this way, studies on GFAP regulation have been shown to be useful to understand not only brain physiology but also neurological disease. Modulators of GFAP expression include several hormones such as thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids and several growth factors such as FGF, CNTF and TGFß, among others. Studies of the GFAP gene have already identified several putative growth factor binding domains in its promoter region. Data obtained from transgenic and knockout mice have provided new insights into IF protein functions. This review highlights the most recent studies on the regulation of IF function by growth factors and hormones.
In order to investigate whether prolonged stress interferes with the onset of sexual behavior at puberty and with fertility at adulthood, prepubertal male Wistar rats (40 days of age) were immobilized 6 h a day for 15 days (up to early puberty) or for 60 days (until sexual maturity). Pubertal stressed rats showed a two-fold increase in the latency for the first mount (probably due to repeated aversive experience in which a change of environment was always followed by immobilization) and a 2.5-fold increase in the frequency of thrusting (indicative of enhanced sexual performance). The apparently stimulatory effect of prolonged stress on the onset of sexual behavior is discussed in terms of increased testosterone level and interference with the complex interchanges between the neurotransmitters/neuropeptides involved in the central control of male sexual activity. Adult stressed animals were mated with normal females, which became pregnant but exhibited a more than two-fold increase in both pre-implantation and post-implantation loss, probably due to a smaller rate of fertilization and/or fertilization with damaged spermatozoa.
Hyaluronan is an important connective tissue glycosaminoglycan. Elevated hyaluronan biosynthesis is a common feature during tissue remodeling under both physiological and pathological conditions. Through its interactions with hyaladherins, hyaluronan affects several cellular functions such as cell migration and differentiation. The activities of hyaluronan-synthesizing and -degrading enzymes have been shown to be regulated in response to growth factors. During tumor progression hyaluronan stimulates tumor cell growth and invasiveness. Thus, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms which regulate the activities of hyaluronan-synthesizing and -degrading enzymes during tumor progression is highly desired.
Visceral afferents send information via cranial nerves to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). The NTS is the initial step of information processing that culminates in homeostatic reflex responses. Recent evidence suggests that strong afferent synaptic responses in the NTS are most often modulated by depression and this forms a basic principle of central integration of these autonomic pathways. The visceral afferent synapse is uncommonly powerful at the NTS with large unitary response amplitudes and depression rather than facilitation at moderate to high frequencies of activation. Substantial signal depression occurs through multiple mechanisms at this very first brainstem synapse onto second order NTS neurons. This review highlights new approaches to the study of these basic processes featuring patch clamp recordings in NTS brain slices and optical techniques with fluorescent tracers. The vanilloid receptor agonist, capsaicin, distinguishes two classes of second order neurons (capsaicin sensitive or capsaicin resistant) that appear to reflect unmyelinated and myelinated afferent pathways. The differences in cellular properties of these two classes of NTS neurons indicate clear functional differentiation at both the pre- and postsynaptic portions of these first synapses. By virtue of their position at the earliest stage of these pathways, such mechanistic differences probably impart important differentiation in the performance over the entire reflex pathways.
We determined the effect of conjugated equine estrogen plus medroxyprogesterone acetate on calcium content of aortic atherosclerotic lesions in oophorectomized adult New Zealand rabbits submitted to a cholesterol rich diet. Five groups of 10 animals each were studied: G1 = control, G2 = cholesterol diet only, G3 = diet plus conjugated equine estrogen (0.625 mg/day); G4 and G5 = diet, conjugated equine estrogen (0.625 mg/day) plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (5 and 10 mg/day, respectively). Mean weight varied from 2.7 ± 0.27 to 3.1 ± 0.20 kg (P = 0.38) between groups at the beginning and 3.1 ± 0.27 to 3.5 ± 0.20 kg (P = 0.35) at the end of the experiment. Cholesterol and triglyceride levels were determined at the time of oophorectomy, 21 days after surgery (time 0), and at the end of follow-up of 90 days. The planimetric method was used to measure plaque and caryometric method for histopathologic examination of the aorta. Calcium content was determined by the method of von Kossa. A similar increase in cholesterol occurred in all treated groups without differences between them at the end of the study. Groups G4 and G5 had smaller areas of atherosclerotic lesions (2.33 ± 2.8 and 2.45 ± 2.1 cm², respectively) than the groups receiving no progestogens (G2: 5.6 ± 4 and G3: 4.6 ± 2.8 cm²; P = 0.02). The relation between lesion area and total aorta area was smaller in groups treated with combined drugs compared to the groups receiving no progesterone (G4: 14.9 ± 13 and G5: 14.2 ± 13.4 vs G2: 35.8 ± 26 and G3: 25 ± 8 cm², respectively; P = 0.017). Oral conjugated equine estrogen (0.625 mg/day) plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (5 or 10 mg/day) provoked a greater reduction in atherosclerotic plaque area and calcium content in treated groups, suggesting a dose-dependent effect.
The human adrenal cortex, involved in adaptive responses to stress, body homeostasis and secondary sexual characters, emerges from a tightly regulated development of a zone-specific secretion pattern during fetal life. Its development during fetal life is critical for the well being of pregnancy, the initiation of delivery, and even for an adequate adaptation to extra-uterine life. As early as from the sixth week of pregnancy, the fetal adrenal gland is characterized by a highly proliferative zone at the periphery, a concentric migration accompanied by cell differentiation (cortisol secretion) and apoptosis in the central androgen-secreting fetal zone. After birth, a strong reorganization occurs in the adrenal gland so that it better fulfills the newborn's needs, with aldosterone production in the external zona glomerulosa, cortisol secretion in the zona fasciculata and androgens in the central zona reticularis. In addition to the major hormonal stimuli provided by angiotensin II and adrenocorticotropin, we have tested for some years the hypotheses that such plasticity may be under the control of the extracellular matrix. A growing number of data have been harvested during the last years, in particular about extracellular matrix expression and its putative role in the development of the human adrenal cortex. Laminin, collagen and fibronectin have been shown to play important roles not only in the plasticity of the adrenal cortex, but also in cell responsiveness to hormones, thus clarifying some of the unexplained observations that used to feed controversies.
Epidemiological studies show that human papillomaviruses (HPV) are strongly related to cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN). Unlike the case for women, there are no consistent data on the natural history of HPV in the male population even though these viruses are prevalent in males. We carried out a prospective study to assess the prevalence of HPV in males as well as the factors that determine such infections in 99 male sexual partners of women with CIN. The genitalia of the males were physically examined and subjected to peniscopy for the collection of scrapings which were subjected to the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism to detect HPV. Of the 99 males sampled, 54 (54.5%) were positive for HPV DNA, 24% of whom presented normal peniscopy, 28% presented evident clinical lesions and 48% isolated lesions consistent with subclinical infection. In the HPV-negative group, 53% showed normal peniscopy, 4% presented evident clinical lesions and 42% isolated lesions consistent with subclinical infection. The study detected a statistically significant association (P < 0.02, Pearson chi-square test) between HPV infection and both the mean number of sexual partners which a male had during his life and the mean number of sexual partners in the year prior to testing. Viral types 6 and 11 were most frequently encountered. The study shows that infection with HPV was frequent in male sexual partners of women with CIN.
The molecular mechanisms and potential clinical applications of neural precursor cells have recently been the subject of intensive study. Dlx5, a homeobox transcription factor related to the distal-less gene in Drosophila, was shown to play an important role during forebrain development. The subventricular zone (SVZ) in the adult brain harbors the largest abundance of neural precursors. The anterior SVZ (SVZa) contains the most representative neural precursors in the SVZ. Further research is necessary to elucidate how Dlx5-related genes regulate the differentiation of SVZa neural precursors. Here, we employed immunohistochemistry and molecular biology techniques to study the expression of Dlx5 and related homeobox genes Er81 and Islet1 in neonatal rat brain and in in vitro cultured SVZa neural precursors. Our results show that Dlx5 and Er81 are also highly expressed in the SVZa, rostral migratory stream, and olfactory bulb. Islet1 is only expressed in the striatum. In cultured SVZa neural precursors, Dlx5 mRNA expression gradually decreased with subsequent cell passages and was completely lost by passage four. We also transfected a Dlx5 recombinant plasmid and found that Dlx5 overexpression promoted neuronal differentiation of in vitro cultured SVZa neural precursors. Taken together, our data suggest that Dlx5 plays an important role during neuronal differentiation.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of GDF-9, IGF-I, and GH alone or combined on preantral follicle survival, activation and development after 1 and 7 days of in vitro culture. Either fresh (non-cultured) or cultured ovarian tissue was processed for histological and fluorescence analysis. For all media tested, the percent of normal follicles was greater when compared to minimum essential medium supplemented (MEM+) alone, except when ovarian tissue was cultured with GDF-9/IGF-I or GDF-9/GH (P < 0.05). Fluorescence analysis showed that the percent of viable follicles after 7 days of culture was similar for non-cultured tissue and for all treatments tested. The percent of primordial follicles was reduced (P < 0.05) and there was a significant and concomitant increase in the percent of intermediate and primary follicles in all treatments tested after 7 days of culture when compared to non-cultured tissue. After 7 days of culture, the highest percent of intermediate follicles was observed with IGF-I/GH (61.3%), and the highest percent of primary follicles was achieved with IGF-I (57.7%). After 7 days of culture in MEM+ containing GDF-9, IGF-I and GH alone or in all associations, a significant increase in follicular diameter was observed when compared to MEM+ alone and non-cultured tissue. In conclusion, GDF-9, IGF-I and GH alone or in combination maintain preantral follicle survival and promote primordial follicle activation. Nevertheless, the data showed that IGF-I/GH and IGF-I alone are efficient in promoting the transition from primordial to intermediate follicles and from intermediate to primary follicles, respectively.
Tissue transglutaminase (type II, TG2) has long been postulated to directly promote skeletal matrix calcification and play an important role in ossification. However, limited information is available on the expression, function and modulating mechanism of TG2 during osteoblast differentiation and mineralization. To address these issues, we cultured the well-established human osteosarcoma cell line SAOS-2 with osteo-inductive conditioned medium and set up three time points (culture days 4, 7, and 14) to represent different stages of SAOS-2 differentiation. Osteoblast markers, mineralization, as well as TG2 expression and activity, were then assayed in each stage. Furthermore, we inhibited TG activity with cystamine and then checked SAOS-2 differentiation and mineralization in each stage. The results showed that during the progression of osteoblast differentiation SAOS-2 cells presented significantly high levels of osteocalcin (OC) mRNA, bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) and collagen I, significantly high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and the increased formation of calcified matrix. With the same tendency, TG2 expression and activity were up-regulated. Furthermore, inhibition of TG activity resulted in a significant decrease of OC, collagen I, and BMP-2 mRNA and of ALP activity and mineralization. This study demonstrated that TG2 is involved in osteoblast differentiation and may play a role in the initiation and regulation of the mineralization processes. Moreover, the modulating effects of TG2 on osteoblasts may be related to BMP-2.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third highest cause of cancer death worldwide. In general, the disease is diagnosed at an advanced stage when potentially curative therapies are no longer feasible. For this reason, it is very important to develop new therapeutic approaches. Retinoic acid (RA) is a natural derivative of vitamin A that regulates important biological processes including cell proliferation and differentiation. In vitro studies have shown that RA is effective in inhibiting growth of HCC cells; however, responsiveness to treatment varies among different HCC cell lines. The objective of the present study was to determine if the combined use of RA (0.1 µM) and cAMP (1 mM), an important second messenger, improves the responsiveness of HCC cells to RA treatment. We evaluated the proliferative behavior of an HCC cell line (HTC) and the expression profile of genes related to cancer signaling pathway (ERK and GSK-3β) and liver differentiation (E-cadherin, connexin 26 (Cx26), and Cx32). RA and cAMP were effective in inhibiting the proliferation of HTC cells independently of combined use. However, when a mixture of RA and cAMP was used, the signals concerning the degree of cell differentiation were increased. As demonstrated by Western blot, the treatment increased E-cadherin, Cx26, Cx32 and Ser9-GSK-3β (inactive form) expression while the expression of Cx43, Tyr216-GSK-3β (active form) and phosphorylated ERK decreased. Furthermore, telomerase activity was inhibited along treatment. Taken together, the results showed that the combined use of RA and cAMP is more effective in inducing differentiation of HTC cells.
Epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation and histone modification are important in stem cell differentiation. Methylation is principally associated with transcriptional repression, and histone acetylation is correlated with an active chromatin state. We determined the effects of these epigenetic mechanisms on adipocyte differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from bone marrow (BM-MSCs) and adipose tissue (ADSCs) using the chromatin-modifying agents trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, and 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5azadC), a demethylating agent. Subconfluent MSC cultures were treated with 5, 50, or 500 nM TSA or with 1, 10, or 100 µM 5azadC for 2 days before the initiation of adipogenesis. The differentiation was quantified and expression of the adipocyte genes PPARG and FABP4 and of the anti-adipocyte gene GATA2 was evaluated. TSA decreased adipogenesis, except in BM-MSCs treated with 5 nM TSA. Only treatment with 500 nM TSA decreased cell proliferation. 5azadC treatment decreased proliferation and adipocyte differentiation in all conditions evaluated, resulting in the downregulation of PPARG and FABP4 and the upregulation of GATA2. The response to treatment was stronger in ADSCs than in BM-MSCs, suggesting that epigenetic memories may differ between cells of different origins. As epigenetic signatures affect differentiation, it should be possible to direct the use of MSCs in cell therapies to improve process efficiency by considering the various sources available.